This paper presents a comprehensive assessment of the feasibility of utilizing gamification to analyze problem issues surrounding space sustainability. It examines the psychological impact of gamification on behaviour patterns and explores various approaches to game creation based on the level of abstraction. Additionally, the study investigates different types of games and their practical application in resolving space sustainability problem issues. The study introduces a system-thinking game as a tool for understanding fundamental misconceptions related to space sustainability. The law was analyzed from the perspective of the language game and the common features of law and game were pointed out. Furthermore, the study highlights the interpretive role of current space activity as a significant mechanism for law-making, drawing from recent space law and policy documents. These findings underscore the utility of gamification for reconstructing space governance and ensuring space sustainability. Building upon the insights gathered, the concept of the game is constructed based on the PARDI framework. This framework provides the context and inspiration for all interested stakeholders to collaboratively develop a meaningful and serious game. The core gamification concept, elucidated through the lens of space activity in this publication, serves as the foundation for this co-construction. In conclusion, this research demonstrates the potential of gamification as a valuable tool for analyzing and addressing space sustainability challenges. By leveraging the PARDI framework and core gamification principles, stakeholders can actively participate in the development of a game that promotes a comprehensive understanding of space governance. Through this collaborative effort, we can pave the way for a more sustainable and responsible future in space activities, ensuring the long-term viability of human activities beyond Earth's boundaries.