Nato nel 1945 a Pittsburgh, in Pennsylvania, August Wilson e stato il drammaturgo afroamericano piu prolifico e rappresentato del Novecento. Il Century Cycle , un corpus di dieci testi teatrali che ripercorre la storia afroamericana del ventesimo secolo, e espressione del realismo spirituale di Wilson, un tipo di teatro che, pur aderendo alla tradizione realista euroamericana, vi immette elementi di innovazione ispirati alla musica blues e alla cosmologia Yoruba. Il saggio prende in analisi questa duplice matrice culturale per dimostrare come la drammaturgia di Wilson, pur tenendo fede al principio aristotelico della mimesis che governa il dramma realista, sia permeata da un’estetica nera. Nel concepire un teatro in cui musica e parola si compenetrano in un contesto performativo rituale, Wilson ripristina l’armonia tra dionisiaco e apollineo auspicata da Friedrich Nietzsche, rianimando quello che secondo il filosofo tedesco era lo spirito primigenio della tragedia greca e immettendo al tempo stesso un ethos inconfondibilmente afroamericano nel canone teatrale occidentale. DOI : 10.17456/SIMPLE-163 Parole chiave August Wilson, tragedia, blues, Yoruba, Nietzsche. Bibliografia Antonelli, Sara. 2005. Il Black English. Anna Scacchi (a cura di). La Babele americana. Lingue e identita negli Stati Uniti d’oggi . Roma: Donzelli, 145-161. Aristotele. 1998. Poetica . Traduzione e introduzione di Guido Paduano. Roma-Bari: Editori Laterza. Benston, Kimberly W. 1975. Tragic Aspects of the Blues. Phylon , 36, 2: 164-176. Burian, Peter. 1997. Myth into Muthos: The Shaping of Tragic Plot. Patricia Elizabeth Easterling ed. The Cambridge Companion to Greek Drama . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 178-208. Caporaletti, Vincenzo. 2002. Prefazione del curatore. Ring Shout. Rivista di Studi Musicali Afroamericani , 1, 1: 5-10. Christian, Barbara. 1988. The Race for Theory. Feminist Studies , 14, 1: 67-79. Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt. 2015 [1903]. The Souls of Black Folk . Jonathan Scott Holloway ed. New Haven: Yale University Press. Falola, Toyin & Matt D. Childs. 2004. The Yoruba Diaspora in the Atlantic World . Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Flowers, Arthur. 2001. Mojo Rising. Confessions of a 21 st Century Conjureman . New York: Wanganegresse Press. Gates, Henry Louis. 1988. The Signifying Monkey . New York: Oxford University Press. Grant, Nathan L. 2006. Men, Women, and Culture. A Conversation with August Wilson. Jackson R. Bryer & Mary C. Hartig eds. Conversations with August Wilson . Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 172-187. Gussow, Adam. 2008. Blues Literature. M. Thomas Inge ed. New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture. Literature . Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 44-51. Harrison, Paul Carter. 1974. Introduction. Black Theatre in Search of a Source. Paul Carter Harrison ed. Kuntu Drama. Plays of the African Continuum . New York: Grove Press, 3-29. Harrison, Paul Carter. 1991. August Wilson’s Blues Poetics. August Wi
1945年生于宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡,奥古斯特·威尔逊是20世纪最多产、最具代表性的非裔美国剧作家。《世纪周期》是一部讲述20世纪非裔美国人历史的十部戏剧作品,也是威尔逊精神现实主义的一种表现。这篇文章分析了这种双重文化背景,以证明威尔逊的戏剧是如何被一种黑色的美学所渗透的,尽管它坚持了统治现实主义戏剧的亚里士多德的模仿原则。在音乐和发言所述设想一种戏剧在渗透performativo仪式,Wilson的背景下重新dionisiaco之间的和谐和弗里德里希·尼采,倡导的apollineo恢复精神的是德国哲学家认为希腊悲剧的primigenio同时投放一种inconfondibilmente裔美国精神在西方戏剧租金。DOI: 10.17456/ simple163关键字August Wilson,悲剧,忧郁,Yoruba,尼采。安东内利书目,萨拉,2005年。黑人英语。安娜·国际象棋。美国巴别塔。今天美国的语言和身份。Donzelli, 145-161。亚里士多德1998年。诗意。翻译和介绍Guido Paduano。罗马-巴里:出版商Laterza。本斯顿,金伯利W. 1975。忧郁的阴郁方面。菲隆,36,2,164-176。布里安,彼得,1997年。悲剧情节的变化。帕特里夏·伊丽莎白·伊斯特林剑桥:剑桥大学出版社,178-208。卡波拉蒂,文森佐,2002年。馆长序言。魔戒Shout。非裔美国人音乐研究杂志,1,5,10。克里斯蒂安,芭芭拉,1988年。为理论而战。女权主义研究,141,67 -79。杜波依斯,威廉·爱德华·伯格哈特。黑人的灵魂。乔纳森·斯科特·霍洛威,纽黑文,耶鲁大学出版社。法罗拉,托因和马特·D·蔡尔兹,2004年。大西洋世界的散居约鲁巴人。布卢明顿,印第安纳大学出版社。弗劳尔斯,亚瑟,2001年。咒发声。21世纪的忏悔。纽约,万花筒出版社。盖茨,亨利·路易斯,1988年。重要的猴子。纽约,牛津大学出版社。格兰特,内森·L·2006。男人,女人,文化。与奥古斯特·威尔逊的对话。杰克逊R. Bryer & Mary C. Hartig eds。与奥古斯特·威尔逊对话。杰克逊:密西西比大学出版社,172-187。亚当,古斯索,2008年。蓝调文学。托马斯·英格先生,南方文化的新百科全书。文学。北卡罗来纳州大学出版社,44-51。哈里森,保罗·卡特,1974年。导言。寻找源头的黑剧院。保罗·卡特·哈里森·昆图戏剧。非洲连续体的玩家。纽约格罗夫出版社,3-29。哈里森,保罗·卡特,1991年。八月威尔逊的蓝调诗。奥古斯特·威尔逊。三场。匹兹堡大学出版社,291-318。哈里森,保罗·卡特,2002年。赞美/ Word。保罗·卡特·哈里森,维克多·里奥·沃克和格斯·爱德华兹·艾德。黑人剧院。非洲散居侨民的例行表演。费城:天普大学出版社,1-10。杰克逊,奥利弗,1974年。Preface。保罗·卡特·哈里森·昆图戏剧。非洲连续体的玩家。纽约,格罗夫出版社,ix-xiii。爱,维尔玛E. 2012。自我占卜。约鲁巴神话与人类意识的研究。宾夕法尼亚州立大学出版社。马拉,金,2000年。但是雷尼和那个男孩。八月威尔逊百老汇佳能的性别意识。玛丽莲·埃尔金斯和奥古斯特·威尔逊。酪蛋白。加兰出版社,123-160。米勒,亚瑟,1949年。悲剧和普通人。《纽约时报》(2月27日),第2节:1-3。摩纳哥,帕梅拉·吉恩,2000年。父亲,儿子,神圣的灵魂。从当地到神话在8月威尔逊。玛丽莲·埃尔金斯和奥古斯特·威尔逊。酪蛋白。纽约:加兰出版社,89-104。莫里森,托尼,2007年。Foreword。奥古斯特·威尔逊。Lesson计划。剧院通讯组,vii-xiii。莫耶斯,比尔,2006年。奥古斯特·威尔逊。Playwright。杰克逊R. Bryer & Mary C. Hartig eds。与奥古斯特·威尔逊对话。杰克逊:密西西比大学出版社,61-80。尼采,弗里德里希,1983[1889]。偶像的黄昏。Ferruccio权利)。米兰:反馈。尼采,弗里德里希。Ecce Homo。你如何成为你自己。罗伯托·卡拉索(编辑)。米兰:反馈。尼采,弗里德里希,1995[1872]。悲剧的诞生。由保罗·基亚里尼和罗伯托·维奥尼编辑)。罗马-巴里:出版商Laterza。佩雷拉,金,1995年。奥古斯特·威尔逊和非洲裔美国奥德赛。伊利诺斯大学出版社。平克尼,米克尔,2004年。非洲裔美国人戏剧理论的发展:w.e.b.杜波依斯to August Wilson -手拉手!Dana A. Williams和Sandra G. Shannon eds。 奥古斯特·威尔逊和黑人美学。纽约:Palgrave Macmillan, 11-36。桑德拉·理查兹,2013。非洲侨民戏剧。哈维·杨主编,《剑桥非裔美国人戏剧指南》。剑桥:剑桥大学出版社,230-254。马克·威廉·罗查,2000。奥古斯特·威尔逊和四个B。玛丽莲·埃尔金斯编,奥古斯特·威尔逊。一本案例书。纽约:加兰出版社,3-16。Carl Rosen, 2006。8月威尔逊。蓝调吟游诗人。Jackson R. Bryer和Mary C. hartigs。与奥古斯特·威尔逊的对话。杰克逊:密西西比大学出版社,188-203。David Savran, 2006。8月威尔逊。Jackson R. Bryer和Mary C. hartigs。与奥古斯特·威尔逊的对话。杰克逊:密西西比大学出版社,19-37页。桑德拉·g·香农1993。布鲁斯,历史和戏剧。采访奥古斯特·威尔逊。[j] .中国农业科学,2016,(4):539-559。Sandra G. Shannon, 2006。奥古斯特·威尔逊解释他的戏剧性愿景。面试。Jackson R. Bryer和Mary C. hartigs。与奥古斯特·威尔逊的对话。杰克逊:密西西比大学出版社,118-154。Shannon, Sandra G.和Dana A. Williams. 2004。与奥古斯特·威尔逊的对话。Dana A. Williams & Sandra G. Shannon编辑。奥古斯特·威尔逊和黑人美学。纽约:Palgrave Macmillan出版社,187-196。谢帕德,维拉。2006。8月威尔逊。面试。Jackson R. Bryer和Mary C. hartigs。与奥古斯特·威尔逊的对话。杰克逊:密西西比大学出版社,101-117。史密斯,芭芭拉。2015[1977]。走向黑人女权主义批评。格洛丽亚·t·赫尔,帕特里夏·贝尔-斯科特和芭芭拉·史密斯编辑。所有的女人都是白人,所有的黑人都是男人,但我们中有些人很勇敢。纽约:女权主义出版社,157-175页。威尔逊,1997年8月。我所站立的土地。中国生物医学工程学报,2011,31(3):493-503。[1988]。乔·特纳的《来了又走》。纽约:戏剧传播集团。温彻斯特,詹姆斯J. 2002。跨肤色的美学。为什么尼采(有时)唱不出蓝调。兰哈姆(MD):罗曼&利特菲尔德。理查德·赖特,1999。定义蓝调-有用的/有趣的/
