Smart agro-practices over the years have revolutionized the agriculture sector and promoted the concept of sustainable agriculture. One such practice is use of agro-waste biochar in agricultural, environmental, and climatic operations. The viability of using a biochar-based nanocomposite as a support fertilizer for the gradual release of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus in various media is examined in this study. The banana peel biochar (BPBC) and its nanocomposite (BNF) were prepared using a simple yet comprehensive chemical process. Synthesized materials were evaluated using FT-IR and SEM/EDX. Physical attributes as well as fertilizer basic characteristics were determined and prepared nanocomposite demonstrated noticeably better water absorbance ratio (68%), equilibrium water content (78.97%), and swelling ratio (3.64 g g−1) than biochar, which is advantageous for preserving soil water levels. The salt index values (0.087mmhos/cc) of the created nanocomposite performed better when compared to the conventional fertilizers due to their safer application. Long-term availability of all doped minerals to the plants, during experimental cycle, was revealed by slow-release nutrient studies in water and soil, which is ideal for promoting germination and growth. The findings of this research revealed that prepared BNF showed improved germination parameters i.e., time for 50% germination (3.4, 3.3, 4.4 days), germination index (3.1, 3.5, 2.4), final germination percentage (91.7, 100, 83.3%), mean germination time (4.0, 3.9, 4.9 days), for cucumber, broccoli and okra, respectively. In addition to that the prepared BNF facilitated enhanced shoot and root length in all the three vegetables as compared to conventional fertilizers. The dose optimization studies depicted that best results of germination as well as plant growth parameters are facilitated by BNF (37.5 kg/ha) owing to enhancement in soil quality by supplying additional organic matter in addition to provision of nutrients on slow-release.