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Narrative Matters: Gustav Mahler – music as a source of meaning and healing in the face of adversity and inequality 叙事的重要性:古斯塔夫-马勒--面对逆境和不平等,音乐是意义和治愈的源泉。
IF 6.1 3区 医学 Q1 PEDIATRICS Pub Date : 2024-03-17 DOI: 10.1111/camh.12710
David Bentley, Glòria Durà-Vilà
<p>There is growing evidence for the value of music in helping those experiencing hardship to flourish and its role in the promotion of resilience (Gerber et al., <span>2014</span>; Viola et al., <span>2023</span>). Conversely, social inequality itself deprives lower-income communities of the multiple benefits associated with active music participation (Francisco Reyes, <span>2019</span>; Hughes, <span>2023</span>). In this paper, we will consider the significant adversity in the life of the composer Gustav Mahler and the protective role of his music. Mahler's music is inextricably bound up with his life, his beliefs and feelings. Mahler's attribution of meaning to his music acted as a sustaining and cathartic agent, enabling him to express, process, resolve and transform the suffering and loss faced from a very young age into sublime songs and symphonies.</p><p>With limited space, we can only touch the surface of the ideas and complex music under discussion. But, as we will show below, Mahler is an excellent example to illustrate the healing and transformative power of music: through the subjects of his compositions, and through the act of creation itself. A great composer, like Mahler, demonstrates this process more clearly, but it is relevant to everyone, regardless of their talent or expertise.</p><p>As an adult, Mahler had many losses and was afflicted by terrible grief: the death of his closest brother Ernst at the age of 13; his sister Leopoldine at the age of 26; and the suicide of his brother Otto at the age of 22. Mahler himself had serious health problems, sometimes life-threatening, throughout his life. However, perhaps most tragic of all, was the loss of his elder daughter Maria at the age of 4, in the summer of 1907.</p><p>This last event, along with the discovery of his own serious heart condition that same summer hung heavily over the remaining 4 years of the composer's life, and the last two symphonies, and what is arguably Mahler's masterpiece, <i>Das Lied von der Erde</i> (<i>The Song of the Earth</i>) are permeated by thoughts and images of death. He had a turbulent relationship with his wife Alma, which included her infidelity, and his last, unfinished Tenth Symphony, is as much about Mahler's reaction to and sublimation of the traumatic discovery of her affair with the architect Walter Gropius in 1910, as it is about death. This last work is a vital piece of evidence in understanding Mahler, the relationship of art to life, and the statements made at the start of this article.</p><p>The manuscript, in its unfinished state, preserves written comments, outbursts and messages which clearly relate the events of that summer to the music being composed, and the fact that the sketch was almost certainly composed during a narrow window of less than 8 weeks or so between July and September 1910, means we can relate the music to events in Mahler's life quite closely. The written exclamations, for example ‘Erbarmen!’ (‘Have mercy!’), ‘
