Unmanaged online depression communities (ODCs), which are self-formed without managers or professional support groups, are characterized by negative emotional sharing that is often context-absent and highly self-attentional. The atypical features of emotional narratives pose challenges for examining the communities’ communication patterns and themes of sensemaking. This study explores some methodological perspectives for conducting a thematic analysis of the mundane, fragmented, and uncontextualized emotions related to depression in the largest unmanaged ODC in Weibo, named ‘Zoufan’. By adopting the small stories research paradigm from narrative analysis and incorporating the concept of perspectivization, this study offers an in-depth thematic and narrative analysis of depressive self-talk online. It first identifies three salient theme clusters – ‘punishment’, ‘deprivation’, and ‘failure’ – to reveal how the ‘Zoufan’ members conceptualize their lived experience with depressive episodes, and then maps the theme clusters with the commenters’ passive, powerless, and paradoxical perspectivization of the self in their narratives. Methodologically, the study underscores the effectiveness of small stories research in the thematic exploration of atypical depressive self-talk on social media. Practically, it provides insights for mental health professionals, educators, parents, and other stakeholders to better understand depressive self-talk in the context of Weibo.