Guidelines for implementation of eye-gaze control technology by people with cerebral palsy were published in 2021. The purpose of this study was to identify barriers and facilitators clinicians perceive exist relating to use of these guidelines for eye-gaze control technology, and to explore potential resources that may be developed to support their implementation. A two-phased mixed methods explanatory sequential design was adopted. In phase 1, an online survey containing quantitative and open-ended questions was completed by 97 health professionals and in phase 2 two online focus groups of five clinicians were conducted. The guidelines for eye-gaze control technology were considered helpful for clinicians new to eye-gaze control technology, useful to provide insight into processes for implementing eye-gaze control technology, were flexible, supported clinical reasoning and professional credibility, and were easy to use. However, time to read the guidelines for eye-gaze control technology, and insufficient funding for time to implement the technology were prominent barriers identified in this study. Through the qualitative findings four themes emerged: (1) Complexity of learning to use and implement the guidelines for eye-gaze control technology; (2) Time and resources in short supply; (3) Takes a dedicated team working together; and (4) guidelines for eye-gaze control technology informing practice. Participants in both study phases identified: case studies and video examples; education and training; and practice in implementing eye-gaze control technology, as facilitators to aligning their practice with the guidelines for eye-gaze control technology recommendations and to optimise outcomes.