Objective: To investigate COVID-19's impact on sleep, specifically insomnia, in college students. Participants: Students from a private university were eligible if they registered for Refresh, an online sleep-health program. Methods: A pre-intervention survey was distributed and assessed insomnia and COVID-19 factors using the Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) and a COVID-19 questionnaire. Baseline ISI scores from students enrolled in 2020-2021 were compared to scores from students enrolled in 2018-2019 using a two-sample t-test. Associations between insomnia and the COVID-19 factors were determined using chi-square tests. Results: There was no significant difference in baseline ISI scores when comparing 2018-2019 scores to those collected during the pandemic, p = 0.274. There was a statistically significant association between having insomnia and a student's learning location, p = 0.006, as well as disturbances in sleep caused by the pandemic, p = 0.026. Conclusion: Our results indicate that the COVID-19 pandemic did not worsen baseline insomnia.