{"title":"La rinascita della tragedia dallo spirito del blues nel teatro di August Wilson","authors":"Valentina Rapetti","doi":"10.17456/SIMPLE-163","DOIUrl":"","url":null,"abstract":"Nato nel 1945 a Pittsburgh, in Pennsylvania, August Wilson e stato il drammaturgo afroamericano piu prolifico e rappresentato del Novecento. Il Century Cycle , un corpus di dieci testi teatrali che ripercorre la storia afroamericana del ventesimo secolo, e espressione del realismo spirituale di Wilson, un tipo di teatro che, pur aderendo alla tradizione realista euroamericana, vi immette elementi di innovazione ispirati alla musica blues e alla cosmologia Yoruba. Il saggio prende in analisi questa duplice matrice culturale per dimostrare come la drammaturgia di Wilson, pur tenendo fede al principio aristotelico della mimesis che governa il dramma realista, sia permeata da un’estetica nera. Nel concepire un teatro in cui musica e parola si compenetrano in un contesto performativo rituale, Wilson ripristina l’armonia tra dionisiaco e apollineo auspicata da Friedrich Nietzsche, rianimando quello che secondo il filosofo tedesco era lo spirito primigenio della tragedia greca e immettendo al tempo stesso un ethos inconfondibilmente afroamericano nel canone teatrale occidentale. DOI : 10.17456/SIMPLE-163 Parole chiave August Wilson, tragedia, blues, Yoruba, Nietzsche. Bibliografia Antonelli, Sara. 2005. Il Black English. Anna Scacchi (a cura di). La Babele americana. Lingue e identita negli Stati Uniti d’oggi . Roma: Donzelli, 145-161. Aristotele. 1998. Poetica . Traduzione e introduzione di Guido Paduano. Roma-Bari: Editori Laterza. Benston, Kimberly W. 1975. Tragic Aspects of the Blues. Phylon , 36, 2: 164-176. Burian, Peter. 1997. Myth into Muthos: The Shaping of Tragic Plot. Patricia Elizabeth Easterling ed. The Cambridge Companion to Greek Drama . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 178-208. Caporaletti, Vincenzo. 2002. Prefazione del curatore. Ring Shout. Rivista di Studi Musicali Afroamericani , 1, 1: 5-10. Christian, Barbara. 1988. The Race for Theory. Feminist Studies , 14, 1: 67-79. Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt. 2015 [1903]. The Souls of Black Folk . Jonathan Scott Holloway ed. New Haven: Yale University Press. Falola, Toyin & Matt D. Childs. 2004. The Yoruba Diaspora in the Atlantic World . Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Flowers, Arthur. 2001. Mojo Rising. Confessions of a 21 st Century Conjureman . New York: Wanganegresse Press. Gates, Henry Louis. 1988. The Signifying Monkey . New York: Oxford University Press. Grant, Nathan L. 2006. Men, Women, and Culture. A Conversation with August Wilson. Jackson R. Bryer & Mary C. Hartig eds. Conversations with August Wilson . Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 172-187. Gussow, Adam. 2008. Blues Literature. M. Thomas Inge ed. New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture. Literature . Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 44-51. Harrison, Paul Carter. 1974. Introduction. Black Theatre in Search of a Source. Paul Carter Harrison ed. Kuntu Drama. Plays of the African Continuum . New York: Grove Press, 3-29. Harrison, Paul Carter. 1991. August Wilson’s Blues Poetics. August Wi","PeriodicalId":53737,"journal":{"name":"Simplegadi","volume":"18 1","pages":"147-161"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2020-11-15","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"41668767","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
Recensione a: Biancamaria Rizzardi e Giovanni Bassi (a cura di). 2020. La luce e l’inchiostro. Scritture e fotografie in dialogo. Pisa: Edizioni ETS, 172 pp., € 18,00, ISBN 978-88-4675-749-4
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This article analyses “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” in the light of the American psychiatrist A. T. Beck’s diagnostic criteria and cognitive theories for interpreting and evaluating symptoms and levels of depression. This study aims to show that many symptoms listed in Beck’s Inventory for Measuring Depression (sixteen out of twenty-one) are recognizable – at different levels of signifier and signified – in both the poetical structure and the imagery of the poem, whereas specific aspects included in Cognitive Therapy of Depression (for instance, the cognitive process defined by Beck as “Faulty Information Processing” and two crucial points of this process, “Selective abstraction” and “Arbitrary inference”) are identifiable in some of the most relevant figurative isotopies of the poem. DOI : 10.17456/SIMPLE-154 Keywords Prufrock, Beck, Modernism, psychology, depression. Bibliography Beck, Aaron T., C. H. Ward, M. Mendelson, J. Mock, & J. Erbaugh. 1961. An Inventory for Measuring Depression. Archives of General Psychiatry , 4: 561-571. Beck, Aaron T., A. John Rush, Brian F. Shaw & Gary Emery. 1979. Cognitive Therapy of Depression . New York: The Guildford Press. Calimani, Dario. 1998. T. S. Eliot. Le geometrie del disordine. Napoli: Liguori. Crivelli, Renzo Stefano. 2015. T. S. Eliot. Roma: Salerno Editrice. Eiss, Harry. 2016. The Joker . Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Eliot, Thomas Stearns. 1962. An Interview. Grantite Review , 24, 3: 17. Eliot, Thomas Stearns. 2018. The Poems of T. S. Eliot, Volume I, Collected and Uncollected Poems . Cristopher Ricks & Jim MacCue eds. London: Faber & Faber. Goodwin, Frederick K. & Kay Redfield Jamison. 2007 [2 nd ed.]. Manic-Depressive Illness: Bipolar Disorders and Recurrent Depression . Oxford: Oxford University Press. Kenner, Hugh. 1978 [1960]. “Prufrock”. Brian Charles Southam ed. “Prufrock”, “Gerontion”, Ash Wednesday and Other Shorter Poems. A Selection of Critical Essays . London: MacMillan, 127-134. Paige, Douglas D. ed. 1971. The Selected Letters of Ezra Pound. 1907-1941 . New York: New Directions. Perry, Seamus, 2016 (May, 25), (consulted on 20/02/2020). Plato. 1973. Phaedrus and Letters VII and VIII . (trans. Walter Hamilton). Harmondsworth: Penguin. Schuchard, Ronald. 2017. Eliot’s Allusive Legacy and Obscurity in “Prufrock”. John D. Morgestern ed. The T. S. Eliot Studies Annual . Liverpool: Clemson University Press - Liverpool University Press. Wellek, Rene & Warren Austin. 1978 [1949]. Theory of Literature . Harmondsworth: Penguin.
