Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate and compare the levels of luteinizing hormone (LH), testosterone (T), estradiol (ES), sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) in master sprint (MS) and master endurance (ME) athletes. Additionally, the possible associations between these hormones, body composition, and lipid profile with athletic performance (% of performance in relation to the current world record) were analyzed. Materials and Methods: The participants were all men: (i) 34 MS (51.0 ± 6.8 years); and (ii) 32 ME (51.7 ± 9.4 years). Student's t-tests for independent samples were performed to compare all variables between groups. Results: MS had a significantly higher (p = .008) average IGF-1 (154.78 ± 29.85 ng/mL) when compared to ME (129.92 ± 25.48 ng/mL). Performance was significantly correlated with IGF-1 (r = 0.424). The MS group had a moderately lower body fat than ME athletes (MS 12.54 ± 4.07 vs. ME 14.60 ± 4.12; p = .078; d = 0.503). Conclusions: Thus, strength/power training exercise/sport seems to be more beneficial for obtaining a higher IGF-1 compared to aerobic/distance exercise/sport. In addition, LH, T, ES, and SHBG were similar between the two groups of athletes and were comparable to the reference values of younger adults.
Background: Kinesiology contributions to research and implementation of programs for cardiovascular disease have not been documented. This scoping review assesses kinesiology affiliates participation in exercise interventional research. Methods: The review followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic review and Meta-Analyses Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) Checklist. Eligible studies included individuals diagnosed with coronary artery (CAD) or heart disease (CHD) or stroke participating in exercise interventions supervised or designed by a kinesiologist affiliate (exercise physiologist, kinesiologist, exercise trainer, exercise therapist). Results: The search in MEDLINE, Embase, Scopus, PsychINFO, SPORTDiscus, and CINAHL yielded 219 studies, including 13,874 participants (5,242 CAD, 4,526 CHD, and 4,106 post-stroke). Randomized controlled trials were the most common study design (52%). Kinesiologists were involved in 70% of the studies and supervised 23%. Forty percent did not specify the supervisor. Kinesiologists are involved in prevention and rehabilitation exercise studies that look to improve feasibility of practice, aerobic fitness, muscle and body composition, functional capacity, gait, neurological, psychosocial, and cardiovascular outcomes. Conclusions: Documentation of kinesiology contributions to research for patients with cardiovascular disease may enhance their acceptance in research and care for people with impaired cardiovascular health.
Purpose: The acceleration of epigenetic age is a predictor of mortality and contributes to the increase in chronic diseases. Adherence to a healthy lifestyle is a strategy to reduce epigenetic age. The present study aimed to determine whether eight weeks of combined (aerobic and strength) training (CT) can influence the epigenetic age of women between 50 and 70 years old and the differences in sites and methylated regions. Methods: Eighteen women (AARLow: lower age acceleration residual, n = 10; AARHigh: higher age acceleration residual, n = 8) participated in a combined exercise training program (60 minutes, 3× a week) for eight weeks. DNA was extracted from whole blood using the salting out technique. DNA methylation was performed using the array technique (Illumina's Infinium Methylation BeadChip 850k). We used the DNA Methylation Age Calculator platform to calculate the biological epigenetic age. Two-way ANOVA followed by FISHER LSD posthoc was Applied, adopting p < .05. Results: After eight weeks of CT, there were no changes to the epigenetic age acceleration for the AARLow group (PRE: -2.3 ± 3.2 to POST: -2.3 ± 3.6). However, the AARHigh group significantly decreased the age acceleration (PRE: 3.6 ± 2.6 to POST: 2.2 ± 2.7) (group effect, p = .01; time effect, p = .31; group vs. time effect, p = .005). Conclusion: CT for eight weeks benefits the epigenetic clock of women with the most accelerated age.
Purpose: Given that previous research on relative age effects (RAEs) has only focused on organized sport, the aim of this exploratory study was to examine whether this phenomenon also existed among self-organized practitioners. In relation to that, a second aim was to know whether self-organized sport practices could be favored by late-born practitioners as a result of a strategic adaptation. Method(s): Representative sub-samples of 474 soccer players, 363 basketball players, 2,536 swimmers, 1,788 strength training practitioners, 1,873 pétanque players, 973 table tennis players and 2,136 runners were analyzed. Results: The results did not show any significant RAEs, including in sport practices that are sensitive to this phenomenon such as soccer or basketball. The results did not show any significant overrepresentation of late-born people either. Conclusion: This study suggests that self-organized sport practices are not impacted by the RAEs. This finding is interesting because self-organized sport practice is the most important one in numbers.
