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‘It happens in the best families’: gender and family ideologies in Jordanian family-related proverbs “它发生在最好的家庭”:约旦家庭谚语中的性别和家庭意识形态
4区 社会学 Q3 Social Sciences Pub Date : 2023-10-16 DOI: 10.1080/04308778.2023.2250598
Doaa K. Riziq, Hana O. Khalil
ABSTRACTThis study discusses gender and family-related proverbs in Jordanian Arabic (JA). It employs Hofstede’s dimensions of culture, especially the following: power distance, masculinity-femininity, and individualism-collectivism. These concepts help interpret culturally specific meanings in these short sayings. The data contain 100 JA proverbs. They are analysed in light of Hofstede’s model to identify the values inherent in ideas of family, power distribution between family members and gender practices. With reference to literature, the analysis reveals similarities with other cultures in some socio-cultural norms. The study suggests that patriarchal values and norms are widespread across cultures and that proverbs reveal this ideology.KEYWORDS: CulturecollectivismfemininityHofstede’s modelindividualismmasculinitypatriarchy Disclosure statementNo potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.Notes1. Anderson, J. A. Book review: Folklore and folklife: An introduction, ed. by awaidhan Richard M. Dorson (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1973), p. 119.2. Mieder, W. ‘Popular Views of the Proverb’. Proverbium, 2 (1985), 119. Mieder, W. Proverbs are never out of season: Popular wisdom in the modern age (Oxford University: Oxford University Press 1993), p.24. Mieder, W. Proverbs: A handbook (London: Greenwood Publishing Group 2004), p. 4. Mieder, W. Proverbs speak louder than words: folk wisdom in art, culture, folklore, history, literature and mass media (New York: Peter Lang 2008), p.11.3. Whiting, B. J. The Nature of the proverb Harvard studies and notes in philology and literature (Harvard University: Harvard University Press 1932), p. 302.4. Norrick, N.R. How proverbs mean? Semantic studies in English proverbs (Amsterdam: Mouton 1985), p. 78.5. Taylor, A. The proverb ; (No. 113) (Harvard University: Harvard University Press 1931).6. Mieder, op.cit., p. 9.7. Lubis, S. ‘The Equivalence and Nonequivalence of Proverbs across Cultures (Indonesian and English)’. International Journal of English Linguistics, 8(4) (2018), 253. Rong, H. O. U. ‘Proverbs Reveal Culture Diversity’. Cross-Cultural Communication, 9(2) , 31–35.8. Romanova, T., Evdokimova, O., Zaharova, A., Ivanova, A., & Fedorova, N. ‘The Concept Family in the Russian and Ukrainian Language Culture (Based on Proverbs and Sayings)’ (SHS Web of Conferences, 69. EDP Sciences, 00136, 2019).9. Nelyubova, N. Y., Dugalich, N. M., & Ershov, V. I. ‘Semantic Condensations in French and Russian Proverbs Based on the Thematic Group Family’. RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics, 12 (4) (2021), 1051–1074.10. Degener, A. ‘Family Relationships in Proverbs from Northern Pakistan’. Proverbium: Yearbook of International Proverb Scholarship, 39(1) (2022), 1–28.11. Al-Amad, H. “صورة المرأة في الأمثال الشعبية الأردنية” The Image of Woman in the Jordanian Folk Sayings’. Dirasat: Human & Social Sciences, 33(2) (2006), 266–284. Alexeeva, T. E. ‘English Proverbs as a Reflectio