{"title":"Depression on a Screen. “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” in the Light of Cognitive Theories of Depression","authors":"Angela Leonardi","doi":"10.17456/SIMPLE-154","DOIUrl":"","url":null,"abstract":"This article analyses “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” in the light of the American psychiatrist A. T. Beck’s diagnostic criteria and cognitive theories for interpreting and evaluating symptoms and levels of depression. This study aims to show that many symptoms listed in Beck’s Inventory for Measuring Depression (sixteen out of twenty-one) are recognizable – at different levels of signifier and signified – in both the poetical structure and the imagery of the poem, whereas specific aspects included in Cognitive Therapy of Depression (for instance, the cognitive process defined by Beck as “Faulty Information Processing” and two crucial points of this process, “Selective abstraction” and “Arbitrary inference”) are identifiable in some of the most relevant figurative isotopies of the poem. DOI : 10.17456/SIMPLE-154 Keywords Prufrock, Beck, Modernism, psychology, depression. Bibliography Beck, Aaron T., C. H. Ward, M. Mendelson, J. Mock, & J. Erbaugh. 1961. An Inventory for Measuring Depression. Archives of General Psychiatry , 4: 561-571. Beck, Aaron T., A. John Rush, Brian F. Shaw & Gary Emery. 1979. Cognitive Therapy of Depression . New York: The Guildford Press. Calimani, Dario. 1998. T. S. Eliot. Le geometrie del disordine. Napoli: Liguori. Crivelli, Renzo Stefano. 2015. T. S. Eliot. Roma: Salerno Editrice. Eiss, Harry. 2016. The Joker . Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Eliot, Thomas Stearns. 1962. An Interview. Grantite Review , 24, 3: 17. Eliot, Thomas Stearns. 2018. The Poems of T. S. Eliot, Volume I, Collected and Uncollected Poems . Cristopher Ricks & Jim MacCue eds. London: Faber & Faber. Goodwin, Frederick K. & Kay Redfield Jamison. 2007 [2 nd ed.]. Manic-Depressive Illness: Bipolar Disorders and Recurrent Depression . Oxford: Oxford University Press. Kenner, Hugh. 1978 [1960]. “Prufrock”. Brian Charles Southam ed. “Prufrock”, “Gerontion”, Ash Wednesday and Other Shorter Poems. A Selection of Critical Essays . London: MacMillan, 127-134. Paige, Douglas D. ed. 1971. The Selected Letters of Ezra Pound. 1907-1941 . New York: New Directions. Perry, Seamus, 2016 (May, 25), (consulted on 20/02/2020). Plato. 1973. Phaedrus and Letters VII and VIII . (trans. Walter Hamilton). Harmondsworth: Penguin. Schuchard, Ronald. 2017. Eliot’s Allusive Legacy and Obscurity in “Prufrock”. John D. Morgestern ed. The T. S. Eliot Studies Annual . Liverpool: Clemson University Press - Liverpool University Press. Wellek, Rene & Warren Austin. 1978 [1949]. Theory of Literature . Harmondsworth: Penguin.","PeriodicalId":53737,"journal":{"name":"Simplegadi","volume":"18 1","pages":"35-43"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2020-11-15","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"49486016","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
L’articolo esplora il romanzo di esordio di Namwali Serpell, The Old Drift (2019), attraverso la lente della ‘memoria del palinsesto’, individuando l’interconnessione tra memoria e migrazione. In primo luogo, si analizza il rapporto dialettico tra tempo eonico e alcuni elementi paratestuali che, nel tentativo di stabilire ordine e guidare il lettore, sembrano imitare ed evocare la stessa trama intricata del palinsesto. Quindi, si discute l’oscillazione tra narrazione extradiegetica e intradiegetica e l’uso del modello del romanzo multi-generazionale, mettendone in luce il carattere palinsestico in cui varie generazioni e storie diverse si intersecano, generando una spirale che rifrange le traiettorie multiple e invisibili del tempo. DOI : 10.17456/SIMPLE-159 Parole chiave Palimpsestic memory, migration, narrative form, postcolonial fiction, allegory. Bibliografia Basile, Giambattista. 2007 [1634]. Pentamerone . Detroit: Wayne State University Press. Benjamin, Walter. 1999. The Arcades Project . Cambridge (MA): Belknap Press. Bhabha, Homi. 1992. The World and the Home. Social Text , 31-32: 141-153. Booker, Keith M. 2009. The African Historical Novel. Abiola Irele ed. The Cambridge Companion to the African Novel . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 141-157. Creet, Julia. 2011. Introduction: The Migration of Memory and Memories of Migration. Creet, Julia & Andreas Kitzmann eds. Memory and Migration: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Memory Studies . Toronto: Toronto University Press, 3-25. Deleuze, Gilles. 1990. The Logic of Sense . New York: Columbia University Press. Dery, Mark. 1994. Black to the Future: Interviews with Samuel R. Delaney, Greg Tate and Tricia Rose. Mark Dery ed. Flame Wars: The Discourse of Cyberculture . Durham: Duke University Press, 179-222. Doolittle, Hilda. 1968 [1926]. Palimpsest . Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press. Erll, Astrid. 2017. Fictions of Generational Memory: Caryl Philips’s In the Falling Snow and Black British Writing in Times of Mnemonic Transition. Lucy Bond, Stef Craps & Peter Vermeulen eds. Memory Unbound: Tracing the Dynamics of Memory Studies . New York: Berghahn Books, 109-130. Heaney, Seamus. 2016. Aeneid Book VI . London: Faber & Faber. Owens, Craig. 1980. The Allegorical Impulse: Toward a Theory of Postmodernism. October , 13: 58-80. Quayson, Ato. 2009. Magic Realism and the African Novel. Abiola Irele ed. The Cambridge Companion to the African Novel . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 159-176. Rothberg, Michael. 2009. Multidirectional Memory: Remembering the Holocaust in the Age of Decolonization. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Rushdie, Salman. 2019. Salman Rushdie Reviews a Sweeping Debut Novel about the Roots of Modern Zambia. The New York Times (March, 28), (consulted on 20/05/2020). Serpell, Namwali. 2014. The Sack. Ellah Wakatama Allfrey ed. Africa 39: New Writing from Africa South of the Sahara
{"title":"Narrative Form and Palimpsestic Memory in Namwali Serpell’s The Old Drift","authors":"A. Monaco","doi":"10.17456/SIMPLE-159","DOIUrl":"","url":null,"abstract":"L’articolo esplora il romanzo di esordio di Namwali Serpell, The Old Drift (2019), attraverso la lente della ‘memoria del palinsesto’, individuando l’interconnessione tra memoria e migrazione. In primo luogo, si analizza il rapporto dialettico tra tempo eonico e alcuni elementi paratestuali che, nel tentativo di stabilire ordine e guidare il lettore, sembrano imitare ed evocare la stessa trama intricata del palinsesto. Quindi, si discute l’oscillazione tra narrazione extradiegetica e intradiegetica e l’uso del modello del romanzo multi-generazionale, mettendone in luce il carattere palinsestico in cui varie generazioni e storie diverse si intersecano, generando una spirale che rifrange le traiettorie multiple e invisibili del tempo. DOI : 10.17456/SIMPLE-159 Parole chiave Palimpsestic memory, migration, narrative form, postcolonial fiction, allegory. Bibliografia Basile, Giambattista. 2007 [1634]. Pentamerone . Detroit: Wayne State University Press. Benjamin, Walter. 1999. The Arcades Project . Cambridge (MA): Belknap Press. Bhabha, Homi. 1992. The World and the Home. Social Text , 31-32: 141-153. Booker, Keith M. 2009. The African Historical Novel. Abiola Irele ed. The Cambridge Companion to the African Novel . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 141-157. Creet, Julia. 2011. Introduction: The Migration of Memory and Memories of Migration. Creet, Julia & Andreas Kitzmann eds. Memory and Migration: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Memory Studies . Toronto: Toronto University Press, 3-25. Deleuze, Gilles. 1990. The Logic of Sense . New York: Columbia University Press. Dery, Mark. 1994. Black to the Future: Interviews with Samuel R. Delaney, Greg Tate and Tricia Rose. Mark Dery ed. Flame Wars: The Discourse of Cyberculture . Durham: Duke University Press, 179-222. Doolittle, Hilda. 1968 [1926]. Palimpsest . Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press. Erll, Astrid. 2017. Fictions of Generational Memory: Caryl Philips’s In the Falling Snow and Black British Writing in Times of Mnemonic Transition. Lucy Bond, Stef Craps & Peter Vermeulen eds. Memory Unbound: Tracing the Dynamics of Memory Studies . New York: Berghahn Books, 109-130. Heaney, Seamus. 2016. Aeneid Book VI . London: Faber & Faber. Owens, Craig. 1980. The Allegorical Impulse: Toward a Theory of Postmodernism. October , 13: 58-80. Quayson, Ato. 2009. Magic Realism and the African Novel. Abiola Irele ed. The Cambridge Companion to the African Novel . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 159-176. Rothberg, Michael. 2009. Multidirectional Memory: Remembering the Holocaust in the Age of Decolonization. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Rushdie, Salman. 2019. Salman Rushdie Reviews a Sweeping Debut Novel about the Roots of Modern Zambia. The New York Times (March, 28), (consulted on 20/05/2020). Serpell, Namwali. 2014. The Sack. Ellah Wakatama Allfrey ed. Africa 39: New Writing from Africa South of the Sahara","PeriodicalId":53737,"journal":{"name":"Simplegadi","volume":"18 1","pages":"92-106"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2020-11-15","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"46599003","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
Padre Roberto Busa e universalmente considerato il fondatore dello Humanities Computing (HC) per il suo approccio pionieristico all’analisi del testo, che ha aperto la strada alla linguistica computazionale. Questo focus iniziale sul ‘letterario’ si e indirizzato nel corso degli anni verso nuove modalita d’interazione fra umanistiche e computing . Le Digital Humanities (DH) rappresentano un contesto di natura metodologica e di portata interdisciplinare. Questo contributo intende esplorare a grandi linee la transizione fra HC e DH, nel tentativo di evidenziare i principali elementi di continuita e/o di cambiamento. DOI : 10.17456/SIMPLE-162 Parole chiave Humanities Computing , Digital Humanitie s, critica e analisi dei testi, rappresentazione della conoscenza. Bibliografia Cecire, Natalia. 2011. When Digital Humanities Was in Vogue. Journal of Digital Humanities , 1, 1, (consultato il 2/7/2020). Cuna, Andrea. 2019. Developing an Online Catalogue for the L. P. Tessitori Manuscript Collection. Tessitori Collection. The Indian Manuscripts of the “Vincenzo Joppi” Municipal Library in Udine . Udine: Societa Indologica L.P.T., 83-90. Davis, Randall, Howard Shrobe & Peter Szolovits. 