More than one third of the mammalian genome is in a close association with the nuclear lamina, thus these genomic regions were termed lamina-associated domains (LADs). This association is fundamental for many aspects of chromatin biology including transcription, replication, and DNA damage repair. LADs association with the nuclear envelope is thought to be dependent on two major mechanisms: The first mechanism is the interaction between nuclear membrane proteins such as LBR with heterochromatin modifications that are enriched in LADs chromatin. The second mechanism is based on proteins that bind the borders of the LADs and support the association of the LADs with the nuclear envelope. Two factors were suggested to support the second mechanism: CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF) and YY1 based on their enriched binding to LADs borders. However, this mechanism has not been proven yet at a whole genome level. Here, to test if CTCF supports the LADs landscape, we generated melanoma cells with a partial loss of function (pLoF) of CTCF by the CRISPR-Cas9 system and determined the LADs landscape by lamin B ChIP-seq analysis. We found that under regular growth conditions, CTCF pLoF led to modest changes in the LADs landscape that included an increase in the signal of 2% of the LADs and a decrease in the signal of 8% of the LADs. However, CTCF importance for the LADs landscape was much higher upon induction of a chromatin stress. We induced chromatin stress by inhibiting RNA polymerase II, an intervention that is known to alter chromatin compaction and supercoiling. Notably, only in CTCF pLoF cells, the chromatin stress led to the dissociation of 7% of the LADs from the lamina. The CTCF-dependent LADs had almost three times shorter median length than the non-affected LADs, were enriched in CTCF binding at their borders, and were higher in their facultative-status (cell-type specific). Thus, it appears that CTCF is a key factor in facilitating the association of short facultative LADs with the nuclear lamina upon chromatin stress.
The kinetochore is essential for faithful chromosome segregation during mitosis and is assembled through dynamic processes involving numerous kinetochore proteins. Various experimental strategies have been used to understand kinetochore assembly processes. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) analysis is also a useful strategy for revealing the dynamics of kinetochore assembly. In this study, we introduced fluorescence protein-tagged kinetochore protein cDNAs into each endogenous locus and performed FRAP analyses in chicken DT40 cells. Centromeric protein (CENP)-C was highly mobile in interphase, but immobile during mitosis. CENP-C mutants lacking the CENP-A-binding domain became mobile during mitosis. In contrast to CENP-C, CENP-T and CENP-H were immobile during both interphase and mitosis. The mobility of Dsn1, which is a component of the Mis12 complex and directly binds to CENP-C, depended on CENP-C mobility during mitosis. Thus, our FRAP assays provide dynamic aspects of how the kinetochore is assembled.
Meiotic homologous chromosomes synapse and undergo crossing over (CO). In many eukaryotes, both synapsis and crossing over require the induction of double stranded breaks (DSBs) and subsequent repair via homologous recombination. In these organisms, two key proteins are recombinases RAD51 and DMC1. Recombinase-modulators HOP2 and MND1 assist RAD51 and DMC1 and also are required for synapsis and CO. We have investigated the hop2-1 phenotype in Arabidopsis during the segregation stages of both meiosis and mitosis. Despite a general lack of synapsis during prophase I, we observed extensive, stable interconnections between nonhomologous chromosomes in diploid hop2-1 nuclei in first and second meiotic divisions. Using γH2Ax as a marker of unrepaired DSBs, we detected γH2AX foci from leptotene through early pachytene but saw no foci from mid-pachytene onward. We conclude that the bridges seen from metaphase I onward are due to mis-repaired DSBs, not unrepaired ones. Examining haploids, we found that wild type haploids produce only univalents, but hop2-1 haploids like hop2-1 diploids have illegitimate connections stable enough to produce bridged chromosomes during segregation. Our results suggest that HOP2 has a significant active role in preventing repairs that use nonhomologous chromosomes during meiosis. We also found evidence that HOP2 plays a role in preventing illegitimate repair of radiation-induced DSBs in rapidly dividing petal cells. We conclude that HOP2 in Arabidopsis plays both a positive role in promoting synapsis and a separable role in preventing DSB repair using nonhomologous chromosomes. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT : The fidelity of homologous recombination (HR) during meiosis is essential to the production of viable gametes and for maintaining genome integrity in vegetative cells. HOP2 is an important protein for accurate meiotic HR in plants. We have found evidence of high levels of illegitimate repairs between nonhomologous chromosomes during meiosis and in irradiated petal cells in hop2-1 mutants, suggesting a role for HOP2 beyond its established role in synapsis and crossing over.
Functional changes of cells upon developmental switches and in response to environmental cues are often reflected in nuclear phenotypes, showing distinctive chromatin states corresponding to transcriptional changes. Such characteristic nuclear shapes have been microscopically monitored and can be quantified after differential staining of euchromatin and heterochromatin domains. Here, we examined several nuclear parameters (size, DNA content, DNA density, chromatin compaction, relative heterochromatin fraction (RHF), and number of chromocenters) in relation to spatial distribution of genes and transposon elements (TEs), using standard 2D fluorescence microscopy. We provide nuclear profiles for different cell types and different accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana. A variable, yet significant, fraction of TEs was found outside chromocenters in all cell types, except for guard cells. The latter cell type features nuclei with the highest level of chromatin compaction, while their chromocenters seem to contain gene-rich regions. The highest number of parameter correlations was found in the accession Cvi, whereas Ler showed only few correlations. This may point at differences in phenotype robustness between accessions. The significantly high association of NOR chromocenters in accessions Ws and Cvi corresponds to their low RHF level.
Cuscuta is a cytogenetically diverse genus, with karyotypes varying 18-fold in chromosome number and 127-fold in genome size. Each of its four subgenera also presents particular chromosomal features, such as bimodal karyotypes in Pachystigma. We used low coverage sequencing of the Cuscuta nitida genome (subgenus Pachystigma), as well as chromosome banding and molecular cytogenetics of three subgenus representatives, to understand the origin of bimodal karyotypes. All three species, C. nitida, C. africana (2n = 28) and C. angulata (2n = 30), showed heterochromatic bands mainly in the largest chromosome pairs. Eighteen satellite DNAs were identified in C. nitida genome, two showing similarity to mobile elements. The most abundant were present at the largest pairs, as well as the highly abundant ribosomal DNAs. The most abundant Ty1/Copia and Ty3/Gypsy elements were also highly enriched in the largest pairs, except for the Ty3/Gypsy CRM, which also labelled the pericentromeric regions of the smallest chromosomes. This accumulation of repetitive DNA in the larger pairs indicates that these sequences are largely responsible for the formation of bimodal karyotypes in the subgenus Pachystigma. The repetitive DNA fraction is directly linked to karyotype evolution in Cuscuta.