摘要本研究探讨了约旦阿拉伯语中与性别和家庭有关的谚语。它采用了霍夫斯泰德的文化维度,特别是以下几个方面:权力距离,男性-女性气质,个人主义-集体主义。这些概念有助于解释这些简短谚语中的特定文化含义。数据包含100个JA谚语。根据Hofstede的模型对其进行分析,以确定家庭观念、家庭成员之间的权力分配和性别实践中固有的价值观。通过对文学的分析,揭示了一些社会文化规范与其他文化的相似之处。研究表明,父权价值观和规范在各种文化中普遍存在,谚语揭示了这种意识形态。关键词:文化回忆主义女性主义hofstede模型个人主义男性主义父权制披露声明作者未报告潜在的利益冲突。书评:《民俗学与民间生活:导论》,由艾德汉·理查德·m·多尔森主编(芝加哥:芝加哥大学出版社,1973),第119.2页。米德,W.《谚语的大众观点》。箴言,2(1985),119。箴言永远不会过时:现代的大众智慧(牛津大学:牛津大学出版社1993),第24页。米德,W.箴言:一本手册(伦敦:格林伍德出版集团2004),第4页。谚语比言语更响亮:艺术、文化、民间传说、历史、文学和大众传媒中的民间智慧(纽约:Peter Lang 2008),第11.3页。《哈佛在语言学和文学方面的研究和注释:谚语的性质》(哈佛大学:哈佛大学出版社1932年),第302.4页。谚语是什么意思?英语谚语的语义研究(阿姆斯特丹:木顿出版社1985),页78.5。泰勒,A.谚语;(第113号)(哈佛大学:哈佛大学出版社1931)。Mieder, 12月。,第9.7页。跨文化谚语的对等和非对等(印尼语和英语)。国际英语语言学杂志,8(4)(2018),253。荣鸿宇《谚语揭示文化多样性》。跨文化交际,9(2),31-35.8。Romanova, T., Evdokimova, O., Zaharova, A., Ivanova, A., & Fedorova, N.,“俄罗斯和乌克兰语言文化中的概念家庭(基于谚语和谚语)”(SHS Web of Conferences, 69)。9.电子数据科学,2001,19(6):829 - 829。Nelyubova, n.y., Dugalich, n.m., & Ershov, v.i.“基于主题群家族的法语和俄语谚语的语义凝聚”。中华人民共和国语言研究学报,12(4)(2021),1051-1074.10。Degener, A.《北巴基斯坦谚语中的家庭关系》。《国际谚语学术年鉴》,39(1)(2022),1 - 28.11。Al-Amad h .“صورةالمرأةفيالأمثالالشعبيةالأردنية”女人的形象在约旦民间语录”。地理学报,33(2)(2006),266-284。Alexeeva, t.e.《英语谚语作为社会刻板印象的反映》。萨马拉大学的Vestnik说。历史、教育学、语言学,28(3)(2022),127-135。Rani, U, & Ranjha, m.i.《英语谚语中男性和女性的表现:权力关系分析》。英语语言文学与教育学报,2(02)(2020),35-62.12。孤度。J. N .编,《女权主义信息:女性民俗中的编码》(厄巴纳:伊利诺伊大学出版社,1993).13。《妇女、荣誉与爱:阿富汗东部普什图妇女生活的某些方面》。Folk, 21(1980), 22.14。《谚语语言中的性别和权力关系:女性形象》。社会科学学报,9(2)(2015),53-62.15。贾亚瓦德纳,H. S. M. M.,《谚语中的妇女:法语和僧伽罗语的比较研究》。国际语言文学学报,3(2)(2015),107-116.16。布贾,E.《谚语作为跨越文化边界的手段》。智慧大学学报,文字学,10(2)(2018),85-97.17。德根,12月。,页1-28.18。Bishwakarma, G.“尼泊尔谚语在延续性别文化价值观中的作用”。应用社会学进展,10(4)(2020),103-114.19。Rani, U, & Ranjha, m.i.《英语谚语中男性和女性的表现:权力关系分析》。英语语言文学与教育学报,2(02)(2020),35-62.20。对在印度的斯里兰卡难民家庭的综合研究。《印度难民劳特利奇手册》(印度:劳特利奇印度2022),第655-663.21页。Rubab, I., Sadia, S., and Ajmal, M.,《梅瓦蒂语谚语中性别不平等的描述性研究》。美术与人文,10(1)(2023),2152946.22。Buja, 12月。,第217.23页。Rakhimova, A. E., Mukhamadiarova, A. F., & Tarasova, F. K.“德国语言世界图景中描述家庭关系的谚语的语言文化特征”。人文社科评论,7(6)(2019),1048-1055.24。罗曼诺娃等,同上。
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引用次数: 0
Holy Ghosts: classic tales of the ecclesiastical uncanny Holy Ghosts: classic tales of the ecclesiastical uncanny , By Fiona Snailham (Ed.), B/W illustrations, London, British Library, 2023, 286 pp., £9.99, ISBN 978-0712354134 《圣灵:教会神秘的经典故事》,菲奥娜·斯奈勒姆(主编)著,B/W插图,伦敦,大英图书馆,2023年,286页,9.99英镑,ISBN 978-0712354134
4区 社会学 Q3 Social Sciences Pub Date : 2023-10-12 DOI: 10.1080/04308778.2023.2251258
Francis Young
"Holy Ghosts: classic tales of the ecclesiastical uncanny." Folk Life, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print), pp. 1–2
{"title":"Holy Ghosts: classic tales of the ecclesiastical uncanny <b>Holy Ghosts: classic tales of the ecclesiastical uncanny</b> , By Fiona Snailham (Ed.), B/W illustrations, London, British Library, 2023, 286 pp., £9.99, ISBN 978-0712354134","authors":"Francis Young","doi":"10.1080/04308778.2023.2251258","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1080/04308778.2023.2251258","url":null,"abstract":"\"Holy Ghosts: classic tales of the ecclesiastical uncanny.