1993. What is a Knowledge Representation? AI Magazine , 14, 1: 17-33. Gunkel, Lutz & Gisela Zifoun. 2009. Classifying modifiers in common names. Word Structure , 2, 2: 215-218. Hockey, Susan. 2004. The History of Humanities Computing. Susan Schreibman, Raymond G. Siemens & John Unsworth eds. A Companion to Digital Humanities . Malden (MA): Blackwell, 3-19. Jones, Steven E. 2016. Roberto Busa, S. J., and Humanities Computing. The Priest and the Punched Cards . New York: Routledge. Kirschenbaum, Matthew G. 2010. What is Digital Humanities and What’s It Doing in English Departments? ADE Bulletin , 150: 55-61. Nowviskie, Bethany. 2014. On the Origin of “Hack” and “Yack”, (consultato il 2/7/2020). Orlandi, Tito. n.d. The Scholarly Environment of Humanities Computing, (consultato il 2/7/2020). Ramsay, Stephen. 2016 [2013]. On Building. Melissa Terras, Julianne Nyhan & Edward Vanhoutte eds. Defining Digital Humanities. A Reader . London: Routledge, 243-246. Ramsay, Stephen & Geoffrey Rockwell. 2012. Developing Things: Notes toward an Epistemology of Building in the Digital Humanities. Matthew K. Gold ed. Debates in the Digital Humanities . Minneapolis (MN): University of Minnesota Press, 75-84. Robinson, Lyn, Ernesto Priego & David Bawden. 2015. Library and Information Science and Digital Humanities: Two Disciplines, Joint Future? Franjo Pehar, Christian Schlogl & Christian Wolff eds. Re:inventing Information Science in the Networked Society. Gluckstadt: W. Hulsbusch, 44-54. Scheinfeldt, Tom. 2010. Stuff Digital Humanists Like: Defining Digital Humanities by its Values, in Found History,
Roberto Busa教授认为,人文计算基金会(HC)是一个全面的测试方法,它是一个跨语言计算的平台。我们要把重点放在“letterario”上,这是一种间接的计算方式。数字人文(DH)在自然医学和跨学科门户网站上发表了一篇论文。为了在HC和DH之间建立一条大的传输线,这是一个持续的主要因素。DOI:10.17456/SIMPLE-162 Parole chiave Humanities Computing,Digital Humanitie s,critica e analisi dei testi,rappresentazione della conoscenza。纳塔利娅Cecire图书馆。2011年,《数字人文》登上《时尚》杂志。数字人文学报,1, il 2/7/2020)。库纳,安德里亚。2019.为L.P.Tessitori手稿集开发在线目录。Tessitori系列。乌迪内“Vincenzo Joppi”市立图书馆的印度手稿。乌迪内:印度社会,83-90。Davis、Randall、Howard Shrobe和Peter Szolovits。1993.什么是知识表示?AI杂志,14,1:17-33。Gunkel,Lutz&Gisela Zifoun。2009年,将修饰符分类为通用名称。《单词结构》,2,2:215-218。冰球,苏珊。2004年,《人文计算史》。Susan Schreibman、Raymond G.Siemens和John Unsworth主编:《数字人文指南》。马尔登(马萨诸塞州):布莱克威尔,3-19年。Jones,Steven E.2016。Roberto Busa,S.J.和人文计算。牧师和穿孔的卡片。纽约:劳特利奇。Kirschenbaum,Matthew G.2010。什么是数字人文,它在英语系做什么?ADE公告,150:55-61。新维斯基,贝瑟妮。2014.论“哈克”和“亚克”的起源, il 2/7/2020)。奥兰迪,蒂托。n.d.人文计算的学术环境, il 2/7/2020)。拉姆齐,斯蒂芬。2016[2013]。关于建筑。Melissa Terras,Julianne Nyhan和Edward Vanhoutte编辑。定义数字人文。读者。伦敦:劳特利奇,243-246。Ramsay、Stephen和Geoffrey Rockwell。2012年,《发展事物:数字人文中的建筑认识论札记》。马修·K·戈尔德主编《数字人文领域的辩论》。明尼阿波利斯(明尼苏达州):明尼苏达大学出版社,75-84。Robinson、Lyn、Ernesto Priego和David Bawden。2015。图书情报学与数字人文:两个学科,共同的未来?Franjo Pehar,Christian Schlogl和Christian Wolff编辑:《重新发明网络社会中的信息科学》。Gluckstadt:W.Hulsbusch,44-54。谢菲尔德,汤姆。2010年,《数字人文主义者喜欢的东西:用价值观定义数字人文》,载于《发现的历史》, il 3/7/2020)。Schreibman,Susan,Raymond G.Siemens和John Unsworth编辑。2004a。数字人文的伴侣。马尔登(马萨诸塞州):布莱克威尔。Schreibman、Susan、Raymond G.Siemens和John Unsworth。2004b。数字人文与人文计算:导论。Susan Schreibman,Ray Siemens和John Unsworth编辑。数字人文伴侣。马尔登(马萨诸塞州):布莱克威尔,xxv。史密斯,詹姆斯。2014.数字人文,后基础主义,后工业文化。数字人文季刊,8,1, il 3/7/2020)。Patrik Svensson。2009。人文计算作为数字人文。数字人文季刊,3,3, il 3/7/2020)。Unsworth,John。2001.人文计算中的知识表示,查阅日期:2020年3月7日)。Unsworth,John。2002.什么是人文计算,什么不是?计算机语言学,4:71-84, il 3/7/2020)。
{"title":"Fra ‘letterario’ e digitale","authors":"Andrea Cuna","doi":"10.17456/SIMPLE-162","DOIUrl":"","url":null,"abstract":"Padre Roberto Busa e universalmente considerato il fondatore dello Humanities Computing (HC) per il suo approccio pionieristico all’analisi del testo, che ha aperto la strada alla linguistica computazionale. Questo focus iniziale sul ‘letterario’ si e indirizzato nel corso degli anni verso nuove modalita d’interazione fra umanistiche e computing . Le Digital Humanities (DH) rappresentano un contesto di natura metodologica e di portata interdisciplinare. Questo contributo intende esplorare a grandi linee la transizione fra HC e DH, nel tentativo di evidenziare i principali elementi di continuita e/o di cambiamento. DOI : 10.17456/SIMPLE-162 Parole chiave Humanities Computing , Digital Humanitie s, critica e analisi dei testi, rappresentazione della conoscenza. Bibliografia Cecire, Natalia. 2011. When Digital Humanities Was in Vogue. Journal of Digital Humanities , 1, 1, (consultato il 2/7/2020). Cuna, Andrea. 2019. Developing an Online Catalogue for the L. P. Tessitori Manuscript Collection. Tessitori Collection. The Indian Manuscripts of the “Vincenzo Joppi” Municipal Library in Udine . Udine: Societa Indologica L.P.T., 83-90. Davis, Randall, Howard Shrobe & Peter Szolovits. 1993. What is a Knowledge Representation? AI Magazine , 14, 1: 17-33. Gunkel, Lutz & Gisela Zifoun. 2009. Classifying modifiers in common names. Word Structure , 2, 2: 215-218. Hockey, Susan. 2004. The History of Humanities Computing. Susan Schreibman, Raymond G. Siemens & John Unsworth eds. A Companion to Digital Humanities . Malden (MA): Blackwell, 3-19. Jones, Steven E. 2016. Roberto Busa, S. J., and Humanities Computing. The Priest and the Punched Cards . New York: Routledge. Kirschenbaum, Matthew G. 2010. What is Digital Humanities and What’s It Doing in English Departments? ADE Bulletin , 150: 55-61. Nowviskie, Bethany. 2014. On the Origin of “Hack” and “Yack”, (consultato il 2/7/2020). Orlandi, Tito. n.d. The Scholarly Environment of Humanities Computing, (consultato il 2/7/2020). Ramsay, Stephen. 2016 [2013]. On Building. Melissa Terras, Julianne Nyhan & Edward Vanhoutte eds. Defining Digital Humanities. A Reader . London: Routledge, 243-246. Ramsay, Stephen & Geoffrey Rockwell. 2012. Developing Things: Notes toward an Epistemology of Building in the Digital Humanities. Matthew K. Gold ed. Debates in the Digital Humanities . Minneapolis (MN): University of Minnesota Press, 75-84. Robinson, Lyn, Ernesto Priego & David Bawden. 2015. Library and Information Science and Digital Humanities: Two Disciplines, Joint Future? Franjo Pehar, Christian Schlogl & Christian Wolff eds. Re:inventing Information Science in the Networked Society. Gluckstadt: W. Hulsbusch, 44-54. Scheinfeldt, Tom. 2010. Stuff Digital Humanists Like: Defining Digital Humanities by its Values, in Found History, ","PeriodicalId":53737,"journal":{"name":"Simplegadi","volume":"18 1","pages":"136-146"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2020-11-15","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"42339327","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
