Sedimentation traps were used to assess the annual surface renewal dynamics of the low floodplain of the Oka River (a major tributary of the Volga River in central European Russia). Trap-mats and platforms made of crushed bricks were installed in positions near the meandering and relatively straight riverbed, in different sedimentation environments. Stationary research in 2014–2020 covered a section of the bottom of the Oka River valley with a length of more than 400 km along the main channel. The graphical-analytical processing of field data using Ferret's Triangles and sedimentation diagrams showed that transport and deposition of suspended sediment dominated in the accumulation of 87% of alluvium samples. The formation of ripples was not recorded, which was lithologically reflected in the horizontal layering of the new sediment. The determination of the granulometric composition of the removed sediment and their thickness on the traps showed the absence of statistically significant differences according to the Kruskal–Wallis test between the data samples from the trap-mats and trap-platforms. The reference to the daily calendar of synoptic mechanisms according to the classification of Dzerdzeevsky contributed to the identification of meteorological prerequisites for the variation of the hydrograph curve of the Oka River in its middle reaches. Prolonged floods caused by the premature arrival of spring lead to massive deposition of silt and clay particles even on sandbanks. On the other hand, short (15–35 d) March floods and abnormal high water in June, caused by Atlantic cyclone intrusions, can stabilize sand accumulation on the riverine floodplain. The thickest sediment layers on the traps were obtained in 2018 after a very cold March and a powerful April flood, and the overall distribution of alluvium thickness and its particle size distribution also depends on the morphology of the riverine relief. The siltation is caused by the accumulation of silts; the most finely dispersed sediment was deposited in those facies environments for which siltation was also characteristic in historical times.