Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) has the ability as an antivirus, antibacterial and antifungal, it is due to the content of lauric acid, caprylic acid, Staphylococeus aureus and Enterococcus faecalis are bacteria that act as normal flora in the human body. If it exceeds a certain limit, both of these bacteria can become pathogens. The purpose of this study is to find out Virgin Coconut Oil from various brands can inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus faecalis.
Antibacterial power test is done by the diffusion method to use the cylinder cup, and antibacterial power measured by the diameter of the urea inhibiting microbial growth by using a caliper. Antibacterial test results for Staphylococeus aureus bacteria on brand “A” (96.3 mm), brand “B” (10.3 mm), brand “C” (11 mm).The average brand “D” (8.6 mm), and in the bacteria Enterococcus faecalis in the brand “A” (3mm), brand “B” (6,1 mm), brand “C” (5.6 mm). Virgin Coconut Oil from various merck able to inhibit Staphylococeus aureus and Enterococcus faecalis bacteria.
The Ericaceae family has benefit as medicines and ornamental plants, because several types of the Ericaceae family have very attractive colors, fruits and flower shapes, besides that they have important ecological and economic values. This study aims to determine the types and morphology of the Ericaceae family in the Sicikeh-cikeh Lake Nature Tourism Park Lae Hole Village Parbuluan District Dairi Regency Sumatera Utara. This research were conducted in October - January 2020 using the exploration methods, namely by exploring along the path of the research location. The results of studies that have been carried out found 7 types of family Ericaceae, such as 4 of the genus Rhododendron, 1 of the genus Vaccinium, 1 of the genus Diplycosia, and 1 of the genus Cavendishia. The types of the Ericaceae family were found in this study had the same morphology, which has a taproot. The shape of the stem was round, and the direction grows perpendicular (erectus). The leaves are single leaves. Flowers including majmuk flowers, (terminal), and has flower parts, namely the crown of flowers, stamens and pistil. The fruit had a capsule and buni fruit.
Keywords : Inventory, Ericaceae Family, Morphology, Sicikeh-cikeh Lake Nature Tourism Park
Parasitic plants were usually considered harmful in the forest ecosystem, the changes of parasities is a counterweight to the ecosystem which is expected to tbe able to give benefits to the community. This study was aimed to determine the types of characteristic of parasitic plants in the natural tourist park of Lake Sicikeh-cikeh which was conducted in Oktober-December 2019 by using exploration method or roaming method and by utilizing qualitative descriptive as data collection techniques. The research result showed that were 7 species of parasitic plants were included become 5 families. those were 2 species of Balanophoraceae family, named (Balanophora papuana Schltr. and Rhopalocnemis palloides Jungh.), 2 species of Loranthaceae family, named (Macrosolen avenis Danser and Scurrula sp). 1 species of Santalaceae family, named (Dendromyza reinwardtiana (Blume ex Korth.) Danser), 1 species of Rafflesia family, named (Rafflesia meijeri Wiriad. & Sari), and 1 species of Orchidaceae family, named (Gastrodia sp.). Based on the characteristics of the hosts, Loranthaceae and Santalaceae family were parasite on tree, Balanophoraceae and Rafflesiaceae were parasite on roots and Orchidaceae family with Gastrodia sp. Species were parasite on fungus.
TOMAT (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.)