L’articolo tratta dei legami transdisciplinari fra lingua e letteratura nel contesto postcoloniale, concentrandosi sulla scena letteraria indiana di lingua inglese. L’articolo sottolinea l’importanza di un approccio al testo letterario che tenga presente aspetti linguistici per svelare complesse questioni identitarie. In quest’ottica, viene presentata un’analisi preliminare di alcuni racconti tratti da The Adivasi Will Not Dance (2017) di Hansda Sowvendra Shekhar, uno scrittore della comunita adivasi, i cosiddetti ‘tribali’. I racconti, che descrivono lo sfruttamento di tale comunita, presentano una notevole ricchezza stilistica grazie al Indian English, ai prestiti dalla lingua santhali, e al gioco fra i vari registri del testo. DOI : 10.17456/SIMPLE-155 Parole chiave Language and literature, Indian English, identity, Hansda Sowvendra Shekhar, Adivasi. Bibliografia Auddy, Ranjan Kumar. 2020. In Search of Indian English. History, Politics and Indigenisation . Abingdon: Routledge. Ashcroft, Bill. 2009. Caliban’s Voice. The Transformation of English in Post-Colonial Literatures . London: Routledge. Bandyopadhyay, Sumana. 2010. Indianisation of English. Analysis of Linguistic Features in Selected Post-1980 Indian English Fiction . New Delhi: Concept Publishing Company. Bendi, Jaskiran. 2020. English Language in India. A Dichotomy between Economic Growth and Inclusive Growth . Abingdon: Routledge. Census of India 2011. (consulted on 13/05/2020). Chakraborty, Abin. 2017. Examining Subalterneity in Hansda Sowvendra Sekhar’s The Adivasi Will Not Dance . Postcolonial Text , 12, 1: 1-15. Chandra, Bipan, Mridula Mukherjee & Aditya Mukherjee. 2008. India since Independence . Gurgaon: Penguin Random House India. Choksi, Nishaant. 2017. From Language to Script: Graphic Practice and the Politics of Authority in Santali-language Print Media, Eastern India. Modern Asian Studies , 51, 5: 1519-1560. Denke, Charles Ngiewih. 2013. The Vulnerability of Imperial Language as a Transformational Tool in Postcolonial Transcultural Discourse. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies , 2, 3: 71-81. Jaydeep, Sarangi. 2018. Indian Novels in English. Texts, Contexts and Language . New Delhi: Authors Press. Jeffrey, Craigg & John Harriss. 2014. Keywords for Modern India . Oxford: Oxford University Press. Kachru, Yamuna & Larry E. Smith. 2008. Cultures, Contexts and World Englishes . New York: Routledge. Oxford English Dictionary online. 2020. (consulted on 12/05/2020). Sailaja, Pingali. 2009. Indian English . Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Shekhar, Hansda Sowvendra. 2015. The Adivasi will not Dance . New Delhi: Speaking Tiger. Spivak, Gayatri. 1988. Can the Subaltern Speak? Nelson Cary & Lawrence Grossberg eds. Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture . Urbana (ILL): University of Illinois Press, 271-313. Talib, Ismail. 2002. The Language of Postcolonial Literatures . London: Routledge. Tripath
跨学科法律文章与后殖民时代的文学作品相比较,集中在单一语言中的印度文学场景中。这篇文章的重要性在于,根据完整的身份问题,它展示了语言方面的内容。在提问中,viene在Hansda Sovendra Shekhar的《阿迪瓦西不会跳舞》(2017)中展示了一场“阿里西”预赛,这是一场“部落”。我说,我描述了一个社区的故事,介绍了印度英语,我的语言是santhali,我的名字是gioco fra I vari registri del testo。DOI:10.17456/SIMPLE-155教区语言和文学,印度英语,身份,Hansda Souvendra Shekhar,Adivasi。Bibliografia Auddy,Ranjan Kumar。2020.寻找印度英语。历史、政治和本土化。阿宾顿:劳特利奇。阿什克罗夫特,比尔。2009年,卡利班之声。后殖民文学中英语的转变。伦敦:劳特利奇。Bandyopadhyay,Sumana。2010年,英语印度化。《1980后印度英语小说选集》语言特征分析。新德里:概念出版公司。本迪,贾斯基兰。2020年,印度英语。经济增长和包容性增长之间的二分法。阿宾顿:劳特利奇。2011年印度人口普查。于2020年5月13日咨询)。查克拉博蒂,阿宾。2017年,在Hansda Sovendra Sekhar的《阿迪瓦西不会跳舞》中审视亚交替性。后殖民文本,12,1:1-15。Chandra、Bipan、Mridula Mukherjee和Aditya Mukher吉。2008年,独立后的印度。古尔冈:企鹅兰登书屋印度。Choksi,Nishaant。2017年,《从语言到文字:桑塔利语平面媒体的平面实践与权力政治》,东印度。《现代亚洲研究》,51,5:1519-1560。Denke,Charles Ngiewih。2013年,《帝国语言作为后殖民跨文化话语中的转换工具的脆弱性》。跨学科研究学术期刊,2,3:71-81。Jaydeep,Sarangi。2018.印度英语小说。文本、上下文和语言。新德里:作家出版社。杰弗里·克雷格和约翰·哈里斯。2014.现代印度关键词。牛津:牛津大学出版社。Kachru、Yamuna和Larry E.Smith。2008年,《文化、语境与世界英语》。纽约:劳特利奇。牛津英语词典在线。查阅日期:2020年5月12日)。Sailaja,平加利。2009年,印度英语。爱丁堡:爱丁堡大学出版社。Shekhar,Hansda Souvendra。2015年。阿迪瓦西不会跳舞。新德里:会说话的老虎。斯皮瓦克,加亚特里。1988年,潜艇会说话吗?纳尔逊·卡里、劳伦斯·格罗斯伯格主编:《马克思主义与文化阐释》。厄巴纳(伊利诺伊州):伊利诺伊大学出版社,271-313。Talib,伊斯梅尔。2002年,《后殖民文学的语言》。伦敦:劳特利奇。特里帕西,2017年。阿迪瓦西人不会跳舞:Hansda Sovendra Shekhar的故事。Rupkatha人文学科跨学科研究杂志,9,4:1193-196。Varughese,E.Dawson。2013.阅读新印度。后千禧年印度英语小说。伦敦:布鲁姆斯伯里。威尔士,凯蒂。1995年,《文体学词典》。伦敦:朗曼。
