Multiple factors contribute to co-occurring issues such as violence, HIV, and mental disorders among people who inject drugs (PWID), particularly those residing in limited resource settings. Using an ecological framework, this study explored multilevel determinants of co-occurring violence, HIV, mental health, and substance use issues among PWID. Data were collected via semi-structured in-depth interviews with 31 men and women PWID in India. Findings revealed factors at the community (e.g., stigma), interpersonal (e.g., abusive partners), and individual (e.g., financial stress) levels. Findings highlight the need for prevention and intervention programs addressing factors at multiple ecological levels to reduce comorbidity among PWID.
Little is known about the neighborhood context of offending for Asian American youth. The current study differentiates between coethnic neighborhood types and considers if residence in ethnoburbs-a more recently conceptualized coethnic neighborhood-is associated with more serious arrests (for substance, property, weapon, or violent offenses). Asian youth in ethnic enclaves had lower odds of a violence arrest relative to youth in non-coethnic neighborhoods. Youth in ethnoburbs had greater odds of a weapons arrest, but this association is attenuated after adjusting for individual-level covariates. Implications for future research include exploring mechanisms for place-based targeted intervention strategies.
Objectives: Acculturation has emerged as a key variable in racial/ethnic minorities and immigrant research. Although findings generally conclude acculturation leads to adverse outcomes (e.g., risk behaviors), scholars often find contradicting results. This increased attention to the core definitional questions about what acculturation is and how it should be measured, specifically across different racial/ethnic groups.
Methods: This study examined the measurement invariance using Multigroup Confirmatory Factor Analysis (MG-CFA) by comparing three common domains of acculturation measures across Asian and Hispanic populations (i.e., Ethnic Identification, Language Proficiency and Preference, and Acculturative Stress) using the National Latino and Asian American Study (NLAAS).
Results: A total sample of 4,649 (nLatinx=2,554 and nAsian=2,095) was used. The results suggested that aspects of ethnic identification and acculturative stress measures significantly varied between groups. For example, Latinxs had higher factor loadings in certain Acculturative Stress items related to government and legal status. In contrast, Asians had higher factor loadings in an item related to Ethnic Identification.
Conclusions: The results suggested that aspects of acculturation do not necessarily measure the same way across all populations; researchers/clinicians should consider racial/ethnic specific scales when using acculturation related measures. Future research should test universal acculturation scales across other ethnic subgroups and include more complex acculturation measures like cultural values and norms.