Conditional excess distribution modelling is a widely used technique, in financial and insurance mathematics or survival analysis, for instance. Classical theory considers the thresholds as fixed values. In contrast, the use of empirical quantiles as thresholds offers advantages with respect to the design of the statistical experiment. Either way, the modeller is in a non-standard situation and runs in the risk of improper usage of statistical procedures. From both points of view, statistical planning and inference, a detailed discussion is requested. For this purpose, we treat both methods and demonstrate the necessity taking into account the characteristics of the approaches in practice. In detail, we derive general statements for empirical processes related to the conditional excess distribution in both situations. As examples, estimating the mean excess and the conditional Value-at-Risk are given. We apply our findings for the testing problems of goodness-of-fit and homogeneity for the conditional excess distribution and obtain new results of outstanding interest.