{"title":"More than Language and Literature","authors":"E. Adami","doi":"10.17456/SIMPLE-155","DOIUrl":"","url":null,"abstract":"L’articolo tratta dei legami transdisciplinari fra lingua e letteratura nel contesto postcoloniale, concentrandosi sulla scena letteraria indiana di lingua inglese. L’articolo sottolinea l’importanza di un approccio al testo letterario che tenga presente aspetti linguistici per svelare complesse questioni identitarie. In quest’ottica, viene presentata un’analisi preliminare di alcuni racconti tratti da The Adivasi Will Not Dance (2017) di Hansda Sowvendra Shekhar, uno scrittore della comunita adivasi, i cosiddetti ‘tribali’. I racconti, che descrivono lo sfruttamento di tale comunita, presentano una notevole ricchezza stilistica grazie al Indian English, ai prestiti dalla lingua santhali, e al gioco fra i vari registri del testo. DOI : 10.17456/SIMPLE-155 Parole chiave Language and literature, Indian English, identity, Hansda Sowvendra Shekhar, Adivasi. Bibliografia Auddy, Ranjan Kumar. 2020. In Search of Indian English. History, Politics and Indigenisation . Abingdon: Routledge. Ashcroft, Bill. 2009. Caliban’s Voice. The Transformation of English in Post-Colonial Literatures . London: Routledge. Bandyopadhyay, Sumana. 2010. Indianisation of English. Analysis of Linguistic Features in Selected Post-1980 Indian English Fiction . New Delhi: Concept Publishing Company. Bendi, Jaskiran. 2020. English Language in India. A Dichotomy between Economic Growth and Inclusive Growth . Abingdon: Routledge. Census of India 2011. (consulted on 13/05/2020). Chakraborty, Abin. 2017. Examining Subalterneity in Hansda Sowvendra Sekhar’s The Adivasi Will Not Dance . Postcolonial Text , 12, 1: 1-15. Chandra, Bipan, Mridula Mukherjee & Aditya Mukherjee. 2008. India since Independence . Gurgaon: Penguin Random House India. Choksi, Nishaant. 2017. From Language to Script: Graphic Practice and the Politics of Authority in Santali-language Print Media, Eastern India. Modern Asian Studies , 51, 5: 1519-1560. Denke, Charles Ngiewih. 2013. The Vulnerability of Imperial Language as a Transformational Tool in Postcolonial Transcultural Discourse. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies , 2, 3: 71-81. Jaydeep, Sarangi. 2018. Indian Novels in English. Texts, Contexts and Language . New Delhi: Authors Press. Jeffrey, Craigg & John Harriss. 2014. Keywords for Modern India . Oxford: Oxford University Press. Kachru, Yamuna & Larry E. Smith. 2008. Cultures, Contexts and World Englishes . New York: Routledge. Oxford English Dictionary online. 2020. (consulted on 12/05/2020). Sailaja, Pingali. 2009. Indian English . Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Shekhar, Hansda Sowvendra. 2015. The Adivasi will not Dance . New Delhi: Speaking Tiger. Spivak, Gayatri. 1988. Can the Subaltern Speak? Nelson Cary & Lawrence Grossberg eds. Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture . Urbana (ILL): University of Illinois Press, 271-313. Talib, Ismail. 2002. The Language of Postcolonial Literatures . London: Routledge. Tripath","PeriodicalId":53737,"journal":{"name":"Simplegadi","volume":"18 1","pages":"44-54"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2020-11-15","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"49426087","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
Il presente articolo si propone di individuare e analizzare i comportamenti linguistici metaforici di individui che convivono con stati depressivi. A tale scopo, sono stati selezionati quattro fora online di auto-aiuto dedicati a varie malattie mentali, tra cui la depressione. I dati raccolti sono stati interpretati alla luce dei principi cardine della Teoria della Metafora Concettuale e della Teoria psicologica dell’Auto-determinazione. La combinazione di questi due quadri teorici permette, in primo luogo, di individuare modelli metaforici ricorrenti nella comprensione della depressione e, in secondo luogo, di discernere una dimensione psichica armonica da una problematica per il benessere psicologico della persona. DOI : 10.17456/SIMPLE-161 Parole chiave Depression, conceptual metaphor theory, self-determination theory, online fora . Bibliografia Bartczak, Marlena & Barbara Bokus. 2015. Cognitive representations (Metaphorical Conceptualizations) of past, future, joy, sadness and happiness in depressive and non-depressive subjects: cognitive distortions in depression at the level of notion. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research , 44, 2: 159-185. Beyond Blue: (consulted on 31/08/19). Boden, Margaret A. 2004. The Creative Mind: Myths and Mechanisms . London-New York: Routledge. Deci, Edward L. & Richard M. Ryan. 2000. The “what” and “why” of goal pursuits: Human needs and the self-determination of behavior. Psychological Inquiry , 11, 4: 227-268. Demjen, Zsofia. 2014. Drowning in negativism, self-hate, doubt, madness: Linguistic insights into Sylvia Plath’s experience of depression. Communication & Medicine , 11, 11: 41-54. Depression Understood: (consulted on 31/08/19). Evola, Vito. 2008. La metafora come carrefour cognitivo del pensiero e del linguaggio. Vie della metafora: linguistica, filosofia, psicologia . Chieti: Editore Prime Vie-Sulmona, 55-80. Friedman, Edward S., Ian M. Anderson, Danilo Arnone & Timothey Denko. 2014. Handbook of Depression . London: Springer Healthcare Limited. Gentner, Dedre & Julie Colhoun. 2010. Analogical processes in human thinking and learning. Towards a Theory of Thinking . Berlin: Springer, 35-48. Kimmel, Michael. 2002. Metaphor, Imagery, and Culture. Spatialized Ontologies, Mental Tools, and Multimedia in the Making (Doctoral dissertation, University of Vienna). Kovecses, Zoltan. 2017. Conceptual Metaphor Theory . Elena Semino & Zsofia Demjen eds. The Routledge Handbook of Metaphor and Language . Abingdon-New York: Routledge. Lakoff, George. 1993. The Contemporary Theory of Metaphor. Andrew Ortony ed. Metaphor and Thought . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 202-252. Lakoff, George & Mark Johnson. 2003 [1980]. Metaphors We Live By . Chicago-London: The University of Chicago Press. Landau, Mark J., Brian P. Meier & Lucas A Keefer. 2010. A metaphor-enriched social cognition. Psycholog
