Background: Equipping tertiary health promotion students with skills and knowledge to contribute meaningfully to the health promotion workforce begins with enhancing their health promotion competence via well-designed curriculum. This includes a focus on work-integrated learning, global citizenship, professional identity and competency mapping in line with the International Union for Health Promotion and Education Core Competencies and Professional Standards for Health Promotion.
Methods: In this paper we report baseline results for the Passport to Practice project, a mixed-methods prospective cohort study to track undergraduate health promotion student progress across their degree, to evaluate a new approach for assessing student achievement of the Competencies and Standards developed by the International Union for Health Promotion and Education. Baseline data were collected from first-year students via document analysis of student reflection papers (n = 40); and an online survey (n = 29) to measure self-reported health promotion competence, development of global citizenship and professional identity, and PebblePad usability.
Results: Findings suggest the Passport to Practice initiative positively contributed to professional identity and health promotion competence. Students appreciated work-integrated learning opportunities that enabled them to plan for future activities to address gaps in their competence; and students excelled in the social responsibility dimension of global citizenship but lagged in the political voice category of the global civic engagement dimension.
Conclusion: Findings provide insights about strategies and concepts required to equip students with the skills and knowledge required for their role as health promotion practitioners to address complex public health challenges.
Background: A clearer understanding of the relationships between specific sport context with overall physical activity (PA) and sedentary time (ST) may contribute to the development of more accurate preventive strategies to increase children's engagement in PA.
Purpose: This study aimed to examine how different organized sports contributed to children's daily PA and ST.
Methods: PA was measured for seven days via accelerometers, in 410 children aged 6-10 years (49.8% boys). Of those, 332 (53.0% boys) were engaged in an organized sport and were further considered for statistical analyses. Parents reported children's sport participation (e.g. which sport, number of times per week, duration). The sports were classified into: indoor vs. outdoor; individuals vs. team; combat vs. individual aesthetic vs. racing vs. invasion. Children's height and weight were objectively collected. Multiple one-way analyses of covariance were used to examine the effects of sport characteristics on PA and ST. A linear regression, adjusted for children's sex, age, body mass index and father's educational level, determined the relationship between being involved in multiple PA and sedentary behaviours with Moderate to Vigorous PA (MVPA) levels.
Results: Although engaged in an organized sport, only 30% of the children achieved the PA recommendations. Sport (compared with active commute and active play) was the best contributor to daily MVPA. Outdoor sports (vs. indoor) contributed the most to vigorous PA (VPA) and MVPA. Team sports (vs. individual) were significantly associated with lower ST. Children in combat sports accumulated more VPA and MVPA, while those in racing sports showed a higher ST.
Conclusions: Sport participation alone does not guarantee children will reach the PA guidelines, and the type of sport can influence children's PA levels. Gender-stereotypes in sports may prevent girls from achieving their 60 minutes of MVPA daily.
Objetivo: comprender las representaciones de las masculinidades en las políticas públicas de salud en Chile.
Método: desde un diseño metodológico cualitativo, se realizó una revisión documental de programas y políticas del área de la salud sexual y reproductiva, salud mental, violencia y ciclo vital, incluyendo adicionalmente el análisis de 10 entrevistas realizadas a trabajadores de la salud, actores claves y expertos. Se realizó un análisis de contenido temático, utilizando software NVivo.
Resultados: los principales resultados constatan que la presencia masculina es menor que la femenina en las políticas públicas de salud, y que las representaciones de los varones suelen tener una perspectiva socio-comportamental donde se concibe que la masculinidad es perjudicial para la salud.
Conclusión: los hallazgos instan a incluir una mirada inclusiva de hombres y masculinidades, su contexto social y capacidad de cambio a fin de poder abordar vulnerabilidades y necesidades específicas de la salud de hombres en Chile.
This article introduces the concept of a health-promoting university (HPU) in an Indian context. The importance of health promotion through a 'settings-based' approach that focuses on India's needs is outlined. We highlight the aims and objectives of a HPU and the mechanisms to evaluate its impact. We call for action by stakeholders to develop a HPU project consistent with public health issues, including health development and sustainability. Furthermore, this settings-based approach provides a template that can be replicated in other low- and middle-income countries.
Introduction: La consommation d'alcool et la consommation de tabac entraînent chacune des risques importants pour la santé. L'objectif de cette étude était d'étudier la prévalence de la co-consommation d'alcool et de tabac ainsi que les facteurs associés dans la commune de Natitingou en 2016.