越来越多的证据表明,音乐在帮助经历困难的人茁壮成长方面具有价值,并在促进复原力方面发挥着作用(Gerber 等人,2014 年;Viola 等人,2023 年)。相反,社会不平等本身也剥夺了低收入社区积极参与音乐活动的多重益处(Francisco Reyes,2019;Hughes,2023)。在本文中,我们将考虑作曲家古斯塔夫-马勒生命中的重大逆境及其音乐的保护作用。马勒的音乐与他的生活、信仰和情感密不可分。马勒将自己的音乐赋予了意义,使其成为一种支撑和宣泄剂,使他能够表达、处理、解决并将自幼面临的痛苦和损失转化为崇高的歌曲和交响乐。但是,正如我们将在下文所展示的,马勒是一个很好的例子,通过他的作品主题和创作行为本身,说明了音乐的治愈和转化力量。伟大的作曲家,如马勒,更清楚地展示了这一过程,但它与每个人都息息相关,无论其天赋或专长如何。成年后,马勒经历了许多损失,并被可怕的悲伤所折磨:他最亲近的哥哥恩斯特在 13 岁时去世;他的妹妹利奥波尔丁在 26 岁时去世;他的弟弟奥托在 22 岁时自杀。马勒本人一生都有严重的健康问题,有时甚至危及生命。1907年夏天,马勒失去了年仅4岁的大女儿玛丽亚。这最后一件事,加上同年夏天发现自己患有严重的心脏病,沉重地笼罩着作曲家余下的4年生活,最后两部交响曲以及马勒的代表作《大地之歌》(Das Lied von der Erde)都充满了死亡的思绪和意象。他与妻子阿尔玛的关系动荡不安,其中包括妻子的不忠,而他最后一部未完成的《第十交响曲》,既是马勒对妻子在 1910 年与建筑师瓦尔特-格罗皮乌斯(Walter Gropius)的婚外情被发现这一创伤的反应和升华,也是关于死亡的。这最后一部作品是理解马勒、艺术与生活的关系以及本文开头所述内容的重要证据。手稿在未完成的状态下保留了书面评论、爆发和信息,将那个夏天发生的事件与正在创作的音乐清晰地联系在一起,而且几乎可以肯定草图是在 1910 年 7 月至 9 月之间不到 8 周的狭窄时间内创作的,这意味着我们可以将音乐与马勒的生活事件紧密联系在一起。例如,"Erbarmen!"("发发慈悲吧!")、"für dich leben! für dich sterben!"("为你而生!为你而死!")等感叹词出现在同一段落、同一音乐构思的不同草稿中,这些感叹词并不是随意的抒发,而更像是贴在音乐上的标签,让我们可以深入了解音乐构思对作曲家的意义。鉴于马勒的作曲过程、音乐理念和主题在他的一生中始终保持着惊人的一致性,这个了解创作过程的窗口让我们能够将艺术与生活的关系推及马勒的其他作品。1860 年,马勒出生在波希米亚卡利希特(Kaliště)村一个出身卑微的下层家庭(祖母曾是街头小贩)。在他几个月大的时候,他们搬到了摩拉维亚的伊格劳(Jihlava)市,该市被称为 "捷克语摩拉维亚地区德国文化的绿洲"(de La Grange, 1976, p.9),属于波希米亚人中讲德语的少数群体;但他们是犹太人,这在早期引发了持续的流亡感,"总是一个入侵者,从不受欢迎"(Mahler, 1946, p.98)。年轻的古斯塔夫不得不与他的文化和宗教背景作斗争;即使在他取得成功时,反犹太主义也是他生活中的常态;1897 年,他皈依天主教,以获得维也纳霍夫歌剧院院长的职位。在他的 13 个兄弟姐妹中,只有 6 个活了下来(Gartenberg, 1978, pp.18-19)。在古斯塔夫 14 岁时,他的哥哥恩斯特因病去世。这对他来说尤其艰难。人们不禁要问,马勒是如何面对如此多的悲剧和逆境的?他从小就发现了音乐,音乐为他打开了一扇通向坚韧和意义的大门,是他一生对抗荒凉和绝望的盔甲。他在祖父的阁楼上发现了一架 "玩具 "钢琴,三岁时就能凭记忆弹奏他听过的曲调(de La Grange,1976 年,第 14-15 页)。 音乐不仅是他逃避情感和心理痛苦的 "世界",也是他表达和超越痛苦的途径。他在自己的音乐中寻求庇护,同时也吸收在街头听到的音乐:民歌、流行音乐和当地军乐队的进行曲。如果说交响曲具有这些特点,似乎主要涉及 "大 "问题--生与死、自然的等级、救赎--那么它们的大部分素材则来自马勒自己的歌曲(事实上,讨论马勒的歌曲与交响曲中对它们的再加工或再利用之间的复杂关系本身就是一个话题)。这些歌曲通常涉及简单的主题或故事:年轻的恋人、淘气的孩子(以及如何让他们变得乖巧!)、会说话的动物的童话世界,以及表面上 "儿童 "文学中经常出现的阴暗面。对一个以哲学、诗歌和小说为重的人来说,没有为 "伟大 "作家的作品配乐(第八交响曲第二部分为歌德的《浮士德》最后一幕配乐除外),而是用民间诗歌集《Des Knaben Wunderhorn》(来自青年的魔角)来创作大部分歌曲,这一点很能说明问题。我们相信,成年后的马勒通过 Wunderhorn 诗歌中时而简单、时而黑暗的世界,找回了自己曾经的童心。另一个主要的文本来源是诗人弗里德里希-吕克特(Friedrich Rückert),尤其是他创作的《儿童死亡之歌》(Kindertotenlieder),马勒在第一个孩子出生后创作了这首歌曲,这显然引发了他对童年死亡经历的回忆。尽管他早熟的音乐能力毋庸置疑,但他的学习成绩并不总是很好,被描述为一个差生(Gartenberg, 1978, p.7)。这则轶事让我们会心一笑,因为它显示了一个小男孩如此坚定的决心和对糟糕音乐的不容忍(这一点他一直保留到成年),以及缺乏社会意识和啄食秩序,并可能对噪音高度敏感:当马勒 "藏在母亲的裙子里 "第一次去犹太教堂时,他冲出来大喊 "安静!安静!"!安静!安静!1910 年,马勒在接受弗洛伊德的咨询时,回忆起童年的一段痛苦记忆,当时他的父母正在激烈争吵。他逃到外面的街道上,那里有一架木桶风琴正在演奏《Ach, du Lieber Augustin》,他显然将这种情况归因于他的音乐中流行甚至平庸的元素的侵入,即使是在高度紧张的时刻(Gartenberg, 1978, p.173)。十几岁时,他因挚爱的弟弟恩斯特去世,开始创作歌剧《Herzog Ernst von Schwaben》,作为对弟弟的纪念;音乐和剧本均未流传下来(Gartenberg, 1978 年,第 6 页,第 220 页)。不过,我们有他于 1880 年完成的大合唱《Das klagende Lied》,讲述的是一个人谋杀了自己的兄弟,当他吹起用被杀兄弟的骸骨制成的笛子时,他的背叛行为被揭露,笛子唱出了真相。音乐揭示了真相;一个幸存者对死去兄弟姐妹的愧疚。马勒需要通过音乐来表达他的人生经历,尤其是最痛苦、最艰难的经历,这一点在他具有很高文学价值的书信中得到了明确的阐述,摘录如下:我需要用音乐、用交响乐来表达自己,这种需要只始于朦胧的情感领域,始于通往 "另一个世界 "的大门,在那里,事物不再被时间和空间所毁灭"(de La Grange, 1976, p.357)。对他来说,这种需求很早就开始了。在他的最后一部作品《第十交响曲》中,音乐甚至手稿都证明了音乐,尤其是音乐创作,是如何让马勒化解创作前所经历的创伤,并在最后一小节中获得深沉的平静。
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引用次数: 0
Factors that impact mental health help-seeking in Australian adolescents: a life-course and socioecological perspective 影响澳大利亚青少年寻求心理健康帮助的因素:生命历程和社会生态学视角。
IF 6.1 3区 医学 Q1 PEDIATRICS Pub Date : 2024-03-17 DOI: 10.1111/camh.12694
Shuaijun Guo, Sharon Goldfeld, Lisa Mundy