{"title":"Metaphors of Psychological Deterioration","authors":"C. Tonon","doi":"10.17456/SIMPLE-161","DOIUrl":"","url":null,"abstract":"Il presente articolo si propone di individuare e analizzare i comportamenti linguistici metaforici di individui che convivono con stati depressivi. A tale scopo, sono stati selezionati quattro fora online di auto-aiuto dedicati a varie malattie mentali, tra cui la depressione. I dati raccolti sono stati interpretati alla luce dei principi cardine della Teoria della Metafora Concettuale e della Teoria psicologica dell’Auto-determinazione. La combinazione di questi due quadri teorici permette, in primo luogo, di individuare modelli metaforici ricorrenti nella comprensione della depressione e, in secondo luogo, di discernere una dimensione psichica armonica da una problematica per il benessere psicologico della persona. DOI : 10.17456/SIMPLE-161 Parole chiave Depression, conceptual metaphor theory, self-determination theory, online fora . Bibliografia Bartczak, Marlena & Barbara Bokus. 2015. Cognitive representations (Metaphorical Conceptualizations) of past, future, joy, sadness and happiness in depressive and non-depressive subjects: cognitive distortions in depression at the level of notion. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research , 44, 2: 159-185. Beyond Blue: (consulted on 31/08/19). Boden, Margaret A. 2004. The Creative Mind: Myths and Mechanisms . London-New York: Routledge. Deci, Edward L. & Richard M. Ryan. 2000. The “what” and “why” of goal pursuits: Human needs and the self-determination of behavior. Psychological Inquiry , 11, 4: 227-268. Demjen, Zsofia. 2014. Drowning in negativism, self-hate, doubt, madness: Linguistic insights into Sylvia Plath’s experience of depression. Communication & Medicine , 11, 11: 41-54. Depression Understood: (consulted on 31/08/19). Evola, Vito. 2008. La metafora come carrefour cognitivo del pensiero e del linguaggio. Vie della metafora: linguistica, filosofia, psicologia . Chieti: Editore Prime Vie-Sulmona, 55-80. Friedman, Edward S., Ian M. Anderson, Danilo Arnone & Timothey Denko. 2014. Handbook of Depression . London: Springer Healthcare Limited. Gentner, Dedre & Julie Colhoun. 2010. Analogical processes in human thinking and learning. Towards a Theory of Thinking . Berlin: Springer, 35-48. Kimmel, Michael. 2002. Metaphor, Imagery, and Culture. Spatialized Ontologies, Mental Tools, and Multimedia in the Making (Doctoral dissertation, University of Vienna). Kovecses, Zoltan. 2017. Conceptual Metaphor Theory . Elena Semino & Zsofia Demjen eds. The Routledge Handbook of Metaphor and Language . Abingdon-New York: Routledge. Lakoff, George. 1993. The Contemporary Theory of Metaphor. Andrew Ortony ed. Metaphor and Thought . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 202-252. Lakoff, George & Mark Johnson. 2003 [1980]. Metaphors We Live By . Chicago-London: The University of Chicago Press. Landau, Mark J., Brian P. Meier & Lucas A Keefer. 2010. A metaphor-enriched social cognition. Psycholog","PeriodicalId":53737,"journal":{"name":"Simplegadi","volume":"18 1","pages":"122-135"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2020-11-15","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"44846399","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
In Disgrace, David Lurie finds preposterous the proposition that “Human society has created language in order that we may communicate our thoughts, feelings and intentions to each other”, privately believing that, on the contrary, “the origins of speech lie in song” (Coetzee 2000: 3-4). In my 2010 book J. M. Coetzee and the Power of Narrative, I included a brief survey of references to music as a type of language in Coetzee’s work. In this paper I will examine my claim in greater depth, seeking musical resonances in his novel Age of Iron, both in his prose and in the form and structure of the novel. I will attempt to account for my impression that despite his reputation for spare, academic prose, Coetzee is a lyrical and impassioned writer, and that musical rhythms and structures are an essential element in his work.
{"title":"“The Origins of Speech Lie in Song”","authors":"Gillian Dooley","doi":"10.17456/SIMPLE-153","DOIUrl":"","url":null,"abstract":"In Disgrace, David Lurie finds preposterous the proposition that “Human society has created language in order that we may communicate our thoughts, feelings and intentions to each other”, privately believing that, on the contrary, “the origins of speech lie in song” (Coetzee 2000: 3-4). In my 2010 book J. M. Coetzee and the Power of Narrative, I included a brief survey of references to music as a type of language in Coetzee’s work. In this paper I will examine my claim in greater depth, seeking musical resonances in his novel Age of Iron, both in his prose and in the form and structure of the novel. I will attempt to account for my impression that despite his reputation for spare, academic prose, Coetzee is a lyrical and impassioned writer, and that musical rhythms and structures are an essential element in his work.","PeriodicalId":53737,"journal":{"name":"Simplegadi","volume":"18 1","pages":"26-34"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2020-11-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"48168723","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
Recensione a: Biancamaria Rizzardi. 2019. Spots of Time: Lectures on the English Literary Tradition vol. I. Pisa: Edizioni ETS, 208 pp., € 17.00, ISBN 978-884675748-7
{"title":"Spots of Time","authors":"Giovanni Bassi","doi":"10.2307/j.ctt1cg4m8v.12","DOIUrl":"","url":null,"abstract":"Recensione a: Biancamaria Rizzardi. 2019. Spots of Time: Lectures on the English Literary Tradition vol. I. Pisa: Edizioni ETS, 208 pp., € 17.00, ISBN 978-884675748-7","PeriodicalId":53737,"journal":{"name":"Simplegadi","volume":" ","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2020-11-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"48520726","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}