Objective: The objective of this project was to implement scientific evidence to promote sleep and rest in pediatric patients during hospitalization.
Introduction: Hospitals are not conducive to quality sleep, as external factors such as light, noise, and interruptions from health care staff can disturb patients. Being hospitalized has a detrimental impact on children's sleep because it reduces how much sleep they get and the quality of that sleep. It has been reported that up to 20% to 30% of hospitalized children experience sleep problems.
Methods: This project was conducted at the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital in Cantabria, northern Spain. The project used the JBI Evidence Implementation Framework, which is grounded in an audit, feedback, and re-audit process, together with a structured approach to identifying and managing barriers to change. The study subjects were 100 children aged 2 to 16 years, who were admitted to the hospital's pediatric unit from November to December 2021, and 27 multi-disciplinary health care staff.
Results: Implementing the evidence-based strategies improved our care practices, with the follow-up audit results showing a marked improvement in compliance. Thus, training health care staff on pediatric sleep increased from 4% to 80%; using a multi-faceted approach to sleep promotion increased from 21% to 87%; and promoting relaxation techniques to promote sleep increased from 0% to 80%.
Conclusions: The project met its objectives. Areas for improving children's sleep and rest during hospitalization were identified. To avoid resistance to change, it was necessary to involve the entire team and maintain training. We recommend follow-up audits once a year, to ensure the sustainability of the project.
Spanish abstract: http://links.lww.com/IJEBH/A252.