\" Folk Life, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print), pp. 1–2","PeriodicalId":51989,"journal":{"name":"Folk Life-Journal of Ethnological Studies","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2023-10-12","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"136012717","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":4,"RegionCategory":"社会学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Twilight of the godlings: the shadowy beginnings of Britain’s supernatural beings Twilight of the godlings: the shadowy beginnings of Britain’s supernatural beings , By Francis Young, Colour illustrations, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2023, 365+xviii pp, £30 (hardback), ISBN: 978-1-009-33036-7 《神的黄昏:英国超自然生物的朦胧开端》,弗朗西斯·杨著,彩色插图,剑桥,剑桥大学出版社,2023年,365+xviii页,30英镑(精装本),ISBN: 978-1-009-33036-7
4区 社会学 Q3 Social Sciences Pub Date : 2023-09-27 DOI: 10.1080/04308778.2023.2251264
William G. Pooley
{"title":"Twilight of the godlings: the shadowy beginnings of Britain’s supernatural beings <b>Twilight of the godlings: the shadowy beginnings of Britain’s supernatural beings</b> , By Francis Young, Colour illustrations, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2023, 365+xviii pp, £30 (hardback), ISBN: 978-1-009-33036-7","authors":"William G. Pooley","doi":"10.1080/04308778.2023.2251264","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1080/04308778.2023.2251264","url":null,"abstract":"","PeriodicalId":51989,"journal":{"name":"Folk Life-Journal of Ethnological Studies","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2023-09-27","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"135537619","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":4,"RegionCategory":"社会学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Weaving Europe, Crafting the Museum: Textiles, History and Ethnography at the Museum of European Cultures, Berlin Weaving Europe, Crafting the Museum: Textiles, History and Ethnography at the Museum of European Cultures, Berlin , by Magdalena Buchczyk, 21 B/W illustrations, London: Bloomsbury, 2023, 224 pp., £85 (hardback), ISBN: 978-1-3502-2673-9 编织欧洲,打造博物馆:柏林欧洲文化博物馆的纺织品、历史和人种学 《编织欧洲,打造博物馆》,马格达莱纳-布赫奇克(Magdalena Buchczyk)著,21 幅黑白插图,伦敦:布鲁姆斯出版社:Magdalena Buchczyk 著,21 幅黑白插图,伦敦:Bloomsbury 出版社,2023 年,224 页,85 英镑(精装本),国际标准书号:978-1-3502-2673-9。
4区 社会学 Q3 Social Sciences Pub Date : 2023-09-27 DOI: 10.1080/04308778.2023.2251267
Rebecca Unsworth
{"title":"Weaving Europe, Crafting the Museum: Textiles, History and Ethnography at the Museum of European Cultures, Berlin <b>Weaving Europe, Crafting the Museum: Textiles, History and Ethnography at the Museum of European Cultures, Berlin</b> , by Magdalena Buchczyk, 21 B/W illustrations, London: Bloomsbury, 2023, 224 pp., £85 (hardback), ISBN: 978-1-3502-2673-9","authors":"Rebecca Unsworth","doi":"10.1080/04308778.2023.2251267","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1080/04308778.2023.2251267","url":null,"abstract":"","PeriodicalId":51989,"journal":{"name":"Folk Life-Journal of Ethnological Studies","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2023-09-27","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"135536941","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":4,"RegionCategory":"社会学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Working the fabric: resourcefulness, belonging and island life in Scotland’s Harris tweed industry Working the fabric: resourcefulness, belonging and island life in Scotland’s Harris tweed industry , by Joana Nascimento, B/W illustrations, New York and Oxford, Berghahn, 2023, 236 pp., $135; £99 (hardback), ISBN: 978-1-80073-882-9. 《织布:苏格兰哈里斯粗花呢产业的机智、归属感和岛屿生活》,乔安娜·纳西门托著,B/W插图,纽约和牛津,Berghahn出版社,2023年,236页,135美元;99英镑(精装本),ISBN: 978-1-80073-882-9。
