Introduction: When items are connected together, they tend to be perceived as an integrated whole rather than as individual dots, causing a strong underestimation of the numerosity of the ensemble. Previous evidence on grouping-induced biases of numerosity has shown a dependency on autistic-like personality traits in neurotypical adults, with a weaker tendency for grouping into meaningful segmented objects in individuals with strong autistic traits. Here we asked whether this result would generalize to the autistic population.
Methods: Twenty-two adults with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and 22 matched neurotypical controls judged the numerosity of clouds of dot-pairs connected by thin lines.
Results: Results showed no significant group difference in discrimination precision, suggesting that both groups were equally capable performing the task. However, while connecting pairs of dots at moderate numerosities caused large changes in apparent numerosity in the neurotypical controls, particularly those with low autistic-like traits, it had little effect in the group of autistic participants, suggesting significant differences in numerosity estimation between autistic and neurotypical perception. Consistent with earlier studies, the magnitude of the effect covaried strongly with AQ-defined autistic traits in the neurotypical range, reinforcing the idea that autistic traits predict the strength of grouping.
Discussion: These results provide strong support for the theories of autistic perception that highlight dissimilarities in global vs. local processing, and open the door to study grouping mechanisms indirectly, by asking participants to report on the apparent numerosity rather than on the grouping organization per se.
Background: Existing research has shown that the parent-adolescent relationship and its associated communication and interaction styles are important for adolescent development and outcomes. Measuring parent-adolescent communication and interaction using self-report methods has substantial research limitations. Video observational methodologies offer a novel and more objective approach to measuring parent-adolescent communication and interaction from the point of view of participants. This study aims to explore the feasibility and acceptability of this methodology, and analysis using automated coding software in an urbanized context.
Methods: This study recruited parent-adolescent pairs in Soweto, South Africa which included 11-15-year-old adolescents and their biological parents. Parent-adolescent communication and interactions were measured using novel video observational portable head cameras called "Teencams". Feasibility was evaluated by testing three observational game tasks (Matching pairs card game, Jenga and Charades) to stimulate communication and interaction between 16 parent-adolescent pairs, and the Teencam's ability to record video and audio content. Acceptability was explored using one-on-one interviews with the parents (n = 14), on whether they found the Teencam comfortable to wear, whether the parents believed their adolescents acted naturally, and which observational game tasks were feasible during their interactions. The videos were analysed using automated coding software called FaceReader which detects and codes basic facial expressions.
Results: The Teencam methodology was found to be feasible and acceptable amongst parent-adolescent pairs in Soweto, South Africa. The Matching pairs card game stimulated excellent interaction and communication with good video and audio quality. Some feasibility limitations were identified in the operations (switching on/off and starting recording), the ability of the device to cope with the movement of the participants, and the lighting conditions of the room, all of which resulted in poor coding and analytic output from FaceReader. Refinements and adjustments were made to the methodological protocol by improving the head cameras and lighting conditions and refining the Matching pairs card game, which resulted in improved analytic output from FaceReader.
Conclusion: Based on these findings, a methodological protocol was developed to measure parent-adolescent interaction and communication in an urban setting. The unique contribution of this research lies in its potential to lead to improved methodologies for measuring parent-adolescent communication and interactions.
Objective: While early-life adversity can have negative effects on health and wellbeing that persist across the lifespan, some individuals show indications of resilience. Resilience can be understood as a dynamic coping process involving the mobilization of resources in response to adversity exposure. Sense of coherence-revised (SOC-R), an ability linked to health maintenance in the face of adversity, may be influential in this process. However, research is lacking on the mechanisms underpinning SOC-R and resilience-related resources and their impact on the (mental) health of individuals exposed to early-life adversity. Therefore, this study examined the role of SOC-R and selected resilience-related resources in the relationship between early-life adversity and later-life health and wellbeing.
Method: Participants were N = 531 Irish (older) adults (58.2% female, mean age = 59.5 years, range = 50-86 years). Standardized questionnaires assessed retrospective reports of early-life adversity, as well as current physical and mental health, satisfaction with life, SOC-R, and resilience-related resources (self-efficacy, optimism, social support). A multiple mediation analysis tested the indirect effects of the resources and a moderated mediation tested for conditional dependence on SOC-R.
Results: For mental health and satisfaction with life, significant partial mediations were found for all three resources. Only optimism showed a significant partial mediation for physical health. In the moderated mediation, SOC-R significantly moderated the associations between early-life adversity and self-efficacy (b = .06, t = 3.65, p = .001), optimism (b = .04, t = 2.60, p = .009), and social support (b = .08, t = 3.75, p < .001). The indirect effects were larger at high rather than low SOC-R, indicating that the mediating effects of the resources were greater for individuals with a stronger SOC-R.
Conclusion: A strong SOC-R may have a beneficial influence on health and wellbeing by mitigating the detrimental effect of early-life adversity on the resources self-efficacy, optimism, and social support. Future avenues for research include the expanded assessment of resources and the potential role of SOC-R in successful ageing through the selection and adaptation of goals and resources into older age. SOC-R may represent a promising target for psychotherapeutic interventions promoting resilience in survivors of early-life adversity.
Introduction: Most studies on parenting and its role in child development are conducted in Western countries, but it cannot be assumed that characteristics of parental practices are similar in non-Western settings. Research characterizing cultural differences in parenting is required to inform the focus of studies designed to test differential outcomes from such practices in children over time and across cultures. The present cross-cultural study examined differences in maternal speech during mother-child interactions, and, specifically, in the use of mind-mindedness, instruction and control, and the expression of warmth (i.e., positive comments).
Methods: We observed 100 dyads (50 from the UK and 50 from India) during mother-infant play interactions at 7 months. Maternal speech was transcribed and translated prior to independent coding, and this was coded using established measures together with a newly developed measure of "Instructions".
Results: Substantially large differences between UK and Indian mothers were observed. Compared with UK mothers, Indian mothers made fewer mind-minded comments about their infants, and they issued more instructions and made more controlling and positive comments. Findings from this study might reflect cultural differences in how parental style might be expressed according to cultural priorities and values.
Conclusions: The implications of these very large differences in parenting across cultures for child development remain to be investigated and are discussed in the present paper.