Objective: While chronic inflammation is a well-established risk factor for malignancy, studies evaluating the relationship between allergic inflammation and cancer have revealed conflicting results. Here, we aimed to assess the association between allergic inflammation in the lung (asthma), skin (eczema) or oesophagus (eosinophilic oesophagitis; EoE) and cancer at the organ site.
Design: We conducted a systematic review of the literature to identify observational studies (case-control, cohort and cross-sectional) evaluating the association between asthma and lung cancer, eczema and skin cancer, or EoE and oesophageal cancer. Random-effects meta-analysis was performed to define pooled estimates of effects.
Data sources: PubMed, EMBASE and Web of Science.
Eligibility criteria for selection: Included studies evaluated the incidence of cancer.
Results: Thirty-two studies met the inclusion criteria, 27 in the lung, four in the skin and one in the oesophagus. Meta-analysis of the three studies with prospective data collection of asthma diagnosis revealed a positive association with incident lung cancer (OR 1.27, 95% CI 1.09-1.44); however, this result was not consistently supported by the larger dataset of retrospective studies (OR 1.37, 95% CI 0.90-1.83). Overall, studies in the lung displayed significant heterogeneity (I2 98%, P < .0001), but no significant effect modification on the association between asthma and lung cancer was identified for the variables of sex, smoking or study design. Meta-analysis could not be applied to the four papers reviewed in the skin, but three suggested an association between eczema and non-melanoma skin cancer, while the remaining study failed to identify an association between melanoma and eczema. A single study meeting inclusion criteria showed no association between EoE and oesophageal malignancy.
Conclusions: The current data cannot exclude the possibility of an association between atopy and malignancy the lung, skin and oesophagus. The relationship between allergy and cancer should be explored further in prospective studies that any association identified between these conditions has the potential for significant public health implications.
Integrative and hybrid methods have the potential to bridge long-standing knowledge gaps in structural biology. These methods will have a prominent role in the future of the field as we make advances toward a complete, unified representation of biology that spans the molecular and cellular scales. The Department of Physics and Astronomy at Clemson University hosted The Future of Integrative Structural Biology workshop on April 29, 2017 and partially sponsored by partially sponsored by a program of the Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU). The workshop brought experts from multiple structural biology disciplines together to discuss near-term steps toward the goal of a molecular atlas of the cell. The discussion focused on the types of structural data that should be represented, how this data should be represented, and how the time domain might be incorporated into such an atlas. The consensus was that an explorable, map-like Virtual Cell, containing both spatial and temporal data bridging the atomic and cellular length scales obtained by multiple experimental methods, represents the best path toward a complete atlas of the cell.
Many human pathogens use host cell-surface receptors to attach and invade cells. Often, the host-pathogen interaction affinity is low, presenting opportunities to block invasion using a soluble, high-affinity mimic of the host protein. The Plasmodium falciparum reticulocyte-binding protein homolog 5 (RH5) provides an exciting candidate for mimicry: it is highly conserved and its moderate affinity binding to the human receptor basigin (KD ≥1 μM) is an essential step in erythrocyte invasion by this malaria parasite. We used deep mutational scanning of a soluble fragment of human basigin to systematically characterize point mutations that enhance basigin affinity for RH5 and then used Rosetta to design a variant within the sequence space of affinity-enhancing mutations. The resulting seven-mutation design exhibited 1900-fold higher affinity (KD approximately 1 nM) for RH5 with a very slow binding off rate (0.23 h-1 ) and reduced the effective Plasmodium growth-inhibitory concentration by at least 10-fold compared to human basigin. The design provides a favorable starting point for engineering on-rate improvements that are likely to be essential to reach therapeutically effective growth inhibition.