Pub Date : 2025-01-31DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.134.041801
A Hayrapetyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam, J W Andrejkovic, T Bergauer, S Chatterjee, K Damanakis, M Dragicevic, P S Hussain, M Jeitler, N Krammer, A Li, D Liko, I Mikulec, J Schieck, R Schöfbeck, D Schwarz, M Sonawane, S Templ, W Waltenberger, C-E Wulz, M R Darwish, T Janssen, P Van Mechelen, E S Bols, J D'Hondt, S Dansana, A De Moor, M Delcourt, S Lowette, I Makarenko, D Müller, S Tavernier, M Tytgat, G P Van Onsem, S Van Putte, D Vannerom, B Clerbaux, A K Das, G De Lentdecker, H Evard, L Favart, P Gianneios, D Hohov, J Jaramillo, A Khalilzadeh, F A Khan, K Lee, M Mahdavikhorrami, A Malara, S Paredes, L Thomas, M Vanden Bemden, C Vander Velde, P Vanlaer, M De Coen, D Dobur, Y Hong, J Knolle, L Lambrecht, G Mestdach, K Mota Amarilo, C Rendón, A Samalan, K Skovpen, N Van Den Bossche, J van der Linden, L Wezenbeek, A Benecke, A Bethani, G Bruno, C Caputo, C Delaere, I S Donertas, A Giammanco, Sa Jain, V Lemaitre, J Lidrych, P Mastrapasqua, T T Tran, S Wertz, G A Alves, E Coelho, C Hensel, T Menezes De Oliveira, A Moraes, P Rebello Teles, M Soeiro, W L Aldá Júnior, M Alves Gallo Pereira, M Barroso Ferreira Filho, H Brandao Malbouisson, W Carvalho, J Chinellato, E M Da Costa, G G Da Silveira, D De Jesus Damiao, S Fonseca De Souza, R Gomes De Souza, M Macedo, J Martins, C Mora Herrera, L Mundim, H Nogima, J P Pinheiro, A Santoro, A Sznajder, M Thiel, A Vilela Pereira, C A Bernardes, L Calligaris, T R Fernandez Perez Tomei, E M Gregores, P G Mercadante, S F Novaes, B Orzari, Sandra S Padula, A Aleksandrov, G Antchev, R Hadjiiska, P Iaydjiev, M Misheva, M Shopova, G Sultanov, A Dimitrov, L Litov, B Pavlov, P Petkov, A Petrov, E Shumka, S Keshri, S Thakur, T Cheng, T Javaid, L Yuan, Z Hu, J Liu, K Yi, G M Chen, H S Chen, M Chen, F Iemmi, C H Jiang, A Kapoor, H Liao, Z-A Liu, R Sharma, J N Song, J Tao, C Wang, J Wang, Z Wang, H Zhang, A Agapitos, Y Ban, A Levin, C Li, Q Li, Y Mao, S J Qian, X Sun, D Wang, H Yang, L Zhang, C Zhou, Z You, K Jaffel, N Lu, G Bauer, X Gao, Z Lin, C Lu, M Xiao, C Avila, D A Barbosa Trujillo, A Cabrera, C Florez, J Fraga, J A Reyes Vega, J Mejia Guisao, F Ramirez, M Rodriguez, J D Ruiz Alvarez, D Giljanovic, N Godinovic, D Lelas, A Sculac, M Kovac, T Sculac, P Bargassa, V Brigljevic, B K Chitroda, D Ferencek, K Jakovcic, S Mishra, A Starodumov, T Susa, A Attikis, K Christoforou, A Hadjiagapiou, J Mousa, C Nicolaou, L Paizanos, F Ptochos, P A Razis, H Rykaczewski, H Saka, A Stepennov, M Finger, M Finger, A Kveton, E Ayala, E Carrera Jarrin, Y Assran, S Elgammal, M A Mahmoud, Y Mohammed, K Ehataht, M Kadastik, T Lange, S Nandan, C Nielsen, J Pata, M Raidal, L Tani, C Veelken, H Kirschenmann, K Osterberg, M Voutilainen, S Bharthuar, E Brücken, F Garcia, K T S Kallonen, R Kinnunen, T Lampén, K Lassila-Perini, S Lehti, T Lindén, L Martikainen, M Myllymäki, M M Rantanen, H Siikonen, E Tuominen, J Tuominiemi, P Luukka, H Petrow, M Besancon, F Couderc, M Dejardin, D Denegri, J L Faure, F Ferri, S Ganjour, P Gras, G Hamel de Monchenault, V Lohezic, J Malcles, F Orlandi, L Portales, J Rander, A Rosowsky, M Ö Sahin, A Savoy-Navarro, P Simkina, M Titov, M Tornago, F Beaudette, A Buchot Perraguin, P Busson, A Cappati, C Charlot, M Chiusi, F Damas, O Davignon, A De Wit, I T Ehle, B A Fontana Santos Alves, S Ghosh, A Gilbert, R Granier de Cassagnac, A Hakimi, B Harikrishnan, L Kalipoliti, G Liu, J Motta, M Nguyen, C Ochando, R Salerno, J B Sauvan, Y Sirois, A Tarabini, E Vernazza, A Zabi, A Zghiche, J-L Agram, J Andrea, D Apparu, D Bloch, J-M Brom, E C Chabert, C Collard, S Falke, U Goerlach, C Grimault, R Haeberle, A-C Le Bihan, M Meena, G Saha, M A Sessini, P Van Hove, S Beauceron, B Blancon, G Boudoul, N Chanon, D Contardo, P Depasse, C Dozen, H El Mamouni, J Fay, S Gascon, M Gouzevitch, C Greenberg, G Grenier, B Ille, I B Laktineh, M Lethuillier, L Mirabito, S Perries, A Purohit, M Vander Donckt, P Verdier, J Xiao, G Adamov, I Lomidze, Z Tsamalaidze, V Botta, L Feld, K Klein, M Lipinski, D Meuser, A Pauls, N Röwert, M Teroerde, S Diekmann, A Dodonova, N Eich, D Eliseev, F Engelke, J Erdmann, M Erdmann, P Fackeldey, B Fischer, T Hebbeker, K Hoepfner, F Ivone, A Jung, M Y Lee, F Mausolf, M Merschmeyer, A Meyer, S Mukherjee, D Noll, F Nowotny, A Pozdnyakov, Y Rath, W Redjeb, F Rehm, H Reithler, U Sarkar, V Sarkisovi, A Schmidt, A Sharma, J L Spah, A Stein, F Torres Da Silva De Araujo, S Wiedenbeck, S Zaleski, C Dziwok, G Flügge, W Haj Ahmad, T Kress, A Nowack, O Pooth, A Stahl, T Ziemons, A Zotz, H Aarup Petersen, M Aldaya Martin, J Alimena, S Amoroso, Y An, S Baxter, M Bayatmakou, H Becerril Gonzalez, O Behnke, A Belvedere, S Bhattacharya, F Blekman, K Borras, A Campbell, A Cardini, C Cheng, F Colombina, S Consuegra Rodríguez, G Correia Silva, M De Silva, G Eckerlin, D Eckstein, L I Estevez Banos, O Filatov, E Gallo, A Geiser, A Giraldi, V Guglielmi, M Guthoff, A Hinzmann, A Jafari, L Jeppe, B Kaech, M Kasemann, C Kleinwort, R Kogler, M Komm, D Krücker, W Lange, D Leyva Pernia, K Lipka, W Lohmann, F Lorkowski, R Mankel, I-A Melzer-Pellmann, M Mendizabal Morentin, A B Meyer, G Milella, A Mussgiller, L P Nair, A Nürnberg, Y Otarid, J Park, D Pérez Adán, E Ranken, A Raspereza, D Rastorguev, B Ribeiro Lopes, J Rübenach, A Saggio, M Scham, S Schnake, P Schütze, C Schwanenberger, D Selivanova, K Sharko, M Shchedrolosiev, R E Sosa Ricardo, D Stafford, F Vazzoler, A Ventura Barroso, R Walsh, Q Wang, Y Wen, K Wichmann, L Wiens, C Wissing, Y Yang, A Zimermmane Castro Santos, A Albrecht, S Albrecht, M Antonello, S Bein, L Benato, S Bollweg, M Bonanomi, P Connor, K El Morabit, Y Fischer, E Garutti, A Grohsjean, J Haller, H R Jabusch, G Kasieczka, P Keicher, R Klanner, W Korcari, T Kramer, V Kutzner, F Labe, J Lange, A Lobanov, C Matthies, L Moureaux, M Mrowietz, A Nigamova, Y Nissan, A Paasch, K J Pena Rodriguez, T Quadfasel, B Raciti, M Rieger, D Savoiu, J Schindler, P Schleper, M Schröder, J Schwandt, M Sommerhalder, H Stadie, G Steinbrück, A Tews, M Wolf, S Brommer, M Burkart, E Butz, T Chwalek, A Dierlamm, A Droll, N Faltermann, M Giffels, A Gottmann, F Hartmann, R Hofsaess, M Horzela, U Husemann, J Kieseler, M Klute, R Koppenhöfer, J M Lawhorn, M Link, A Lintuluoto, B Maier, S Maier, S Mitra, M Mormile, Th Müller, M Neukum, M Oh, E Pfeffer, M Presilla, G Quast, K Rabbertz, B Regnery, N Shadskiy, I Shvetsov, H J Simonis, M Toms, N Trevisani, R F Von Cube, M Wassmer, S Wieland, F Wittig, R Wolf, X Zuo, G Anagnostou, G Daskalakis, A Kyriakis, A Papadopoulos, A Stakia, P Kontaxakis, G Melachroinos, Z Painesis, A Panagiotou, I Papavergou, I Paraskevas, N Saoulidou, K Theofilatos, E Tziaferi, K Vellidis, I Zisopoulos, G Bakas, T Chatzistavrou, G Karapostoli, K Kousouris, I Papakrivopoulos, E Siamarkou, G Tsipolitis, A Zacharopoulou, K Adamidis, I Bestintzanos, I Evangelou, C Foudas, C Kamtsikis, P Katsoulis, P Kokkas, P G Kosmoglou Kioseoglou, N Manthos, I Papadopoulos, J Strologas, M Bartók, C Hajdu, D Horvath, K Márton, A J Rádl, F Sikler, V Veszpremi, M Csanád, K Farkas, M M A Gadallah, Á Kadlecsik, P Major, K Mandal, G Pásztor, G I Veres, P Raics, B Ujvari, G Zilizi, G Bencze, S Czellar, J Molnar, Z Szillasi, T Csorgo, F Nemes, T Novak, J Babbar, S Bansal, S B Beri, V Bhatnagar, G Chaudhary, S Chauhan, N Dhingra, A Kaur, A Kaur, H Kaur, M Kaur, S Kumar, K Sandeep, T Sheokand, J B Singh, A Singla, A Ahmed, A Bhardwaj, A Chhetri, B C Choudhary, A Kumar, A Kumar, M Naimuddin, K Ranjan, S Saumya, S Baradia, S Barman, S Bhattacharya, S Dutta, S Dutta, S Sarkar, M M Ameen, P K Behera, S C Behera, S Chatterjee, P Jana, P Kalbhor, J R Komaragiri, D Kumar, P R Pujahari, N R Saha, A Sharma, A K Sikdar, S Verma, S Dugad, M Kumar, G B Mohanty, P Suryadevara, A Bala, S Banerjee, R M Chatterjee, R K Dewanjee, M Guchait, Sh Jain, A Jaiswal, S Kumar, G Majumder, K Mazumdar, S Parolia, A Thachayath, S Bahinipati, C Kar, D Maity, P Mal, T Mishra, V K Muraleedharan Nair Bindhu, K Naskar, A Nayak, P Sadangi, S K Swain, S Varghese, D Vats, S Acharya, A Alpana, S Dube, B Gomber, P Hazarika, B Kansal, A Laha, B Sahu, S Sharma, K Y Vaish, H Bakhshiansohi, E Khazaie, M Zeinali, S Bashiri, S Chenarani, S M Etesami, M Khakzad, M Mohammadi Najafabadi, S Tizchang, M Grunewald, M Abbrescia, R Aly, A Colaleo, D Creanza, B D'Anzi, N De Filippis, M De Palma, A Di Florio, W Elmetenawee, L Fiore, G Iaselli, M Louka, G Maggi, M Maggi, I Margjeka, V Mastrapasqua, S My, S Nuzzo, A Pellecchia, A Pompili, G Pugliese, R Radogna, G Ramirez-Sanchez, D Ramos, A Ranieri, L Silvestris, F M Simone, Ü Sözbilir, A Stamerra, R Venditti, P Verwilligen, A Zaza, G Abbiendi, C Battilana, D Bonacorsi, L Borgonovi, P Capiluppi, A Castro, F R Cavallo, M Cuffiani, G M Dallavalle, T Diotalevi, F Fabbri, A Fanfani, D Fasanella, P Giacomelli, L Giommi, C Grandi, L Guiducci, S Lo Meo, L Lunerti, S Marcellini, G Masetti, F L Navarria, A Perrotta, F Primavera, A M Rossi, T Rovelli, G P Siroli, S Costa, A Di Mattia, R Potenza, A Tricomi, C Tuve, P Assiouras, G Barbagli, G Bardelli, B Camaiani, A Cassese, R Ceccarelli, V Ciulli, C Civinini, R D'Alessandro, E Focardi, T Kello, G Latino, P Lenzi, M Lizzo, M Meschini, S Paoletti, A