To ensure the unrestricted expression of maternal behaviour peripartum, activity of the corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) system needs to be minimised. CRF binding protein (CRF-BP) might be crucial for this adaptation, as its primary function is to sequester freely available CRF and urocortin1, thereby dampening CRF receptor (CRF-R) signalling. So far, the role of CRF-BP in the maternal brain has barely been studied, and a potential role in curtailing activation of the stress axis is unknown.
We studied gene expression for CRF-BP and both CRF-R within the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus. In lactating rats, Crh-bp expression in the parvocellular PVN was significantly higher and Crh-r1 expression in the PVN significantly lower compared to virgin rats. Acute CRF-BP inhibition in the PVN with infusion of CRF(6–33) increased basal plasma corticosterone concentrations under unstressed conditions in dams. Furthermore, while acute intra-PVN infusion of CRF increased corticosterone secretion in virgin rats, it was ineffective in vehicle (VEH)-pre-treated lactating rats, probably due to a buffering effect of CRF-BP. Indeed, pre-treatment with CRF(6–33) reinstated a corticosterone response to CRF in lactating rats, highlighting the critical role of CRF-BP in maintaining attenuated stress reactivity in lactation. To our knowledge, this is the first study linking hypothalamic CRF-BP activity to hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis regulation in lactation. In terms of behaviour, acute CRF-BP inhibition in the PVN under non-stress conditions reduced blanket nursing 60 min and licking/grooming 90 min after infusion compared to VEH-treated rats, while increasing maternal aggression towards an intruder. Lastly, chronic intra-PVN inhibition of CRF-BP strongly reduced maternal aggression, with modest effects on maternal motivation and care.
Taken together, intact activity of the CRF-BP in the PVN during the postpartum period is essential for the dampened responsiveness of the stress axis, as well as for the full expression of appropriate maternal behaviour.