The Psychological Mindedness Assessment Procedure, Extended Dutch Version (PMAP-plus), was developed to assess psychological mindedness in mental health care. Psychological Mindedness represents the ability to understand self and others through mental representations of internal psychodynamic states. In patients, deficits in psychological mindedness capacity can cause problems in self- and interpersonal functioning. This brief report describes interrater reliability of four PMAP-plus scenarios for evaluating psychological mindedness capacity among patients. Patients with personality disorders (N = 194) were asked to respond to four enacted videotaped PMAP-plus scenarios presenting a person talking about a personal experience. The videotaped scenarios varied in their emotional impact. All verbatim responses were scored by two clinically experienced raters on a hierarchical scale with gradually increasing complexity of psychodynamic understanding. Clinicians achieved acceptable interrater reliability on PMAP-plus in this patient population. Two scenarios with low emotional impact evoked significantly higher interrater agreement as compared to two scenarios with high emotional impact. Our results suggest that mental health professionals can reliably distinguish levels of psychological mindedness by assessing PMAP-plus in a patient population. Scenarios differ in potency to reveal psychological mindedness capacity. The variation in emotional impact in subsequent scenarios makes it a promising instrument measuring psychodynamic capacities for psychotherapeutic treatment.
We re-oriented the HEXACO personality dimensions to approximate the Big Five, using two measures of the Big Five as targets in a derivation sample and then in cross-validation samples. The HEXACO approximations of Big Five Agreeableness represented blends of HEXACO Agreeableness, Emotionality, and Honesty-Humility. The HEXACO approximations of Big Five Neuroticism represented blends of Emotionality with low Agreeableness and low Extraversion. The residual sixth dimension, unrelated to the Big Five, contrasted Honesty-Humility with HEXACO Agreeableness. We then examined, in additional samples, some correlates of the original and re-rotated HEXACO dimensions. In the original HEXACO factor space, Honesty-Humility was the strongest correlate of unethical behaviors (selfishness and cheating), participant age, and "assumed similarity" to a friend or partner. Upon re-rotation of the HEXACO factors, associations involving these variables were divided between Big Five Agreeableness and the residual sixth dimension. Sex differences were mainly associated with Emotionality but after re-rotation of the HEXACO factors were divided between Big Five Agreeableness and Neuroticism. We discuss the relative merits of the original and Big Five-targeted HEXACO dimensions with reference to the practical utility of Big Five Agreeableness and Neuroticism and the simplicity and theoretical interpretability of the original HEXACO factors.
Attachment insecurity is important for psychotherapy both as an aspect influencing the therapeutic process as well as potential outcome variable of a treatment. Two German short forms of the Experiences in Close Relationships - Revised (ECR-R) have been proposed to assess individual differences in attachment anxiety and avoidance. In this research, we examined whether these questionnaires are suitable for measuring change in attachment anxiety and avoidance by testing longitudinal measurement invariance in two independent clinical samples (N1 = 493, N2 = 273) using a pre-post design. Results indicated that strict longitudinal measurement invariance can be assumed for both measures. Thus, changes in scale scores before and after treatment can be interpreted as changes in the latent dimensions of attachment anxiety and avoidance. Both questionnaires were also sensitive to treatment in that attachment insecurity was overall reduced after therapy. Although both measures appear to be generally suitable for investigating treatment effects, they exhibited consistent problems with structural validity across samples that should be reexamined in future research.
In the face of heterogeneity in the measurement of empathy, the Toronto Empathy Questionnaire (TEQ; Spreng et al., Journal of Personality Assessment, 91(1), 62-71 (2009)) was developed as a brief unidimensional tool by statistically forming a consensus from existing measures of the construct. The present study aimed to (1) validate a German version of the TEQ, and (2) contribute empirical evidence to the ongoing debate regarding a singular versus multidimensional factor structure of the TEQ. One cross-sectional and two longitudinal studies were performed, with a total of 1,075 participants. Our initial exploratory factor analyses suggested either a one- or a two-factor structure (with the two-factors clustering straight and reverse-scored items); the two-factor model outperformed the one-factor model using confirmatory factor analyses. However, after negated items were replaced by positively reworded alternatives, both models fit the data equally well. A comparison of the correlation patterns with numerous external measures indicated that a second factor of the TEQ is a methodological artifact of item wording. Finally, a unidimensional TEQ scale showed sufficient internal consistency, two-week test-retest reliability, one-year stability, as well as convergent and discriminant validity with measures of empathy, emotion recognition, emotion regulation, altruism, social desirability, and the Big Five personality traits.
Sexual motivation, the interest in sexual activity, affects people's thinking, feeling, and behavior. Common scales used to assess sexual motivation suffer from drawbacks that limit their validity and applicability. We therefore developed and validated the Trait Sexual Motivation Scale (TSMS), a brief, theory-driven self-report scale, over the course of four preregistered studies (Ntotal = 2,083). Results indicated good model fit, high internal consistency and stability of the second-order (i.e., trait sexual motivation) and first-order (i.e., cognition, affect, behavior) factor scores, and scalar measurement invariance for gender and relationship status. The TSMS correlated as expected with sexual and non-sexual constructs and predicted sexual outcomes cross-sectionally and prospectively in everyday life. Overall, the TSMS emerged as an economical, reliable, and valid measure of sexual motivation.
The Brief Self-Control Scale (BSCS) has been widely studied across languages and populations. However, research examining the Spanish version is scant and limited to the adolescent population. Our aim here was to provide validity evidence for use of the BSCS with Spanish adults by analyzing and comparing the psychometric properties of different versions of the scale (13-item, 10-item, 9-item, 8-item, and 7-item). Confirmatory factor analysis was used to test the internal structure based on one-factor and two-factor models. Results obtained in a sample of 676 Spanish adults showed adequate fit indices for the two-factor structure of the 9-item, 8-item, and 7-item versions of the BSCS, although only the 9-item and 8-item BSCS were found to be invariant across gender. Item homogeneity and reliability of factor scores for these two versions (9-item and 8-item) were satisfactory. We also provide novel validity evidence based on relationships with indicators of psychological adjustment and wellbeing. Scores on the 9-item and 8-item BSCS correlated with life satisfaction, flourishing, self-esteem, distress, depression, and loneliness, and hence both may be suitable for use in mental health assessment contexts.