Aim: To present an innovative dental approach for children with autism spectrum disorder to the scientific community, along with the 3 questionnaires formulated to evaluate its effectiveness.
Methods: Development of the 3 questionnaires occurred in five stages: observation of the behaviours of ADS children and their caregivers attending the Dental Department in the year 2021; issues detection: anxiety in parents, crying, difficulty in waiting and hyperactivity of the children, fear of both parents and children; formulation of the questionnaires in order to obtain all the information necessary to assess the patient's psychological well-being; validation with submission of the questionnaires to two specialists; modification and final drafting.
Conclusion: Using the 3 questionnaires, the dentist will be able to assess the wellbeing of the patient and his/her family when attending the dental environment, monitor oral hygiene manoeuvres and verify the usefulness of the orthodontic approach to ADS child while creating a trusting relationship with the patient and his/her caregivers.
Aim: The integrity of primary dentition is essential in the development of the jaws and permanent occlusion. The consequences of a premature loss of primary molars are: space loss, crowding, risk of impaction of the permanent teeth, ectopic eruption, anomalous inclination of the teeth adjacent to the loss molar, reduction of arch length. The mesial displacement of the posterior permanent teeth during eruption can cause a loss of space, which can be regained with orthodontic appliances. Therefore, a careful diagnosis is of great importance to be able to decide what appliance is indicated to recover from this situation. Molar distalisation consists in displacing permanent molars distally, allowing them to reach class I relationship and to recover the correct space for the second bicuspids when the second deciduous molar has been lost early.
Methods: The aim of this study is to carry out a narrative literature review regarding the different appliances and their effectiveness in regaining space after premature loss of the upper primary molars.
Conclusion: The paediatric dentist should be aware of the advantages and disadvantages related to each device and select the most appropriate distalisation appliance based on an individual plan of diagnosis and a careful treatment. The distalisation of the upper molar must be adequately stabilised and so it is important to consider also some retainers such as Nance's appliance, the Palatal Plate, the extraoral traction, the utility arch, or II Class elastic bands.
Aim: The present study explores the treatment need for dental caries in schoolchildren in Herat, Afghanistan.
Methods: A convenience sample of 13 schools were selected for the study. All schools were located in the urban areas near Herat and were selected through allocation by the Ministry of Health, which also approved the study protocol. In the schools, classes were allocated by the principal of the school. All the children in the allocated classes were included in the survey. Data collection was performed in the school setting by trained Afghan dentist examiners. To measure caries experience, DMFT/dmft scores were used, counting the number of decayed (measured at both white spot (D≥1) and cavitation level (D≥3), according to WHO criteria), missing and filled teeth.
Conclusion: Dental caries is a considerable oral health problem in the study population. The present sample has a high proportion of untreated carious lesions and a very low level of restorative care. Moreover, significant differences were shown in relation to gender and age groups. The present survey results confirm the need for professional operative and preventive oral health care in this region.
Aim: To investigate gingival inflammation and prevalence of four specific periodontal associated pathogens in Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) in relation to orofacial pain, jaw function and systemic inflammatory activity in JIA.
Methods: Forty-five children with JIA and 16 healthy children as controls, were enrolled. Subjects were examined and classified according to the diagnostic criteria for temporomandibular disorders (DC/TMD). Pain, pain-related disability and jaw function were also assessed. A clinical periodontal examination was performed. Subgingival plaque samples were collected and analyzed for semiquantitative levels of the following periodontal pathogens; Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomintans, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia and Treponema denticola.
Conclusion: This study suggests that the periodontal disease-associated bacteria P. gingivalis and T. forsythia do not contribute to neither periodontal disease, systemic inflammatory activity nor orofacial pain and jaw dysfunction, including TMJ arthritis, in JIA patients in Sweden.
Aim: The aim of the study was to evaluate the survival of Class II ART (Atraumatic Restorative Treatment) restorations in primary molars using encapsulated glass ionomer in cavities with and without retentive grooves. A total of 293 Class II restorations were performed on primary molars by three trained operators, using ART hand instruments (SS White/Duflex, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) and restored with EQUIA Fil (GC Corporation, Tokyo, Japan). One hundred eighty-seven children aged 3 to 7 years (mean age = 5.5) from two public schools located in Lima, Peru, were included in the study. The restorations were performed following the ART protocol, randomising the presence or absence of proximal retentions. Cavity cleaning and restoration times were recorded by the assistant using a digital chronometer. After 6 and 12 months, evaluations occurred following the ART criteria. Data were analysed using the Mann-Whitney, Chisquare and Fisher's exact tests, Kaplan-Meier survival and logarithmic range. The mean dmf-s of the participants was 21.6 (S.D. = 10.2). The mean times to clean the cavity and apply the restorative material were 5.4 and 6.6 minutes, respectively. Success rates after 6 and 12 months for restorations without retentive grooves were 90.3% and 77.2%, respectively; and with retentive grooves 95.9% and 91.8%, respectively. Statistically significant differences were found at the 12-month follow-up (p = 0.001). The proximal retentive grooves increased the survival rate of ART Class II restorations in primary teeth after 12 months of follow-up.
Aim: This paper aims to verify the effectiveness of using elastodontic devices in the treatment of malocclusions in growing patients. An English-language literature search was conducted. The following electronic databases were selected for searching from 2020 to June 2023: PubMed, Web of Science, and Scopus. Eight articles were included based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The articles examined highlight the ability of elastodontic devices to act in cases of malocclusion in a safe, simple and more comfortable way for the young patient. However, there is a lack of knowledge about this technique, so this study aims to review the most recent literature to provide the scientific community with new knowledge.
Background: The term hypomineralisation of molars and incisors (MIH), introduced in 2001 by Weerheijm et al., describes a clinical state of hypomineralisation of permanent molars with frequent involvement of the incisors. MIH is considered a global dental problem with a prevalence ranging from 2.4% to 40.2% in the entire world paediatric population. The continuous increase in the prevalence of enamel anomalies, including MIH, indicates the need to define new intervention protocols based on the technological advances that are revolutionising paediatric dentistry. The use of ozone associated with the selective and minimally invasive excavation of the dental tissue combines the antibacterial properties of the gas with an ultra-conservative approach aimed at the maximum conservation of the dental tissue. The operative protocol described can be an important tool in the prevention and treatment of MIH. The aim of this work is to illustrate an operative clinical protocol based on the combined use of selective excavation and ozone for the treatment of carious lesions in paediatric patients with MIH.
Aim: Public and private health services, which provide both preventive and health promotion interventions, were forced to suddenly stop their activities to limit the risk of infections during the pandemic emergency. Oral health administration, including that of children, was affected by these planned medical service closures, from both therapeutic and preventive perspectives. This study aims to analyse the consequences, at the oral cavity level, of failures to treat patients of childhood age, considering the impact of carious pathology on quality of life and incorrect eating and oral hygiene habits, which may occur in this age group.
Methods: This is a cross-sectional, single-center, observational study. One hundred patients from the Odontostomatological University Center (C.O.U.) of Perugia were randomly enrolled.
Conclusion: Oral health status of the examined sample is satisfactory overall, considering the clinic's interruption of treatments with the resulting long period of no follow-up and the emotional and economic stress generated by the pandemic condition for both the young patients and their caregivers.