The authors aimed to determine the plasma melatonin concentration in mares and their new-born foals in the early post-partum period. Blood samples were collected from the jugular vein of 53 mare-foal pairs within twelve hours after parturition. Plasma melatonin levels were measured by ELISA. The melatonin concentration, adjusted for the moment of parturition using a generalised linear model, was 34.58 pg mL-1 in mares. It was significantly lower (27.63 pg mL-1) in the new-born foals. However, the melatonin concentration declined differently by the end of the twelve hours, it decreased less in the offspring than in the mothers. An artificial light supplementation at the end of gestation reduced the melatonin concentration both in mares and their foals by about 10 pg mL-1, compared to the controls. An elevated melatonin production may be related to preparation of mares for parturition and ensures the chances of survival of offspring, therefore the melatonin may reach its peak at the moment of foaling regardless of its actual time. The effect of low melatonin concentration in new-born foals might be associated with the foal's health and subsequent performance. The need to monitor the melatonin concentration in the offspring justifies further studies.
Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) is a neuropeptide with widespread occurrence and diverse functions. It occurs in high levels in the gonads suggesting a potential central role in reproduction. The aim of our study was to assess the effect of PACAP treatment during embryo vitrification on the developmental rate and the expression of the heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor gene (Hbegf). Mouse embryos, obtained from superovulated females were allocated into the four treatment groups. In EM1 and EM2, the embryos were prepared for vitrification in an Equilibration Solution that was supplemented with 1 or 2 μM PACAP1-38, respectively. The embyos in groups CM1 and CM2 were not treated prior to vitrification but were cultured in a medium supplemented with 1 or 2 μM PACAP1-38 after thawing. The Vitrified Control group consisted of embryos vitrified and thawed then cultured without PACAP1-38 treatment. A non-vitrified, non-treated Fresh Control group was also used. After 24 h of culture, the developmental rate of the embryos, as well as the relative expression level of the Hbegf gene, as determined by qPCR, were compared among groups. Higher developmental rate and Hbegf gene expression level were found in the embryos treated with a higher concentration of PACAP. These results indicate that PACAP treatment has a beneficial effect on the survival and development of vitrified/thawed mouse embryos.
A 16-year-old castrated male Persian cat was presented with weight loss, anorexia and dyspnoea. Tachycardia and tachypnoea were observed upon presentation. The cat was previously diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and left ventricular hypertrophy and received methimazole, but was subsequently not followed up and treated appropriately. Thoracic radiography revealed mild pleural effusion, interstitial lung pattern, moderate cardiomegaly and moderate-to-severe dilation of the pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein. On echocardiography, the left ventricular hypertrophy, identified earlier, shoed partial regression. Therefore, the previous myocardial hypertrophy was diagnosed as a hypertrophic cardiomyopathy phenotype related to hyperthyroidism. ST-segment elevation was identified on electrocardiography, and the thyroid profile examination revealed increased total thyroxine and free thyroxine and decreased thyroid-stimulating hormone levels, suggesting myocardial injury and uncontrolled hyperthyroidism, respectively. In addition, normal N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide and high cardiac troponin I levels were found. Based on these findings, the observed congestive heart failure was considered as a sequel of myocardial injury caused by uncontrolled hyperthyroidism. Clinical signs resolved after intravenous administration of furosemide and butorphanol, oxygen supply and thoracocentesis. Furosemide and pimobendan were additionally administered, and the cat was discharged. This case demonstrates that myocardial damage due to chronic uncontrolled hyperthyroidism may cause heart failure in cats.
Congenital malformations occur sporadically in cattle; however, congenital structural and functional disorders of the nervous system are rather common in ruminants. Among the numerous causes of congenital nervous system defects, infectious agents are highlighted in this paper. Virus-induced congenital malformations are well known, among which those caused by bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV), Akabane virus (AKAV), Schmallenberg virus (SBV), Bluetongue virus (BTV), and Aino virus (AV) are the most studied. In this study, we specify and categorise macroscopic and histopathological lesions in the brain of 42 newborn calves suffering from severe neurologic signs and diagnosed with BVDV and AKAV infection. Following a complete necropsy, specimens were collected from the brains to track the presence of BVDV, AKAV and SBV utilising reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. Of the 42 examined calves, 21 were BVDV positive and 6 were AKAV positive, while 15 brains were negative for the studied agents. Regardless of the aetiology, cerebellar hypoplasia, hydranencephaly, hydrocephalus, porencephaly, and microencephaly were detected. Cerebellar hypoplasia was the most common lesion seen in both BVDV-positive and AKAV-positive cases. Virus-induced necrosis of the germinative cells of the external granular layer of cerebellum, as well as vascular damages, are believed to be the underlying causes of cerebellar hypoplasia. BVDV was the most important aetiological agent of such cases in this study.
