Monascus purpureus is a mold capable of producing pigment as secondary metabolites. Pigments of Monascus purpureus isolated from rice fermented solid known as red yeast rice. This study was conducted toMonascus purpureus know the potential in generating new compounds of pigment produced by solid fermentation process with rice as a substrate. The results indicate insulation compounds and new compounds of pigment Monascus purpureus. Beginning with an analysis of Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) using the mobile phase n-hexane and ethyl acetate (7:3) with a Rf value obtained was 0.71. Analysis with UV-Vis spectrophotometry against red yeast rice extract aims to determine the maximum wavelength. The results of the analysis of UV-Vis spectrophotometry obtained one peak an absorption at 0.255 with a wavelength of 486 nm which showed that the red pigment monascorubramin compounds in Monascus purpureus. Isolation of Monascus purpureus pigments by Preparative Thin Layer Chromatography (Preparative TLC) using the mobile phase n-hexane and ethyl acetate (7:3). Results isolation pigment Monascus purpureus form of a ribbon that can fluoresces atλ 365 nm UV light with a Rf value obtained was 0.73 were further identification of the molecular weights of compounds Monascus purpureus using HPLC instruments with detectors MS (Mass Spectrometer). The results of LC-MS analysis of a sample INACC-F01 showed a new compound which has a molecular weight of 357.41 and based on the literature that the same compounds with molecular weight is Monascopyridine C which is a derived compound from Monascus red pigment that is monascorubramin and rubropunctamin.
Keywords:Monascus purpureus, pigment, angkak, Preparative TLC, LC-MS.
Tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) oil memiliki terpinen-4-ol yang berfungsi sebagai antibakteri dan anti jamur yang memiliki potensi efektivitas mengobati jerawat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui formulasi pembuatan sediaan dan evaluasi sediaan emugel Tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) oil dengan menggunakan Hidroxy propyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) sebagai gelling agent.Untuk memperoleh sediaan emulgel yang memiliki stabilitas baik maka dilakukan serangkaian tahapan penelitian mulai dari pengumpulan bahan baku, formulasi dan evaluasi sediaan emulgel Tea tre oil. Formulasi yang dibuat terdiri dari tiga formula yaitu F1, F2 dan F3 dengan variasi HPMC sebagai gelling agent. Evaluasi yang dilakukan adalah uji organoleptik, pH, homogenitas, daya sebar, viskositas, Cycling test dan uji hedonik. Analisis data hasil uji viskositas dan uji hedonik diolah dengan penjabaran deskriptif. Hasil uji hedonik menunjukan bahwa emulgel anti jerawat tea tree oil dapat diterima oleh responden.
Kata kunci : emulgel, Melaleuca alternifolia, HPMC
Synthesis of Fe (III) complex compounds with 4-fluoro-N '- [(pyridine-4-yl) carbonyl] benzohydrazide ligand aims to find out the synthesis method, the complex and characteristic compound formulas of the complexes formed. Instruments used are UV-Visible Spectrophotometry, Infrared Spectrophotometry and Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry. The synthesis of Fe (III) 4-fluoro-N '- [(pyridine-4-yl) carbonyl] benzohydrazide complexes can be synthesized by mixing metals and ligands dissolved in ethanol by heating at a temperature of 78oC. Compounds of synthesis can form complexes with the formula Fe(C13H10FN3O2)Cl3.2H2O. Characteristics of the Fe (III) 4-fluoro-N '- [(pyridine-4-yl) carbonyl] benzohydrazide complex compound have a maximum wavelength of 265.6 nm. The absorption of functional groups on the 540.0 cm-1 infra red wave spectrum.
Keywords: synthesis, complex, Fe (III), benzohydrazide
Background : Giving the drug information and counceling are parts of pharmacist clinical task as be stated in ministry of health statue number 35 year 2014 on Pharmacy service standar in community pharmacy (Permenkes no 35 tahun 2017 tentang standar pelayanan kefarmasian di apotek). Through these tasks, pharmacist can inprove the patient therapy outcome. Aim : The purpose o this study was to describe the clinical service of drug information in community pharmacies (CP) at South Tangerang City. Methods : This was a descriptive-explorative study with survey technic. Sample were the 50 CPs and clinical pharmacy services were evaluated on their pharmacist who could be met at the visiting time. Results & Conclusion : Thirty eight percent of pharmacists could be met at the visiting time. The highest percentage of drug information service is drug usage (72,22%) whereas the lowest are drug interaction and the way of its prevention i.e 5,55%. The quality of pharmacy clinical service of drug information is 41,66% and meet the bad criteria. The clinical pharmacy service of drug information in south Tangerang has not been run well and met the Pharmacy service standard yet.
Keywords: drug information service, pharmacit, south tangerang, community pharmacy.