Papanastassiou, G Sguazzoni, L Viliani, L Benussi, S Bianco, S Meola, D Piccolo, P Chatagnon, F Ferro, E Robutti, S Tosi, A Benaglia, G Boldrini, F Brivio, F Cetorelli, F De Guio, M E Dinardo, P Dini, S Gennai, R Gerosa, A Ghezzi, P Govoni, L Guzzi, M T Lucchini, M Malberti, S Malvezzi, A Massironi, D Menasce, L Moroni, M Paganoni, S Palluotto, D Pedrini, B S Pinolini, G Pizzati, S Ragazzi, T Tabarelli de Fatis, S Buontempo, A Cagnotta, F Carnevali, N Cavallo, F Fabozzi, A O M Iorio, L Lista, P Paolucci, B Rossi, C Sciacca, R Ardino, P Azzi, N Bacchetta, M Biasotto, D Bisello, P Bortignon, G Bortolato, A Bragagnolo, A C M Bulla, R Carlin, P Checchia, T Dorigo, F Gasparini, U Gasparini, E Lusiani, M Margoni, F Marini, M Migliorini, J Pazzini, P Ronchese, R Rossin, F Simonetto, G Strong, M Tosi, A Triossi, S Ventura, M Zanetti, P Zotto, A Zucchetta, G Zumerle, S Abu Zeid, C Aimè, A Braghieri, S Calzaferri, D Fiorina, P Montagna, V Re, C Riccardi, P Salvini, I Vai, P Vitulo, S Ajmal, G M Bilei, D Ciangottini, L Fanò, M Magherini, V Mariani, M Menichelli, F Moscatelli, A Rossi, A Santocchia, D Spiga, T Tedeschi, P Asenov, P Azzurri, G Bagliesi, R Bhattacharya, L Bianchini, T Boccali, E Bossini, D Bruschini, R Castaldi, M A Ciocci, M Cipriani, V D'Amante, R Dell'Orso, S Donato, A Giassi, F Ligabue, D Matos Figueiredo, A Messineo, M Musich, F Palla, A Rizzi, G Rolandi, S Roy Chowdhury, T Sarkar, A Scribano, P Spagnolo, R Tenchini, G Tonelli, N Turini, F Vaselli, A Venturi, P G Verdini, C Baldenegro Barrera, P Barria, C Basile, M Campana, F Cavallari, L Cunqueiro Mendez, D Del Re, E Di Marco, M Diemoz, F Errico, E Longo, P Meridiani, J Mijuskovic, G Organtini, F Pandolfi, R Paramatti, C Quaranta, S Rahatlou, C Rovelli, F Santanastasio, L Soffi, N Amapane, R Arcidiacono, S Argiro, M Arneodo, N Bartosik, R Bellan, A Bellora, C Biino, C Borca, N Cartiglia, M Costa, R Covarelli, N Demaria, L Finco, M Grippo, B Kiani, F Legger, F Luongo, C Mariotti, L Markovic, S Maselli, A Mecca, E Migliore, M Monteno, R Mulargia, M M Obertino, G Ortona, L Pacher, N Pastrone, M Pelliccioni, M Ruspa, F Siviero, V Sola, A Solano, A Staiano, C Tarricone, D Trocino, G Umoret, E Vlasov, R White, S Belforte, V Candelise, M Casarsa, F Cossutti, K De Leo, G Della Ricca, S Dogra, J Hong, C Huh, B Kim, D H Kim, J Kim, H Lee, S W Lee, C S Moon, Y D Oh, M S Ryu, S Sekmen, Y C Yang, M S Kim, G Bak, P Gwak, H Kim, D H Moon, E Asilar, J Choi, D Kim, T J Kim, J A Merlin, S Choi, S Han, B Hong, K Lee, K S Lee, S Lee, J Park, S K Park, J Yoo, J Goh, S Yang, H S Kim, Y Kim, S Lee, J Almond, J H Bhyun, J Choi, W Jun, J Kim, S Ko, H Kwon, H Lee, J Lee, J Lee, B H Oh, S B Oh, H Seo, U K Yang, I Yoon, W Jang, D Y Kang, Y Kang, S Kim, B Ko, J S H Lee, Y Lee, I C Park, Y Roh, I J Watson, S Ha, H D Yoo, M Choi, M R Kim, H Lee, Y Lee, I Yu, T Beyrouthy, K Dreimanis, A Gaile, G Pikurs, A Potrebko, M Seidel, N R Strautnieks, M Ambrozas, A Juodagalvis, A Rinkevicius, G Tamulaitis, N Bin Norjoharuddeen, I Yusuff, Z Zolkapli, J F Benitez, A Castaneda Hernandez, H A Encinas Acosta, L G Gallegos Maríñez, M León Coello, J A Murillo Quijada, A Sehrawat, L Valencia Palomo, G Ayala, H Castilla-Valdez, H Crotte Ledesma, E De La Cruz-Burelo, I Heredia-De La Cruz, R Lopez-Fernandez, C A Mondragon Herrera, A Sánchez Hernández, C Oropeza Barrera, M Ramírez García, I Bautista, I Pedraza, H A Salazar Ibarguen, C Uribe Estrada, I Bubanja, N Raicevic, P H Butler, A Ahmad, M I Asghar, A Awais, M I M Awan, H R Hoorani, W A Khan, V Avati, L Grzanka, M Malawski, H Bialkowska, M Bluj, B Boimska, M Górski, M Kazana, M Szleper, P Zalewski, K Bunkowski, K Doroba, A Kalinowski, M Konecki, J Krolikowski, A Muhammad, K Pozniak, W Zabolotny, M Araujo, D Bastos, C Beirão Da Cruz E Silva, A Boletti, M Bozzo, T Camporesi, G Da Molin, P Faccioli, M Gallinaro, J Hollar, N Leonardo, T Niknejad, A Petrilli, M Pisano, J Seixas, J Varela, J W Wulff, P Adzic, P Milenovic, M Dordevic, J Milosevic, V Rekovic, M Aguilar-Benitez, J Alcaraz Maestre, Cristina F Bedoya, Oliver M Carretero, M Cepeda, M Cerrada, N Colino, B De La Cruz, A Delgado Peris, A Escalante Del Valle, D Fernández Del Val, J P Fernández Ramos, J Flix, M C Fouz, O Gonzalez Lopez, S Goy Lopez, J M Hernandez, M I Josa, D Moran, C M Morcillo Perez, Á Navarro Tobar, C Perez Dengra, A Pérez-Calero Yzquierdo, J Puerta Pelayo, I Redondo, D D Redondo Ferrero, L Romero, S Sánchez Navas, L Urda Gómez, J Vazquez Escobar, C Willmott, J F de Trocóniz, B Alvarez Gonzalez, J Cuevas, J Fernandez Menendez, S Folgueras, I Gonzalez Caballero, J R González Fernández, P Leguina, E Palencia Cortezon, C Ramón Álvarez, V Rodríguez Bouza, A Soto Rodríguez, A Trapote, C Vico Villalba, P Vischia, S Bhowmik, S Blanco Fernández, J A Brochero Cifuentes, I J Cabrillo, A Calderon, J Duarte Campderros, M Fernandez, G Gomez, C Lasaosa García, R Lopez Ruiz, C Martinez Rivero, P Martinez Ruiz Del Arbol, F Matorras, P Matorras Cuevas, E Navarrete Ramos, J Piedra Gomez, L Scodellaro, I Vila, J M Vizan Garcia, M K Jayananda, B Kailasapathy, D U J Sonnadara, D D C Wickramarathna, W G D Dharmaratna, K Liyanage, N Perera, N Wickramage, D Abbaneo, C Amendola, E Auffray, G Auzinger, J Baechler, D Barney, A Bermúdez Martínez, M Bianco, B Bilin, A A Bin Anuar, A Bocci, C Botta, E Brondolin, C Caillol, G Cerminara, N Chernyavskaya, D d'Enterria, A Dabrowski, A David, A De Roeck, M M Defranchis, M Deile, M Dobson, L Forthomme, G Franzoni, W Funk, S Giani, D Gigi, K Gill, F Glege, L Gouskos, M Haranko, J Hegeman, B Huber, V Innocente, T James, P Janot, O Kaluzinska, S Laurila, P Lecoq, E Leutgeb, C Lourenço, L Malgeri, M Mannelli, A C Marini, M Matthewman, A Mehta, F Meijers, S Mersi, E Meschi, V Milosevic, F Monti, F Moortgat, M Mulders, I Neutelings, S Orfanelli, F Pantaleo, G Petrucciani, A Pfeiffer, M Pierini, D Piparo, H Qu, D Rabady, M Rovere, H Sakulin, S Scarfi, C Schwick, M Selvaggi, A Sharma, K Shchelina, P Silva, P Sphicas, A G Stahl Leiton, A Steen, S Summers, D Treille, P Tropea, A Tsirou, D Walter, J Wanczyk, J Wang, S Wuchterl, P Zehetner, P Zejdl, W D Zeuner, T Bevilacqua, L Caminada, A Ebrahimi, W Erdmann, R Horisberger, Q Ingram, H C Kaestli, D Kotlinski, C Lange, M Missiroli, L Noehte, T Rohe, T K Aarrestad, K Androsov, M Backhaus, G Bonomelli, A Calandri, C Cazzaniga, K Datta, A De Cosa, G Dissertori, M Dittmar, M Donegà, F Eble, M Galli, K Gedia, F Glessgen, C Grab, N Härringer, T G Harte, D Hits, W Lustermann, A-M Lyon, R A Manzoni, M Marchegiani, L Marchese, C Martin Perez, A Mascellani, F Nessi-Tedaldi, F Pauss, V Perovic, S Pigazzini, C Reissel, T Reitenspiess, B Ristic, F Riti, R Seidita, J Steggemann, D Valsecchi, R Wallny, C Amsler, P Bärtschi, M F Canelli, K Cormier, J K Heikkilä, M Huwiler, W Jin, A Jofrehei, B Kilminster, S Leontsinis, S P Liechti, A Macchiolo, P Meiring, U Molinatti, A Reimers, P Robmann, S Sanchez Cruz, M Senger, E Shokr, F Stäger, Y Takahashi, R Tramontano, C Adloff, D Bhowmik, C M Kuo, W Lin, P K Rout, P C Tiwari, S S Yu, L Ceard, Y Chao, K F Chen, P S Chen, Z G Chen, A De Iorio, W-S Hou, T H Hsu, Y W Kao, S Karmakar, R Khurana, G Kole, Y Y Li, R-S Lu, E Paganis, X F Su, J Thomas-Wilsker, L S Tsai, H Y Wu, E Yazgan, C Asawatangtrakuldee, N Srimanobhas, V Wachirapusitanand, D Agyel, F Boran, Z S Demiroglu, F Dolek, I Dumanoglu, E Eskut, Y Guler, E Gurpinar Guler, C Isik, O Kara, A Kayis Topaksu, U Kiminsu, G Onengut, K Ozdemir, A Polatoz, B Tali, U G Tok, S Turkcapar, E Uslan, I S Zorbakir, G Sokmen, M Yalvac, B Akgun, I O Atakisi, E Gülmez, M Kaya, O Kaya, S Tekten, A Cakir, K Cankocak, G G Dincer, Y Komurcu, S Sen, O Aydilek, S Cerci, V Epshteyn, B Hacisahinoglu, I Hos, B Kaynak, S Ozkorucuklu, O Potok, H Sert, C Simsek, C Zorbilmez, B Isildak, D Sunar Cerci, A Boyaryntsev, B Grynyov, L Levchuk, D Anthony, J J Brooke, A Bundock, F Bury, E Clement, D Cussans, H Flacher, M Glowacki, J Goldstein, H F Heath, M-L Holmberg, L Kreczko, S Paramesvaran, L Robertshaw, S Seif El Nasr-Storey, V J Smith, N Stylianou, K Walkingshaw Pass, A H Ball, K W Bell, A Belyaev, C Brew, R M Brown, D J A Cockerill, C Cooke, K V Ellis, K Harder, S Harper, J Linacre, K Manolopoulos, D M Newbold, E Olaiya, D Petyt, T Reis, A R Sahasransu, G Salvi, T Schuh, C H Shepherd-Themistocleous, I R Tomalin, T Williams, R Bainbridge, P Bloch, C E Brown, O Buchmuller, V Cacchio, C A Carrillo Montoya, G S Chahal, D Colling, J S Dancu, I Das, P Dauncey, G Davies, J Davies, M Della Negra, S Fayer, G Fedi, G Hall, M H Hassanshahi, A Howard, G Iles, M Knight, J Langford, J León Holgado, L Lyons, A-M Magnan, S Malik, M Mieskolainen, J Nash, M Pesaresi, B C Radburn-Smith, A Richards, A Rose, K Savva, C Seez, R Shukla, A Tapper, K Uchida, G P Uttley, L H Vage, T Virdee, M Vojinovic, N Wardle, D Winterbottom, K Coldham, J E Cole, A Khan, P Kyberd, I D Reid, S Abdullin, A Brinkerhoff, B Caraway, E Collins, J Dittmann, K Hatakeyama, J Hiltbrand, B McMaster, S Sawant, C Sutantawibul, J Wilson, R Bartek, A Dominguez, C Huerta Escamilla, A E Simsek, R Uniyal, A M Vargas Hernandez, B Bam, R Chudasama, S I Cooper, S V Gleyzer, C U Perez, P Rumerio, E Usai, R Yi, A Akpinar, D Arcaro, C Cosby, Z Demiragli, C Erice, C Fangmeier, C Fernandez Madrazo, E