Abstract - Dolly is part of the Surabaya city which is located in Putat Jaya District. The money flows in Dolly for a night reached 1 billion rupiah. This fact forced people from some groups to take benefits in Dolly’s economy activities. In other hand, social groups were still strongly maintain the moral aspects from Dolly closure, escpecially for children rights protection. Children about 14 to 16 years old often became the actors from human trafficking that offered their own friends. Beside that, children at lower ages acted as sex addict from sex media. These findings informed us the Dolly closure were not easy. As Risma, the Surabaya Mayor, Dolly closure was a must that would need a strong effort to manage and control its impacts. The Dolly closing which conducted on 18 June 2014 had economic, social, and politic impacts. The closing program need to be discuss by all aspects in Surabaya. It should be emphasize people from Dolly to have enough skill for their family income.
Keywords – Commercial Sex Worker, Dolly, Power interplay
Abstrak - Gaya belajar merupakan cara yang digunakan siswa untuk memahami informasi pembelajaran. Setiap siswa memiliki gaya belajar yang berbeda, sehingga cara belajar mereka mungkin berbeda juga. Informasi tentang gaya belajar siswa adalah sesuatu yang harus dipertimbangkan guru dalam merancang pembelajaran sehingga kegiatan pembelajaran akan berjalan efektif dan membantu siswa mencapai prestasi terbaiknya. Ada banyak teori dan model gaya belajar. Instrumen penentu gaya belajar juga telah banyak dikembangkan, salah satunya adalah gaya belajar menurut David Kolb. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ragam gaya belajar siswa SMA menurut David Kolb dalam pembelajaran Biologi. Penelitian ini telah dilakukan di SMAN 105 Jakarta pada bulan April - Agustus 2016. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode survei. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengetahui gaya belajar siswa adalah Kolb Learning Style Inventory (KLSI) Versi 3.1 tahun 2005. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah gaya belajar siswa SMAN 105 Jakarta tersebar dalam 4 ragam gaya yaitu diverger, assimilator, akomodator, dan konverger. Kelompok siswa dengan gaya belajar terbesar adalah diverger diikuti gaya belajar assimilator, accomodator dan converger. Terdapat perbedaan sebaran gaya belajar pada masing-masing tingkatan kelas.
Abstract - Learning style is the way which is using by the students to understand the learning information. Every student has different learning style which makes the way how they learn might be different as well. The information about the students’ learning style is something that teacher has to consider about in designing the learning so that the learning activity will run effectively and help the students to achieve their best achievement. There are many theories and model of learning style. The determinant instrument of learning style had been developed, one of it is learning style by David Kolb. This study aims to know various kinds of learning style of Senior High School students according to David Kolb in Biology learning. This study has been conducted at SMAN 105 Jakarta on April – Agustus 2016. This study was conducted by using survey method. The instrument using to determine students’ learning style is Kolb’s Learning Style Inventory (KLSI) Version 3.1 year 2005. The result found from this study is there are four students’ learning styles at SMAN 105 Jakarta, which are diverger, assimilator, accommodator, and converger. The largest amount of students’ learning style is diverger, then following by assimilator, acomodator an
Abstrak - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran fun coooking dalam meningkatkan kemampuan sosial emosional dan bahasa anak di TK Al Izhar Pondok Labu, Jakarta Selatan. Subjek penelitian ini anak usia 5-6 tahun yang mengikuti kegiatan ekstra kurikuler fun cooking berjumlah 8 orang anak. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Kemudian data yang sudah terkumpul di triangulasi dengan jenis triangulasi teknik. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian anak, diperoleh informasi bahwa fun cooking memiliki peran dalam kemampuan sosio emosional dan bahasa anak. Kegiatan fun cooking memiliki peran dalam kemampuan bahasa anak terutama dalam memahami beberapa perintah secara bersamaan; menjawab pertanyaan yang lebih kompleks; memperkaya perbendaharaan kata; serta menuliskan nama sendiri. Sementara dalam kemampuan sosial emosional anak, fun cooking membuat anak mampu menaati aturan kelas; mengatur diri sendiri; berbagi dengan orang lain; menunjukkan sikap toleran; serta mengekspresikan emosi yang sesuai dengan kondisi yang ada.
Abstract - This study aims to determine the role of fun cooking in improving emotional social skills and language of children in kindergarten Al Izhar Pondok Labu, South Jakarta. These research subjects 5-6 years old children who take part in extracurricular fun cooking amounted to 8 children. The method used is descriptive qualitative approach with data collection technique using observation, interviews, and documentation. Then the data that have been collected in triangulation with the type of triangulation techniques. Based on the results of the study of children, there was information that the fun of cooking has a role in the socio-emotional and language abilities of children. Fun cooking activities have a role in the child's language ability, especially in understanding multiple commands simultaneously; answer more complex questions; enriching vocabulary; as well as write his own name. While the emotional social abilities of children, fun cooking to make children able to obey the rules of the classroom; self-regulating; share with others; show tolerance; and express the emotions that correspond to existing conditions.
Keywords - Fun cooking, Language skills, Social emotional skills