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212 Evaluation of physical restraints in rehabilitation and long term care in the CHU of Angers 212 .昂格斯县青少年康复和长期护理中肢体约束的评价
Pub Date : 2010-04-01 DOI: 10.1136/QSHC.2010.041624.69
Noublanche Sophie, M. Cécile, Tremblay N'guyen Lucie, Mouzet Jean Baptiste, Sultan Anne Marie, Ghali Alaa
Background and objectives The evaluation of passive physical restraint practices in the Department of Follow-up Care and Long-Term Care at the Hospital of Angers performed in 2004 led to training and education sessions for the medical and paramedical staff who were present at that time. In order to measure their impact, two targeted clinical audits (ACC) have been proposed in 2006 and 2008. The principal objectives of this study are as follows: Attempt to mirror the best practices set by ANAES (HAS) ‘Limit the risks attached to physical restraints for seniors’ (October 2000) Enable the medical staff to better understand this tool and its consequences Limit the use of physical restraints by seeking alternative solutions Phase out the non-relevant or excessive uses of physical restraints The main purpose of these audits are to (i) enhance the quality of medical prescription for physical restraints, (ii) improve information to patients and their family and (iii) develop monitoring of physical restraints and prevent its related risks. Procedure The clinical audits have tracked each restrained patient during one day (excluding patients constrained with bed barriers). We used the grids and tracking sheets as guided by ANAES. Subsequent to the results of the first audit, the following initiatives have been implemented: Information sessions and continuous education for all the medical and paramedical staff (new personnel) Specialised theoretical classes for interns and students Training for the use of equipment and installation of the patient (senior units) Display of the prescription and the monitoring sheets on the computer desk Appointment of a doctor responsible for claims and conflicts The second audit performed in 2008 confirmed the need for the first initiatives and notably fostered the following actions: Continue regular informal and formal information sessions for the medical and paramedical staff Continue to reduce the use of restraints to limit negative effects that are the most difficult to foresee Point out the risks created by the increasing use of the ‘adaptable’ chair Increase the use of the prescription sheet in order to improve its information quality (education of prescribing doctors) Simplify the monitoring sheet to foster its use. Attempt to merge the prescription and monitoring sheets Further improve the traceability of the information for the patients and their family The current objectives are now: Regularly continue the evaluations (ACC) (approximately every two years) Prepare the same type of audit for the other units of the department Prepare the same type of audit in the CRRRF long-term care unit (les Capucins) Propose an evaluation of professional practices of physical restraints in EHPAD Results in terms of clinical impact Previously, the average complication rate was 30%, 70% of patients in long-term care (SLD) and 14% of patients in follow-up care (SSR). The education initiatives enabled to decrease the rate to 16.5% (36%
