As the importance of therapeutic oligonucleotides (ONs) continues to grow in the pharmaceutical industry, the importance of high performing analytical methods needed to characterize them also grows. The characteristics of these molecules (e.g., highly charged phosphate backbone, and small but important modifications such as methylation and fluorination) make them difficult to analyze thoroughly using conventional liquid chromatography (LC) conditions. Recently, other research groups have been emphasizing the utility of ultra-short (<< 50 mm) columns for proteins and other large biomolecules, and have remarked that long columns only add unnecessary peak dispersion without providing additional resolution over short columns. These statements naturally call into question the long-established theory for small molecule LC separations that asserts that separation performance is maximized by working at the highest available operating pressure, and then choosing the longest column possible while working at the van Deemter optimum flow rate. This apparent contradiction in turn raises the question - for which types of large biomolecule does the established chromatographic theory no longer apply? In this study we have carried out experiments and calculations aimed at answering this question for ion-pairing reversed-phase separations of therapeutic ONs with masses on the order of 6 kDa. This included measuring isocratic plate heights for these molecules after establishing an empirical relationship between retention, mobile phase composition, and flow rate, because retention of the ONs is extremely sensitive to pressure (20 % increase in k per bar pressure drop), and thus retention varies with flow rate at a constant mobile phase composition. After taking these factors into account, we find that resolution of the oligonucleotides does increase with the square root of column length, as predicted by the well-established theory for small molecules. However, we also find that this relationship is only found when the gradient slope is held constant while varying the column length, and that if this is not done it is actually possible to observe that resolution decreases with increasing column length. Thus, the design of experiments used to evaluate the role of column length in separation performance is critical. In addition to the importance of these findings to development of LC methods for ON separations in general, they will be especially impactful in two-dimensional (2D) separations of ONs where there is more or less freedom to choose parameters from a wide range of possibilities depending on the mode of 2D separation that is used.
A solvent-free, thermal extraction method for analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in gas phase airborne samples was developed. A fully automated thermal desorber (TD) coupled with highly selective and sensitive gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS) was used to determine the concentration of trace level PAHs. Air sampling was conducted to tune the sampling and analytical conditions. Various instrument operating parameters such as sorbent tube desorption temperature/time, cold trap desorption temperature/time, outlet split ratio, tube storage stability, as well as air sampling flow rate and time were tested to optimize the analytical conditions. Method performance showed linearity in broad range (0.01 to 10 ng) with regression coefficients of external calibration curves (R2) >0.998 for all targeted PAHs. Method detection limit (MDL) was between 0.01-0.05 ng per tube. The method precision (<20 %) and accuracy were also satisfactory, obtaining quantitative recoveries (mean values between 80 and 120 %). The method has been applied for both outdoor and indoor air analysis. Small volume of air sample (<144 L) was sufficient for the PAH analysis. Naphthalene, 1-methylnaphthalene, 2-methylnaphthalene, anthracene, fluoranthene, acenaphthene, fluorene, pyrene, and acenaphthylene are the primary PAHs in the gas phase for both indoor and outdoor air. Naphthalene and its two methylated compounds: 1-methylnaphthalene and 2-methylnaphthalene accounted for 47.7 % and 81.7 % of the total gas phase PAHs for outdoor and indoor, respectively. Using thermal extraction instead of organic solvent extraction for sample pretreatment makes the method sustainable and in consonance with the principles of green chemistry. No solvent and time-consuming extract step are needed. The method greatly improved the analytical process with a fully automated TD-GC-MS/MS instrument.