Méthodes: Il s'agissait d'une étude transversale à caractère analytique. L'enquête s'est déroulée en octobre 2016 et a porté sur un échantillon de 270 sujets. Elle a été menée selon une technique de sondage aléatoire à plusieurs degrés. Les données collectées ont été analysées avec le logiciel R.
Résultats: Sur les 270 sujets interrogés, 72,2 % étaient des hommes. L'âge moyen était de 30,7 ± 9,2 ans. La prévalence de la co-consommation était de 33,7 % [IC95% : 28,1 %-39,7 %]). Les facteurs associés à la co-consommation d'alcool et de tabac étaient : le sexe masculin (ORa = 2,1 ; p = 0,023), la dipsomanie (ORa = 1,4 ; p = 0,032), le fait d'avoir des amis buveurs ou fumeurs (ORa = 2,8 ; p = 0,004), le fait de suivre les publicités des médias sur les boissons alcoolisées (ORa = 1,9 ; p = 0,029) et le faible coût /accessibilité des deux substances (ORa = 2,1 ; p = 0,011).
Conclusion: Cette étude a montré qu'il est important de dépasser la prévention centrée sur la personne qui consiste à sensibiliser et à prendre en charge pour adopter des mesures de prévention structurelle (notamment législatives).
Contexte: Il est connu que les maladies non transmissibles s'originent dans les habitudes et les choix alimentaires, et la littératie en santé est le meilleur déterminant de la santé d'un individu au 21e siècle. Or, cet aspect reste peu exploré en contexte camerounais. Dès lors, cette étude examine la relation entre la littératie en santé, la littératie alimentaire, la littératie alimentaire numérique et le comportement alimentaire des étudiants de l'Université de Yaoundé I.
Méthodes: Un total de 240 étudiants âgés de 18 à 48 ans (M = 21,97 ans, ET = 7,03), dont 149 (62,1 %) femmes, sélectionnés par commodité, ont rempli un questionnaire composite comprenant des échelles de mesure de la littératie en santé (Health Literacy Survey European Union Questionnaire Short Form), de la littératie alimentaire (Short Food Literacy Questionnaire), de la littératie alimentaire numérique (eHealth Literacy Scale) et du comportement alimentaire (General Dietary Behavior Inventory). Les données ont été analysées grâce au logiciel SPSS, v.20, en utilisant des tests de Mann-Whitney, de Kruskal-Wallis, de Spearman et des modèles linéaires généralisés.
Résultats: Les résultats ont montré que le comportement alimentaire n'est pas associé aux caractéristiques sociodémographiques des étudiants. L'analyse des modèles linéaires généralisés a démontré que le comportement alimentaire des étudiants est influencé par la littératie alimentaire (β = 1,503, p < 0,001), la littératie en santé (β = 1,191, p < 0,05) et la littératie alimentaire numérique (β = 1,263, p < 0,001). De même, prises ensemble, elles entrainent une variation de 6,929 sur le comportement alimentaire (χ²(3) = 63,070, β = 6,929, p < 0,001).
Conclusion: L'étude suggère que plus de recherches sur d'autres sous-groupes de population sont nécessaires afin de fournir des données pour des interventions en faveur d'une alimentation saine.
Most people in need of mental health services in Mexico do not seek formal support or professional services to address their mental health needs. Understanding help-seeking behaviors is crucial to addressing underutilized mental health services and to leverage health promotion efforts. Data were collected as part of a larger research project on stigma and help-seeking for mental-health-related concerns in Mexico. A convenience sample of 469 adults residing in Mexico City participated in the study using an experimental vignette methodology assessing stigma toward individuals with mental health conditions, along with characteristics and demographic correlates of help-seeking. All survey measures were administered in Spanish. A structural regression was conducted for the outcome 'openness to professional help seeking for mental health problems' as a latent variable. Compared with males, females were more open to professional help seeking (b = 0.09, p = 0.038), as were people who endorsed higher spirituality (b = 0.01, p = 0.006); while people who experienced self-stigma were less open to professional help-seeking for mental health concerns (b = -0.15, p = 0.005). Self-stigma was a major driver of low service utilization. Contrary to previous studies, spirituality was a significant positive predictor of professional help-seeking. A more nuanced understanding of mental health help-seeking in Mexico can be useful for outreach efforts to increase service utilization both in Mexico and among Latinos in the United States (US). Given historical, geographic, and cultural ties with the US, it is important to understand mental health help-seeking in Mexico, which may relate directly to help-seeking behaviors in many US Latinos who have immigrated to the US. Directions for future research and practice implications are discussed, including a roadmap for health promotion activities.