Climate change is accelerating the increase of temperatures across the planet and resulting in the warming of oceans. Ocean warming threatens the survival of many aquatic species, including squids, and has introduced physiological, behavioral, and developmental changes, as well as physical changes in their biological materials composition, structure, and properties. Here, we characterize and analyze how the structure, morphology, and mechanical properties of European common squid Loligo vulgaris sucker ring teeth (SRT) are affected by temperature. SRT are predatory teethed structures located inside the suction cups of squids that are used to capture prey and are composed of semicrystalline structural proteins with a high modulus (GPa-range). We observed here that this biological material reversibly softens with temperature, undergoing a glass transition at ∼35°C, to a MPa-range modulus. We analyzed the SRT protein nanostructures as a function of temperature, as well as microscale and macroscale morphological changes, to understand their impact in the material properties. The results suggested that even small deviations from their habitat temperatures can result in significant softening of the material (up to 40% in modulus loss). Temperature changes following recent global climate trends and predictions might affect environmental adaptation in squid species and pose emerging survival challenges to adapt to increasing ocean temperatures.
Dimensionless numbers have long been used in comparative biomechanics to quantify competing scaling relationships and connect morphology to animal performance. While common in aerodynamics, few relate the biomechanics of the organism to the forces produced on the environment during flight. We discuss the Weis-Fogh number, N, as a dimensionless number specific to flapping flight, which describes the resonant properties of an insect and resulting tradeoffs between energetics and control. Originally defined by Torkel Weis-Fogh in his seminal 1973 paper, N measures the ratio of peak inertial to aerodynamic torque generated by an insect over a wingbeat. In this perspectives piece, we define N for comparative biologists and describe its interpretations as a ratio of torques and as the width of an insect's resonance curve. We then discuss the range of N realized by insects and explain the fundamental tradeoffs between an insect's aerodynamic efficiency, stability, and responsiveness that arise as a consequence of variation in N, both across and within species. N is therefore an especially useful quantity for comparative approaches to the role of mechanics and aerodynamics in insect flight.
The mussel Mytilus californianus is an ecosystem engineer forming beds along the coastlines of Northeastern Pacific shores. As sessile organisms, they modulate their energy balance through valve movements, feeding, and digestive functionality. A recent study observed that activity of the digestive enzyme cellulase was higher than predicted in mussels high on the shore, where temperatures are characteristically high and food availability is limited compared to low-shore habitats. In the current study, we predicted that this scavenging behavior is induced to mitigate energy losses related to heat-shock responses-that cellulase and amylase will display hyperactivity for limited recourses in the face of aerial heating. In the laboratory, we acclimated mussels to three complex diets that differed in starch and cellulose composition, followed by two acute heat shocks (+8°C) in the laboratory. Results showed no hyperactivity of amylase and cellulase in heated mussels. These results differ from previous studies that showed lowered amylase activity following heat acclimation. This difference in amylase activity across heat-stress exposure time is important when analyzing mussel bed disturbances following heat waves that compromise energy balance or cause death within adult populations.
Many animals migrate across regions of their geographic range as part of extended events, with groups of individuals proceeding through areas of travel on several successive days. Early migrating individuals may have an advantage over late migrating individuals by gaining early access to the resources at the eventual destination. For situations where early access to resources would provide an advantage, specific sets of locomotor traits might be found among individuals that are earlier migrators. We tested for associations between migration timing and traits related to escape responses, climbing, and morphology in the amphidromous Hawaiian stream goby, 'o'opu nōpili (Sicyopterus stimpsoni). In this species, juvenile fish migrate in pulses over several days immediately following flash floods. We collected daily measurements of escape responses and waterfall climbing from juvenile fish arriving at streams from the ocean. We found that escape performance showed mainly stochastic variation across migrating individuals tested on successive days. In contrast, some metrics of climbing performance decrease over successive pulses during a migration event. We also found more variation in body shape among fish from early pulses during migration events compared to later in pulses. These results could have implications for guiding conservation efforts, identifying critical time windows for protection as periods with the greatest likelihood of successful migrants.
A central question in ecology is to what extent do trophic interactions govern the structure and function of communities? This question is becoming more pressing as trophic interactions shift with rapid climate change. Sea urchins and abalone are key invertebrates in the habitats where they reside. Sea urchins are critical members of exemplar trophic cascades in kelp forests due to their impact on kelp establishment and maintenance; yet their populations are controlled by predators, such as sea otters and sunflower sea stars. Abalone compete with urchins for macroalgal food resources and therefore can help regulate urchin populations in kelp forests. Given that both urchin tests and abalone shells used for predator defense are comprised of calcium carbonate, much research has been conducted on the impacts of ocean acidification (OA) on these calcified structures. A growing body of literature has shown that urchin tests are less calcified and break with less force under OA conditions. Less is known about abalone, but their shells also appear to respond negatively to OA. Using kelp forest communities as exemplar ecosystems, we discuss the morphological, biomechanical, and physiological responses to OA in urchins and abalone and consider how these individual level responses scale to trophic interactions and ultimately whole ecosystem processes. Although the impacts of OA on the calcified structures used for defense have been well studied, calcified mechanisms for food consumption, such as the Aristotle's lantern of urchins, are much less understood. Thus, examining both the feeding and defense sides of trophic interactions would greatly improve our understanding of OA responses across individual to ecosystem scales. More generally, measurements of morphological, biomechanical, and physiological responses to OA can be made in individuals to help predict higher level ecological responses, which would greatly contribute to broader predictions of whole ecosystem responses to OA.