Help-seeking provides opportunities for early prevention and intervention of mental health problems. However, little is known about factors that impact help-seeking from a life-course and socioecological perspective. This study aimed to examine factors that impact adolescents' formal and informal help-seeking in three population groups: the whole population, adolescents with depressive symptoms and adolescents with anxiety symptoms.


We drew on data from the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children birth cohort. Participants were followed from birth to 14–15 years. Based on previous literature and life-course and socioecological models, we measured a range of factors at individual and family, interpersonal and community levels at three time points (0–1 year, 4–5 years and 12–13 years). Outcomes at 14–15 years were help-seeking behaviours divided into three categories (formal help from health professionals, close informal help from friends and family members and broad informal help from other sources). Generalised linear models with logit-binomial links were used.


There were varying and common patterns of influencing factors across the three population groups and sources of help-seeking. In the whole population, five common factors (female, previous depressive or anxiety symptoms, discrimination and bully victimisation) were associated with all three sources of help-seeking. Among adolescents with depressive or anxiety symptoms, four common barriers to help-seeking were male adolescents, speaking a language other than English, having poor relationships with peers and less social support.


Both intrinsic and extrinsic barriers exist for adolescents' mental health help-seeking. There are priority groups of adolescents with mental health problems who are unlikely to seek support and warrant attention. There is a need for multisector collaborations to address barriers to mental health care and promote help-seeking among adolescents.

背景:寻求帮助为早期预防和干预心理健康问题提供了机会。然而,从生命历程和社会生态学的角度来看,人们对影响求助的因素知之甚少。本研究旨在探讨影响青少年正式和非正式求助的因素,包括三个人群:全体人口、有抑郁症状的青少年和有焦虑症状的青少年:我们利用了澳大利亚儿童出生队列纵向研究的数据。我们对参与者从出生到 14-15 岁的整个过程进行了跟踪调查。根据以往的文献以及生命历程和社会生态模型,我们在三个时间点(0-1 岁、4-5 岁和 12-13 岁)测量了个人、家庭、人际和社区层面的一系列因素。14-15 岁时的结果是求助行为,分为三类(来自医疗专业人员的正式帮助、来自朋友和家人的密切非正式帮助以及来自其他来源的广泛非正式帮助)。研究采用了具有对数-二项式联系的广义线性模型:在三个人群和求助来源中,影响因素既有差异,也有共性。在所有人群中,有五个共同因素(女性、既往抑郁或焦虑症状、歧视和受欺凌)与所有三个求助来源相关。在有抑郁或焦虑症状的青少年中,四种常见的求助障碍分别是男性青少年、讲英语以外的语言、与同伴关系不好以及社会支持较少:结论:青少年在心理健康求助方面存在内在和外在障碍。有心理健康问题的青少年中,有一些重点人群不太可能寻求支持,他们值得关注。有必要开展多部门合作,以解决青少年在心理健康护理方面遇到的障碍,并促进他们寻求帮助。
{"title":"Factors that impact mental health help-seeking in Australian adolescents: a life-course and socioecological perspective","authors":"Shuaijun Guo,&nbsp;Sharon Goldfeld,&nbsp;Lisa Mundy","doi":"10.1111/camh.12694","DOIUrl":"10.1111/camh.12694","url":null,"abstract":"<div>\u0000 \u0000 <section>\u0000 \u0000 <h3> Background</h3>\u0000 \u0000 <p>Help-seeking provides opportunities for early prevention and intervention of mental health problems. However, little is known about factors that impact help-seeking from a life-course and socioecological perspective. This study aimed to examine factors that impact adolescents' formal and informal help-seeking in three population groups: the whole population, adolescents with depressive symptoms and adolescents with anxiety symptoms.</p>\u0000 </section>\u0000 \u0000 <section>\u0000 \u0000 <h3> Methods</h3>\u0000 \u0000 <p>We drew on data from the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children birth cohort. Participants were followed from birth to 14–15 years. Based on previous literature and life-course and socioecological models, we measured a range of factors at individual and family, interpersonal and community levels at three time points (0–1 year, 4–5 years and 12–13 years). Outcomes at 14–15 years were help-seeking behaviours divided into three categories (formal help from health professionals, close informal help from friends and family members and broad informal help from other sources). Generalised linear models with logit-binomial links were used.</p>\u0000 </section>\u0000 \u0000 <section>\u0000 \u0000 <h3> Results</h3>\u0000 \u0000 <p>There were varying and common patterns of influencing factors across the three population groups and sources of help-seeking. In the whole population, five common factors (female, previous depressive or anxiety symptoms, discrimination and bully victimisation) were associated with all three sources of help-seeking. Among adolescents with depressive or anxiety symptoms, four common barriers to help-seeking were male adolescents, speaking a language other than English, having poor relationships with peers and less social support.</p>\u0000 </section>\u0000 \u0000 <section>\u0000 \u0000 <h3> Conclusion</h3>\u0000 \u0000 <p>Both intrinsic and extrinsic barriers exist for adolescents' mental health help-seeking. There are priority groups of adolescents with mental health problems who are unlikely to seek support and warrant attention. There is a need for multisector collaborations to address barriers to mental health care and promote help-seeking among adolescents.</p>\u0000 </section>\u0000 </div>","PeriodicalId":49291,"journal":{"name":"Child and Adolescent Mental Health","volume":"29 2","pages":"170-180"},"PeriodicalIF":6.1,"publicationDate":"2024-03-17","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"140144446","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":3,"RegionCategory":"医学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Debate: Involuntary treatment and detention are a necessary part of mental health care for children and young people – a perspective from an Independent Advocate in England, United Kingdom 辩论:非自愿治疗和拘留是儿童和青少年精神健康护理的必要组成部分--英国英格兰独立辩护律师的观点。
IF 6.1 3区 医学 Q1 PEDIATRICS Pub Date : 2024-03-15 DOI: 10.1111/camh.12711
Sam Young

