Limited information is available about the absorption and distribution of parenterally administered beta-carotene in pigs.Therefore plasma concentrations and pharmacokinetic parameters of beta-carotene, its influence on plasma vitamin A concentration as well as the safety and tolerability of an intramuscularly administered beta-carotene preparation (Carofertin) were analysed. Five gilts were injected with a single dose of 70 mg beta-carotene in an injectable aqueous solution. The mean pre-treatment plasma beta-carotene concentration was below 10 microg/ml. After injection, plasma beta-carotene values increased rapidly and reached a peak of 13.8 +/- 5.4 microg/ml after 24 hours. For a duration of 72 hours, plasma beta-carotene concentrations were significantly increased compared to baseline values (p < 0.05).The mean half-life of beta-carotene in plasma was 7.2 +/- 1.4 hours.The single dose of 70 mg beta-carotene did not significantly affect plasma vitamin A concentrations. Tolerability and safety of the administered preparation were good. No side effects related to the medication were observed.
This report describes a case of gingival fibromatosis in an otherwise healthy and well nourished wild European red fox (Vulpes vulpes), which was shot by a hunter and submitted to the state laboratory in the context of the rabies monitoring program of the federal state of Brandenburg, Germany. At necropsy, a severe papillomatous proliferation of the complete gingival tissue of the upper and lower jaw was present. This gingival proliferation had already resulted in malocclusion, loosening and loss of several incisival, premolar and molar teeth. Histologically, the primary lesion was a massive increase in the amount of collagen rich and relatively avascular connective tissue within the gingival lamina propria mucosae. A papillomavirus infection was excluded by electron microscopy, immunohistochemistry and molecular biological methods. The gingival lesions in the red fox are identical to those seen in hereditary hyperplastic gingivitis in farmed silver foxes and hereditary gingival fibromatosis in man. It is presumed that, in analogy to the genetic diseases in silver foxes and man, a still unidentified genetic defect is responsible for the development of the disease in the red fox, too.
Germ cell specific apoptosis after ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) induced testicular injury is dependent on neutrophil recruitment to the testis. Intravascular adhesion molecules like the P- and E- selectins play an important role in this recruitment.The purpose of this study was to inhibit neutrophil recruitment in I/R induced testicular injury by using a function-blocking monoclonal anti-mouse P-selectin antibody. Adult mice were subjected to a 2 h period of testicular torsion (ischemia) followed by detorsion (reperfusion).Ten minutes after the onset of reperfusion, mice received either 100 microg of a function-blocking monoclonal P-selectin antibody (FBMAB group) or isotype-matched control antibody (IMCA group). Separate groups of mice underwent sham-operation (SO group) or received 500 ng of TNFalpha (IF group) to induce inflammation. Mice were sacrificed 24 h after reperfusion and testiscular interstitial cells were isolated and analyzed for the presence of neutrophils by means of flow cytometry. The function-blocking monoclonal P-selectin antibody reduced neutrophil recruitment in I/R induced testicular injury significantly (FBMAB group as compared to the IMCA group 26 +/- 4 vs. 52 +/- 10% Gr-1 +CD11 b+ of total leucocytes; P < 0.001). Therefore, blocking P-selectin may be therapeutically beneficial to protect postischemic testis.
Presently, potential associations between PCV2 virulence and -sequence are discussed controversially. Practitioners are rattled, whether and to which extent spatio-temporal variations in PCV2 associated diseases (PCVD) on farms might be attributed to distinct PCV2 strains, differing in virulence, and if this factor should be taken into account regarding diagnosis and prophylaxis. The present paper provides a review on known and discussed functional elements of the PCV2 genome and their significance in pathogenesis is discussed. Furthermore, variability between and within PCV2 strains and discrepancy between the common phylogenetic considerations of the total genome or the open reading frame 2 (ORF 2) and single nucleotide variations are presented. Only incoherent associations between phylogeny and virulence determining sequences serve as an explanation for inconsistent results of different authors regarding sequence and virulence. The conclusion is that there are presently no molecular markers for PCV2 virulence. Thus, quantitative considerations still remain the major factor in diagnosis, prognosis, prophylaxis and control of PCVD.
