This article is concerned with causal mediation analysis with varying indirect and direct effects. We propose a varying coefficient mediation model, which can also be viewed as an extension of moderation analysis on a causal diagram. We develop a new estimation procedure for the direct and indirect effects based on B-splines. Under mild conditions, rates of convergence and asymptotic distributions of the resulting estimates are established. We further propose a F-type test for the direct effect. We conduct simulation study to examine the finite sample performance of the proposed methodology, and apply the new procedures for empirical analysis of behavioral economics data.
We consider spatially dependent functional data collected under a geostatistics setting, where locations are sampled from a spatial point process. The functional response is the sum of a spatially dependent functional effect and a spatially independent functional nugget effect. Observations on each function are made on discrete time points and contaminated with measurement errors. Under the assumption of spatial stationarity and isotropy, we propose a tensor product spline estimator for the spatio-temporal covariance function. When a coregionalization covariance structure is further assumed, we propose a new functional principal component analysis method that borrows information from neighboring functions. The proposed method also generates nonparametric estimators for the spatial covariance functions, which can be used for functional kriging. Under a unified framework for sparse and dense functional data, infill and increasing domain asymptotic paradigms, we develop the asymptotic convergence rates for the proposed estimators. Advantages of the proposed approach are demonstrated through simulation studies and two real data applications representing sparse and dense functional data, respectively.
We compute the value-at-risk of financial losses by fitting a generalized Pareto distribution to exceedances over a threshold. Following the common practice of setting the threshold as high sample quantiles, we show that, for both independent observations and time-series data, the asymptotic variance for the maximum likelihood estimation depends on the choice of threshold, unlike the existing study of using a divergent threshold. We also propose a random weighted bootstrap method for the interval estimation of VaR, with critical values computed by the empirical distribution of the absolute differences between the bootstrapped estimators and the maximum likelihood estimator. While our asymptotic results unify the inference with non-divergent and divergent thresholds, the finite sample studies via simulation and application to real data show that the derived confidence intervals well cover the true VaR in insurance and finance.