Identification of stable genotypes for high yield and quality is of paramount importance, particularly under changing climatic scenarios. The objective of the study was to identify stable, high-yielding and high-quality sugarcane varieties to meet the food and energy demands of India and to sustain the productivity. The study focused on the effects of genotype-by-environment (G × E) interaction on yield and quality parameters, and multivariate analyses, specifically AMMI and GGE biplot, were employed. Seventeen elite sugarcane genotypes along with standard Co 86032 were evaluated in RCBD with three replications at two environments of Tamil Nadu (Nellikuppam: coastal region, and Alapuram: drought-prone area) during 2019–2021 seasons as two plant and one ratoon crops. AMMI analysis of variance revealed that environmental factors and G × E interactions significantly influenced all the four traits under study, viz., sugar yield, cane yield, CCS per cent and sucrose per cent. AMMI analysis identified four entries, viz., Co 12009, Co 14002, Co 14005 and Co 18009 superior to sugar and cane yield, and among these Co 14002 was stable across environments and Co 12009 was moderately stable. Co 17003 was identified as superior and stable entry for quality parameters. GGE biplot analysis further supported these findings, with the first two principal components explaining significant proportions of total G + GE variation for each trait. Co 12009 and Co 14005 were highlighted as winning genotypes for CCS yield, with Co12009 showing moderate stability. Co 12009, Co 14002 and Co 14027 were identified as superior and stable high yielding varieties and Co 17003 as high-quality genotype across the locations. GGE biplot provided insights into the relationships among the test environments. Based on the comprehensive analysis sugarcane cultivars, Co 12009, Co 14002 and Co 14005 were identified for commercial cultivation considering their stability and superior performance across the various environments.