背景和目的2004年对昂热医院后续护理和长期护理部的被动身体约束做法进行了评估,为当时在场的医务人员和辅助医务人员举办了培训和教育课程。为了衡量其影响,2006年和2008年提出了两次针对性临床审计(ACC)。本研究的主要目的如下:试图反映美国国家安全与环境研究所(HAS)制定的最佳做法"限制老年人身体约束附带的风险"(2000年10月)使医务人员更好地了解这一工具及其后果通过寻求替代解决办法限制身体约束的使用逐步淘汰不相关或过度使用身体约束这些审计的主要目的是:(i)提高身体约束医疗处方的质量;(ii)改善对患者及其家属的信息;(iii)发展对身体约束的监测并预防其相关风险。临床审核对每一位受约束的患者进行了一天的跟踪(不包括受床障限制的患者)。我们使用的网格和跟踪表的指导下,美国国家航空航天局。根据第一次审计的结果,实施了下列措施:为所有医务和辅助医务人员(新入职人员)举办信息介绍会和继续教育为实习生和学生开设专门的理论课对病人进行设备使用和安装方面的培训(老年病房)在电脑桌上显示处方和监测表任命负责索赔和冲突的医生2008年进行的第二次审计确认了第一次倡议的必要性,并特别促进了以下倡议行动:继续定期为医务人员和辅助医务人员举办非正式和正式的情况介绍会继续减少使用束缚物,以限制最难以预见的负面影响指出越来越多地使用"适应性"椅子所造成的风险增加处方单的使用,以提高其信息质量(对开处方的医生进行教育)简化监测单,促进其使用。尝试合并处方和监护单进一步提高患者及其家属信息的可追溯性目前的目标是:定期继续评估(ACC)(大约每两年一次)为科室其他单位准备相同类型的审计为CRRRF长期护理单位(les Capucins)准备相同类型的审计建议对EHPAD中物理约束的专业实践进行评估结果的临床影响之前,平均并发症发生率为30%,长期护理(SLD)患者占70%,随访护理(SSR)患者占14%。教育举措使这一比例在2006年降至16.5%(特殊教育群体36%,特殊教育群体11.4%),在2008年降至12%(特殊教育群体13%,特殊教育群体11.8%),使用腰带的人数大幅减少,取而代之的是坐在扶手椅上的桌子。2004年和2008年对与使用物理约束有关的并发症的评估特别强调了褥疮数量的减少和严重跌倒的消失,这表明了风险预防政策的真正好处。讨论和结论虽然2004年发现了使用人身限制的不当行为,但对医务人员的教育使减少使用人身限制的政策得以实施。身体约束的话题现在很容易被提出,并被认为是病人护理的一部分。医务人员特别注意通过再适应预防相关风险。医务人员仍然没有准备好通知病人,特别是那些精神错乱或情绪激动的病人。皮带的配方在数量上似乎可以接受,但质量却不足。我们离HAS的建议还有很长的路要走,但正在朝着尊重老年人尊严和正直的身体约束做法迈进。背景,目标,评价,使用和实践,争论,物理被动,和,交换,交换,交换,交换,交换,交换,交换,交换,交换,交换,交换,交换,交换,交换,交换,交换,交换,交换,交换,交换,交换,交换,交换,交换,交换,交换,交换,交换,交换,交换,交换,交换,交换,交换,交换,交换,交换,交换。在2006年和2008年期间,对两个审计系统(ACC)和<s:1> <s:1> <s:1> <s:1> <s:1> <s:1> <s:1> <s:1> <s:1> <s:1> (cima))的影响。Les principaux目的ce阵痛是:Tendre年代'approcher盟mieux des有实际du referentiel de l导演(已经)“限幅器Les个de la争用体格de la人阿吉”(octobre 2000) Permettre辅助soignants de mieux逮捕cet(中央东部东京)outil et de好en认识Les的后果。 限制使用替代品的束缚,寻求见去掉无关的用途,甚至滥用这些审计的主要方向是提高处方质量的束缚,加强信息给患者及其亲属和发展监测预防风险和束缚。有针对性的临床审计记录了某一天包含的所有患者(不包括仅通过床屏障包含的患者)。使用了收集网格和分析的数据载体。根据第一次审核的结果,我们采取了以下改进措施:信息理论和认识规律的全体人员和医务辅助人员(新)具体的理论培训为主体的内部和外部实践研讨会上提供装备的使用和安装的老年病患者(单位)提供关于监督厅的电脑监控表的时效和任命一位护理员référent-contention二次审核,导致2008年只会加强第一项行动,特别是将鼓励我们:进行定期的培训和宣传医学和药物学(还原)奉行以限制使用有害影响最难防范风险教鞭漂移的无牌照l’adaptable +椅子使用,提高使用单张处方要提高信息质量(这段+宣传+治疗师)简化监测表来促进它的使用。+/-为处方和监测建立单一记录进一步改善对患者和/或亲属的信息可追溯性现在的项目是继续定期评估(ACC)(大约每两年一次)准备对其他中心单位进行类似类型的审计。准备一个同样类型的审计中CRRRF的长期护理服务(猴)提出一项评估专业做法的束缚EHPAD现状而言影响临床结果显示平均患病率为30%,70%为我们的病人在长期护理(SLD)和14%的患者后护理和康复(SSR)。人员的认识将有助于减轻这种流行16.5% (36%)SSR SLD和11.4%,2006年和2008年的12%,SSR年SLD和11.8%(13%)与安全带的使用大幅度下降,而输给l’adaptable困在轮椅的轮子后面。2004年和2008年对与使用约束装置相关的并发症进行的评估显示,除其他外,形成的褥疮数量大大减少,严重摔倒的情况也消失了,这证明了一项真正的风险预防政策。讨论和结论虽然2004年的清单显示了遏制良好做法的缺陷,但护理人员的意识使减少使用成为可能。“遏制”的主题现在很容易处理,它本身就被视为一种关怀。护理人员特别注意通过康复预防风险。他们手无寸铁地通知病人,特别是精神错乱或不安的病人。皮带的处方似乎是定量的,但质量很差。我们离HAS的建议还有很长的路要走,但我们正在朝着尊重老年人尊严和完整性的有益遏制迈进。
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引用次数: 0
255 Impact of the systematic cardiology consultation for patients with HIV under triple therapy 255系统心脏科会诊对三联治疗HIV患者的影响
Pub Date : 2010-04-01 DOI: 10.1136/qshc.2010.041632.38
P. Jourdain, F. Funck, O. Boirau, A. Boireau, J. Dagorn, P. Hervio, L. Blum
Patients with HIV have seen their life expectancy significantly improve with the emergence of poly antiviral therapies. However, it was recently shown that these therapies had an impact on lipid metabolism. We therefore wanted to determine what could be the impact of cardiological care systematically in this population. Methodology We have systematically proposed to all patients with HIV under triple therapy followed Pontoise Hospital to receive a consultation followed by a cardiological assessment involving biological, echocardiography, Doppler with cervical measurement of intima media. Depending on the clinical and biological data it was then proposed diagnostic tests as arterial Doppler of lower limbs and stress test. We then compared these data with those of literature studies on comparable populations in terms of age and sex. Results Of 97 patients regularly followed 77 were seen either in consultation or out patient hospital. The 20 missing patients did not wish to go to the cardiology consultation for personal reasons. The average age of our cohort was 49.05±5 years making it a young population. HIV is on average 6 years (1–10). After the clinical examination 74% are active smoking on average at 15 PY, 54% are overweight (77.7 kg to 1.71 cm on average). The hip turn is 97.3 cm for a tour of shoulders to 110.48 cm. 15% have clinical lipodystrophy. 