Despite the close interactions between carbon (C) and nutrients like nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), the consequences of N fertilization alone or in combination with P and K on soil organic matter (SOM) chemical composition remain unclear. Using solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy data from 45 field studies, we meta-analyzed the effects of N alone and NPK fertilization on SOM content and chemical composition. Generally, mineral fertilization affects the SOM content and composition via three indirect processes: i) increasing litter input and rhizodeposition, ii) accelerating microbial decomposition of SOM, and iii) modifying the preservation of SOM by soil minerals. NPK fertilization (+12 %) increased organic C content more than N fertilization alone (+8.6 %). Alkyl and O-alkyl C increased at low-N rates (<50 kg N ha−1 yr−1) or after short-term (0–5 yrs) N fertilization alone, likely because improved N availability promoted bacterial residues rich in long-chain aliphatic C formation and carbohydrate-rich matter inputs. High-rate (>200 kg N ha−1 yr−1) or long-term (>25 yrs) NPK fertilization increased alkyl C but decreased aromatic C, likely due to reduced nutrient limitations and acidification. These factors promote aliphatic C-rich microbial biomass, accelerate the decomposition of stable compounds, and decrease the mineral protection of aromatic acids. The SOM chemical composition (excluding aromatic C) response to NPK fertilization decreased with increasing initial level. In contrast, the response of SOM raised with increasing initial content under N fertilization alone. The increase in organic C content was strongly linked to changes in SOM chemistry under NPK fertilization but not under N fertilization alone. In conclusion, NPK fertilization modified SOM chemistry and increased organic C accumulation more effectively than N fertilization alone, which was mediated by increasing plant growth, raising microbial biomass and activity, altering mineral protection, and initial soil C levels. Our findings provide critical insights for optimizing fertilization strategies to improve soil C sequestration capacity and fertility.