In Noll et al.,1 an error was published in the Acknowledgement section. The name “Lena Koppka” was misspelled in the original publication.
The correct Acknowledgement section is presented below:
In Noll et al.,1 an error was published in the Acknowledgement section. The name “Lena Koppka” was misspelled in the original publication.
The correct Acknowledgement section is presented below:
Two investigations on the sound generation mechanisms of lean methane–air flames are reviewed and linked. A two-step approach is used for the analysis. First, the compressible conservation equations are solved in a large-eddy simulation formulation to compute the acoustic source terms of the reacting fluid. Second, the acoustic source terms are used in computational aeroacoustics simulations to determine the acoustic field by solving the acoustic perturbation equations. To identify the contributions of the different source terms to the overall sound emission of the flames different source term formulations are considered in the computational aeroacoustics simulations. The results of various flames of increasing complexity are shown: harmonically excited laminar flames, a turbulent jet flame, and an unconfined and a confined swirl flame. The results show that in general the heat release source alone does not determine the acoustic emission of the flame. Only the acoustic emission of the unconfined swirl flame could be computed by the heat release source. To accurately predict the phase and the amplitude of the sound emission of the other flames the acceleration of density gradients occurring at the flame front must be included in the considered set of source terms.
In this article, a proof-of-concept study is presented, in which in-situ full-field deformation measurements via digital image correlation, finite element analysis, and nonlinear optimization techniques are combined to characterize the heterogeneous structural behavior of a bio-based material 3D-printed via binder jetting. The special features of this composite material are its biodegradability and its easy manufacturability using conventional 3D printers. The binder-jetting process enables innovative applications such as additively manufactured, highly customized, recyclable, or compostable packaging solutions. Compared to other 3D printing techniques, it is relatively fast and inexpensive and can make use of raw material powders that are by-products of the food or other industries. As an initial step towards gaining a simulation-supported understanding of the complex process-structure-property relations, a first quantitative assessment of the effective behavior of a bio-based binder-jetted material is conducted under the following operating assumptions: (i) Its mechanical response can be described by means of a nonlinear elasto-plastic constitutive law, enriched by a cohesive damage model capturing failure on the structural level, (ii) established mechanical tests on a 3D-printed component, involving standardized sample geometries, and optical measurements, should yield sufficient information to allow the identification of the corresponding material parameters. First, experimental results of optically monitored four-point bending tests, with varying alignments of loading axes and printing directions, are presented in detail. Then the proposed parameter identification strategy is explained and its capabilities and limitations, as made evident from quantitative case studies based on the measured structural response data, are thoroughly discussed.
We investigate two numerical challenges in thermal finite element simulations of laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) processes. First, we compare the behavior of first- and second-order implicit time-stepping schemes on a fixed domain. While both methods yield comparable accuracies in the pre-asymptotic regime, the second-order method eventually outperforms the first-order method. However, the oscillations present in the pre-asymptotic range of the second-order method can render it less suitable for simulating LPBF processes. Then, we consider sudden domain extensions resulting from subsequently adding new layers of material with ambient temperature. We model this extension on the continuous level in an energy conservative manner. The discontinuities introduced here reduce the convergence order for both time-stepping schemes to 0.75. First and second order accuracy could only be achieved by strongly grading the time-steps towards the domain expansion.
This work presents multilayer phase-field simulation of selective sintering process and the calculation of effective mechanical properties and residual stress of the microstructure using the finite element method. The dependence of the effective properties and residual stress on the process parameters, such as beam power and scan speed, are analyzed. Significant partial melting of powders is observed for large beam power and low scan speed, which results in low porosity of the microstructure. Nonlinear relationship between the effective mechanical properties and process parameters is observed. The increasing rate of effective mechanical properties decreases with increasing beam power, while increases with decreasing scan speed. The dependence of effective Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio on porosity are well established using power law models. Stress concentrations are found at the necking region of powders and the intensity increases with the level of partial melting, which results in increasing residual stress in the microstructure. The numerical results reveal quantitatively the process-microstructure-property relation, which implies the feasibility of the subsequent data-driven approach.
When developing reliable and useful models for selective laser melting processes of large parts, various simplifications are necessary to achieve computationally efficient simulations. Due to the complex processes taking place during the manufacturing of such parts, especially the material and heat source models influence the simulation results. If accurate predictions of residual stresses and deformation are desired, both complete temperature history and mechanical behavior have to be included in a thermomechanical model. In this article, we combine a multiscale approach using the inherent strain method with a newly developed phase transformation model. With the help of this model, which is based on energy densities and energy minimization, the three states of the material, namely, powder, molten, and resolidified material, are explicitly incorporated into the thermomechanically fully coupled finite-element-based process model of the micromechanically motivated laser heat source model and the simplified layer hatch model.
Powder bed fusion additive manufacturing (PBFAM) of metals has the potential to enable new paradigms of product design, manufacturing and supply chains while accelerating the realization of new technologies in the medical, aerospace, and other industries. Currently, wider adoption of PBFAM is held back by difficulty in part qualification, high production costs and low production rates, as extensive process tuning, post-processing, and inspection are required before a final part can be produced and deployed. Physics-based modeling and predictive simulation of PBFAM offers the potential to advance fundamental understanding of physical mechanisms that initiate process instabilities and cause defects. In turn, these insights can help link process and feedstock parameters with resulting part and material properties, thereby predicting optimal processing conditions and inspiring the development of improved processing hardware, strategies and materials. This work presents recent developments of our research team in the modeling of metal PBFAM processes spanning length scales, namely mesoscale powder modeling, mesoscale melt pool modeling, macroscale thermo-solid-mechanical modeling and microstructure modeling. Ongoing work in experimental validation of these models is also summarized. In conclusion, we discuss the interplay of these individual submodels within an integrated overall modeling approach, along with future research directions.