This is a perspective from an Independent Advocate in England, United Kingdom on the importance of equality in the involuntary treatment of children and young people (CYP). The article highlights the need for safeguards when CYP require detention as part of their mental health care. The paper raises concern that CYP and their families who are less empowered to advocate for optimal care plans may be at risk of less satisfactory outcomes from mental health detention. It notes that CYP in the care system may be particularly vulnerable to such outcomes due to their lower levels empowerment. To mitigate this risk, services need to be proactive in reducing inequity arising from differential levels of empowerment among service users. This could be achieved by adopting strong participation and coproduction activities and ensuring access to Advocacy services for all CYP.

{"title":"Debate: Involuntary treatment and detention are a necessary part of mental health care for children and young people – a perspective from an Independent Advocate in England, United Kingdom","authors":"Sam Young","doi":"10.1111/camh.12711","DOIUrl":"10.1111/camh.12711","url":null,"abstract":"<p>This is a perspective from an Independent Advocate in England, United Kingdom on the importance of equality in the involuntary treatment of children and young people (CYP). The article highlights the need for safeguards when CYP require detention as part of their mental health care. The paper raises concern that CYP and their families who are less empowered to advocate for optimal care plans may be at risk of less satisfactory outcomes from mental health detention. It notes that CYP in the care system may be particularly vulnerable to such outcomes due to their lower levels empowerment. To mitigate this risk, services need to be proactive in reducing inequity arising from differential levels of empowerment among service users. This could be achieved by adopting strong participation and coproduction activities and ensuring access to Advocacy services for all CYP.</p>","PeriodicalId":49291,"journal":{"name":"Child and Adolescent Mental Health","volume":"29 2","pages":"209-210"},"PeriodicalIF":6.1,"publicationDate":"2024-03-15","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"140132993","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":3,"RegionCategory":"医学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Debate: Involuntary treatment and detention are a necessary part of mental health care – a perspective from low and middle-income countries 辩论:非自愿治疗和拘留是精神保健的必要组成部分--来自中低收入国家的观点。
IF 6.1 3区 医学 Q1 PEDIATRICS Pub Date : 2024-03-14 DOI: 10.1111/camh.12701
Cornelius Ani, Jibril Abdulmalik

Mental health care is underpinned by human rights. However, certain mental health presentations can be associated with increased risk to self or others. Thus, appropriate and effective care plan to mitigate the risk may include a temporary restriction of the person's human rights. Legal frameworks are required to ensure appropriate safeguards for the affected person, and clarity about boundaries of necessity and proportionality for clinicians. The restriction needs to be proportionate, for the shortest possible period, done in a humane manner, and in a safe environment. Effective early mental interventions can reduce need for human right restrictions by preventing acute escalations in risk-related behaviours. While these principles apply across all regions, we discuss the particular circumstances in low and middle-income countries.

{"title":"Debate: Involuntary treatment and detention are a necessary part of mental health care – a perspective from low and middle-income countries","authors":"Cornelius Ani,&nbsp;Jibril Abdulmalik","doi":"10.1111/camh.12701","DOIUrl":"10.1111/camh.12701","url":null,"abstract":"<p>Mental health care is underpinned by human rights. However, certain mental health presentations can be associated with increased risk to self or others. Thus, appropriate and effective care plan to mitigate the risk may include a temporary restriction of the person's human rights. Legal frameworks are required to ensure appropriate safeguards for the affected person, and clarity about boundaries of necessity and proportionality for clinicians. The restriction needs to be proportionate, for the shortest possible period, done in a humane manner, and in a safe environment. Effective early mental interventions can reduce need for human right restrictions by preventing acute escalations in risk-related behaviours. While these principles apply across all regions, we discuss the particular circumstances in low and middle-income countries.</p>","PeriodicalId":49291,"journal":{"name":"Child and Adolescent Mental Health","volume":"29 2","pages":"203-205"},"PeriodicalIF":6.1,"publicationDate":"2024-03-14","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/camh.12701","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"140132992","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":3,"RegionCategory":"医学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Debate: Involuntary treatment and detention are a necessary part of mental health care for children and young people 辩论:非自愿治疗和拘留是儿童和青少年心理保健的必要组成部分。
IF 6.1 3区 医学 Q1 PEDIATRICS Pub Date : 2024-03-12 DOI: 10.1111/camh.12703
Susan Walker

People of all ages are subject to involuntary psychiatric detention and treatment worldwide but there is current discussion about whether this complies with modern human rights law. The use of involuntary psychiatric hospitalisation among children and young people has largely eschewed research and policy interest to date. In this debate section, we hear from people with experience of child mental health services in the UK, USA and low- and middle-income countries about their views on the use of involuntary treatment in young people.