Fontanesi, D Gastler, F Golf, S Jeon, I Reed, J Rohlf, K Salyer, D Sperka, D Spitzbart, I Suarez, A Tsatsos, S Yuan, A G Zecchinelli, G Benelli, X Coubez, D Cutts, M Hadley, U Heintz, J M Hogan, T Kwon, G Landsberg, K T Lau, D Li, J Luo, S Mondal, M Narain, N Pervan, S Sagir, F Simpson, M Stamenkovic, N Venkatasubramanian, X Yan, W Zhang, S Abbott, J Bonilla, C Brainerd, R Breedon, H Cai, M Calderon De La Barca Sanchez, M Chertok, M Citron, J Conway, P T Cox, R Erbacher, F Jensen, O Kukral, G Mocellin, M Mulhearn, D Pellett, W Wei, Y Yao, F Zhang, M Bachtis, R Cousins, A Datta, G Flores Avila, J Hauser, M Ignatenko, M A Iqbal, T Lam, E Manca, A Nunez Del Prado, D Saltzberg, V Valuev, R Clare, J W Gary, M Gordon, G Hanson, W Si, S Wimpenny, J G Branson, S Cittolin, S Cooperstein, D Diaz, J Duarte, L Giannini, J Guiang, R Kansal, V Krutelyov, R Lee, J Letts, M Masciovecchio, F Mokhtar, S Mukherjee, M Pieri, M Quinnan, B V Sathia Narayanan, V Sharma, M Tadel, E Vourliotis, F Würthwein, Y Xiang, A Yagil, A Barzdukas, L Brennan, C Campagnari, J Incandela, J Kim, A J Li, P Masterson, H Mei, J Richman, U Sarica, R Schmitz, F Setti, J Sheplock, D Stuart, T Á Vámi, S Wang, A Bornheim, O Cerri, A Latorre, J Mao, H B Newman, G Reales Gutiérrez, M Spiropulu, J R Vlimant, C Wang, S Xie, R Y Zhu, J Alison, S An, M B Andrews, P Bryant, M Cremonesi, V Dutta, T Ferguson, A Harilal, C Liu, T Mudholkar, S Murthy, P Palit, M Paulini, A Roberts, A Sanchez, W Terrill, J P Cumalat, W T Ford, A Hart, A Hassani, G Karathanasis, N Manganelli, A Perloff, C Savard, N Schonbeck, K Stenson, K A Ulmer, S R Wagner, N Zipper, D Zuolo, J Alexander, S Bright-Thonney, X Chen, D J Cranshaw, J Fan, X Fan, S Hogan, P Kotamnives, J Monroy, M Oshiro, J R Patterson, J Reichert, M Reid, A Ryd, J Thom, P Wittich, R Zou, M Albrow, M Alyari, O Amram, G Apollinari, A Apresyan, L A T Bauerdick, D Berry, J Berryhill, P C Bhat, K Burkett, J N Butler, A Canepa, G B Cerati, H W K Cheung, F Chlebana, G Cummings, J Dickinson, I Dutta, V D Elvira, Y Feng, J Freeman, A Gandrakota, Z Gecse, L Gray, D Green, A Grummer, S Grünendahl, D Guerrero, O Gutsche, R M Harris, R Heller, T C Herwig, J Hirschauer, L Horyn, B Jayatilaka, S Jindariani, M Johnson, U Joshi, T Klijnsma, B Klima, K H M Kwok, S Lammel, D Lincoln, R Lipton, T Liu, C Madrid, K Maeshima, C Mantilla, D Mason, P McBride, P Merkel, S Mrenna, S Nahn, J Ngadiuba, D Noonan, V Papadimitriou, N Pastika, K Pedro, C Pena, F Ravera, A Reinsvold Hall, L Ristori, E Sexton-Kennedy, N Smith, A Soha, L Spiegel, S Stoynev, J Strait, L Taylor, S Tkaczyk, N V Tran, L Uplegger, E W Vaandering, A Whitbeck, I Zoi, C Aruta, P Avery, D Bourilkov, L Cadamuro, P Chang, V Cherepanov, R D Field, E Koenig, M Kolosova, J Konigsberg, A Korytov, K Matchev, N Menendez, G Mitselmakher, K Mohrman, A Muthirakalayil Madhu, N Rawal, D Rosenzweig, S Rosenzweig, J Wang, T Adams, A Al Kadhim, A Askew, S Bower, R Habibullah, V Hagopian, R Hashmi, R S Kim, S Kim, T Kolberg, G Martinez, H Prosper, P R Prova, M Wulansatiti, R Yohay, J Zhang, B Alsufyani, M M Baarmand, S Butalla, S Das, T Elkafrawy, M Hohlmann, R Kumar Verma, M Rahmani, E Yanes, M R Adams, A Baty, C Bennett, R Cavanaugh, R Escobar Franco, O Evdokimov, C E Gerber, M Hawksworth, A Hingrajiya, D J Hofman, J H Lee, D S Lemos, A H Merrit, C Mills, S Nanda, G Oh, B Ozek, D Pilipovic, R Pradhan, E Prifti, T Roy, S Rudrabhatla, M B Tonjes, N Varelas, M A Wadud, Z Ye, J Yoo, M Alhusseini, D Blend, K Dilsiz, L Emediato, G Karaman, O K Köseyan, J-P Merlo, A Mestvirishvili, J Nachtman, O Neogi, H Ogul, Y Onel, A Penzo, C Snyder, E Tiras, B Blumenfeld, L Corcodilos, J Davis, A V Gritsan, L Kang, S Kyriacou, P Maksimovic, M Roguljic, J Roskes, S Sekhar, M Swartz, A Abreu, L F Alcerro Alcerro, J Anguiano, P Baringer, A Bean, Z Flowers, D Grove, J King, G Krintiras, M Lazarovits, C Le Mahieu, J Marquez, N Minafra, M Murray, M Nickel, M Pitt, S Popescu, C Rogan, C Royon, R Salvatico, S Sanders, C Smith, Q Wang, G Wilson, B Allmond, R Gujju Gurunadha, A Ivanov, K Kaadze, A Kalogeropoulos, Y Maravin, J Natoli, D Roy, G Sorrentino, F Rebassoo, D Wright, A Baden, A Belloni, Y M Chen, S C Eno, N J Hadley, S Jabeen, R G Kellogg, T Koeth, Y Lai, S Lascio, A C Mignerey, S Nabili, C Palmer, C Papageorgakis, M M Paranjpe, L Wang, J Bendavid, I A Cali, M D'Alfonso, J Eysermans, C Freer, G Gomez-Ceballos, M Goncharov, G Grosso, P Harris, D Hoang, D Kovalskyi, J Krupa, L Lavezzo, Y-J Lee, K Long, A Novak, C Paus, D Rankin, C Roland, G Roland, S Rothman, G S F Stephans, Z Wang, B Wyslouch, T J Yang, B Crossman, B M Joshi, C Kapsiak, M Krohn, D Mahon, J Mans, B Marzocchi, S Pandey, M Revering, R Rusack, R Saradhy, N Schroeder, N Strobbe, L M Cremaldi, K Bloom, D R Claes, G Haza, J Hossain, C Joo, I Kravchenko, J E Siado, W Tabb, A Vagnerini, A Wightman, F Yan, D Yu, H Bandyopadhyay, L Hay, I Iashvili, A Kharchilava, M Morris, D Nguyen, S Rappoccio, H Rejeb Sfar, A Williams, G Alverson, E Barberis, J Dervan, Y Haddad, Y Han, A Krishna, J Li, M Lu, G Madigan, R Mccarthy, D M Morse, V Nguyen, T Orimoto, A Parker, L Skinnari, D Wood, J Bueghly, Z Chen, S Dittmer, K A Hahn, Y Liu, Y Miao, D G Monk, M H Schmitt, A Taliercio, M Velasco, G Agarwal, R Band, R Bucci, S Castells, A Das, R Goldouzian, M Hildreth, K W Ho, K Hurtado Anampa, T Ivanov, C Jessop, K Lannon, J Lawrence, N Loukas, L Lutton, J Mariano, N Marinelli, I Mcalister, T McCauley, C Mcgrady, C Moore, Y Musienko, H Nelson, M Osherson, A Piccinelli, R Ruchti, A Townsend, Y Wan, M Wayne, H Yockey, M Zarucki, L Zygala, A Basnet, B Bylsma, M Carrigan, L S Durkin, C Hill, M Joyce, M Nunez Ornelas, K Wei, B L Winer, B R Yates, F M Addesa, H Bouchamaoui, P Das, G Dezoort, P Elmer, A Frankenthal, B Greenberg, N Haubrich, G Kopp, S Kwan, D Lange, A Loeliger, D Marlow, I Ojalvo, J Olsen, A Shevelev, D Stickland, C Tully, S Malik, A S Bakshi, V E Barnes, S Chandra, R Chawla, A Gu, L Gutay, M Jones, A W Jung, D Kondratyev, A M Koshy, M Liu, G Negro, N Neumeister, G Paspalaki, S Piperov, V Scheurer, J F Schulte, M Stojanovic, J Thieman, A K Virdi, F Wang, W Xie, J Dolen, N Parashar, A Pathak, D Acosta, T Carnahan, K M Ecklund, P J Fernández Manteca, S Freed, P Gardner, F J M Geurts, W Li, O Miguel Colin, B P Padley, R Redjimi, J Rotter, E Yigitbasi, Y Zhang, A Bodek, P de Barbaro, R Demina, J L Dulemba, A Garcia-Bellido, O Hindrichs, A Khukhunaishvili, N Parmar, P Parygin, E Popova, R Taus, K Goulianos, B Chiarito, J P Chou, S V Clark, D Gadkari, Y Gershtein, E Halkiadakis, M Heindl, C Houghton, D Jaroslawski, O Karacheban, S Konstantinou, I Laflotte, A Lath, R Montalvo, K Nash, H Routray, P Saha, S Salur, S Schnetzer, S Somalwar, R Stone, S A Thayil, S Thomas, J Vora, H Wang, H Acharya, D Ally, A G Delannoy, S Fiorendi, S Higginbotham, T Holmes, A R Kanuganti, N Karunarathna, L Lee, E Nibigira, S Spanier, D Aebi, M Ahmad, O Bouhali, R Eusebi, J Gilmore, T Huang, T Kamon, H Kim, S Luo, R Mueller, D Overton, D Rathjens, A Safonov, N Akchurin, J Damgov, V Hegde, A Hussain, Y Kazhykarim, K Lamichhane, S W Lee, A Mankel, T Peltola, I Volobouev, E Appelt, Y Chen, S Greene, A Gurrola, W Johns, R Kunnawalkam Elayavalli, A Melo, F Romeo, P Sheldon, S Tuo, J Velkovska, J Viinikainen, B Cardwell, B Cox, J Hakala, R Hirosky, A Ledovskoy, C Neu, C E Perez Lara, S Bhattacharya, P E Karchin, A Aravind, S Banerjee, K Black, T Bose, S Dasu, I De Bruyn, P Everaerts, C Galloni, H He, M Herndon, A Herve, C K Koraka, A Lanaro, R Loveless, J Madhusudanan Sreekala, A Mallampalli, A Mohammadi, S Mondal, G Parida, L Pétré, D Pinna, A Savin, V Shang, V Sharma, W H Smith, D Teague, H F Tsoi, W Vetens, A Warden, S Afanasiev, V Andreev, Yu Andreev, T Aushev, M Azarkin, I Azhgirey, A Babaev, A Belyaev, V Blinov, E Boos, V Borshch, D Budkouski, M Chadeeva, V Chekhovsky, R Chistov, A Dermenev, T Dimova, D Druzhkin, M Dubinin, L Dudko, A Ershov, G Gavrilov, V Gavrilov, S Gninenko, V Golovtcov, N Golubev, I Golutvin, I Gorbunov, A Gribushin, Y Ivanov, V Kachanov, V Karjavine, A Karneyeu, V Kim, M Kirakosyan, D Kirpichnikov, M Kirsanov, V Klyukhin, O Kodolova, D Konstantinov, V Korenkov, A Kozyrev, N Krasnikov, A Lanev, P Levchenko, N Lychkovskaya, V Makarenko, A Malakhov, V Matveev, V Murzin, A Nikitenko, S Obraztsov, V Oreshkin, V Palichik, V Perelygin, S Petrushanko, S Polikarpov, V Popov, O Radchenko, R Ryutin, M Savina, V Savrin, V Shalaev, S Shmatov, S Shulha, Y Skovpen, S Slabospitskii, V Smirnov, A Snigirev, D Sosnov, V Sulimov, E Tcherniaev, A Terkulov, O Teryaev, I Tlisova, A Toropin, L Uvarov, A Uzunian, A Vorobyev, N Voytishin, B S Yuldashev, A Zarubin, I Zhizhin, A Zhokin
A search is presented for an extended Higgs sector with two new particles, X and ϕ, in the process X→ϕϕ→(γγ)(γγ). Novel neural networks classify events with diphotons that are merged and determine the diphoton masses. The search uses LHC proton-proton collision data at sqrt[s]=13 TeV collected with the CMS detector, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb^{-1}. No evidence of such resonances is seen. Upper limits are set on the production cross section for m_{X} between 300 and 3000 GeV and m_{ϕ}/m_{X} between 0.5% and 2.5%, representing the most sensitive search in this channel.