4区 社会学 Q3 Social Sciences Pub Date : 2023-09-27 DOI: 10.1080/04308778.2023.2251270
Sabine Wieber
Click to increase image sizeClick to decrease image size Disclosure statementNo potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).Notes1. See for example ‘Tartan’ at the V&A Dundee (1 April 2023–14 January 2024); Stana Nendic and Sally Tuckett, Coloring the Nation: The Turkey Red Printed Cotton Industry in Scotland (Edinburgh: NMSE Publishing, 2013); Lynn Abrams and Lin Gardner, ‘Recognising the Co-Dependence of Machine and hand in the Scottish Knitwear Industry,’ Textile History 52: 1–2 (2021), 165–189.
点击放大图片点击缩小图片披露声明作者未发现潜在的利益冲突。例如,参见V&A邓迪的“格子”(2023年4月1日至2024年1月14日);Stana Nendic和Sally Tuckett,着色国家:苏格兰的土耳其红印花棉花工业(爱丁堡:NMSE出版社,2013);Lynn Abrams和Lin Gardner,“认识到苏格兰针织品工业中机器和手的相互依赖”,纺织历史52:1-2(2021),165-189。
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引用次数: 0
Footmarks: a journey into our restless past 足迹:一段通往我们不安的过去的旅程
IF 0.3 4区 社会学 Q3 Social Sciences Pub Date : 2023-09-01 DOI: 10.1080/04308778.2023.2251254
David Osborne
{"title":"Footmarks: a journey into our restless past","authors":"David Osborne","doi":"10.1080/04308778.2023.2251254","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1080/04308778.2023.2251254","url":null,"abstract":"","PeriodicalId":51989,"journal":{"name":"Folk Life-Journal of Ethnological Studies","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.3,"publicationDate":"2023-09-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"47580181","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":4,"RegionCategory":"社会学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 1
Rowan 罗文
IF 0.3 4区 社会学 Q3 Social Sciences Pub Date : 2023-08-29 DOI: 10.1080/04308778.2023.2251259
R. Vickery
{"title":"Rowan","authors":"R. Vickery","doi":"10.1080/04308778.2023.2251259","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1080/04308778.2023.2251259","url":null,"abstract":"","PeriodicalId":51989,"journal":{"name":"Folk Life-Journal of Ethnological Studies","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.3,"publicationDate":"2023-08-29","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"45375998","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":4,"RegionCategory":"社会学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Interpreting the Galway Hooker: Ecomuseology, Living heritage and sustainable heritage Management 解读戈尔韦胡克:生态生态学、活遗产和可持续遗产管理
IF 0.3 4区 社会学 Q3 Social Sciences Pub Date : 2023-08-21 DOI: 10.1080/04308778.2023.2247281
Damien Donnellan
ABSTRACT This article explores the Galway Hooker’s history, cultural heritage, and interpretive potential as an iconic workboat and fishing vessel rooted in Claddagh, a historical fishing village in Galway City. It examines the work of the Galway Hooker Sailing Club and their restoration of one boat, known as Loveen. By contextualizing the Club’s work within a living heritage framework, it advocates for an ecomuseum as an interpretative approach. Ecomuseology, a dynamic concept, focuses on preserving local cultural heritage and promoting sustainable development across social, environmental, and economic dimensions. This study combines desk research with fieldwork, including interviews with Sailing Club members.
