While rodents are used extensively for studying pain, there is a lack of reported direct comparisons of thermal and mechanical pain testing methods in rats of different genetic backgrounds. Understanding the range of interindividual variability of withdrawal thresholds and thermal latencies based on these testing methods and/or genetic background is important for appropriate experimental design. Testing was performed in two common rat genetic backgrounds: outbred Sprague-Dawley (SD) and inbred Fischer 344 (F344). Male and female, 10- to 14-wk-old F344 and SD rats were used to assess withdrawal thresholds in 3 different modalities: the Randall-Selitto test (RST), Hargreaves test (HT), and tail flick test (TFT). The RST was performed by using an operator-controlled handheld instrument to generate a noxious pressure stimulus to the left hind paw. The HT and the TFT used an electronically controlled light source to deliver a noxious thermal stimulus to the left hind paw or tail tip, respectively. Rats of each sex and genetic background underwent one type of test on day 0 and day 7. Withdrawal thresholds and thermal latencies were compared among tests. No significant differences were observed. Our findings can serve as a guide for researchers considering these nociceptive tests for their experiments.
The Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals recommends mice be pair or group housed and provided with nesting materials. These provisions support social interactions and are also critical for thermoregulatory behaviors such as huddling and burrowing. However, studies of fluid and electrolyte balance and digestive function may involve use of metabolic caging (MC) systems in which mice are housed individually on wire-mesh floors that permit quantitative collection of urine and feces. MC housing prevents mice from performing their typical huddling and burrowing behaviors. Housing in MC can cause weight loss and behavioral changes in rodents. Here, we tested the hypothesis that MC housing of mice at standard room temperature (SRT, 22 to 23 °C) exposes them to cold stress, which causes metabolic changes in the mice as compared with standard housing. We hypothesized that performing MC studies at a thermoneutral temperature (TNT, 30 °C) would minimize these changes. Fluid, electrolyte, and energy balance and body composition were assessed in male and female C57BL/6J mice housed at SRT or TNT in MC, static microisolation cages, or a multiplexed metabolic phenotyping system designed to mimic static microisolation cages (Promethion, Sable Systems International). In brief, as compared with MC housing at SRT, MC housing at TNT was associated with lower food intake and energy expenditure, absence of weight loss, and lower urine and fecal corticosterone levels. These results indicate that housing in MC at SRT causes cold stress that can be mitigated if MC studies are performed at TNT.
Keeping tunnels in the home cages of mice used in research appears to both reduce handling-related stress and provide environmental enrichment. However, for mice that have surgical implants that extend beyond their body, having tunnels in the home cages could engender concerns for their welfare, including the possibility of them becoming stuck in the tunnel. The goal of this study was to determine how mice with different sizes of cranial implants interacted with a tunnel in their home cage. We used male and female mice with a C57BL/6J background in this study. The mice underwent a either a craniotomy in which they received either no implant (sham), an indwelling cannula used for drug delivery, or a ferrule-type implant. The number of mouse interactions with tunnels was recorded over a 30-min period while the mouse was in its home cage with its tunnel. We found that sham mice interacted significantly more with the tunnels than did mice with either cannulae or ferrule implants. On average sham mice interacted more with the tunnel by walking through or over it whereas mice with either type of implant rarely even touched the tunnel with their heads. Our results indicate that mice with implants do not enter in the tunnels, and thus the tunnel reduces accessible cage-space rather than providing enrichment benefits. These results raise the question of whether tunnels should be routinely available for mice with cranial implants.
Light is an environmental factor that is extrinsic to animals themselves and that exerts a profound influence on the regulation of circadian, neurohormonal, metabolic, and neurobehavioral systems of all animals, including research animals. These widespread biologic effects of light are mediated by distinct photoreceptors-rods and cones that comprise the conventional visual system and melanopsin-containing intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs) of the nonvisual system that interact with the rods and cones. The rods and cones of the visual system, along with the ipRGCs of the nonvisual system, are species distinct in terms of opsins and opsin concentrations and interact with one another to provide vision and regulate circadian rhythms of neurohormonal and neurobehavioral responses to light. Here, we review a brief history of lighting technologies, the nature of light and circadian rhythms, our present understanding of mammalian photoreception, and current industry practices and standards. We also consider the implications of light for vivarium measurement, production, and technological application and provide simple recommendations on artificial lighting for use by regulatory authorities, lighting manufacturers, designers, engineers, researchers, and research animal care staff that ensure best practices for optimizing animal health and well-being and, ultimately, improving scientific outcomes.
Vibration is inherent in research animal facilities due to the mechanical systems and practices required for animal care and use. Ample evidence indicates that vibration can change behavior and physiology in multiple species, potentially altering the results of research studies. Although one cannot eliminate environmental vibration, its control is important in research animal environments to decrease the possibility of introducing a research variable due to vibration effects. To assess the potential for a vibration source to alter experimental results and variability, one must understand the principles of vibration, its likely sources, and control methods. The literature regarding the effects of vibration, as it applies in a practical sense, can be challenging to interpret because the vibration frequencies tested to date have often not been within or near the most sensitive ranges of the species being tested. Some previous studies have used unrealistic vibration magnitudes and provided insufficient detail to duplicate or build upon conclusions. Standardization is essential for research examining the effects of vibration on animals to validate knowledge of this extrinsic variable in animal research and identify ways to mitigate the variable in research facilities.