{"title":"Search for New Resonances Decaying to Pairs of Merged Diphotons in Proton-Proton Collisions at sqrt[s]=13 TeV.","authors":"A Hayrapetyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam, J W Andrejkovic, T Bergauer, S Chatterjee, K Damanakis, M Dragicevic, P S Hussain, M Jeitler, N Krammer, A Li, D Liko, I Mikulec, J Schieck, R Schöfbeck, D Schwarz, M Sonawane, S Templ, W Waltenberger, C-E Wulz, M R Darwish, T Janssen, P Van Mechelen, E S Bols, J D'Hondt, S Dansana, A De Moor, M Delcourt, S Lowette, I Makarenko, D Müller, S Tavernier, M Tytgat, G P Van Onsem, S Van Putte, D Vannerom, B Clerbaux, A K Das, G De Lentdecker, H Evard, L Favart, P Gianneios, D Hohov, J Jaramillo, A Khalilzadeh, F A Khan, K Lee, M Mahdavikhorrami, A Malara, S Paredes, L Thomas, M Vanden Bemden, C Vander Velde, P Vanlaer, M De Coen, D Dobur, Y Hong, J Knolle, L Lambrecht, G Mestdach, K Mota Amarilo, C Rendón, A Samalan, K Skovpen, N Van Den Bossche, J van der Linden, L Wezenbeek, A Benecke, A Bethani, G Bruno, C Caputo, C Delaere, I S Donertas, A Giammanco, Sa Jain, V Lemaitre, J Lidrych, P Mastrapasqua, T T Tran, S Wertz, G A Alves, E Coelho, C Hensel, T Menezes De Oliveira, A Moraes, P Rebello Teles, M Soeiro, W L Aldá Júnior, M Alves Gallo Pereira, M Barroso Ferreira Filho, H Brandao Malbouisson, W Carvalho, J Chinellato, E M Da Costa, G G Da Silveira, D De Jesus Damiao, S Fonseca De Souza, R Gomes De Souza, M Macedo, J Martins, C Mora Herrera, L Mundim, H Nogima, J P Pinheiro, A Santoro, A Sznajder, M Thiel, A Vilela Pereira, C A Bernardes, L Calligaris, T R Fernandez Perez Tomei, E M Gregores, P G Mercadante, S F Novaes, B Orzari, Sandra S Padula, A Aleksandrov, G Antchev, R Hadjiiska, P Iaydjiev, M Misheva, M Shopova, G Sultanov, A Dimitrov, L Litov, B Pavlov, P Petkov, A Petrov, E Shumka, S Keshri, S Thakur, T Cheng, T Javaid, L Yuan, Z Hu, J Liu, K Yi, G M Chen, H S Chen, M Chen, F Iemmi, C H Jiang, A Kapoor, H Liao, Z-A Liu, R Sharma, J N Song, J Tao, C Wang, J Wang, Z Wang, H Zhang, A Agapitos, Y Ban, A Levin, C Li, Q Li, Y Mao, S J Qian, X Sun, D Wang, H Yang, L Zhang, C Zhou, Z You, K Jaffel, N Lu, G Bauer, X Gao, Z Lin, C Lu, M Xiao, C Avila, D A Barbosa Trujillo, A Cabrera, C Florez, J Fraga, J A Reyes Vega, J Mejia Guisao, F Ramirez, M Rodriguez, J D Ruiz Alvarez, D Giljanovic, N Godinovic, D Lelas, A Sculac, M Kovac, T Sculac, P Bargassa, V Brigljevic, B K Chitroda, D Ferencek, K Jakovcic, S Mishra, A Starodumov, T Susa, A Attikis, K Christoforou, A Hadjiagapiou, J Mousa, C Nicolaou, L Paizanos, F Ptochos, P A Razis, H Rykaczewski, H Saka, A Stepennov, M Finger, M Finger, A Kveton, E Ayala, E Carrera Jarrin, Y Assran, S Elgammal, M A Mahmoud, Y Mohammed, K Ehataht, M Kadastik, T Lange, S Nandan, C Nielsen, J Pata, M Raidal, L Tani, C Veelken, H Kirschenmann, K Osterberg, M Voutilainen, S Bharthuar, E Brücken, F Garcia, K T S Kallonen, R Kinnunen, T Lampén, K Lassila-Perini, S Lehti, T Lindén, L Martikainen, M Myllymäki, M M Rantanen, H Siikonen, E Tuominen, J Tuominiemi, P Luukka, H Petrow, M Besancon, F Couderc, M Dejardin, D Denegri, J L Faure, F Ferri, S Ganjour, P Gras, G Hamel de Monchenault, V Lohezic, J Malcles, F Orlandi, L Portales, J Rander, A Rosowsky, M Ö Sahin, A Savoy-Navarro, P Simkina, M Titov, M Tornago, F Beaudette, A Buchot Perraguin, P Busson, A Cappati, C Charlot, M Chiusi, F Damas, O Davignon, A De Wit, I T Ehle, B A Fontana Santos Alves, S Ghosh, A Gilbert, R Granier de Cassagnac, A Hakimi, B Harikrishnan, L Kalipoliti, G Liu, J Motta, M Nguyen, C Ochando, R Salerno, J B Sauvan, Y Sirois, A Tarabini, E Vernazza, A Zabi, A Zghiche, J-L Agram, J Andrea, D Apparu, D Bloch, J-M Brom, E C Chabert, C Collard, S Falke, U Goerlach, C Grimault, R Haeberle, A-C Le Bihan, M Meena, G Saha, M A Sessini, P Van Hove, S Beauceron, B Blancon, G Boudoul, N Chanon, D Contardo, P Depasse, C Dozen, H El Mamouni, J Fay, S Gascon, M Gouzevitch, C Greenberg, G Grenier, B Ille, I B Laktineh, M Lethuillier, L Mirabito, S Perries, A Purohit, M Vander Donckt, P Verdier, J Xiao, G Adamov, I Lomidze, Z Tsamalaidze, V Botta, L Feld, K Klein, M Lipinski, D Meuser, A Pauls, N Röwert, M Teroerde, S Diekmann, A Dodonova, N Eich, D Eliseev, F Engelke, J Erdmann, M Erdmann, P Fackeldey, B Fischer, T Hebbeker, K Hoepfner, F Ivone, A Jung, M Y Lee, F Mausolf, M Merschmeyer, A Meyer, S Mukherjee, D Noll, F Nowotny, A Pozdnyakov, Y Rath, W Redjeb, F Rehm, H Reithler, U Sarkar, V Sarkisovi, A Schmidt, A Sharma, J L Spah, A Stein, F Torres Da Silva De Araujo, S Wiedenbeck, S Zaleski, C Dziwok, G Flügge, W Haj Ahmad, T Kress, A Nowack, O Pooth, A Stahl, T Ziemons, A Zotz, H Aarup Petersen, M Aldaya Martin, J Alimena, S Amoroso, Y An, S Baxter, M Bayatmakou, H Becerril Gonzalez, O Behnke, A Belvedere, S Bhattacharya, F Blekman, K Borras, A Campbell, A Cardini, C Cheng, F Colombina, S Consuegra Rodríguez, G Correia Silva, M De Silva, G Eckerlin, D Eckstein, L I Estevez Banos, O Filatov, E Gallo, A Geiser, A Giraldi, V Guglielmi, M Guthoff, A Hinzmann, A Jafari, L Jeppe, B Kaech, M Kasemann, C Kleinwort, R Kogler, M Komm, D Krücker, W Lange, D Leyva Pernia, K Lipka, W Lohmann, F Lorkowski, R Mankel, I-A Melzer-Pellmann, M Mendizabal Morentin, A B Meyer, G Milella, A Mussgiller, L P Nair, A Nürnberg, Y Otarid, J Park, D Pérez Adán, E Ranken, A Raspereza, D Rastorguev, B Ribeiro Lopes, J Rübenach, A Saggio, M Scham, S Schnake, P Schütze, C Schwanenberger, D Selivanova, K Sharko, M Shchedrolosiev, R E Sosa Ricardo, D Stafford, F Vazzoler, A Ventura Barroso, R Walsh, Q Wang, Y Wen, K Wichmann, L Wiens, C Wissing, Y Yang, A Zimermmane Castro Santos, A Albrecht, S Albrecht, M Antonello, S Bein, L Benato, S Bollweg, M Bonanomi, P Connor, K El Morabit, Y Fischer, E Garutti, A Grohsjean, J Haller, H R Jabusch, G Kasieczka, P Keicher, R Klanner, W Korcari, T Kramer, V Kutzner, F Labe, J Lange, A Lobanov, C Matthies, L Moureaux, M Mrowietz, A Nigamova, Y Nissan, A Paasch, K J Pena Rodriguez, T Quadfasel, B Raciti, M Rieger, D Savoiu, J Schindler, P Schleper, M Schröder, J Schwandt, M Sommerhalder, H Stadie, G Steinbrück, A Tews, M Wolf, S Brommer, M Burkart, E Butz, T Chwalek, A Dierlamm, A Droll, N Faltermann, M Giffels, A Gottmann, F Hartmann, R Hofsaess, M Horzela, U Husemann, J Kieseler, M Klute, R Koppenhöfer, J M Lawhorn, M Link, A Lintuluoto, B Maier, S Maier, S Mitra, M Mormile, Th Müller, M Neukum, M Oh, E Pfeffer, M Presilla, G Quast, K Rabbertz, B Regnery, N Shadskiy, I Shvetsov, H J Simonis, M Toms, N Trevisani, R F Von Cube, M Wassmer, S Wieland, F Wittig, R Wolf, X Zuo, G Anagnostou, G Daskalakis, A Kyriakis, A Papadopoulos, A Stakia, P Kontaxakis, G Melachroinos, Z Painesis, A Panagiotou, I Papavergou, I Paraskevas, N Saoulidou, K Theofilatos, E Tziaferi, K Vellidis, I Zisopoulos, G Bakas, T Chatzistavrou, G Karapostoli, K Kousouris, I Papakrivopoulos, E Siamarkou, G Tsipolitis, A Zacharopoulou, K Adamidis, I Bestintzanos, I Evangelou, C Foudas, C Kamtsikis, P Katsoulis, P Kokkas, P G Kosmoglou Kioseoglou, N Manthos, I Papadopoulos, J Strologas, M Bartók, C Hajdu, D Horvath, K Márton, A J Rádl, F Sikler, V Veszpremi, M Csanád, K Farkas, M M A Gadallah, Á Kadlecsik, P Major, K Mandal, G Pásztor, G I Veres, P Raics, B Ujvari, G Zilizi, G Bencze, S Czellar, J Molnar, Z Szillasi, T Csorgo, F Nemes, T Novak, J Babbar, S Bansal, S B Beri, V Bhatnagar, G Chaudhary, S Chauhan, N Dhingra, A Kaur, A Kaur, H Kaur, M Kaur, S Kumar, K Sandeep, T Sheokand, J B Singh, A Singla, A Ahmed, A Bhardwaj, A Chhetri, B C Choudhary, A Kumar, A Kumar, M Naimuddin, K Ranjan, S Saumya, S Baradia, S Barman, S Bhattacharya, S Dutta, S Dutta, S Sarkar, M M Ameen, P K Behera, S C Behera, S Chatterjee, P Jana, P Kalbhor, J R Komaragiri, D Kumar, P R Pujahari, N R Saha, A Sharma, A K Sikdar, S Verma, S Dugad, M Kumar, G B Mohanty, P Suryadevara, A Bala, S Banerjee, R M Chatterjee, R K Dewanjee, M Guchait, Sh Jain, A Jaiswal, S Kumar, G Majumder, K Mazumdar, S Parolia, A Thachayath, S Bahinipati, C Kar, D Maity, P Mal, T Mishra, V K Muraleedharan Nair Bindhu, K Naskar, A Nayak, P Sadangi, S K Swain, S Varghese, D Vats, S Acharya, A Alpana, S Dube, B Gomber, P Hazarika, B Kansal, A Laha, B Sahu, S Sharma, K Y Vaish, H Bakhshiansohi, E Khazaie, M Zeinali, S Bashiri, S Chenarani, S M Etesami, M Khakzad, M Mohammadi Najafabadi, S Tizchang, M Grunewald, M Abbrescia, R Aly, A Colaleo, D Creanza, B D'Anzi, N De Filippis, M De Palma, A Di Florio, W Elmetenawee, L Fiore, G Iaselli, M Louka, G Maggi, M Maggi, I Margjeka, V Mastrapasqua, S My, S Nuzzo, A Pellecchia, A Pompili, G Pugliese, R Radogna, G Ramirez-Sanchez, D Ramos, A Ranieri, L Silvestris, F M Simone, Ü Sözbilir, A Stamerra, R Venditti, P Verwilligen, A Zaza, G Abbiendi, C Battilana, D Bonacorsi, L Borgonovi, P Capiluppi, A Castro, F R Cavallo, M Cuffiani, G M Dallavalle, T Diotalevi, F Fabbri, A Fanfani, D Fasanella, P Giacomelli, L Giommi, C Grandi, L Guiducci, S Lo Meo, L Lunerti, S Marcellini, G Masetti, F L Navarria, A Perrotta, F Primavera, A M Rossi, T Rovelli, G P Siroli, S Costa, A Di Mattia, R Potenza, A Tricomi, C Tuve, P Assiouras, G Barbagli, G Bardelli, B Camaiani, A Cassese, R Ceccarelli, V Ciulli, C Civinini, R D'Alessandro, E Focardi, T Kello, G Latino, P Lenzi, M Lizzo, M Meschini, S Paoletti, A Papanastassiou, G Sguazzoni, L Viliani, L Benussi, S Bianco, S Meola, D Piccolo, P Chatagnon, F Ferro, E Robutti, S Tosi, A