Exposure to chronic stress contributes considerably to the development of cognitive impairments in psychiatric disorders such as depression, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and addictive behavior. Unfortunately, unlike mood-related symptoms, cognitive impairments are not effectively treated by available therapies, a situation in part resulting from a still incomplete knowledge of the neurobiological substrates that underly cognitive domains and the difficulty in generating interventions that are both efficacious and safe.
In this review, we will present an overview of the cognitive domains affected by stress with a specific focus on cognitive flexibility, behavioral inhibition, and working memory. We will then consider the effects of stress on neuronal correlates of cognitive function and the factors which may modulate the interaction of stress and cognition. Finally, we will discuss intervention strategies for treatment of stress-related disorders and gaps in knowledge with emerging new treatments under development.
Understanding how cognitive impairment occurs during exposure to chronic stress is crucial to make progress towards the development of new and effective therapeutic approaches.
Adverse early life experiences are strongly associated with reduced cognitive function throughout life. The link is strong in many human studies, but these do not enable assigning causality, and the limited access to the live human brain can impede establishing the mechanisms by which early-life adversity (ELA) may induce cognitive problems. In experimental models, artificially imposed chronic ELA/stress results in deficits in hippocampus dependent memory as well as increased vulnerability to the deleterious effects of adult stress on memory. This causal relation of ELA and life-long memory impairments provides a framework to probe the mechanisms by which ELA may lead to human cognitive problems. Here we focus on the consequences of a one-week exposure to adversity during early postnatal life in the rodent, the spectrum of the ensuing memory deficits, and the mechanisms responsible. We highlight molecular, cellular and circuit mechanisms using convergent trans-disciplinary approaches aiming to enable translation of the discoveries in experimental models to the clinic.
The lateral preoptic area (LPO) is a component of the hypothalamus involved in various physiological functions including sleep-wakefulness transition, thermoregulation, and water-salt balance. In this study, we discovered that distinct LPO excitatory neurons project separately to the aversive processing center lateral habenula (LHb) and the reward processing hub ventral tegmental area (VTA). Following chronic restraint stress (CRS), the LHb-projecting and VTA-projecting LPO neurons exhibited increased and decreased neuronal activities, respectively. Optogenetic activation of LHb-projecting LPO excitatory neurons and LPO excitatory neuronal terminals within LHb evoked aversion and avoidance behaviors, while activation of VTA-projecting LPO excitatory neurons and LPO excitatory neuronal terminals within VTA produced preference and exploratory behaviors in mice. Furthermore, either optogenetic inhibition of LHb-projecting LPO excitatory neurons or activation of VTA-projecting LPO excitatory neurons during CRS effectively prevented the development of depressive-like behaviors. Our study unveils, for the first-time, divergent pathways originating from LPO that regulate opposite affective states in mice and implicates that an imbalance of their activities could lead to depressive-like behaviors. These circuitries represent promising therapeutic targets to relieve emotional dysfunctions in neuropsychiatric disorders.
With the recent rise in the rate of alcohol use disorder (AUD) in women, the historical gap between men and women living with this condition is narrowing. While there are many commonalities in how men and women are impacted by AUD, an accumulating body of evidence is revealing sex-dependent adaptations that may require distinct therapeutic approaches. Preclinical rodent studies are beginning to shed light on sex differences in the effects of chronic alcohol exposure on synaptic activity in a number of brain regions. Prior studies from our laboratory revealed that, while withdrawal from chronic intermittent ethanol (CIE), a commonly used model of AUD, increased excitability in the ventral hippocampus (vHC) of male rats, this same treatment had the opposite effect in females. A follow-up study not only expanded on the synaptic mechanisms of these findings in male rats, but also established a CIE-dependent increase in the excitatory-inhibitory (E-I) balance of a glutamatergic projection from the basolateral amygdala to vHC (BLA-vHC). This pathway modulates anxiety-like behavior and could help explain the comorbid occurrence of anxiety disorders in individuals suffering from AUD. The present study sought to conduct a similar analysis of CIE effects on both synaptic mechanisms in the vHC and adaptations in the BLA-vHC pathway of female rats. Our findings indicate that CIE increases the strength of inhibitory neurotransmission in the vHC and that this sex-specific adaptation blocks, or at least delays, the increases in intrinsic vHC excitability and BLA-vHC synaptic transmission observed in males. Our findings establish the BLA-vHC pathway and the vHC as important circuitry to consider for future studies directed at identifying sex-dependent therapeutic approaches to AUD.
Sexual minority young adults are at increased risk for hazardous drinking and alcohol use disorder compared to heterosexual adults. Heterosexism-based stressors contribute and often explain inequities in alcohol outcomes. However, the extant research primarily relies on correlational designs, and often neglects the importance of alcohol craving, despite its foundational role in addiction. Leveraging a novel experimental mood induction paradigm, this study examined the effects of exposure to vicarious heterosexism-based stress on alcohol craving and negative affect among sexual minority young adults who drink heavily. We also examined its effects on cannabis and nicotine craving among participants who used cannabis and nicotine, respectively. Lastly, we examined moderating factors that could influence the impact of exposure to heterosexism-based stress on alcohol craving.
Participants were 101 heavy drinking sexual minority young adults, ages 20–35 (M = 26.46 years old; SD = 3.49), recruited from the community (51.5% female sex assigned at birth; 76.3% cisgender; 51.5% plurisexual; and 42.6% racial and ethnic minorities). They completed three mood induction trials counterbalanced over three visits on different days: heterosexism stress, general stress, and neutral. Structured interviews assessed criteria for DSM-5 alcohol use disorder (AUD) and substance use, and self-report measures assessed lifetime traumatic stressors.
Most participants met criteria for past-year AUD (74.7%). Exposure to heterosexism stress produced more negative affect and substance craving than the neutral mood induction, even while controlling for demographic variables and lifetime exposure to traumatic and heterosexism stressors. Exposure to heterosexism-based stress had large effects on alcohol craving among participants who had greater drinking to cope motives and heterosexism-specific rejection sensitivity, whereas the effects were small for those who had lower drinking to cope motives and heterosexism-specific rejection sensitivity. Demographic, lifetime stress, prior alcohol use, and AUD symptom severity variables were not significant moderators. Greater substance craving induced by heterosexism-based stress in the laboratory was associated with greater recent and current substance use.
This study findings show that vicarious exposure to heterosexism elicits negative mood and alcohol, cannabis, and nicotine craving among sexual minority young adults who engaged in heavy drinking. The effects for alcohol craving were largest among those who endorse high levels of drinking to cope motives and heterosexism-based rejection sensitivity. These findings have implications for oppression-based stress and motivational models of addiction.