Introduction: This study examines the impacts of anxiety and depressive symptoms on subsequent initiation of alcohol use, cannabis use, and prescription opioid misuse among diverse adolescents attending high schools on or near a Tribal reservation in a rural Great Plains region of the U.S.
Methods: In collaboration with Emory University and a Great Plains Tribal nation's behavioral health organization, a community randomized trial of 20 high schools was conducted to prevent substance misuse. Surveys administered at four time points (fall and spring of 10th and 11th grade) included the GAD-7, PHQ-8, and items assessing lifetime alcohol use, cannabis use, prescription opioid misuse, and covariates (age, gender, race, and food insecurity). The analytic sample included students with data at two or more time points (n = 455) from control schools (k = 10). Approximately half of the sample identified as American Indian only or American Indian/White only, and 36%-39% as White only.
Results: Adjusted generalized estimating equations showed that every 5-point increase in anxiety symptoms was associated with 1.28 and 1.29 times the odds of initiating alcohol and cannabis use respectively the following semester. Similarly, every 5-point increase in depressive symptoms was associated with 1.25, 1.34, and 1.38 times the odds of initiating alcohol use, cannabis use, and prescription opioid misuse respectively the following semester.
Discussion: Results show a consistent 25%-38% increased odds of certain types of substance use initiation following increases in anxiety and depressive symptoms among adolescents. Findings underscore the need for targeted prevention and intervention to address mental health issues among a historically marginalized population. Addressing mental health concerns earlier may mitigate later substance use risks and sequelae for rural and American Indian youth.
Introduction: There is scant empirical work on associations between current and past cannabis use and parenting skills in parents of young children. As recreational cannabis use is now legal in nearly half of states in the U.S., cannabis use is becoming more ubiquitous.
Methods: In the current study, parents of toddler and pre-school age children were randomly assigned to participate in an app-based parenting skills program that included telehealth coaching (Family Check-Up Online; FCU-O), with a focus on parenting in the context of substance use. We aimed to test associations between adolescent-onset and current cannabis use and parent mental health and parenting skills, as well as whether effects of the FCU-O on parent mental health outcomes varied as a function of past cannabis use. Participants were 356 parents of children ages 1.5-5 participating in a randomized controlled trial of the FCU-O. Parents screened into the study if they reported current or past substance misuse or current depressive symptoms. After completing a baseline assessment, parents were randomly assigned to the FCU-O or control group and completed a follow-up assessment 3 months later. Parents retrospectively reported on the age when they initially used substances, as well as their current use.
Results: After accounting for current cannabis use, adolescent-onset cannabis use was significantly associated with higher symptoms of anxiety and depression, but not with parenting skills. Adolescent-onset cannabis use was found to significantly moderate the effect of the FCU-O on parents' anxiety symptoms. Specifically, the FCU-O was particularly effective in reducing anxiety symptoms for parents with adolescent-onset regular cannabis use, after accounting for current cannabis use.
Discussion: Adolescent-onset regular cannabis use may be a risk factor for later mental health challenges in parents of children under 5. An app-based parenting intervention may be particularly helpful in reducing symptoms of anxiety for parents who used cannabis regularly as adolescents. The findings have significant implications for the prevention of multigenerational risk for substance use and mental health challenges.