32% have hypertension (defined as PA>140/95 on two occasions). 67% had dyslipidaemia with 75% of mixed dyslipidemia. None of this has diabetes. The intima media thickness is on average 0.81 (left) and right 0.82 mm for a standard 0.73 mm in our test cohort (p<0.05) and 0.75 mm as the threshold cut off in Canadian studies (p<0.05). The echocardiography proved normal in 80% of patients and in 100% of patients with BNP levels <30 pg/ml. After 1 year follow-up we found a arteriopathy obliterans of lower limbs in 13% and ischaemic heart disease documented in 11% of patients which is significantly higher than expected given the class d age. Conclusion It seems appropriate to be able to propose to patients with HIV a cardiovascular consultation in view of their specific risk profile, nonroutinely detection of almost 24% of patients with atherosclerosis and of the increase intima media size highlighted in our study. However, echocardiography should not be systematic. Le patient VIH + a vu son espérance de vie nettement s'améliorer avec l'émergence des poly thérapies antivirales. Pour autant, il a été récemment démontré que ces trithérapies avaient un impact sur le métabolisme des lipides sur le plan clinique (lipodystrophies) et biologiques (modification du bilan lipidique). Nous avons donc voulu déterminer quel pouvait être l'impact d'une prise en charge cardiologique systématique dans cette population. Méthodologie Nous avons systématiquement proposé à tous les patients VIH + sous trithérapie suivis au centre hospitalier de Pontoise de bénéficier d'une consultation cardiologique sui
随着多重抗病毒治疗的出现,HIV患者的预期寿命显著提高。然而,最近的研究表明,这些疗法对脂质代谢有影响。因此,我们想要确定在这一人群中系统的心脏病护理可能会产生什么影响。我们系统地建议所有接受三联治疗的HIV患者在Pontoise医院接受会诊,然后进行心脏学评估,包括生物、超声心动图、多普勒和宫颈中内膜测量。根据临床和生物学资料,提出了下肢动脉多普勒和应激试验的诊断方法。然后,我们将这些数据与文献研究在年龄和性别方面的可比人群的数据进行比较。结果97例患者定期随访,其中77例在门诊或门诊就诊。20名失踪的病人因个人原因不愿去心脏病科会诊。我们的队列平均年龄为49.05±5岁,属于年轻人群。艾滋病毒感染平均为6年(1-10年)。经临床检查,74%的人平均为15 PY的主动吸烟,54%的人超重(平均77.7 kg ~ 1.71 cm)。臀转为97.3厘米,肩部转至110.48厘米。15%有临床脂肪营养不良。32%患有高血压(定义为两次PA>140/95)。67%的患者有血脂异常,75%的患者有混合性血脂异常。这些人都没有糖尿病。在我们的测试队列中,标准0.73 mm的内膜中膜厚度平均为0.81 mm(左),右0.82 mm (p 140/95)。67%的人是单一脂质异常的人,75%的人是混合脂质异常的人。奥库尼·卡森特·德·糖尿病。L' samisisseur intima mcametdia est en moyenne de 0,81, Gauche et de 0,82 mm, comdroite pour one normale de 0,73 mm, not队列检验(p< 0.05)和de 0,75 mm comme seil de cut off dans les cametines, canadienes (p< 0.05)。患者的心率正常,80%的患者与100%的患者的心率正常,而患者的心率正常值< 30 pg/ml。Au terme du bilan et d'un和de suivous avons retrotrovous,分别为:one artsamriopathie, ente ente, ente ente, ente ente, ente ente, ente ente, ente, ente, ente, ente, ente, ente, ente, ente, ente, ente, ente, ente, ente, ente, ente。综上所示,在患者VIH +的情况下,所有的患者都有相同的情况,例如,所有的患者都有相同的情况,所有的患者都有相同的情况,所有的患者都有相同的情况,所有的患者都有相同的情况,所有的患者都有相同的情况,所有的患者都有相同的情况,所有的患者都有相同的情况。Par contre l' samchographie cardiaque ne doit pas être system sammatique。
{"title":"255 Impact of the systematic cardiology consultation for patients with HIV under triple therapy","authors":"P. Jourdain, F. Funck, O. Boirau, A. Boireau, J. Dagorn, P. Hervio, L. Blum","doi":"10.1136/qshc.2010.041632.38","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1136/qshc.2010.041632.38","url":null,"abstract":"Patients with HIV have seen their life expectancy significantly improve with the emergence of poly antiviral therapies. However, it was recently shown that these therapies had an impact on lipid metabolism. We therefore wanted to determine what could be the impact of cardiological care systematically in this population. Methodology We have systematically proposed to all patients with HIV under triple therapy followed Pontoise Hospital to receive a consultation followed by a cardiological assessment involving biological, echocardiography, Doppler with cervical measurement of intima media. Depending on the clinical