Benaglia, G Boldrini, F Brivio, F Cetorelli, F De Guio, M E Dinardo, P Dini, S Gennai, R Gerosa, A Ghezzi, P Govoni, L Guzzi, M T Lucchini, M Malberti, S Malvezzi, A Massironi, D Menasce, L Moroni, M Paganoni, S Palluotto, D Pedrini, B S Pinolini, G Pizzati, S Ragazzi, T Tabarelli de Fatis, S Buontempo, A Cagnotta, F Carnevali, N Cavallo, F Fabozzi, A O M Iorio, L Lista, P Paolucci, B Rossi, C Sciacca, R Ardino, P Azzi, N Bacchetta, M Biasotto, D Bisello, P Bortignon, G Bortolato, A Bragagnolo, A C M Bulla, R Carlin, P Checchia, T Dorigo, F Gasparini, U Gasparini, E Lusiani, M Margoni, F Marini, M Migliorini, J Pazzini, P Ronchese, R Rossin, F Simonetto, G Strong, M Tosi, A Triossi, S Ventura, M Zanetti, P Zotto, A Zucchetta, G Zumerle, S Abu Zeid, C Aimè, A Braghieri, S Calzaferri, D Fiorina, P Montagna, V Re, C Riccardi, P Salvini, I Vai, P Vitulo, S Ajmal, G M Bilei, D Ciangottini, L Fanò, M Magherini, V Mariani, M Menichelli, F Moscatelli, A Rossi, A Santocchia, D Spiga, T Tedeschi, P Asenov, P Azzurri, G Bagliesi, R Bhattacharya, L Bianchini, T Boccali, E Bossini, D Bruschini, R Castaldi, M A Ciocci, M Cipriani, V D'Amante, R Dell'Orso, S Donato, A Giassi, F Ligabue, D Matos Figueiredo, A Messineo, M Musich, F Palla, A Rizzi, G Rolandi, S Roy Chowdhury, T Sarkar, A Scribano, P Spagnolo, R Tenchini, G Tonelli, N Turini, F Vaselli, A Venturi, P G Verdini, C Baldenegro Barrera, P Barria, C Basile, M Campana, F Cavallari, L Cunqueiro Mendez, D Del Re, E Di Marco, M Diemoz, F Errico, E Longo, P Meridiani, J Mijuskovic, G Organtini, F Pandolfi, R Paramatti, C Quaranta, S Rahatlou, C Rovelli, F Santanastasio, L Soffi, N Amapane, R Arcidiacono, S Argiro, M Arneodo, N Bartosik, R Bellan, A Bellora, C Biino, C Borca, N Cartiglia, M Costa, R Covarelli, N Demaria, L Finco, M Grippo, B Kiani, F Legger, F Luongo, C Mariotti, L Markovic, S Maselli, A Mecca, E Migliore, M Monteno, R Mulargia, M M Obertino, G Ortona, L Pacher, N Pastrone, M Pelliccioni, M Ruspa, F Siviero, V Sola, A Solano, A Staiano, C Tarricone, D Trocino, G Umoret, E Vlasov, R White, S Belforte, V Candelise, M Casarsa, F Cossutti, K De Leo, G Della Ricca, S Dogra, J Hong, C Huh, B Kim, D H Kim, J Kim, H Lee, S W Lee, C S Moon, Y D Oh, M S Ryu, S Sekmen, Y C Yang, M S Kim, G Bak, P Gwak, H Kim, D H Moon, E Asilar, J Choi, D Kim, T J Kim, J A Merlin, S Choi, S Han, B Hong, K Lee, K S Lee, S Lee, J Park, S K Park, J Yoo, J Goh, S Yang, H S Kim, Y Kim, S Lee, J Almond, J H Bhyun, J Choi, W Jun, J Kim, S Ko, H Kwon, H Lee, J Lee, J Lee, B H Oh, S B Oh, H Seo, U K Yang, I Yoon, W Jang, D Y Kang, Y Kang, S Kim, B Ko, J S H Lee, Y Lee, I C Park, Y Roh, I J Watson, S Ha, H D Yoo, M Choi, M R Kim, H Lee, Y Lee, I Yu, T Beyrouthy, K Dreimanis, A Gaile, G Pikurs, A Potrebko, M Seidel, N R Strautnieks, M Ambrozas, A Juodagalvis, A Rinkevicius, G Tamulaitis, N Bin Norjoharuddeen, I Yusuff, Z Zolkapli, J F Benitez, A Castaneda Hernandez, H A Encinas Acosta, L G Gallegos Maríñez, M León Coello, J A Murillo Quijada, A Sehrawat, L Valencia Palomo, G Ayala, H Castilla-Valdez, H Crotte Ledesma, E De La Cruz-Burelo, I Heredia-De La Cruz, R Lopez-Fernandez, C A Mondragon Herrera, A Sánchez Hernández, C Oropeza Barrera, M Ramírez García, I Bautista, I Pedraza, H A Salazar Ibarguen, C Uribe Estrada, I Bubanja, N Raicevic, P H Butler, A Ahmad, M I Asghar, A Awais, M I M Awan, H R Hoorani, W A Khan, V Avati, L Grzanka, M Malawski, H Bialkowska, M Bluj, B Boimska, M Górski, M Kazana, M Szleper, P Zalewski, K Bunkowski, K Doroba, A Kalinowski, M Konecki, J Krolikowski, A Muhammad, K Pozniak, W Zabolotny, M Araujo, D Bastos, C Beirão Da Cruz E Silva, A Boletti, M Bozzo, T Camporesi, G Da Molin, P Faccioli, M Gallinaro, J Hollar, N Leonardo, T Niknejad, A Petrilli, M Pisano, J Seixas, J Varela, J W Wulff, P Adzic, P Milenovic, M Dordevic, J Milosevic, V Rekovic, M Aguilar-Benitez, J Alcaraz Maestre, Cristina F Bedoya, Oliver M Carretero, M Cepeda, M Cerrada, N Colino, B De La Cruz, A Delgado Peris, A Escalante Del Valle, D Fernández Del Val, J P Fernández Ramos, J Flix, M C Fouz, O Gonzalez Lopez, S Goy Lopez, J M Hernandez, M I Josa, D Moran, C M Morcillo Perez, Á Navarro Tobar, C Perez Dengra, A Pérez-Calero Yzquierdo, J Puerta Pelayo, I Redondo, D D Redondo Ferrero, L Romero, S Sánchez Navas, L Urda Gómez, J Vazquez Escobar, C Willmott, J F de Trocóniz, B Alvarez Gonzalez, J Cuevas, J Fernandez Menendez, S Folgueras, I Gonzalez Caballero, J R González Fernández, P Leguina, E Palencia Cortezon, C Ramón Álvarez, V Rodríguez Bouza, A Soto Rodríguez, A Trapote, C Vico Villalba, P Vischia, S Bhowmik, S Blanco Fernández, J A Brochero Cifuentes, I J Cabrillo, A Calderon, J Duarte Campderros, M Fernandez, G Gomez, C Lasaosa García, R Lopez Ruiz, C Martinez Rivero, P Martinez Ruiz Del Arbol, F Matorras, P Matorras Cuevas, E Navarrete Ramos, J Piedra Gomez, L Scodellaro, I Vila, J M Vizan Garcia, M K Jayananda, B Kailasapathy, D U J Sonnadara, D D C Wickramarathna, W G D Dharmaratna, K Liyanage, N Perera, N Wickramage, D Abbaneo, C Amendola, E Auffray, G Auzinger, J Baechler, D Barney, A Bermúdez Martínez, M Bianco, B Bilin, A A Bin Anuar, A Bocci, C Botta, E Brondolin, C Caillol, G Cerminara, N Chernyavskaya, D d'Enterria, A Dabrowski, A David, A De Roeck, M M Defranchis, M Deile, M Dobson, L Forthomme, G Franzoni, W Funk, S Giani, D Gigi, K Gill, F Glege, L Gouskos, M Haranko, J Hegeman, B Huber, V Innocente, T James, P Janot, O Kaluzinska, S Laurila, P Lecoq, E Leutgeb, C Lourenço, L Malgeri, M Mannelli, A C Marini, M Matthewman, A Mehta, F Meijers, S Mersi, E Meschi, V Milosevic, F Monti, F Moortgat, M Mulders, I Neutelings, S Orfanelli, F Pantaleo, G Petrucciani, A Pfeiffer, M Pierini, D Piparo, H Qu, D Rabady, M Rovere, H Sakulin, S Scarfi, C Schwick, M Selvaggi, A Sharma, K Shchelina, P Silva, P Sphicas, A G Stahl Leiton, A Steen, S Summers, D Treille, P Tropea, A Tsirou, D Walter, J Wanczyk, J Wang, S Wuchterl, P Zehetner, P Zejdl, W D Zeuner, T Bevilacqua, L Caminada, A Ebrahimi, W Erdmann, R Horisberger, Q Ingram, H C Kaestli, D Kotlinski, C Lange, M Missiroli, L Noehte, T Rohe, T K Aarrestad, K Androsov, M Backhaus, G Bonomelli, A Calandri, C Cazzaniga, K Datta, A De Cosa, G Dissertori, M Dittmar, M Donegà, F Eble, M Galli, K Gedia, F Glessgen, C Grab, N Härringer, T G Harte, D Hits, W Lustermann, A-M Lyon, R A Manzoni, M Marchegiani, L Marchese, C Martin Perez, A Mascellani, F Nessi-Tedaldi, F Pauss, V Perovic, S Pigazzini, C Reissel, T Reitenspiess, B Ristic, F Riti, R Seidita, J Steggemann, D Valsecchi, R Wallny, C Amsler, P Bärtschi, M F Canelli, K Cormier, J K Heikkilä, M Huwiler, W Jin, A Jofrehei, B Kilminster, S Leontsinis, S P Liechti, A Macchiolo, P Meiring, U Molinatti, A Reimers, P Robmann, S Sanchez Cruz, M Senger, E Shokr, F Stäger, Y Takahashi, R Tramontano, C Adloff, D Bhowmik, C M Kuo, W Lin, P K Rout, P C Tiwari, S S Yu, L Ceard, Y Chao, K F Chen, P S Chen, Z G Chen, A De Iorio, W-S Hou, T H Hsu, Y W Kao, S Karmakar, R Khurana, G Kole, Y Y Li, R-S Lu, E Paganis, X F Su, J Thomas-Wilsker, L S Tsai, H Y Wu, E Yazgan, C Asawatangtrakuldee, N Srimanobhas, V Wachirapusitanand, D Agyel, F Boran, Z S Demiroglu, F Dolek, I Dumanoglu, E Eskut, Y Guler, E Gurpinar Guler, C Isik, O Kara, A Kayis Topaksu, U Kiminsu, G Onengut, K Ozdemir, A Polatoz, B Tali, U G Tok, S Turkcapar, E Uslan, I S Zorbakir, G Sokmen, M Yalvac, B Akgun, I O Atakisi, E Gülmez, M Kaya, O Kaya, S Tekten, A Cakir, K Cankocak, G G Dincer, Y Komurcu, S Sen, O Aydilek, S Cerci, V Epshteyn, B Hacisahinoglu, I Hos, B Kaynak, S Ozkorucuklu, O Potok, H Sert, C Simsek, C Zorbilmez, B Isildak, D Sunar Cerci, A Boyaryntsev, B Grynyov, L Levchuk, D Anthony, J J Brooke, A Bundock, F Bury, E Clement, D Cussans, H Flacher, M Glowacki, J Goldstein, H F Heath, M-L Holmberg, L Kreczko, S Paramesvaran, L Robertshaw, S Seif El Nasr-Storey, V J Smith, N Stylianou, K Walkingshaw Pass, A H Ball, K W Bell, A Belyaev, C Brew, R M Brown, D J A Cockerill, C Cooke, K V Ellis, K Harder, S Harper, J Linacre, K Manolopoulos, D M Newbold, E Olaiya, D Petyt, T Reis, A R Sahasransu, G Salvi, T Schuh, C H Shepherd-Themistocleous, I R Tomalin, T Williams, R Bainbridge, P Bloch, C E Brown, O Buchmuller, V Cacchio, C A Carrillo Montoya, G S Chahal, D Colling, J S Dancu, I Das, P Dauncey, G Davies, J Davies, M Della Negra, S Fayer, G Fedi, G Hall, M H Hassanshahi, A Howard, G Iles, M Knight, J Langford, J León Holgado, L Lyons, A-M Magnan, S Malik, M Mieskolainen, J Nash, M Pesaresi, B C Radburn-Smith, A Richards, A Rose, K Savva, C Seez, R Shukla, A Tapper, K Uchida, G P Uttley, L H Vage, T Virdee, M Vojinovic, N Wardle, D Winterbottom, K Coldham, J E Cole, A Khan, P Kyberd, I D Reid, S Abdullin, A Brinkerhoff, B Caraway, E Collins, J Dittmann, K Hatakeyama, J Hiltbrand, B McMaster, S Sawant, C Sutantawibul, J Wilson, R Bartek, A Dominguez, C Huerta Escamilla, A E Simsek, R Uniyal, A M Vargas Hernandez, B Bam, R Chudasama, S I Cooper, S V Gleyzer, C U Perez, P Rumerio, E Usai, R Yi, A Akpinar, D Arcaro, C Cosby, Z Demiragli, C Erice, C Fangmeier, C Fernandez Madrazo, E Fontanesi, D Gastler, F Golf, S Jeon, I Reed, J Rohlf, K Salyer, D Sperka, D Spitzbart, I Suarez, A Tsatsos, S Yuan, A G Zecchinelli, G Benelli, X Coubez, D Cutts, M Hadley, U Heintz, J M Hogan, T Kwon, G Landsberg, K T Lau, D Li, J Luo, S Mondal, M Narain, N Pervan, S Sagir, F Simpson, M