Climate and land management affect nutrient cycling in grassland ecosystems. We aimed to understand whether temperate and tropical grasslands differ in terms of soil organic carbon (SOC), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) concentrations, and their C:N:P stoichiometric ratios in grazed and ungrazed natural grasslands and pastures. For this, we used a meta-analysis approach (1296 records, 241 papers), and regression models to explain the observed patterns in terms of mean annual precipitation (MAP), mean annual temperature (MAT), altitude, and latitude. SOC, N, and P concentrations were higher in temperate regions than in tropical ones, and they negatively correlated with MAT and MAP. The grassland type effect was more significant for tropical regions. In tropical regions, soil C:N ratios were higher in ungrazed than in grazed pastures, and soil N:P ratios in ungrazed sites were higher in pastures than in natural grasslands. Grazing increases soil N and SOC for natural grasslands in temperate regions. Our findings suggest that soil stoichiometric C:N:P stoichiometric signatures in grasslands differed between tropical and temperate regions on a global scale. P is a key element in regulation and restriction on soil C and N cycling in tropical regions but less in the temperate ones. Our findings suggest the direction of effects of grazing or grassland type on C:N:P stoichiometric signature. Since imbalances in soil stoichiometric ratios may have implications for ecosystem functioning, the assessment of these patterns could serve as a valuable tool for management and conservation of grasslands and pastures in both tropical and temperate regions.