Amazon parrots (Amazona aestiva aestiva;Amazona ochrocephala, n=6) from an aviary with different psittacine species (n=100) were submitted to the Clinic for Pet Animals, Reptiles, Pet- and Wild birds with the clinical picture ofa cloacal prolaps. The cloacal mucosa showed papillomas, and internal papillomatosis of parrots (IPP) was suspected. Hepatomegaly was detected in the radiographs of the clinically diseased amazon parrots, indicating the involvement of the liver in the disease process. The cloacal area was enlarged and showed higher densities in the radiographic picture. One of the amazons had an increased level of bile acids in the plasma supporting the suspicion of the involvement of the liver. Macroscopical and histological investigation of amazons with cloacal prolaps revealed a papillomic adenoma of the cloacal mucosa accompanied by varying degrees of bile duct carcinomas in the liver and adenocarcinomas of the pancreas. Herpesvirus genome was detected by nested PCR in cloacal swabs, liver, and cloacal tissue samples. Sequencing of part of the herpesvirus DNA-polymerase gene indicated 95% homology of the detected herpesviruses with the Psittacid Herpesvirus (PsHV) 1. No cytopathic herpesvirus was recovered from cloacal swabs and liver samples after up to four passages in chicken embryofibroblast cultures. Cloacal and choanal swabs, which were taken from the remaining 47 healthy amazon parrots and 5 Green-winged Macaws (Ara chloroptera) of the aviary, were negative for herpesvirus in the nested PCR. Only birds with cloacal papillomas and the Green-winged Macaws were tested positive for herpesvirus DNA in the nested PCR. We may speculate that there is correlation between the infection with PsHV-1 and the development of cloacal adenomas, adenocarcinomas in the pancreas and carcinomas of the bile ducts. Our results indicate that there may be a higher susceptibility in certain amazon species, while other species may not get infected even if housed in close contact to infected birds. A therapy approach with the immunomodulator Imiquimod did not improve the clinical disease of the birds, although circulating interferon levels were detected in serum samples of treated birds. We may speculate that in the case of already developed tumors an Imiquimod therapy may not lead to tumor regression.
In this paper, we analyse the occurrence of BLAD and CVM heterozygous animals in Holstein cattle in the Czech Republic in 1993-2005. The occurrence of BLAD heterozygous sires and heifers (BL) during the period 1993-1998 in Czech Holsteins was 13.9% and 10.7%. Radical measures have been taken to restore the population. Evidently, the measures have been efficient, in 2005 one BLAD heterozygous sire of 101 was found. Continuous testing is necessary, because in commercial herds, the eradication process is not short-term. The found occurrence ofCVM heterozygous sires (CV) decreased from 20% in 2001 to 8% (7 positive of 85) in 2005.This is still quite a high frequency. The occurrence in CV females of 20% remains higher. Therefore, the use of CV sires should be restricted thoroughly. Identification of the molecular basis for inherited diseases, should lead to control measures which would enable the quick recovery of the population.
An effective programme to reduce mastitis on farm level focuses on both decreasing the rate of mastitis incidence and shortening the duration of existing infections. Therefore, the present paper deals with the identification of those evidence-based management practices which are known to reduce the mastitis incidence on farm level. Corresponding practices in the areas of personnel, breeding, husbandry, feeding and milking are presented and evaluated. As most factors evaluated here pose a "pathogen-specific" risk rather than a "general" one, any systematic measure designed to control mastitis in a given herd has to consider this by performing a structured risk analysis based on the specific bacteriological findings.
Diagnosis of infection with Lawsonia (L.) intracellularis, the causative agent of porcine proliferative enteropathy, is routinely based on the detection of L. intracellularis in faeces and/or tissue samples by PCR. Furthermore, infection can be determined by the detection of antibodies in serum samples. The aim of this comparative study was to examine whether results from molecular biology and serological testing are influenced by applying live bacteria vaccine Enterisol Ileitis or antimicrobial treatment to pigs naturally exposed to L. intracellularis. Decreased shedding was detected in tylosin treated pigs only. Thus, the distribution of 345 pigs into groups of 0-, 1- or > or = 2-times positive by PCR was significantly influenced by the treatment (P < 0.0001). A global effect of positive PCR results on average daily weight gain was also highly significant (P < 0.0001). The serological reaction was detected by a blocking ELISA after infection but not after vaccination independent of treatment. The results indicate no influence of vaccination on applied diagnostic tests.