Two computational strategies for the evaluation of the spherical harmonic coefficients of the gravitational potential due to a generally shaped homogeneous polyhedral source are examined in detail. The techniques are implemented numerically for the known asteroid shape models of Eros and Didymos. The aim of the investigation is to quantify specific numerical aspects of the two algorithms, such as the accuracy of the techniques compared to a closed analytical solution for varying distance between source and computation point, the band-limited spectral analysis of the obtained spherical harmonic models and the convergence behavior of the corresponding series expansion in the vicinity of the characteristic Brillouin sphere. From a computational point of view, the line integral approach demands approximately three times the CPU time of Werner’s method. The two sets of spherical harmonic coefficients are 100% correlated up to degree 45 for Eros and up to degree 49 for Didymos. Approaching degree 100, the correlation by degree decreases by 0.0004% for Eros and by 0.004% for Didymos, the corresponding values for the correlation by order being 0.0002% and 0.304%. Inside the Brillouin sphere and approaching its boundary, the numerical agreement of the gravitational potential between the line integral method and the analytical solution is at the 1E-4 level, while with Werner’s approach at the 1E-7 level. At a distance of 33.5 km outside the Brillouin sphere for Eros and 2.2 km for Didymos, both methods are identical, reaching an agreement level with the analytical solution of 1E-11 level for Eros and 1E-14 for Didymos. In terms of spherical harmonic representation, the series defined by the line integral approach converges faster to the analytical value for the gravitational potential by 4 degrees.