This study aims to provide new insights into the angular momentum dependence of (^{14})C-decay. To achieve this, we perform a systematic analysis of the radioactive decay of radon isotopes via (^{14})C cluster emission, employing the Wentzel–Kramers–Brillouin approximation and introducing the screened Kratzer–Morse potential as an innovative nuclear potential. While the (^{14})C emission from radon isotopes has not yet been identified experimentally, our study extends the classical theory of (alpha )-decay to predict half-lives and branching ratios for (^{14})C-decay in radon isotopes (^{216-223})Rn. The results of this work indicate that low angular momentum states favor (^{14})C emission, and the predicted half-lives are consistent with previous theoretical studies. On the other hand, the calculation of branching ratio relative to (alpha -)decay allowed us to quantify the probability of (^{14})C-decay channel for different values of l. The branching ratios suggest that radon isotopes belonging to the naturally occurring radioactive series are the most favorable regarding (^{14})C emission, especially the (^{222}_{86})Rn, which is prime candidate for potential experimental detection of (^{14})C emission. Due to limited experimental data on (^{14})C emission from radon isotopes, to validate our model we extended our calculations to other cluster decays with available half-lives, including (^{14})C, (^{20})O, (^{22,24,26})Ne, (^{28,30})Mg, and (^{32})Si emissions from heavy nuclei. Our predicted half-lives values for cluster emission are validated by experimental data, especially for low angular momentum values.