{"title":"Debate: Involuntary treatment and detention are a necessary part of mental health care for children and young people","authors":"Susan Walker","doi":"10.1111/camh.12703","DOIUrl":"10.1111/camh.12703","url":null,"abstract":"<p>People of all ages are subject to involuntary psychiatric detention and treatment worldwide but there is current discussion about whether this complies with modern human rights law. The use of involuntary psychiatric hospitalisation among children and young people has largely eschewed research and policy interest to date. In this debate section, we hear from people with experience of child mental health services in the UK, USA and low- and middle-income countries about their views on the use of involuntary treatment in young people.</p>","PeriodicalId":49291,"journal":{"name":"Child and Adolescent Mental Health","volume":"29 2","pages":"200-202"},"PeriodicalIF":6.1,"publicationDate":"2024-03-12","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/camh.12703","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"140111954","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":3,"RegionCategory":"医学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Debate: Involuntary treatment – not whether, but when and what else is needed 辩论:非自愿治疗--不是是否需要,而是何时需要,还需要什么。
IF 6.1 3区 医学 Q1 PEDIATRICS Pub Date : 2024-03-12 DOI: 10.1111/camh.12700
Jon McClellan

Involuntary treatment is a complex dialectic balancing self-autonomy and the individual's right to consent to treatment with society's duty to protect those suffering from severe mental illness who are at risk of causing harm to themselves or others. When necessary, involuntary treatment should provide evidence-based and medically justified care, with sufficient oversight and due process to protect the rights of patients. Clinically, the issue is not whether involuntary treatment should ever be used, but rather what other services are needed to enhance the quality of care within comprehensive community systems of care, thus limiting or preventing the need for involuntary interventions while also improving the outcomes of individuals affected by severe mental illness.

非自愿治疗是一个复杂的辩证法,既要平衡患者的自主权和个人同意接受治疗的权利,又 要平衡社会保护那些有可能对自己或他人造成伤害的严重精神疾病患者的责任。在必要的情况下,非自愿治疗应提供以证据为基础的、医学上合理的治疗,并有足够的 监督和正当程序来保护患者的权利。在临床上,问题不在于是否应该使用非自愿治疗,而在于还需要哪些服务来提高社区综合护理系统的护理质量,从而限制或防止对非自愿干预的需求,同时改善受严重精神疾病影响的个人的治疗效果。
{"title":"Debate: Involuntary treatment – not whether, but when and what else is needed","authors":"Jon McClellan","doi":"10.1111/camh.12700","DOIUrl":"10.1111/camh.12700","url":null,"abstract":"<p>Involuntary treatment is a complex dialectic balancing self-autonomy and the individual's right to consent to treatment with society's duty to protect those suffering from severe mental illness who are at risk of causing harm to themselves or others. When necessary, involuntary treatment should provide evidence-based and medically justified care, with sufficient oversight and due process to protect the rights of patients. Clinically, the issue is not whether involuntary treatment should ever be used, but rather what other services are needed to enhance the quality of care within comprehensive community systems of care, thus limiting or preventing the need for involuntary interventions while also improving the outcomes of individuals affected by severe mental illness.</p>","PeriodicalId":49291,"journal":{"name":"Child and Adolescent Mental Health","volume":"29 2","pages":"206-208"},"PeriodicalIF":6.1,"publicationDate":"2024-03-12","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"140111953","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":3,"RegionCategory":"医学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Understanding the impact of children's and young people's self-harm on parental well-being: a systematic literature review of qualitative and quantitative findings 了解儿童和青少年自我伤害对父母福祉的影响:定性和定量研究结果的系统性文献综述。
IF 6.8 3区 医学 Q1 PEDIATRICS Pub Date : 2024-02-16 DOI: 10.1111/camh.12692
Faith Martin, Anne Ferrey, Laura Hobbs, Karen Lascelles, Suzanne van Even, Thomas Oliver


Self-harm in children and young people is increasing. Parents are vital in supporting young people; however, parents may experience distress linked to the self-harm. Previous reviews have highlighted the emotional impact and need for information and support, however, have not elucidated the relationships between these themes, nor examined the quantitative data examining parents' well-being.


We conducted a mixed methods review, with qualitative meta-synthesis focusing on links between themes and quantitative synthesis of parental well-being findings, including pooled means. PsycInfo, Medline, EMBASE, AMED, CINHAL and Web of Science were searched to identify relevant records. References of included studies were also searched. Every abstract was screened by two authors. Data were extracted by one author and checked by another.


We identified 39 reports of 32 studies: 16 with qualitative data and 17 with quantitative data (one had both). Qualitative findings showed how parents' emotions were associated to their knowledge and beliefs about self-harm. Parents' emotions often evidenced the need to self-care, but emotions of guilt reduced engagement in self-care. How parents supported their young person was linked to their knowledge, and the management of their own emotions, and influenced if they could engage in self-care. Quantitative findings were mixed, however suggested poor general mental health amongst these parents.


Further good quality quantitative studies are needed, with measurement of psychological mechanisms that may underpin parental distress. Current evidence supports peer-support and interventions that go beyond information provision to address the connected factors of knowledge, emotion, self-care, and parenting behaviours.

