Background: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is associated with considerable mortality and morbidity in adolescents, but positive outcomes are possible. Resilience is the concept that some individuals flourish despite significant adversity.
Objective: To determine if there is a relationship between resilience-promoting factors that are known to promote resilience and white matter (WM) microstructure 1 year after complicated mild TBI or moderate or severe TBI that is sustained by adolescents.
Method: We examined the relationship between performance on a self-report measure of resilience-promoting factors and WM integrity assessed by diffusion tensor imaging in a group of adolescents who had sustained either a TBI (n = 38) or an orthopedic injury (OI) (n = 23).
Results: Immediately following injury, the individuals with TBI and the OI controls had comparable levels of resilience-promoting factors; however, at 1 year post injury, the TBI group endorsed fewer resilience-promoting factors and exhibited WM disruption compared with the OI controls. The individuals with TBI who had more resilience-promoting factors at 1 year post injury exhibited increased WM integrity, but the OI controls did not. Findings were particularly strong for the following structures: anterior corona radiata, anterior limb of the internal capsule, and genu of the corpus callosum-structures that are implicated in social cognition and are frequently disrupted after TBI. Relationships were notable for caregiver and community-level resilience-promoting factors.
Conclusion: The current findings are some of the first to indicate neurobiological evidence of previously noted buffering effects of resilience-promoting factors in individuals with TBI.