Stamenkovic, N Venkatasubramanian, X Yan, W Zhang, S Abbott, J Bonilla, C Brainerd, R Breedon, H Cai, M Calderon De La Barca Sanchez, M Chertok, M Citron, J Conway, P T Cox, R Erbacher, F Jensen, O Kukral, G Mocellin, M Mulhearn, D Pellett, W Wei, Y Yao, F Zhang, M Bachtis, R Cousins, A Datta, G Flores Avila, J Hauser, M Ignatenko, M A Iqbal, T Lam, E Manca, A Nunez Del Prado, D Saltzberg, V Valuev, R Clare, J W Gary, M Gordon, G Hanson, W Si, S Wimpenny, J G Branson, S Cittolin, S Cooperstein, D Diaz, J Duarte, L Giannini, J Guiang, R Kansal, V Krutelyov, R Lee, J Letts, M Masciovecchio, F Mokhtar, S Mukherjee, M Pieri, M Quinnan, B V Sathia Narayanan, V Sharma, M Tadel, E Vourliotis, F Würthwein, Y Xiang, A Yagil, A Barzdukas, L Brennan, C Campagnari, J Incandela, J Kim, A J Li, P Masterson, H Mei, J Richman, U Sarica, R Schmitz, F Setti, J Sheplock, D Stuart, T Á Vámi, S Wang, A Bornheim, O Cerri, A Latorre, J Mao, H B Newman, G Reales Gutiérrez, M Spiropulu, J R Vlimant, C Wang, S Xie, R Y Zhu, J Alison, S An, M B Andrews, P Bryant, M Cremonesi, V Dutta, T Ferguson, A Harilal, C Liu, T Mudholkar, S Murthy, P Palit, M Paulini, A Roberts, A Sanchez, W Terrill, J P Cumalat, W T Ford, A Hart, A Hassani, G Karathanasis, N Manganelli, A Perloff, C Savard, N Schonbeck, K Stenson, K A Ulmer, S R Wagner, N Zipper, D Zuolo, J Alexander, S Bright-Thonney, X Chen, D J Cranshaw, J Fan, X Fan, S Hogan, P Kotamnives, J Monroy, M Oshiro, J R Patterson, J Reichert, M Reid, A Ryd, J Thom, P Wittich, R Zou, M Albrow, M Alyari, O Amram, G Apollinari, A Apresyan, L A T Bauerdick, D Berry, J Berryhill, P C Bhat, K Burkett, J N Butler, A Canepa, G B Cerati, H W K Cheung, F Chlebana, G Cummings, J Dickinson, I Dutta, V D Elvira, Y Feng, J Freeman, A Gandrakota, Z Gecse, L Gray, D Green, A Grummer, S Grünendahl, D Guerrero, O Gutsche, R M Harris, R Heller, T C Herwig, J Hirschauer, L Horyn, B Jayatilaka, S Jindariani, M Johnson, U Joshi, T Klijnsma, B Klima, K H M Kwok, S Lammel, D Lincoln, R Lipton, T Liu, C Madrid, K Maeshima, C Mantilla, D Mason, P McBride, P Merkel, S Mrenna, S Nahn, J Ngadiuba, D Noonan, V Papadimitriou, N Pastika, K Pedro, C Pena, F Ravera, A Reinsvold Hall, L Ristori, E Sexton-Kennedy, N Smith, A Soha, L Spiegel, S Stoynev, J Strait, L Taylor, S Tkaczyk, N V Tran, L Uplegger, E W Vaandering, A Whitbeck, I Zoi, C Aruta, P Avery, D Bourilkov, L Cadamuro, P Chang, V Cherepanov, R D Field, E Koenig, M Kolosova, J Konigsberg, A Korytov, K Matchev, N Menendez, G Mitselmakher, K Mohrman, A Muthirakalayil Madhu, N Rawal, D Rosenzweig, S Rosenzweig, J Wang, T Adams, A Al Kadhim, A Askew, S Bower, R Habibullah, V Hagopian, R Hashmi, R S Kim, S Kim, T Kolberg, G Martinez, H Prosper, P R Prova, M Wulansatiti, R Yohay, J Zhang, B Alsufyani, M M Baarmand, S Butalla, S Das, T Elkafrawy, M Hohlmann, R Kumar Verma, M Rahmani, E Yanes, M R Adams, A Baty, C Bennett, R Cavanaugh, R Escobar Franco, O Evdokimov, C E Gerber, M Hawksworth, A Hingrajiya, D J Hofman, J H Lee, D S Lemos, A H Merrit, C Mills, S Nanda, G Oh, B Ozek, D Pilipovic, R Pradhan, E Prifti, T Roy, S Rudrabhatla, M B Tonjes, N Varelas, M A Wadud, Z Ye, J Yoo, M Alhusseini, D Blend, K Dilsiz, L Emediato, G Karaman, O K Köseyan, J-P Merlo, A Mestvirishvili, J Nachtman, O Neogi, H Ogul, Y Onel, A Penzo, C Snyder, E Tiras, B Blumenfeld, L Corcodilos, J Davis, A V Gritsan, L Kang, S Kyriacou, P Maksimovic, M Roguljic, J Roskes, S Sekhar, M Swartz, A Abreu, L F Alcerro Alcerro, J Anguiano, P Baringer, A Bean, Z Flowers, D Grove, J King, G Krintiras, M Lazarovits, C Le Mahieu, J Marquez, N Minafra, M Murray, M Nickel, M Pitt, S Popescu, C Rogan, C Royon, R Salvatico, S Sanders, C Smith, Q Wang, G Wilson, B Allmond, R Gujju Gurunadha, A Ivanov, K Kaadze, A Kalogeropoulos, Y Maravin, J Natoli, D Roy, G Sorrentino, F Rebassoo, D Wright, A Baden, A Belloni, Y M Chen, S C Eno, N J Hadley, S Jabeen, R G Kellogg, T Koeth, Y Lai, S Lascio, A C Mignerey, S Nabili, C Palmer, C Papageorgakis, M M Paranjpe, L Wang, J Bendavid, I A Cali, M D'Alfonso, J Eysermans, C Freer, G Gomez-Ceballos, M Goncharov, G Grosso, P Harris, D Hoang, D Kovalskyi, J Krupa, L Lavezzo, Y-J Lee, K Long, A Novak, C Paus, D Rankin, C Roland, G Roland, S Rothman, G S F Stephans, Z Wang, B Wyslouch, T J Yang, B Crossman, B M Joshi, C Kapsiak, M Krohn, D Mahon, J Mans, B Marzocchi, S Pandey, M Revering, R Rusack, R Saradhy, N Schroeder, N Strobbe, L M Cremaldi, K Bloom, D R Claes, G Haza, J Hossain, C Joo, I Kravchenko, J E Siado, W Tabb, A Vagnerini, A Wightman, F Yan, D Yu, H Bandyopadhyay, L Hay, I Iashvili, A Kharchilava, M Morris, D Nguyen, S Rappoccio, H Rejeb Sfar, A Williams, G Alverson, E Barberis, J Dervan, Y Haddad, Y Han, A Krishna, J Li, M Lu, G Madigan, R Mccarthy, D M Morse, V Nguyen, T Orimoto, A Parker, L Skinnari, D Wood, J Bueghly, Z Chen, S Dittmer, K A Hahn, Y Liu, Y Miao, D G Monk, M H Schmitt, A Taliercio, M Velasco, G Agarwal, R Band, R Bucci, S Castells, A Das, R Goldouzian, M Hildreth, K W Ho, K Hurtado Anampa, T Ivanov, C Jessop, K Lannon, J Lawrence, N Loukas, L Lutton, J Mariano, N Marinelli, I Mcalister, T McCauley, C Mcgrady, C Moore, Y Musienko, H Nelson, M Osherson, A Piccinelli, R Ruchti, A Townsend, Y Wan, M Wayne, H Yockey, M Zarucki, L Zygala, A Basnet, B Bylsma, M Carrigan, L S Durkin, C Hill, M Joyce, M Nunez Ornelas, K Wei, B L Winer, B R Yates, F M Addesa, H Bouchamaoui, P Das, G Dezoort, P Elmer, A Frankenthal, B Greenberg, N Haubrich, G Kopp, S Kwan, D Lange, A Loeliger, D Marlow, I Ojalvo, J Olsen, A Shevelev, D Stickland, C Tully, S Malik, A S Bakshi, V E Barnes, S Chandra, R Chawla, A Gu, L Gutay, M Jones, A W Jung, D Kondratyev, A M Koshy, M Liu, G Negro, N Neumeister, G Paspalaki, S Piperov, V Scheurer, J F Schulte, M Stojanovic, J Thieman, A K Virdi, F Wang, W Xie, J Dolen, N Parashar, A Pathak, D Acosta, T Carnahan, K M Ecklund, P J Fernández Manteca, S Freed, P Gardner, F J M Geurts, W Li, O Miguel Colin, B P Padley, R Redjimi, J Rotter, E Yigitbasi, Y Zhang, A Bodek, P de Barbaro, R Demina, J L Dulemba, A Garcia-Bellido, O Hindrichs, A Khukhunaishvili, N Parmar, P Parygin, E Popova, R Taus, K Goulianos, B Chiarito, J P Chou, S V Clark, D Gadkari, Y Gershtein, E Halkiadakis, M Heindl, C Houghton, D Jaroslawski, O Karacheban, S Konstantinou, I Laflotte, A Lath, R Montalvo, K Nash, H Routray, P Saha, S Salur, S Schnetzer, S Somalwar, R Stone, S A Thayil, S Thomas, J Vora, H Wang, H Acharya, D Ally, A G Delannoy, S Fiorendi, S Higginbotham, T Holmes, A R Kanuganti, N Karunarathna, L Lee, E Nibigira, S Spanier, D Aebi, M Ahmad, O Bouhali, R Eusebi, J Gilmore, T Huang, T Kamon, H Kim, S Luo, R Mueller, D Overton, D Rathjens, A Safonov, N Akchurin, J Damgov, V Hegde, A Hussain, Y Kazhykarim, K Lamichhane, S W Lee, A Mankel, T Peltola, I Volobouev, E Appelt, Y Chen, S Greene, A Gurrola, W Johns, R Kunnawalkam Elayavalli, A Melo, F Romeo, P Sheldon, S Tuo, J Velkovska, J Viinikainen, B Cardwell, B Cox, J Hakala, R Hirosky, A Ledovskoy, C Neu, C E Perez Lara, S Bhattacharya, P E Karchin, A Aravind, S Banerjee, K Black, T Bose, S Dasu, I De Bruyn, P Everaerts, C Galloni, H He, M Herndon, A Herve, C K Koraka, A Lanaro, R Loveless, J Madhusudanan Sreekala, A Mallampalli, A Mohammadi, S Mondal, G Parida, L Pétré, D Pinna, A Savin, V Shang, V Sharma, W H Smith, D Teague, H F Tsoi, W Vetens, A Warden, S Afanasiev, V Andreev, Yu Andreev, T Aushev, M Azarkin, I Azhgirey, A Babaev, A Belyaev, V Blinov, E Boos, V Borshch, D Budkouski, M Chadeeva, V Chekhovsky, R Chistov, A Dermenev, T Dimova, D Druzhkin, M Dubinin, L Dudko, A Ershov, G Gavrilov, V Gavrilov, S Gninenko, V Golovtcov, N Golubev, I Golutvin, I Gorbunov, A Gribushin, Y Ivanov, V Kachanov, V Karjavine, A Karneyeu, V Kim, M Kirakosyan, D Kirpichnikov, M Kirsanov, V Klyukhin, O Kodolova, D Konstantinov, V Korenkov, A Kozyrev, N Krasnikov, A Lanev, P Levchenko, N Lychkovskaya, V Makarenko, A Malakhov, V Matveev, V Murzin, A Nikitenko, S Obraztsov, V Oreshkin, V Palichik, V Perelygin, S Petrushanko, S Polikarpov, V Popov, O Radchenko, R Ryutin, M Savina, V Savrin, V Shalaev, S Shmatov, S Shulha, Y Skovpen, S Slabospitskii, V Smirnov, A Snigirev, D Sosnov, V Sulimov, E Tcherniaev, A Terkulov, O Teryaev, I Tlisova, A Toropin, L Uvarov, A Uzunian, A Vorobyev, N Voytishin, B S Yuldashev, A Zarubin, I Zhizhin, A Zhokin","doi":"10.1103/PhysRevLett.134.041801","DOIUrl":"","url":null,"abstract":"<p><p>A search is presented for an extended Higgs sector with two new particles, X and ϕ, in the process X→ϕϕ→(γγ)(γγ). Novel neural networks classify events with diphotons that are merged and determine the diphoton masses. The search uses LHC proton-proton collision data at sqrt[s]=13 TeV collected with the CMS detector, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb^{-1}. No evidence of such resonances is seen. Upper limits are set on the production cross section for m_{X} between 300 and 3000 GeV and m_{ϕ}/m_{X} between 0.5% and 2.5%, representing the most sensitive search in this channel.</p>","PeriodicalId":20069,"journal":{"name":"Physical review letters","volume":"134 4","pages":"041801"},"PeriodicalIF":8.1,"publicationDate":"2025-01-31","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"143416764","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"物理与天体物理","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
