The ab initio quasirelativistic approach developed specifically for the calculation of spectral parameters of highly charged ions has been used to determine transition data for the Mo-like tungsten ion W. The configuration interaction method is utilized to include electron correlation effects. The relativistic effects are taken into account in the Breit–Pauli approximation. Level energies, radiative lifetimes , Landé -factors are determined for the ground configuration 4p4d and two excited configurations 4p4d and 4p4d4f. The radiative transition wavelengths , emission transition probabilities , weighted oscillator strengths , and transition line strengths for the electric dipole, electric quadrupole, electric octupole, magnetic dipole, and magnetic quadrupole transitions among the fine-structure levels of these configurations are produced. The uncertainties of computed spectroscopic parameters are evaluated.
This table is an updated compilation of experimental values of the magnetic hyperfine anomaly in atomic and ionic systems. The literature search covers the period up to December 2022. A short discussion on general trends of the hyperfine anomaly and the theoretical developments is included.
In a recent paper, Wang and Jiang (At. Data Nucl. Data Tables 148 (2022) 101532) have reported data for energy levels, radiative rates (A-values), and effective collision strengths () for some transitions of five Al-like ions, namely Ga XIX, Ge XX, As XXI, Se XXII, and Br XXIII. On a closer examination we find that their reported data for energy levels and A-values are generally correct, but not for . Their values, for all transitions (allowed or forbidden) and for all ions, invariably decrease at higher temperatures. This is mainly because they have adopted a limited range of electron energies for the calculations of collision strengths. We demonstrate this with our calculations with the Flexible Atomic Code (FAC), and conclude that their values are inaccurate, unreliable, and should not be adopted in any applications or modelling analysis.