The kinetics of proliferation of the ischemically injured small intestine in rats were tested after recovery of the circulation in dependence on the age by means of the autoradiography. The marking index and the middle density of silver grain were applied. The time of the anoxia amounted to 3 hours, since in that case a regeneration can hardly be expected after this time. With a complete regeneration both the number of the synthesizing cells and the synthesized DNA quantity can be calculated after the recovery of circulation. Differences dependent on the age become clear, in a similar way to the physiological kinetics of proliferation. The values of comparison with the control group are reached in rats at an age of 6 weeks already after nearly 18 to 20 hours. On the other hand the time of the regeneration amounted to nearly 36 to 48 hours in the rats at the age of 12 months. The demand of an early diagnosis and recovery of the circulation within 3 hours is emphasized.