It is well known that maternal age at reproduction affects offspring lifespan and some other fitness-related traits, but it remains understudied whether maternal senescence affects how offspring respond to their environments. Early environment often plays a significant role in the development of an animal's behavioral phenotype. For example, complex environments can promote changes in cognitive ability and brain morphology in young animals. Here, we study whether and how maternal effect senescence influences offspring plasticity in cognition, group behavior, and brain morphology in response to environmental complexity. For this, juvenile 3-spined sticklebacks from young and old mothers (i.e. 1-yr and 2-yr-old) were exposed to different levels of environmental enrichment and complexity (i.e. none, simple, and complex), and their behavior, cognitive ability, and brain size were measured. Exposing fish to enriched conditions improved individual learning ability assessed by a repeated detour-reaching task, increased the size of the whole brain, and decreased aggressive interactions in the shoal. Maternal age did not influence the inhibitory control, learning ability, and group behavioral responses of offspring to the experimental environmental change. However, maternal age affected how some brain regions of offspring changed in response to environmental complexity. In offspring from old mothers, those exposed to the complex environment had larger telencephalons and cerebellums than those who experienced simpler environments. Our results suggest that maternal effect senescence may influence how offspring invest in brain functions related to cognition in response to environmental complexity.
Group living can lead to kleptoparasitism, the theft of resources by competitors. Under such conditions, foragers may alter their behavior to minimize competition. However, it is unclear how such behavioral changes impact foraging performance. Archerfish (Toxotes spp.) are a good model for investigating the behavioral responses to kleptoparasitism, as their hunting method (shooting waterjets at insects perched above the water) leaves them vulnerable to theft. They must hit the target prey with sufficient force to dislodge it; thus, the prey may land some distance away from the shooter. Kleptoparasitism rates increase with group size in archerfish, and individuals alter their behavior around conspecifics. We investigated whether group size affected shooting success, using 7-spot archerfish T. chatareus. We considered a fish's shot to be successful if it knocked a fly, placed on a transparent platform above the tank, into the water. The probability of shooting success was modeled as a function of group size, aiming duration, nearest neighbor distance and position, and trial number. We found no effect of group size, aiming duration, or nearest neighbor distance or position on shooting success. Shooting success increased as trials progressed, likely due to the fish becoming more familiar with the task. We also found no change in the kleptoparasitism rate between group sizes. Instead, the likelihood of the shooter consuming the prey depended on the types of competition present at the time of shooting. We suggest that archerfish shooting behavior can be influenced by the presence of conspecifics in ways not previously considered.
Collective motion is common across all animal taxa, from swarming insects to schools of fish. The collective motion requires intricate behavioral integration among individuals, yet little is known about how evolutionary changes in brain morphology influence the ability for individuals to coordinate behavior in groups. In this study, we utilized guppies that were selectively bred for relative telencephalon size, an aspect of brain morphology that is normally associated with advanced cognitive functions, to examine its role in collective motion using an open-field assay. We analyzed high-resolution tracking data of same-sex shoals consisting of 8 individuals to assess different aspects of collective motion, such as alignment, attraction to nearby shoal members, and swimming speed. Our findings indicate that variation in collective motion in guppy shoals might not be strongly affected by variation in relative telencephalon size. Our study suggests that group dynamics in collectively moving animals are likely not driven by advanced cognitive functions but rather by fundamental cognitive processes stemming from relatively simple rules among neighboring individuals.