背景:儿童和青少年自我伤害现象日益增多。父母在支持青少年方面起着至关重要的作用;然而,父母可能会因自我伤害而感到痛苦。以前的综述强调了情绪影响以及对信息和支持的需求,但没有阐明这些主题之间的关系,也没有研究父母福祉的定量数据:我们采用混合方法进行了综述,其中定性的元综合侧重于各主题之间的联系,定量的综合侧重于父母幸福感的调查结果,包括汇总的平均值。我们检索了 PsycInfo、Medline、EMBASE、AMED、CINHAL 和 Web of Science,以确定相关记录。此外,还检索了纳入研究的参考文献。每份摘要均由两位作者进行筛选。数据由一位作者提取,另一位作者核对:我们确定了 32 项研究的 39 份报告:结果:我们确定了 32 项研究中的 39 篇报告:16 篇提供了定性数据,17 篇提供了定量数据(其中一篇同时提供了定性和定量数据)。定性研究结果表明,家长的情绪与他们对自我伤害的认识和信念有关。父母的情绪往往证明了自我护理的必要性,但内疚的情绪会降低自我护理的参与度。父母如何支持他们的孩子与他们的知识和自身情绪管理有关,并影响着他们能否参与自我护理。定量研究结果参差不齐,但表明这些家长的总体心理健康状况较差:结论:需要进一步开展高质量的定量研究,对可能导致父母痛苦的心理机制进行测量。目前的证据表明,同伴支持和干预措施不仅能提供信息,还能解决知识、情感、自我保健和养育行为等相关因素。
{"title":"Understanding the impact of children's and young people's self-harm on parental well-being: a systematic literature review of qualitative and quantitative findings","authors":"Faith Martin,&nbsp;Anne Ferrey,&nbsp;Laura Hobbs,&nbsp;Karen Lascelles,&nbsp;Suzanne van Even,&nbsp;Thomas Oliver","doi":"10.1111/camh.12692","DOIUrl":"10.1111/camh.12692","url":null,"abstract":"<div>\u0000 \u0000 <section>\u0000 \u0000 <h3> Background</h3>\u0000 \u0000 <p>Self-harm in children and young people is increasing. Parents are vital in supporting young people; however, parents may experience distress linked to the self-harm. Previous reviews have highlighted the emotional impact and need for information and support, however, have not elucidated the relationships between these themes, nor examined the quantitative data examining parents' well-being.</p>\u0000 </section>\u0000 \u0000 <section>\u0000 \u0000 <h3> Methods</h3>\u0000 \u0000 <p>We conducted a mixed methods review, with qualitative meta-synthesis focusing on links between themes and quantitative synthesis of parental well-being findings, including pooled means. PsycInfo, Medline, EMBASE, AMED, CINHAL and Web of Science were searched to identify relevant records. References of included studies were also searched. Every abstract was screened by two authors. Data were extracted by one author and checked by another.</p>\u0000 </section>\u0000 \u0000 <section>\u0000 \u0000 <h3> Results</h3>\u0000 \u0000 <p>We identified 39 reports of 32 studies: 16 with qualitative data and 17 with quantitative data (one had both). Qualitative findings showed how parents' emotions were associated to their knowledge and beliefs about self-harm. Parents' emotions often evidenced the need to self-care, but emotions of guilt reduced engagement in self-care. How parents supported their young person was linked to their knowledge, and the management of their own emotions, and influenced if they could engage in self-care. Quantitative findings were mixed, however suggested poor general mental health amongst these parents.</p>\u0000 </section>\u0000 \u0000 <section>\u0000 \u0000 <h3> Conclusions</h3>\u0000 \u0000 <p>Further good quality quantitative studies are needed, with measurement of psychological mechanisms that may underpin parental distress. Current evidence supports peer-support and interventions that go beyond information provision to address the connected factors of knowledge, emotion, self-care, and parenting behaviours.</p>\u0000 </section>\u0000 </div>","PeriodicalId":49291,"journal":{"name":"Child and Adolescent Mental Health","volume":"29 4","pages":"371-384"},"PeriodicalIF":6.8,"publicationDate":"2024-02-16","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/camh.12692","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"139742460","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":3,"RegionCategory":"医学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Debate: ‘Neurodiversity’ – has it outrun its usefulness? 辩论:"神经多样性"--是否已失去作用?
IF 6.8 3区 医学 Q1 PEDIATRICS Pub Date : 2024-02-09 DOI: 10.1111/camh.12684
Richard Fry
{"title":"Debate: ‘Neurodiversity’ – has it outrun its usefulness?","authors":"Richard Fry","doi":"10.1111/camh.12684","DOIUrl":"10.1111/camh.12684","url":null,"abstract":"","PeriodicalId":49291,"journal":{"name":"Child and Adolescent Mental Health","volume":"29 3","pages":"314-315"},"PeriodicalIF":6.8,"publicationDate":"2024-02-09","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"139713262","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":3,"RegionCategory":"医学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Clinical research updates 临床研究最新进展。
IF 6.1 3区 医学 Q1 PEDIATRICS Pub Date : 2024-01-18 DOI: 10.1111/camh.12687
Marinos Kyriakopoulos, Ioannis Rokas, Vasiliki Kokkinakou, Katerina Tselika
<p>Ioannis Rokas</p><p>National and Kapodistrian University of Athens</p><p>Psychosis risk identification has been a major focus of psychiatric research for the past 25 years, with the ultra high-risk or clinical high-risk (CHR) approach, based on psychotic symptoms, being the dominant paradigm. However, the CHR approach identifies only a small proportion (4.4%–13.7%) of individuals at risk for psychosis. An alternative approach is to investigate systems where psychosis risk factors are concentrated during childhood. Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) could be a high-risk system for psychosis and bipolar disorder when attendees are followed into adulthood.</p><p>Lang et al. (2022) conducted a longitudinal study of all Finns (<i>N</i> = 59,476) born in 1987, using data from the nationwide 1987 Finnish Birth Cohort study, until 2015, in order to explore this hypothesis. The study involved 55,875 individuals (48.5% females), with 12.5% having one or more contacts with CAMHS in childhood or adolescence and 4% having at least one inpatient CAMHS admission. The authors found that 12.8% of all individuals who attended CAMHS during childhood or adolescence received a diagnosis of a psychotic or bipolar disorder by the age of 28 years, compared to 1.8% of the rest of the population (OR = 7.9, 95% CI: 7.2–8.7). This risk was much higher when individuals had at least one inpatient CAMHS admission (24%). More than one third of young people with a first CAMHS inpatient admission when aged 13–17 years had been diagnosed with psychosis or bipolar disorder by the age of 28 years. In nearly 60% of these cases, the diagnosis was first made later in life, on average 3 years after the initial contact. In addition, at least half of all individuals diagnosed with psychosis or bipolar disorder by the age of 28 years had, at some point in their childhood or adolescence, attended specialist CAMHS. Just 16.6% of these psychosis or bipolar disorder cases were diagnosed within 3 months of first attending outpatient CAMHS or on first inpatient CAMHS admission. For the majority (83.4%), the median time from first CAMHS contact to psychosis or bipolar diagnosis was >6 years. Individuals who attended CAMHS but received no mental disorder diagnosis within the first 3 months (when this was assessed) had an equally high risk of psychosis and bipolar disorder as individuals who did receive a diagnosis. A diagnosis of mood disorder and disruptive behavior disorder, at that time point, was associated with increased risk and a diagnosis of neurodevelopmental disorders with reduced risk of developing psychosis or bipolar disorder.