Purpose: This study aimed to compare the time-course changes of exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) levels in the long head of biceps brachii (LHB) and short head of the biceps brachii (SHB) using echo intensity (EI) and to determine the efficiency of the gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) texture parameters. Methods: The participants performed 30 maximal eccentric contractions of the elbow flexor. Along with muscle damage indicators, including circumference, range of motion, muscle soreness, and maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC), the EI and GLCM texture features of the LHB and SHB was also assessed using B-mode ultrasonography. All measurements were assessed pre- and immediately post-exercise and after 24, 48, 72, and 96 h. Results: The muscle damage indicators indicated significant changes after the eccentric contractions (p < 0.01 for circumference, range of motion, muscle soreness, and MVIC). The EI of LHB significantly increased following the contractions (p < 0.01), but that of SHB did not (p > 0.05). In contrast, for the GLCM texture parameters, there were significant changes in the SHB (p < 0.01 for homogeneity, energy, and entropy). Conclusion: Thus, this study demonstrated that EIMD severity is different between LHB and SHB even within the same muscle. In the GLCM features, the time course of SHB after eccentric contraction revealed different patterns compared with those of LHB. Therefore, even if there are no changes in EI within a target muscle following muscle contractions, new information on muscle quality can be obtained through GLCM analysis.
Purpose: To identify practice and social contextual factors that associate with physical activity (PA) levels of children during their participation in a youth soccer program. Methods: Twenty-seven youth soccer teams serving children ages 6-11 years participated. Research staff directly observed and recorded PA intensity and practice and social contextual factors using momentary time-sampling procedures. Each team was observed for 1 practice, during which approximately 6 children were each observed for twenty 30-s observation blocks (10-s observation, 20-s recording). In total, children were observed for 3,102 intervals. Multilevel logistic regression analyses were conducted to describe associations between PA intensity and practice and social contexts. Interaction terms were introduced into the models to determine if the associations differed across girls-only, boys-only, and coed teams. Results: A total of 158 children were observed across the 27 teams. Children were more likely to engage in moderate or vigorous PA while performing fitness (Odds Ratio [OR], 9.9, 95% CI = 5.34-18.04), game (OR, 4.0, 95% CI = 2.88-5.66), warm-up (OR, 2.8, 95% CI = 1.85-4.11), and drill (OR, 1.9, 95% CI = 1.41-2.67) activities compared to tactic/instructional activities. The associations between PA intensity levels and practice and social contexts did not differ across girls-only, boys-only, and coed teams. Conclusions: Fitness activities and full-team game play were associated with higher PA intensity levels during children's participation in youth soccer practices. Youth sport practice protocols can be modified to increase children's physical activity.
Purpose: The aim of this study was fourfold: (1) to quantify acceleration, velocity, and phase overlap for each phase of the stroke cycle (SC) during 200 m front crawl; (2) for each variable, to identify any differences between the four SC phases; (3) to investigate changes in variables during the 200 m; (4) to explore any association between performance and each variable. Methods: Ten swimmers performed a 200 m maximum swim. Four SCs were analyzed, one for each 50 m, using three-dimensional methods. Each SC was split into four phases: entry, pull, push, and recovery. Center of mass (CM) acceleration; maximum, minimum, and average CM velocity; phase duration, and, overlap of a phase of one arm with each phase of the opposite arm were calculated. Results and Conclusion: Phase velocities were positively correlated with performance and decreased during the 200 m. The acceleration data showed high within and between-swimmer variability. When the entry of one arm overlapped with the pull, and sometimes push, phase of the opposite arm, it was propulsive for the whole body. The pull was the slowest phase and overlapped predominantly with the opposite arm's recovery. The push phase was often propulsive for the whole body, regardless of the overlaps with the other arm, and together with the entry were the fastest phases. The recovery of each arm was mostly resistive for the whole body, except the short period of overlap with the opposite arm's push phase.