Pub Date : 2025-01-31DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.134.043804
Zhexin Zhao
The quantum interaction between free electrons and photons is fundamental to free-electron-based light sources and free-electron quantum optics applications. A large coupling between free electrons and photons is generally desired. In this Letter, I obtain the upper bound for the quantum coupling between free electrons and photons. The upper bound has a straightforward expression and can be applied to a broad range of optical materials, especially widely used low-loss photonic materials. The upper bound depends on the optical medium, the free-electron velocity, and the separation between the free electron and the optical medium. With simple structures, the numerically calculated coupling coefficient can reach ∼99% of the upper bound. This study provides simple and practical guidance to reach the strong coupling between free electrons and photons.
{"title":"Upper Bound for the Quantum Coupling between Free Electrons and Photons.","authors":"Zhexin Zhao","doi":"10.1103/PhysRevLett.134.043804","DOIUrl":"","url":null,"abstract":"<p><p>The quantum interaction between free electrons and photons is fundamental to free-electron-based light sources and free-electron quantum optics applications. A large coupling between free electrons and photons is generally desired. In this Letter, I obtain the upper bound for the quantum coupling between free electrons and photons. The upper bound has a straightforward expression and can be applied to a broad range of optical materials, especially widely used low-loss photonic materials. The upper bound depends on the optical medium, the free-electron velocity, and the separation between the free electron and the optical medium. With simple structures, the numerically calculated coupling coefficient can reach ∼99% of the upper bound. This study provides simple and practical guidance to reach the strong coupling between free electrons and photons.</p>","PeriodicalId":20069,"journal":{"name":"Physical review letters","volume":"134 4","pages":"043804"},"PeriodicalIF":8.1,"publicationDate":"2025-01-31","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"143416948","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"物理与天体物理","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
Fermionic atoms in a large-scale, homogeneous optical lattice provide an ideal quantum simulator for investigating the fermionic Hubbard model, yet achieving this remains challenging. Here, by developing a hybrid potential that integrates a flat-top optical lattice with an optical box trap, we successfully realize the creation of three-dimensional, homogeneous fermionic Hubbard gases across approximately 8×10^{5} lattice sites. This homogeneous system enables us to capture a well-defined energy band occupation that aligns perfectly with the theoretical calculations for a zero-temperature, ideal fermionic Hubbard model. Furthermore, by employing novel radio-frequency spectroscopy, we precisely measure the doublon fraction D as a function of interaction strength U and temperature T, respectively. The crossover from metal to Mott insulator is detected, where D smoothly decreases with increasing U. More importantly, we observe a nonmonotonic temperature dependence in D, revealing the Pomeranchuk effect and the development of extended antiferromagnetic correlations.
{"title":"Homogeneous Fermionic Hubbard Gases in a Flattop Optical Lattice.","authors":"Yu-Xuan Wang, Hou-Ji Shao, Yan-Song Zhu, De-Zhi Zhu, Hao-Nan Sun, Si-Yuan Chen, Xing-Can Yao, Yu-Ao Chen, Jian-Wei Pan","doi":"10.1103/PhysRevLett.134.043403","DOIUrl":"","url":null,"abstract":"<p><p>Fermionic atoms in a large-scale, homogeneous optical lattice provide an ideal quantum simulator for investigating the fermionic Hubbard model, yet achieving this remains challenging. Here, by developing a hybrid potential that integrates a flat-top optical lattice with an optical box trap, we successfully realize the creation of three-dimensional, homogeneous fermionic Hubbard gases across approximately 8×10^{5} lattice sites. This homogeneous system enables us to capture a well-defined energy band occupation that aligns perfectly with the theoretical calculations for a zero-temperature, ideal fermionic Hubbard model. Furthermore, by employing novel radio-frequency spectroscopy, we precisely measure the doublon fraction D as a function of interaction strength U and temperature T, respectively. The crossover from metal to Mott insulator is detected, where D smoothly decreases with increasing U. More importantly, we observe a nonmonotonic temperature dependence in D, revealing the Pomeranchuk effect and the development of extended antiferromagnetic correlations.</p>","PeriodicalId":20069,"journal":{"name":"Physical review letters","volume":"134 4","pages":"043403"},"PeriodicalIF":8.1,"publicationDate":"2025-01-31","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"143417085","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"物理与天体物理","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
Pub Date : 2025-01-31DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.134.046201
Zhenxiang Wang, Ming Chen, Jiedu Wu, Xiangyu Ji, Liang Zeng, Jiaxing Peng, Jiawei Yan, Alexei A Kornyshev, Bingwei Mao, Guang Feng
Constant-potential molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are indispensable for understanding the structure, capacitance, and dynamics of electrical double layers (EDLs) at the atomistic level. However, the classical constant-potential method, relying on the so-called "fluctuating charges" to keep electrode equipotential, overlooks quantum effects on the electrode and always underestimates EDL capacitance for typical metal electrode and aqueous electrolyte interfaces. Here, we propose a constant potential method accounting for electron spillover on the outermost nuclei of the electrode. For EDLs at Au(111) electrodes, our MD simulation reveals bell-shaped capacitance curves in magnitude and shape both quantitatively consistent with experiments. It unveils the electrode-polarization-dependent local electric fields, agreeing with experimental observations of redshift vibration of interfacial water under negative polarization and predicting a blueshift under positive polarization, and further identifies geometry dependence of two timescales during charging.
{"title":"Constant-Potential Modeling of Electrical Double Layers Accounting for Electron Spillover.","authors":"Zhenxiang Wang, Ming Chen, Jiedu Wu, Xiangyu Ji, Liang Zeng, Jiaxing Peng, Jiawei Yan, Alexei A Kornyshev, Bingwei Mao, Guang Feng","doi":"10.1103/PhysRevLett.134.046201","DOIUrl":"","url":null,"abstract":"<p><p>Constant-potential molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are indispensable for understanding the structure, capacitance, and dynamics of electrical double layers (EDLs) at the atomistic level. However, the classical constant-potential method, relying on the so-called \"fluctuating charges\" to keep electrode equipotential, overlooks quantum effects on the electrode and always underestimates EDL capacitance for typical metal electrode and aqueous electrolyte interfaces. Here, we propose a constant potential method accounting for electron spillover on the outermost nuclei of the electrode. For EDLs at Au(111) electrodes, our MD simulation reveals bell-shaped capacitance curves in magnitude and shape both quantitatively consistent with experiments. It unveils the electrode-polarization-dependent local electric fields, agreeing with experimental observations of redshift vibration of interfacial water under negative polarization and predicting a blueshift under positive polarization, and further identifies geometry dependence of two timescales during charging.</p>","PeriodicalId":20069,"journal":{"name":"Physical review letters","volume":"134 4","pages":"046201"},"PeriodicalIF":8.1,"publicationDate":"2025-01-31","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"143416991","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"物理与天体物理","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
Pub Date : 2025-01-31DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.134.048101
Chao Duan, Nikhil R Agrawal, Rui Wang
Modeling ion correlations in inhomogeneous polymers and soft matters with spatially varying ionic strength or dielectric permittivity remains a great challenge. Here, we develop a new theory that systematically incorporates electrostatic fluctuations into the self-consistent field theory for polymers. The theory is applied to polyelectrolyte brushes to explain abnormal phenomena observed in recent experiments. We show that ion correlations induce a nonmonotonic change of the brush height: collapse followed by reexpansion. The scaling analysis elucidates the origin as the competition between the repulsive osmotic pressure due to translational entropy and the attraction induced by ion correlations. We also clarify the absence of causal relationship between the brush collapse-reexpansion and the inversion of the surface electrostatic potential. Furthermore, strong ion correlations can trigger microphase separation, either in the lateral direction as pinned micelles or in the normal direction as oscillatory layers. Our theoretical predictions are in good agreement with the experimental results reported in the literature.