</p><p>A key strength of this study was the use of total population and official service data. It highlights the elevated risk of future diagnosis of psychosis or bipolar disorder among children and young people attending CAMHS, especially those who require inpatient admission. One limitation of the study is that except for psychosis and bi
通过平行过程成长混合模型,作者确定了三个等级:一个等级在所有评估年龄段的多动症-自闭症特征水平都很低(87%),一个等级显示出从童年到青春期多动症-自闭症特征下降的轨迹(6%),一个等级表现出晚期多动症-自闭症特征(6%)。与前一种情况相比,后两种情况与更多的情绪和行为问题、低智商和儿童期癫痫发作有关。值得注意的是,儿童/青少年下降班的早产发生率最高,为 8%(其他班级为 5%),而且男性比例更高。与低稳定度组相比,症状下降组和症状晚发组的低家庭收入发生率更高,各年龄段出现同伴相关问题的可能性更大,25 岁时未接受教育、就业或培训的人数更多。此外,与其他组别相比,情绪、行为和同伴问题在儿童期的下降组别中更为普遍,但在青年期的晚发组中更为普遍。在两个非典型班级中都发现了 ADHD PGS 升高的现象。晚期崛起类表现出精神分裂症 PGS 升高和执行功能 PGS 降低,而衰退类则表现出广泛抑郁症 PGS 升高。这项研究强调了自闭症和多动症特征在儿童期到成年早期的平行共同发展。值得注意的是,在非典型发育亚群中,这些特征之间的相关性随着年龄的增长而增强。这表明临床医生需要重新评估整个生命周期的神经发育合并症,而不仅仅是在最初的儿童期评估。该研究的局限性包括:SCDC 只关注社交和沟通障碍;由于依赖于家长报告的测量方法,可能会产生评分者效应;队列中的非随机减员;以及对多重测试和潜在假阳性关联的担忧。总之,该研究发现了普通人群中多动症和自闭症特征的异质性轨迹,展示了多种并发模式和发育相关性。对这些模式的了解可能会对自闭症或多动症患者从童年到成年的临床跟踪实践产生重大影响。Shakeshaft, A., Heron, J., Blakey, R., Riglin, L., Davey Smith, G., Stergiakouli, E., ... &amp; Thapar, A. (2023).从童年到成年早期,注意缺陷多动障碍和自闭症特征轨迹的共同发展。Katerina Tselika雅典国立和卡波迪斯特里安大学有多项证据表明,体育活动有利于儿童的认知发展,并可能对他们的执行功能和语言使用产生积极影响。Olive 等人(2023 年)研究了积极早期学习(AEL)体育干预是否能改善儿童在工作记忆、抑制、注意力转移等方面的执行功能,以及是否能增加他们的表达词汇量。他们还测量了体育活动的强度(轻度或重度)是否会影响 AEL 对儿童执行功能和语言发展的影响。在这项研究中,170 名 3-5 岁学龄前儿童(平均年龄 4.27 岁)接受了干预,144 名儿童(平均年龄 4.32 岁)为对照组。样本从澳大利亚昆士兰州东南部和新南威尔士州北部的 16 所私立托儿所中招募。AEL 计划为期 6 个月,主要由 AEL 教练负责协调和实施。AEL 教练接受了研究人员的适当培训,他们负责实施该计划并培训各中心的教育工作者。AEL 干预活动包括与儿童生理、心理、社会和认知发展有关的各种活动,包括小组/垫子时间和不同活动之间的过渡、运动教育以及跨学科运动教育,如图书阅读和自由游戏。研究人员在计划开始前和 6 个月后对儿童的执行功能和表达词汇量进行了评估。体育锻炼的强度是通过每个孩子连续三天佩戴在臀部右侧的弹性腰带上的加速度计来测量的。数据是通过 AEL 教练必须保存的每日在线日志和教育工作者必须在挂图上完成的每日干预活动记录收集的。
{"title":"Clinical research updates","authors":"Marinos Kyriakopoulos,&nbsp;Ioannis Rokas,&nbsp;Vasiliki Kokkinakou,&nbsp;Katerina Tselika","doi":"10.1111/camh.12687","DOIUrl":"10.1111/camh.12687","url":null,"abstract":"&lt;p&gt;Ioannis Rokas&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;National and Kapodistrian University of Athens&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Psychosis risk identification has been a major focus of psychiatric research for the past 25 years, with the ultra high-risk or clinical high-risk (CHR) approach, based on psychotic symptoms, being the dominant paradigm. However, the CHR approach identifies only a small proportion (4.4%–13.7%) of individuals at risk for psychosis. An alternative approach is to investigate systems where psychosis risk factors are concentrated during childhood. Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) could be a high-risk system for psychosis and bipolar disorder when attendees are followed into adulthood.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Lang et al. (2022) conducted a longitudinal study of all Finns (&lt;i&gt;N&lt;/i&gt; = 59,476) born in 1987, using data from the nationwide 1987 Finnish Birth Cohort study, until 2015, in order to explore this hypothesis. The study involved 55,875 individuals (48.5% females), with 12.5% having one or more contacts with CAMHS in childhood or adolescence and 4% having at least one inpatient CAMHS admission. The authors found that 12.8% of all individuals who attended CAMHS during childhood or adolescence received a diagnosis of a psychotic or bipolar disorder by the age of 28 years, compared to 1.8% of the rest of the population (OR = 7.9, 95% CI: 7.2–8.7). This risk was much higher when individuals had at least one inpatient CAMHS admission (24%). More than one third of young people with a first CAMHS inpatient admission when aged 13–17 years had been diagnosed with psychosis or bipolar disorder by the age of 28 years. In nearly 60% of these cases, the diagnosis was first made later in life, on average 3 years after the initial contact. In addition, at least half of all individuals diagnosed with psychosis or bipolar disorder by the age of 28 years had, at some point in their childhood or adolescence, attended specialist CAMHS. Just 16.6% of these psychosis or bipolar disorder cases were diagnosed within 3 months of first attending outpatient CAMHS or on first inpatient CAMHS admission. For the majority (83.4%), the median time from first CAMHS contact to psychosis or bipolar diagnosis was &gt;6 years. Individuals who attended CAMHS but received no mental disorder diagnosis within the first 3 months (when this was assessed) had an equally high risk of psychosis and bipolar disorder as individuals who did receive a diagnosis. A diagnosis of mood disorder and disruptive behavior disorder, at that time point, was associated with increased risk and a diagnosis of neurodevelopmental disorders with reduced risk of developing psychosis or bipolar disorder.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;A key strength of this study was the use of total population and official service data. It highlights the elevated risk of future diagnosis of psychosis or bipolar disorder among children and young people attending CAMHS, especially those who require inpatient admission. One limitation of the study is that except for psychosis and bi","PeriodicalId":49291,"journal":{"name":"Child and Adolescent Mental Health","volume":"29 1","pages":"119-121"},"PeriodicalIF":6.1,"publicationDate":"2024-01-18","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/camh.12687","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"139492599","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":3,"RegionCategory":"医学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Editorial: The need for more effective school-based youth mental health interventions 社论:需要更有效的校本青少年心理健康干预措施。
IF 6.1 3区 医学 Q1 PEDIATRICS Pub Date : 2023-12-23 DOI: 10.1111/camh.12688
Tycho J. Dekkers, Marjolein Luman

