Economic evaluation studies the costs and outcomes of two or more alternative activities to estimate the relative efficiency of each course of action. Economic evaluation is both important and necessary in the management of speech and language issues. Economic evaluation can help focus attention on interventions that provide value for improving population health. The purpose of this article is to introduce readers to fundamental economic concepts. Readers are also introduced to common issues when conducting economic evaluations and how to address them in practice.
Stuttering is a complex communication disorder with effects that extend beyond difficulty with communication. Negative thoughts and feelings by the person who stutters (PWS), about the disorder or themselves, may potentially lead to detrimental avoidance behaviors which may ultimately alter life choices and participation in life events. One such area is the labor market. Studies have revealed an association between stuttering and reduced earnings. What is not understood is whether provision of speech therapy for PWS can help mitigate the negative labor market impacts of this condition. This article discusses the disorder of stuttering and how approach versus avoidance responses can contribute to wage differentials among PWS, while also providing evidence of such differences using a nationally representative dataset. Additionally, this article outlines the potential benefits received from speech-language pathology services which may correlate with improved labor market outcomes.
In recent years, stakeholders engaged in the study, treatment, and understanding of aphasia outcomes have emphasized the need for greater transparency regarding the economics of aphasia rehabilitation. Most notably, third-party payers and clinicians have a keen interest in understanding the resources used to treat aphasia, particularly the cost-effectiveness and value of aphasia treatments. In this article, we review the current literature related to the economic burden of aphasia and the cost and cost-effectiveness of aphasia treatments. To date, relatively few scholars have attempted to study the efficiency, scale, and scope related to the economics of aphasia and the cost-effectiveness of aphasia treatment. While studies of the cost-effectiveness of aphasia treatments have shown rehabilitative treatments conform to established quality and cost benchmarks, the continued progress and developments in the treatment of aphasia and measurement of clinical outcomes has left many areas unstudied. We highlight the need for greater emphasis on the cost-effectiveness of aphasia treatments in addition to the traditional focus on the efficacy of treatment outcomes.
People with communication disorders face barriers to accessing safe and respectful healthcare. These barriers result in increased healthcare complications and inefficiencies, both of which contribute to increased healthcare costs. One obstacle to advocating for accommodations that could improve healthcare for this population is the absence of cost effectiveness studies of such accommodations specifically, as well as a paucity of data defining the needs of this population in general. The purpose of this study was to explore how people with communication and swallowing difficulties are characterized in the National Health and Aging Trends Study (NHATS), a nationally representative survey of Medicare beneficiaries aged 65 and older, and how they manage their healthcare. Cross-sectional data from the NHATS rounds 5 to 9 (2015-2019) resulted in 8,038 unique respondents, 3,243 of who reported speech, memory, hearing, and/or swallowing difficulties. More than 90% of respondents with communication difficulties reported having a regular doctor. Less than 60% of respondents with communication difficulties had a family member or caregiver go to medical appointments with them, and around 70% of that subset of participants received help from that caregiver with communication during appointments. Fewer than 15% of respondents with communication difficulties used the internet for healthcare communication or information. Less than 5% of respondents across all communication difficulty categories had received rehabilitation services for communication in the year prior to their survey responses. While the information gleaned from NHATS points to likely gaps between the needs people with communication disorders may have for safe and accessible healthcare, and the support available, future research is needed to improve and clarify how communication disorders are defined and characterized in large-scale surveys to generate more interpretable data. These stronger empirical foundations are needed to support cost-effectiveness analyses to advocate for better communication accessibility of healthcare settings.
Computer-based interventions for persons with traumatic brain injury (TBI) are a rapidly developing treatment modality. However, the usability and acceptability of such treatments have not been thoroughly studied. We describe the user-experience of a computerized intervention in persons with TBI called the Work-Related Communication (WoRC) program. Two coders used qualitative analysis of semi-structured interviews to complete a thematic content analysis along with a cost-benefit analysis. Ten participants with severe TBI more than 1-year postinjury were interviewed. Seven participants were male, and three were female. Their mean age was 41.6 years (standard deviation: 13.1). All had 4 years of college or less and experienced severe TBIs. A qualitative analysis of the WoRC program usability resulted in the categories of Content (aspects of treatment approach), Interface (aspects of presentation), and Abilities (aspects of the cognitive disorder). WoRC program acceptability categories emerged as Specific (trained strategies can be applied to specific scenarios) and Personal (individual factors related to willingness to implement the trained strategies). The cost-benefit analysis demonstrated a 50.2% reduction in treatment costs, indicating that computer-enhanced interventions are a potentially cost-effective way to increase behavioral outcomes. We discuss these findings as they relate to future development of computer-enhanced programs for persons with TBI.
Cost-effectiveness analysis, the most common type of economic evaluation, estimates a new option's additional outcome in relation to its extra costs. This is crucial to study within the clinical setting because funding for new treatments and interventions is often linked to whether there is evidence showing they are a good use of resources. This article describes how to analyze a cost-effectiveness dataset using the framework of a net benefit regression. The process of creating estimates and characterizing uncertainty is demonstrated using a hypothetical dataset. The results are explained and illustrated using graphs commonly employed in cost-effectiveness analyses. We conclude with a call to action for researchers to do more person-level cost-effectiveness analysis to produce evidence of the value of new treatments and interventions. Researchers can utilize cost-effectiveness analysis to compare new and existing treatment mechanisms.