{"title":"Electrostatic Correlation Augmented Self-Consistent Field Theory and Its Application to Polyelectrolyte Brushes.","authors":"Chao Duan, Nikhil R Agrawal, Rui Wang","doi":"10.1103/PhysRevLett.134.048101","DOIUrl":"","url":null,"abstract":"<p><p>Modeling ion correlations in inhomogeneous polymers and soft matters with spatially varying ionic strength or dielectric permittivity remains a great challenge. Here, we develop a new theory that systematically incorporates electrostatic fluctuations into the self-consistent field theory for polymers. The theory is applied to polyelectrolyte brushes to explain abnormal phenomena observed in recent experiments. We show that ion correlations induce a nonmonotonic change of the brush height: collapse followed by reexpansion. The scaling analysis elucidates the origin as the competition between the repulsive osmotic pressure due to translational entropy and the attraction induced by ion correlations. We also clarify the absence of causal relationship between the brush collapse-reexpansion and the inversion of the surface electrostatic potential. Furthermore, strong ion correlations can trigger microphase separation, either in the lateral direction as pinned micelles or in the normal direction as oscillatory layers. Our theoretical predictions are in good agreement with the experimental results reported in the literature.</p>","PeriodicalId":20069,"journal":{"name":"Physical review letters","volume":"134 4","pages":"048101"},"PeriodicalIF":8.1,"publicationDate":"2025-01-31","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"143417058","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"物理与天体物理","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
Pub Date : 2025-01-31DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.134.046101
Nils Holle, Sebastian Walfort, Jakob Ballmaier, Riccardo Mazzarello, Martin Salinga
Phase change materials (PCMs) serve as useful components in electronics and photonics. Here we demonstrate that various kinds of material properties of a PCM are significantly influenced by the realized mass density. Using ab initio simulations, we investigate supercooled-liquid antimony and the subsequent transition to a glassy phase. We observe a transition in the supercooled-liquid phase from an undistorted high-temperature to an increasingly Peierls-like distorted low-temperature phase. This transition also manifests in both the electronic density of states and optical properties. The strong dependence of these properties on mass density leads the way to explorations of property design for nanoconfined devices beyond the usual compositional modifications.
{"title":"Importance of Density for Phase-Change Materials Demonstrated by Ab Initio Simulations of Amorphous Antimony.","authors":"Nils Holle, Sebastian Walfort, Jakob Ballmaier, Riccardo Mazzarello, Martin Salinga","doi":"10.1103/PhysRevLett.134.046101","DOIUrl":"","url":null,"abstract":"<p><p>Phase change materials (PCMs) serve as useful components in electronics and photonics. Here we demonstrate that various kinds of material properties of a PCM are significantly influenced by the realized mass density. Using ab initio simulations, we investigate supercooled-liquid antimony and the subsequent transition to a glassy phase. We observe a transition in the supercooled-liquid phase from an undistorted high-temperature to an increasingly Peierls-like distorted low-temperature phase. This transition also manifests in both the electronic density of states and optical properties. The strong dependence of these properties on mass density leads the way to explorations of property design for nanoconfined devices beyond the usual compositional modifications.</p>","PeriodicalId":20069,"journal":{"name":"Physical review letters","volume":"134 4","pages":"046101"},"PeriodicalIF":8.1,"publicationDate":"2025-01-31","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"143417088","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"物理与天体物理","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
Pub Date : 2025-01-31DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.134.043602
Jyun-Kai Lin, Tzu-Hsiang Chien, Chin-Te Wu, Ravikumar Chinnarasu, Shengwang Du, Ite A Yu, Chih-Sung Chuu
Biphotons and single photons with narrow bandwidths and long coherence times are essential to the realization of long-distance quantum communication (LDQC) and linear optical quantum computing (LOQC). In this Letter, we manipulate the biphoton wave functions of the spontaneous four-wave mixing in a two-level atomic ensemble with a single-laser pump scheme. Our innovative experimental approach enables the generation of biphotons with a sub-MHz bandwidth of 0.36 MHz, a record spectral brightness of 2.28×10^{7} s^{-1} mW^{-1} MHz^{-1}, and a temporally symmetric wave packet at moderate optical depth. The strong nonclassical cross-correlation of the biphotons also enables the observation of heralded sub-MHz-linewidth single photons with a pronounced single-photon nature. The generation of sub-MHz-linewidth biphotons and single photons with a two-level atomic ensemble not only finds applications in quantum repeaters and large cluster states for LDQC and LOQC but also opens up the opportunity to miniaturize the biphoton or single-photon sources for chip-scale quantum technologies.
{"title":"Observation of Subnatural-Linewidth Biphotons in a Two-Level Atomic Ensemble.","authors":"Jyun-Kai Lin, Tzu-Hsiang Chien, Chin-Te Wu, Ravikumar Chinnarasu, Shengwang Du, Ite A Yu, Chih-Sung Chuu","doi":"10.1103/PhysRevLett.134.043602","DOIUrl":"","url":null,"abstract":"<p><p>Biphotons and single photons with narrow bandwidths and long coherence times are essential to the realization of long-distance quantum communication (LDQC) and linear optical quantum computing (LOQC). In this Letter, we manipulate the biphoton wave functions of the spontaneous four-wave mixing in a two-level atomic ensemble with a single-laser pump scheme. Our innovative experimental approach enables the generation of biphotons with a sub-MHz bandwidth of 0.36 MHz, a record spectral brightness of 2.28×10^{7} s^{-1} mW^{-1} MHz^{-1}, and a temporally symmetric wave packet at moderate optical depth. The strong nonclassical cross-correlation of the biphotons also enables the observation of heralded sub-MHz-linewidth single photons with a pronounced single-photon nature. The generation of sub-MHz-linewidth biphotons and single photons with a two-level atomic ensemble not only finds applications in quantum repeaters and large cluster states for LDQC and LOQC but also opens up the opportunity to miniaturize the biphoton or single-photon sources for chip-scale quantum technologies.</p>","PeriodicalId":20069,"journal":{"name":"Physical review letters","volume":"134 4","pages":"043602"},"PeriodicalIF":8.1,"publicationDate":"2025-01-31","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"143416739","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"物理与天体物理","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
Pub Date : 2025-01-31DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.134.046302
Alexey Yamilov, Hui Cao, Sergey E Skipetrov
We study Anderson transition for light in three dimensions by performing large-scale simulations of electromagnetic wave transport in disordered ensembles of perfect-electric-conducting spatially overlapping spheres. A mobility edge that separates diffusive transport and Anderson localization is identified, revealing a sharp transition from diffusion to localization for light. Critical behavior in the vicinity of the mobility edge is well described by a single-parameter scaling law. The critical exponent is found to be consistent with the value known for the Anderson transition of the orthogonal universality class. Statistical distribution of total transmission at the mobility edge is described without any fit parameter by the diagrammatic perturbation theory originally developed for scalar wave diffusion, but notable deviation from the theory is found when Anderson localization sets in.
{"title":"Anderson Transition for Light in a Three-Dimensional Random Medium.","authors":"Alexey Yamilov, Hui Cao, Sergey E Skipetrov","doi":"10.1103/PhysRevLett.134.046302","DOIUrl":"","url":null,"abstract":"<p><p>We study Anderson transition for light in three dimensions by performing large-scale simulations of electromagnetic wave transport in disordered ensembles of perfect-electric-conducting spatially overlapping spheres. A mobility edge that separates diffusive transport and Anderson localization is identified, revealing a sharp transition from diffusion to localization for light. Critical behavior in the vicinity of the mobility edge is well described by a single-parameter scaling law. The critical exponent is found to be consistent with the value known for the Anderson transition of the orthogonal universality class. Statistical distribution of total transmission at the mobility edge is described without any fit parameter by the diagrammatic perturbation theory originally developed for scalar wave diffusion, but notable deviation from the theory is found when Anderson localization sets in.</p>","PeriodicalId":20069,"journal":{"name":"Physical review letters","volume":"134 4","pages":"046302"},"PeriodicalIF":8.1,"publicationDate":"2025-01-31","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"143416981","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"物理与天体物理","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
Pub Date : 2025-01-31DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.134.041002
Indira Ocampo, George Alestas, Savvas Nesseris, Domenico Sapone
We propose a novel approach using neural networks (NNs) to differentiate between cosmological models, and implemented lime as an interpretability approach to identify the key features influencing our model's decisions. We show the potential of NNs to enhance the extraction of meaningful information from cosmological large-scale structure data, based on current galaxy-clustering survey specifications, for the cosmological constant and cold dark matter (ΛCDM) model and the Hu-Sawicki f(R) model. We find that the NN can successfully distinguish between ΛCDM and the f(R) models, by predicting the correct model with approximately 97% overall accuracy, thus demonstrating that NNs can maximize the potential of current and next generation surveys to probe for deviations from general relativity.
{"title":"Enhancing Cosmological Model Selection with Interpretable Machine Learning.","authors":"Indira Ocampo, George Alestas, Savvas Nesseris, Domenico Sapone","doi":"10.1103/PhysRevLett.134.041002","DOIUrl":"","url":null,"abstract":"<p><p>We propose a novel approach using neural networks (NNs) to differentiate between cosmological models, and implemented lime as an interpretability approach to identify the key features influencing our model's decisions. We show the potential of NNs to enhance the extraction of meaningful information from cosmological large-scale structure data, based on current galaxy-clustering survey specifications, for the cosmological constant and cold dark matter (ΛCDM) model and the Hu-Sawicki f(R) model. We find that the NN can successfully distinguish between ΛCDM and the f(R) models, by predicting the correct model with approximately 97% overall accuracy, thus demonstrating that NNs can maximize the potential of current and next generation surveys to probe for deviations from general relativity.</p>","PeriodicalId":20069,"journal":{"name":"Physical review letters","volume":"134 4","pages":"041002"},"PeriodicalIF":8.1,"publicationDate":"2025-01-31","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"143417063","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"物理与天体物理","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
Pub Date : 2025-01-31DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.134.040802
Yifeng Du, Yufeng Liu, Chengdong Yang, Xiaodong Zheng, Shining Zhu, Xiao-Song Ma
Quantum cryptographic conferencing (QCC) allows sharing secret keys among multiple distant users and plays a crucial role in quantum networks. Because of the fragility and low generation rate of genuine multipartite entangled states required in QCC, realizing and extending QCC with the entanglement-based protocol is challenging. Measurement-device-independent (MDI) QCC, which removes all detector side channels, is a feasible long-distance quantum communication scheme to practically generate multipartite correlation with multiphoton projection measurement. Here we experimentally realize the three-user MDI QCC protocol with four-intensity decoy-state method, in which we employ the polarization encoding and the Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger state projection measurement. Our work demonstrates the experimental feasibility of the MDI QCC, which lays the foundation for the future realization of quantum networks with multipartite communication tasks.
{"title":"Experimental Measurement-Device-Independent Quantum Cryptographic Conferencing.","authors":"Yifeng Du, Yufeng Liu, Chengdong Yang, Xiaodong Zheng, Shining Zhu, Xiao-Song Ma","doi":"10.1103/PhysRevLett.134.040802","DOIUrl":"","url":null,"abstract":"<p><p>Quantum cryptographic conferencing (QCC) allows sharing secret keys among multiple distant users and plays a crucial role in quantum networks. Because of the fragility and low generation rate of genuine multipartite entangled states required in QCC, realizing and extending QCC with the entanglement-based protocol is challenging. Measurement-device-independent (MDI) QCC, which removes all detector side channels, is a feasible long-distance quantum communication scheme to practically generate multipartite correlation with multiphoton projection measurement. Here we experimentally realize the three-user MDI QCC protocol with four-intensity decoy-state method, in which we employ the polarization encoding and the Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger state projection measurement. Our work demonstrates the experimental feasibility of the MDI QCC, which lays the foundation for the future realization of quantum networks with multipartite communication tasks.</p>","PeriodicalId":20069,"journal":{"name":"Physical review letters","volume":"134 4","pages":"040802"},"PeriodicalIF":8.1,"publicationDate":"2025-01-31","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"143417069","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"物理与天体物理","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}