An important setting to detect youth mental health problems and provide interventions is the school context, but effective and affordable school-based interventions are scarce and implementation of the available evidence-based interventions is limited. In this editorial, we highlight three issues and propose a research agenda. First, we emphasize that many of the mental health interventions currently used in school settings lack a solid evidence base. Second, we outline that high-quality studies are needed to determine what works, for whom it works and under which circumstances. This includes insight into the most effective intervention elements, subgroups of students who profit more or less from these interventions, and the most effective modes of delivery. These questions should drive our research agenda on school-based mental health interventions. Finally, while answering these pivotal questions, a collaborative multidisciplinary effort should be made to implement school-based interventions with a solid evidence base, which involves, among others, studying how this can be done most effectively.

{"title":"Editorial: The need for more effective school-based youth mental health interventions","authors":"Tycho J. Dekkers,&nbsp;Marjolein Luman","doi":"10.1111/camh.12688","DOIUrl":"10.1111/camh.12688","url":null,"abstract":"<p>An important setting to detect youth mental health problems and provide interventions is the school context, but effective and affordable school-based interventions are scarce and implementation of the available evidence-based interventions is limited. In this editorial, we highlight three issues and propose a research agenda. First, we emphasize that many of the mental health interventions currently used in school settings lack a solid evidence base. Second, we outline that high-quality studies are needed to determine what works, for whom it works and under which circumstances. This includes insight into the most effective intervention elements, subgroups of students who profit more or less from these interventions, and the most effective modes of delivery. These questions should drive our research agenda on school-based mental health interventions. Finally, while answering these pivotal questions, a collaborative multidisciplinary effort should be made to implement school-based interventions with a solid evidence base, which involves, among others, studying how this can be done most effectively.</p>","PeriodicalId":49291,"journal":{"name":"Child and Adolescent Mental Health","volume":"29 1","pages":"1-3"},"PeriodicalIF":6.1,"publicationDate":"2023-12-23","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/camh.12688","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"138886331","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":3,"RegionCategory":"医学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Child and Adolescent Mental Health
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