This research adopted a micromechanical modeling approach to elaborate the debonded layered structure behavior under the combined mechanical and hygro-thermal loading. The structural distortion under the combined loadings has been modeled through Green’s strain and Lagrangian reference frame. In addition, the structural deformation has been modeled using two types of kinematic models with and without stretching term effect. Moreover, the corrugated composite properties are evaluated with the help of a micromechanical model due to the hygro-thermal effect considering the individual volume fractions and moisture retention ratio. The final form of governing equations is obtained using variational technique and solved numerically (finite element steps and direct iterative method). The model validity and its repeatability are verified through the comparison study. The predicted numerical response differs from the literature data by a minimum of − 1.39% and a maximum of − 16.08%. Finally, a set of numerical examples has been solved to elaborate on the model’s adequacy and investigate the influence of delamination, environmental effects, and other input parameters related to the geometrical details of the composite components. Delamination in the curved panel affects linear and nonlinear dynamic responses regardless of size, position, or location. An increase in fiber volume fraction and aspect ratio (a/b) reduces both higher-order models dynamic linear and nonlinear responses.