This study explores the present status of inclusive and equal education in higher educational institutions in Bangladesh. This study aims to ascertain the impediments to creating equal and inclusive educational opportunities and explore the actual scenario of equality-based environments in higher educational institutions in Bangladesh. This study uses Justice theory and thematic analyses to discuss and analyze the data. Two semi-structured questionnaires have been made in English for the data collection. 55 interviewees were selected by purposive sampling from one Public University, and 2 experts and policymakers were selected by purposive sampling. For the reliability of the research, data has been collected from all socio-economic backgrounds, ethnic and minority backgrounds, students with special needs, and students of every gender. The findings of this research demonstrate that the Bangladesh government has taken numerous steps towards achieving the fourth SDG target. However, an unequal scenario in higher education institutions makes completing an equal and quality education difficult. In every aspect of education, there are disparities based on gender, economic, and social background that affect enrolment rates for males, females, ethnic groups, minorities, and students with special needs. Economic, social, institutional and educational factors impede inclusive and quality education. Furthermore, recommendations have been made regarding the issue, and measures that Japan has introduced have been discussed for a better outcome in this research.