Lui (2015) suggested that intergenerational family conflict can arise between immigrant children and parents due to differences in mainstream U.S. culture and traditional heritage culture. Thus, the present study examined whether Asian American college students' internalized racism and perceived mothers' and fathers' maintenance of heritage culture were related to intergenerational family conflict and, in turn, self-esteem. Data were collected from 465 self-identifying Asian American college students around the United States (Mage = 19.60, SD = 2.21). A path analysis revealed that when controlling for participant age, gender, and generational status, greater internalized racism and mothers' maintenance of heritage culture messages were linked to greater intergenerational family conflict with mothers and, in turn, lower self-esteem. In addition, internalized racism and greater perceived maintenance of heritage culture from fathers were positively related to intergenerational family conflict with fathers, but intergenerational family conflict with fathers was unrelated to self-esteem. Implications include teaching Asian American college students about the effects of internalized racism and developing interventions to mitigate mental health challenges and family conflicts among Asian Americans. Results highlight how larger macrosystems affect family dynamics and the well-being of Asian Americans and the need to improve the racial climate in the United States. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).
Psychological science can be used to inform the critical social and global issues affecting communities. Advocacy has been recognized as an essential and ethical responsibility of mental health professionals, as it champions the basic human and civil rights of individuals, families, and communities. Scholar-activism encourages psychology to bridge scholarly knowledge, social justice, and advocacy to foster social change. Public scholarship aims to consider dissemination beyond our scholarly journals and to communities and decision makers who might benefit from psychological science research and practice. There are existing barriers to psychologists' advocacy engagement, primarily centered around the need for social justice and advocacy education and training for psychology students and trainees. As the 2021 Marion Langer Award recipient, the author provides examples of how she integrated advocacy, social justice, and public scholarship into her early career work. Future directions for students, trainees, researchers, and practitioners are provided. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).
Known and emerging data continue to document the significant impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on traditionally marginalized communities living in the United States, particularly Latinx. However, at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, no validated measures were available to assess how this health crisis affected Latinx communities. The present study sought to assess the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in a sample of Latinx adults living in the United States (N = 2,300). Because Latinx are a heterogeneous group, we employed a person-centered approach to evaluate potential differences across negative COVID-19 pandemic impact indicators using the Epidemic-Pandemic Impacts Inventory (Grasso et al., 2020). Additionally, we assessed how these unique profiles were associated with anxiety/depression and alcohol use. Exploratory and confirmatory analyses suggested a six-factor oblique solution for the Epidemic-Pandemic Impacts Inventory. Results from a latent profile analysis identified six unique COVID-19 impact profiles that differentiated mental health outcomes. Profiles also differed along important Latinx within-group differences. The findings highlight the unique and heterogeneous COVID-19 experiences reported across the Latinx community with significant implications for mental health. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).
Social work is considered a human rights-based profession. One of the major domains wherein social workers advance human rights involves carrying out actions directed at ensuring the realization of social rights of underprivileged service users. However, empirical knowledge about the actual everyday practice of social rights take-up in social work contexts is still scarce. Guided by scholarship on social rights advocacy and social work discourse, this study explores how take-up of rights discourse is manifested in social workers' advocacy efforts on behalf of their marginalized service users. To do so, the study draws on 30 rights take-up letters written by practitioners in departments of social services in Israel, relating mainly to users' right to housing, an adequate standard of living, and health care. A critical discourse analysis of the letters shows that in their efforts to secure the rights of service users, social workers primarily employed three discursive moves: discourse of individual responsibility, discourse of charity, and clinical discourse. Additional findings show that very few letters used human rights discourse. We conclude by offering a structural explanation for social workers' reliance on discourses that depoliticize the idea and practice of securing people's social rights. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).
The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted preexisting health disparities and impacted the mental health of many Latine/x in the United States. Emerging adults are at increased risk for anxiety, depression (Ganson et al., 2021; Kujawa et al., 2020), and suicidal ideation (Tasnim et al., 2020). There is a scarcity of research that has examined sociocultural factors (i.e., racial bias, pandemic-related stress) associated with mental health outcomes (i.e., depression) and how they may be associated with self-harm resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic for Mexican-descent emerging adults. Using socioecological framework, we examined how COVID-19-related racial bias and perceived pandemic stress related to self-harm among Mexican-descent emerging adults. We used serial mediation to identify indirect effects between these factors. The present study examined the experiences of Mexican-descent college students during the COVID-19 pandemic. The participants (N = 818) were college students (ages 18-25) and completed an online survey. Rates of self-harm were as follows: 10.5% (suicide ideation), 6.9% (nonsuicidal self-injury), and 2.9% (suicide attempts). Results showed a significant indirect effect of COVID-19-related racial bias on suicide attempts via COVID-19-related perceived stress and depression symptoms (β = .17, SE = .05, 95% CI [.10, .30]). Findings were consistent across self-harm outcomes (i.e., suicide ideation, nonsuicidal self-injury, and suicide attempts). This study elucidated novel processes from perceived COVID-19-related racial bias to self-harm outcomes via pandemic-related stress and depression symptoms. Findings inform culturally responsive interventions aimed at reducing self-harm in young adults faced with pervasive discrimination. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).
Although political conservatism has been associated with xenophobia, the processes that may explain this link during the COVID-19 pandemic are unclear. Xenophobia does increase during infectious disease outbreaks, suggesting an adaptation for those concerned about disease threats. Given that disgust facilitates disease avoidance, the present study examined the extent to which disgust proneness (DP) moderated the association between political conservatism and xenophobia during the pandemic. Community participants (n = 277) reporting their political orientation and levels of DP on May 27, 2020 completed measures of COVID-19 xenophobia and COVID-19 anxiety every 2 weeks for a total of 15 timepoints over 30 weeks. Multilevel models revealed that xenophobia was elevated among those high in DP but decreased throughout the pandemic. Xenophobia was also elevated among conservatives but also decreased during the pandemic. Consistent with predictions, DP moderated the effect of political orientation on xenophobia such that at high (but not low) levels of DP, the link between political orientation and xenophobia was significant, with higher levels of conservativism predicting higher xenophobia even when controlling for COVID-19 anxiety. The implications of the present findings for conceptualizing the various processes that explain how political attitudes may fuel xenophobia during future pandemics are discussed. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).
Although Black women face disproportionately high rates of gun violence and incarceration loss, there is a scarcity of culturally relevant interventions for this population. The aims of this study were to (a) examine the need for a culturally responsive, trauma-informed, and evidence-based grief intervention and to (b) identify key program components and considerations. Using a community-based participatory research framework, co-collaborators interviewed and surveyed 13 Black women who experienced gun violence and/or incarceration loss. Thematic analysis of interview data confirmed a need for this type of intervention due to the traumatic impact of losing a loved one, the inadequacy of available resources, and the personal and communal importance of addressing their grief. Critical intervention components included relationships and social support, help in "moving beyond" the experience, opportunities for emotional expression and validation, acknowledgment of spirituality and self-care, personal freedom in the grieving process, and addressing "underlying issues." The participants also completed a survey with 24 proposed intervention activities. The 22 they identified as "very important" largely corresponded with interview codes. Barriers to treatment included judgment and invalidation, lack of trust, disinterest, feeling stuck, mental health stigma, and lack of knowledge. Opinions about combining women with different types of loss in the same group and the importance of the group developers' lived experience were mixed. Overall, our findings support the need for culturally relevant, trauma-informed interventions in this population and provide a foundation for developing such an intervention. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).