We study the effects of counterfactual teacher-to-classroom assignments on average student achievement in U.S. elementary and middle schools. We use the Measures of Effective Teaching (MET) experiment to semiparametrically identify the average reallocation effects (AREs) of such assignments. Our identification strategy exploits the random assignment of teachers to classrooms in MET schools. To account for non-compliance of some students and teachers to the random assignment, we develop and implement a semiparametric instrumental variables estimator. We find that changes in within-district teacher assignments could have appreciable effects on student achievement. Unlike policies that aim at changing the pool of teachers (e.g., teacher tenure policies or class-size reduction measures), alternative teacher-to-classroom assignments do not require that districts hire new teachers or lay off existing ones; they raise student achievement through a more efficient deployment of existing teachers.
Alternative data sets are widely used for macroeconomic nowcasting together with machine learning–based tools. The latter are often applied without a complete picture of their theoretical nowcasting properties. Against this background, this paper proposes a theoretically grounded nowcasting methodology that allows researchers to incorporate alternative Google Search Data (GSD) among the predictors and that combines targeted preselection, Ridge regularization, and Generalized Cross Validation. Breaking with most existing literature, which focuses on asymptotic in-sample theoretical properties, we establish the theoretical out-of-sample properties of our methodology and support them by Monte-Carlo simulations. We apply our methodology to GSD to nowcast GDP growth rate of several countries during various economic periods. Our empirical findings support the idea that GSD tend to increase nowcasting accuracy, even after controlling for official variables, but that the gain differs between periods of recessions and of macroeconomic stability.
We propose a family of nonparametric estimators for an option price that require only the use of underlying return data, but can also easily incorporate information from observed option prices. Each estimator comes from a risk-neutral measure minimizing generalized entropy according to a different Cressie-Read discrepancy. We apply our method to price S&P 500 options and the cross-section of individual equity options, using distinct amounts of option data in the estimation. Estimators incorporating mild nonlinearities produce optimal pricing accuracy within the Cressie-Read family and outperform several benchmarks such as Black-Scholes and different GARCH option pricing models. Overall, we provide a powerful option pricing technique suitable for scenarios of limited option data availability.