Fishes use their mechanosensory lateral line (LL) system to detect local water flows in different behavioral contexts, including the detection of prey. The LL system is comprised of neuromast receptor organs on the skin (superficial neuromasts) and within bony canals (canal neuromasts). Most fishes have one cranial LL canal phenotype, but the silverjaw minnow (Ericymba buccata) has two: narrow canals dorsal and caudal to the eye and widened canals ventral to the eye and along the mandible. The ventrally directed widened LL canals have been hypothesized to be an adaptation for detection of their benthic prey. Multiple morphological methods were used to describe the narrow and widened canals and canal neuromasts in detail. The primary distribution of hundreds of superficial neuromasts and taste buds ventral to the eye and on the mandible (described here for the first time) suggests additional sensory investment for detecting flow and chemical stimuli emanating from benthic prey. The hypothesis that the LL system mediates prey localization was tested by measuring five parameters in behavioral trials in which the combination of sensory modalities available to fish was manipulated (four experimental treatments). Fish detected and localized prey regardless of available sensory modalities and they were able to detect prey in the dark in the absence of LL input (LL ablation with neomycin sulfate) revealing that chemoreception was sufficient to mediate benthic prey detection, localization, and consumption. However, elimination of LL input resulted in a change in the angle of approach to live (mobile) prey even when visual input was available, suggesting that mechanosensory input contributes to the successful detection and localization of prey. The results of this study demonstrate that the extraordinary LL canal system of the silverjaw minnow, in addition to the large number of superficial neuromasts, and the presence of numerous extraoral taste buds, likely represent adaptations for multimodal integration of sensory inputs contributing to foraging behavior in this species. The morphological and behavioral results of this study both suggest that this species would be an excellent model for future comparative structural and functional studies of sensory systems in fishes.
Climate change will increase the frequency and intensity of extreme climatic events (e.g., storms) that result in repeated pulses of hyposalinity in nearshore ecosystems. Sea urchins inhabit these ecosystems and are stenohaline (restricted to salinity levels ∼32‰), thus are particularly susceptible to hyposalinity events. As key benthic omnivores, sea urchins use hydrostatic adhesive tube feet for numerous functions, including attachment to and locomotion on the substratum as they graze for food. Hyposalinity severely impacts sea urchin locomotor and adhesive performance but several ecologically relevant and climate change-related questions remain. First, do sea urchin locomotion and adhesion acclimate to repeated pulses of hyposalinity? Second, how do tube feet respond to tensile forces during single and repeated hyposalinity events? Third, do the negative effects of hyposalinity exposure persist following a return to normal salinity levels? To answer these questions, we repeatedly exposed green sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) to pulses of three different salinities (control: 32‰, moderate hyposalinity: 22‰, severe hyposalinity: 16‰) over the course of two months and measured locomotor performance, adhesive performance, and tube foot tensile behavior. We also measured these parameters 20 h after sea urchins returned to normal salinity levels. We found no evidence that tube feet performance and properties acclimate to repeated pulses of hyposalinity, at least over the timescale examined in this study. In contrast, hyposalinity has severe consequences on locomotion, adhesion, and tube foot tensile behavior, and these impacts are not limited to the hyposalinity exposure. Our results suggest both moderate and severe hyposalinity events have the potential to increase sea urchin dislodgment and reduce movement, which may impact sea urchin distribution and their role in marine communities.
Climate change will disrupt biological processes at every scale. Ecosystem functions and services vital to ecological resilience are set to shift, with consequences for how we manage land, natural resources, and food systems. Increasing temperatures cause morphological shifts, with concomitant implications for biomechanical performance metrics crucial to trophic interactions. Biomechanical performance, such as maximum bite force or running speed, determines the breadth of resources accessible to consumers, the outcome of interspecific interactions, and thus the structure of ecological networks. Climate change-induced impacts to ecosystem services and resilience are therefore on the horizon, mediated by disruptions of biomechanical performance and, consequently, trophic interactions across whole ecosystems. Here, we argue that there is an urgent need to investigate the complex interactions between climate change, biomechanical traits, and foraging ecology to help predict changes to ecological networks and ecosystem functioning. We discuss how these seemingly disparate disciplines can be connected through network science. Using an ant-plant network as an example, we illustrate how different data types could be integrated to investigate the interaction between warming, bite force, and trophic interactions, and discuss what such an integration will achieve. It is our hope that this integrative framework will help to identify a viable means to elucidate previously intractable impacts of climate change, with effective predictive potential to guide management and mitigation.