{"title":"Interpreting the Galway Hooker: Ecomuseology, Living heritage and sustainable heritage Management","authors":"Damien Donnellan","doi":"10.1080/04308778.2023.2247281","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1080/04308778.2023.2247281","url":null,"abstract":"ABSTRACT This article explores the Galway Hooker’s history, cultural heritage, and interpretive potential as an iconic workboat and fishing vessel rooted in Claddagh, a historical fishing village in Galway City. It examines the work of the Galway Hooker Sailing Club and their restoration of one boat, known as Loveen. By contextualizing the Club’s work within a living heritage framework, it advocates for an ecomuseum as an interpretative approach. Ecomuseology, a dynamic concept, focuses on preserving local cultural heritage and promoting sustainable development across social, environmental, and economic dimensions. This study combines desk research with fieldwork, including interviews with Sailing Club members.","PeriodicalId":51989,"journal":{"name":"Folk Life-Journal of Ethnological Studies","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.3,"publicationDate":"2023-08-21","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"59384419","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":4,"RegionCategory":"社会学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Recollections of an Icelandic valley: the farming and social cycle 冰岛山谷的回忆:农业和社会循环
IF 0.3 4区 社会学 Q3 Social Sciences Pub Date : 2023-05-22 DOI: 10.1080/04308778.2023.2194789
R. Power
ABSTRACT This paper is the second on life in a northern Icelandic valley in the later 1970s, early 1980s, and subsequently. While the first concerned women’s work, food and clothing, this paper focuses on the farming cycle, the men’s work on farms and on the central uplands; and on the social life and seasonal customs that reflected the farming year. Further papers will concern folk beliefs.
{"title":"Recollections of an Icelandic valley: the farming and social cycle","authors":"R. Power","doi":"10.1080/04308778.2023.2194789","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1080/04308778.2023.2194789","url":null,"abstract":"ABSTRACT This paper is the second on life in a northern Icelandic valley in the later 1970s, early 1980s, and subsequently. While the first concerned women’s work, food and clothing, this paper focuses on the farming cycle, the men’s work on farms and on the central uplands; and on the social life and seasonal customs that reflected the farming year. Further papers will concern folk beliefs.","PeriodicalId":51989,"journal":{"name":"Folk Life-Journal of Ethnological Studies","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.3,"publicationDate":"2023-05-22","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"42679686","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":4,"RegionCategory":"社会学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Gillian Bulmer (1935 - 2021) 吉莉安·布尔默(1935-2021)
IF 0.3 4区 社会学 Q3 Social Sciences Pub Date : 2023-04-02 DOI: 10.1080/04308778.2023.2195233
Steph Mastoris
{"title":"Gillian Bulmer (1935 - 2021)","authors":"Steph Mastoris","doi":"10.1080/04308778.2023.2195233","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1080/04308778.2023.2195233","url":null,"abstract":"","PeriodicalId":51989,"journal":{"name":"Folk Life-Journal of Ethnological Studies","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.3,"publicationDate":"2023-04-02","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"48825794","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":4,"RegionCategory":"社会学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Folk Life-Journal of Ethnological Studies
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