Cytochrome P450 (CYP) oxidases are among the main metabolizing enzymes that are responsible for the transformation of xenobiotics, including clinically important drugs. Their activity can be influenced by several compounds leading to decreased efficacy or increased toxicity of co-administered medicines. Flavonoids exert various beneficial effects on human and animal health; therefore they are used as food and feed supplements. However, they are also well-known for their CYP modulating potential. Since the amount of CYP enzymes is highest in the liver, interaction studies are mainly conducted in hepatocytes, however, CYP activity in the gastrointestinal tract is also remarkable. In this study, effects of apigenin (API), quercetin (QUE) and their methylated derivatives trimethylapigenin (TM-API), 3-O-methylquercetin (3M-QUE) and 3',7-di-O-methylquercetin (3'7DM-QUE) on the CYP enzyme activity was examined in IPEC-J2 porcine intestinal epithelial cells. Potential food-drug interactions were studied using flavonoid treatment in combination with inducer and inhibitor compounds. API, TM-API, QUE and 3M-QUE significantly inhibited the CYP3A29 enzyme, while 3'7DM-QUE did not alter its activity. Enzyme inhibition has also been observed in case of some food-drug combinations. Our results support previous findings about CYP modulating effects of flavonoids and highlights the possibility of interactions when flavonoid-containing supplements are consumed during drug treatments.
This study investigated the frequency of third-generation cephalosporin resistance in Klebsiella spp. isolated from animals in Croatia and the presence of blaCTX-M genes. A total of 711 enteric bacteria were isolated from clinical samples, and Klebsiella spp. isolates accounted for 6.9% (n = 49). Thirteen Klebsiella isolates (26.5%) were ESBL producers, nine isolates from the Klebsiella pneumoniae species complex (69.2%), and four (30.8%) Klebsiella oxytoca isolates. All carried the blaCTX-M-15 gene, and antimicrobial susceptibility testing revealed them as multidrug resistant. All were resistant to all tested cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones, aminoglycosides and aztreonam, 92.3% showed resistance to tetracycline, 84.6% to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and 69.2% to nitrofurantoin. No isolate showed resistance to imipenem and meropenem. It can be concluded that ESBL-producing Klebsiella expressing the blaCTX-M gene are not rare among Klebsiella isolates from animals in Croatia.
The aim of this research was to investigate the effect of drenching with a feed additive on rumination time (RT) and reticuloruminal pH post-partum at a Hungarian large-scale dairy farm. One hundred and sixty-one cows were fitted with a Ruminact© HR-Tag and from these 20 also received SmaXtec© ruminal boli approximately 5 days before calving. Drenching and control groups were established based on calving dates. Animals in the drenching group were dosed three times (Day 0/day of calving/, Day 1, and Day 2 after calving) using a feed additive containing calcium propionate, magnesium sulphate, yeast, potassium chloride and sodium chloride mixed in approximately 25 L of lukewarm water. RT before calving and sensitivity to subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) were considered in the final analysis. There was a significant decrease in RT in the drenched groups compared to the controls after drenching. Reticuloruminal pH was significantly higher and time below reticuloruminal pH 5.8 remained significantly lower in SARA-tolerant drenched animals on the days of the first and the second drenchings. Drenching temporarily decreased RT in both drenched groups compared to controls. The feed additive had a positive effect on reticuloruminal pH and time below reticuloruminal pH 5.8 in tolerant drenched animals.
The aim of this study was to estimate the occurrence of bacterial infection and contamination in two ostrich-producing farms. Compared to other poultry species, the hatchability of ostrich eggs is especially low. In a quest to identify factors that may affect hatchability, we collected faecal samples from adult birds, as well as eggs with dead-in-shell embryos, dead chicks and swab samples from the surface of the eggs and from the environment. The samples were screened for the presence of bacteria by routine bacteriological culture methods. The most prevalent bacteria, detected in the samples, were Escherichia coli, Bacillus spp. and coliform bacteria, whereas Pseudomonas spp. were less frequently found. The intensity and species compositon of the bacterial contamination was comparable in the two farms. Our results revealed that the bacteria, present in the environment, may likely be transmitted to the surface of the eggs. If they are able to penetrate the shell then the embryos and chicks become infected easily. These findings draw the attention to the special importance of enforcing efficient decontamination and disinfection measures to keep the environment and egg surface free from germs. Besides the appropriate egg treatment procedure, the incubation and hatching technology should also be kept under control.