Understanding the dynamics of the lithosphere relies heavily on the scale-dependent rheology of minerals. While quartz, feldspar, and phyllosilicates are the key phases to govern the rheology of the crust and tectonic margins, olivine and other mafic phases control the same in the upper mantle. Phase transition, solid-state substitution, polymorphism, etc. also affect mineral phase rheology. High pressure–temperature deformation tests with natural, synthetic and analog materials have improved our interpretation of the geodynamic state of the lithosphere. However, deforming and studying a single crystal is not easy, because of the scarcity of specimens and laborious sample preparations. Experimental micro- to nanoindentation at room and/or elevated temperatures has proven to be a convenient method over mesoscale compressive testing. Micro- to nanoindentation technique enables higher precision, faster data acquisition and ultra-high resolution (nanoscale) load and displacement. Hardness, elastic moduli, yield stress, fracture toughness, fracture surface energy and rate-dependent creep of mono- or polycrystalline minerals are evaluated using this technique. Here, we present a comprehensive assessment of micro- to nano-mechanics of minerals. We first cover the fundamental theories of instrumented indentation, experimental procedures, pre- and post-indentation interpretations using various existing models followed by a detailed discussion on the application of nanoindentation in understanding the rheology and deformation mechanisms of various minerals commonly occur in the crust and upper mantle. We also address some of the major limitations of indentation tests (e.g., indentation size effect). Finally, we suggest potential future research areas in mineral rheology using instrumented indentation.