This commentary reviews the Journal of Personality Disorders special issue "Interpersonal Trust and Borderline Personality Disorder: Insights From Clinical Practice and Research," published in Volume 37, Number 5, October 2023.
This commentary reviews the Journal of Personality Disorders special issue "Interpersonal Trust and Borderline Personality Disorder: Insights From Clinical Practice and Research," published in Volume 37, Number 5, October 2023.
Intermittent explosive disorder (IED) is characterized by recurrent reactive aggression. IED is associated with significant personality pathology that is suggestive of higher levels of general personality disorder (PD). However, little is known about how personality factors impact the severity and presentation of IED. The present study employed a latent class analysis to assess for distinct PD symptom classes within IED and to evaluate whether these classes differed in terms of severity and behavioral presentation. Statistical and clinical indicators revealed a four-class model, with latent classes distinguished primarily on general levels of PD symptoms (low, moderate, high). However, the two moderate PD symptom classes were distinguished from other classes on avoidant PD. In addition, classes differed in terms of severity and presentation, suggesting important implications for both general PD and avoidant PD comorbidity within IED. Results provide further insight into the heterogeneity within IED and suggest a more nuanced approach in treating this serious condition.
Bayesian decision theory suggests that optimal decision-making should use and weigh prior beliefs with current information, according to their relative uncertainties. However, some characteristics of borderline personality disorder (BPD) patients, such as fast, drastic changes in the overall perception of themselves and others, suggest they may be underrelying on priors. Here, we investigated if BPD patients have a general deficit in relying on or combining prior with current information. We analyzed this by having BPD patients (n = 23) and healthy controls (n = 18) perform a coin-catching sensorimotor task with varying levels of prior and current information uncertainty. Our results indicate that BPD patients learned and used prior information and combined it with current information in a qualitatively Bayesian-like way. Our results show that, at least in a lower-level, nonsocial sensorimotor task, BPD patients can appropriately use both prior and current information, illustrating that potential deficits using priors may not be widespread or domain-general.
This commentary reviews the Journal of Personality Disorders special issue "Interpersonal Trust and Borderline Personality Disorder: Insights From Clinical Practice and Research," published in Volume 37, Number 5, October 2023.
There is a lack of studies that have prospectively examined adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in association with a personality disorder (PD). Data from a sample of 8,199 adolescents first assessed for ACEs were linked with subsequent data from the Norwegian Patient Register in order to obtain diagnoses of a PD in adulthood (after a 14-year follow-up). We used logistic regression analysis. Any type of ACE gave a 3.8-fold higher risk of developing a PD. Abuse, more specifically emotional abuse, came out as one of the strongest predictors. Of the adolescents who developed a PD, approximately 90% had a history of ACE. The results of this study support the importance of assessing ACEs, such as abuse, neglect, and household dysfunction, in the diagnostic procedure and treatment for PD.
If evidence points to the equal efficacy of all bona fide treatments for borderline personality disorder (BPD) in general, it may not necessarily be true for a specific individual, nor do such general conclusions help in the triage of clients in clinical services. We investigated potential therapy outcome predictors for participants with a BPD diagnosis (N = 99). They were assessed on scales including the Outcome Questionnaire-45.2 (OQ-45), the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems-64, and the Borderline Symptom List. Our analyses revealed that individuals with low levels of symptom distress at intake had the smallest change in total OQ-45 score over the course of brief treatment, while the individuals with high levels of symptom distress had a mean large change in total score (-23). We observed that individuals with high symptom loads AND low levels of interpersonal problems at intake seemed to have the best progress.
The present study examines the 8-year course of physical pain and its interference with functioning in patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD) and a comparison group of patients with other personality disorders (other-PD). Participants completed the Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) at five assessments, each separated by 2 years. Results showed that across all 13 domains assessed, participants with BPD reported significantly higher levels of acute physical pain and its functional interference than other-PD comparison subjects. The severity of physical pain and its interference with multiple domains of functioning were relatively stable over 8 years of assessment for both study groups. Within the BPD group, pain was significantly associated with older age, comorbid major depressive disorder (MDD), and history of a physically violent partner. Taken together, these results suggest that physical pain is a serious health issue for individuals with BPD that interferes with functioning across a wide spectrum of areas.
Borderline personality disorder (BPD) has been conceptualized as a disorder of attachment. However, the specificity of attachment insecurity to BPD in adolescents remains unclear. In this study, an inpatient sample (n = 521), of which 173 (33.2%) met the criteria for BPD, and a control sample of community-dwelling adolescents (n = 294) ages 12-17 were compared on a self-report measure of attachment security. In addition, hierarchical regression analyses were carried out to examine the incremental contribution of BPD symptoms, over and above internalizing and externalizing symptoms, in predicting attachment security. Results showed expected group differences such that adolescents with BPD evidenced higher levels of attachment insecurity to both fathers and mothers than psychiatric and community-dwelling controls. BPD features also incremented internalizing and externalizing problems associated with attachment security. However, because psychiatric controls also evidenced high levels of attachment insecurity, we conclude that while attachment insecurity is particularly salient for BPD, it is not necessarily specific to the disorder.
Personality disorders (PDs) are associated with interpersonal dysfunction, loneliness, and reduced social embeddedness. This study investigates loneliness and social network size in association with self- and clinician-rated personality functioning regarding the DSM-5's Alternative Model for Personality Disorders (AMPD). Eighty psychiatric inpatients including participants with and without PDs completed the Semi-structured Interview for Personality Functioning, the Level of Personality Functioning Scale - Brief Form, the UCLA Loneliness Scale, and the Social Network Index. Patients with PDs reported more loneliness and personality dysfunctioning than patients without PDs. Social network size did not differ between patient groups and showed lower correlations with personality functioning compared to loneliness. Loneliness was further associated with deficits in personality functioning. Deficits in distinct AMPD domains and loneliness may constitute transdiagnostically relevant factors that are related and mutually reinforcing. This could be important for identifying patients beyond PD diagnoses who are at risk of poor psychosocial functioning and require tailored psychotherapy.
This systematic review aimed to explore social and occupational functioning levels in individuals with BPD and whether this varies according to symptomatic status, age, or gender. A multi-database search was conducted for articles, and of the 1164 records identified, 19 were included in this review. Of the 15 studies reporting on social functioning, 13 indicated significant levels of impairment, and of the 14 studies reporting on global functioning, all indicated significant impairment across both clinical and in-remission populations. Occupational functioning was primarily assessed as either a part of global functioning or by subscales within social functioning, highlighting a lack of use of dedicated measures for its assessment. This systematic review found that individuals with BPD experience a range of significant impairments in functioning persisting across the lifespan. Further studies are warranted to explore levels of functional impairment across all functional domains and factors associated with continual functional impairment in this population.