and biological data it was then proposed diagnostic tests as arterial Doppler of lower limbs and stress test. We then compared these data with those of literature studies on comparable populations in terms of age and sex. Results Of 97 patients regularly followed 77 were seen either in consultation or out patient hospital. The 20 missing patients did not wish to go to the cardiology consultation for personal reasons. The average age of our cohort was 49.05±5 years making it a young population. HIV is on average 6 years (1–10). After the clinical examination 74% are active smoking on average at 15 PY, 54% are overweight (77.7 kg to 1.71 cm on average). The hip turn is 97.3 cm for a tour of shoulders to 110.48 cm. 15% have clinical lipodystrophy. 32% have hypertension (defined as PA>140/95 on two occasions). 67% had dyslipidaemia with 75% of mixed dyslipidemia. None of this has diabetes. The intima media thickness is on average 0.81 (left) and right 0.82 mm for a standard 0.73 mm in our test cohort (p<0.05) and 0.75 mm as the threshold cut off in Canadian studies (p<0.05). The echocardiography proved normal in 80% of patients and in 100% of patients with BNP levels <30 pg/ml. After 1 year follow-up we found a arteriopathy obliterans of lower limbs in 13% and ischaemic heart disease documented in 11% of patients which is significantly higher than expected given the class d age. Conclusion It seems appropriate to be able to propose to patients with HIV a cardiovascular consultation in view of their specific risk profile, nonroutinely detection of almost 24% of patients with atherosclerosis and of the increase intima media size highlighted in our study. However, echocardiography should not be systematic. Le patient VIH + a vu son espérance de vie nettement s'améliorer avec l'émergence des poly thérapies antivirales. Pour autant, il a été récemment démontré que ces trithérapies avaient un impact sur le métabolisme des lipides sur le plan clinique (lipodystrophies) et biologiques (modification du bilan lipidique). Nous avons donc voulu déterminer quel pouvait être l'impact d'une prise en charge cardiologique systématique dans cette population. Méthodologie Nous avons systématiquement proposé à tous les patients VIH + sous trithérapie suivis au centre hospitalier de Pontoise de bénéficier d'une consultation cardiologique sui","PeriodicalId":20849,"journal":{"name":"Quality and Safety in Health Care","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2010-04-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"90395597","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
089 Assessing the impact of recommendations on drug prescriptions in intensive care units 089评估重症监护病房药物处方建议的影响
Pub Date : 2010-04-01 DOI: 10.1136/QSHC.2010.041632.12
K. Kuteifan, C. Berg, J. Mootien, A. M. Gutbub, J. Navellou, J. Quenot
Background and Objectives The prescription is the starting line in the organisation of the drug circuit and determines the work of all those involved in the drug delivery process. The aim of our study was to assess drug prescription in the intensive care units (ICUs) of the College of intensivists of North-East France. Programme A two-round clinical audit was conducted in four ICUs. All prescriptions written out over a 24-h period were reviewed by a doctor and a pharmacist in each ICU. Criteria for good prescribing practices were established and distributed to all team members. A reminder was issued 3 months later. The second round of the clinical audit was carried out 6 months after the first. Results The number of prescriptions was 180 in the first round and 193 in the second. The non-conformity rate was 33.9% and 12.4%, respectively. The main errors in the two rounds were: adding an unsigned and unstamped (no date or time) prescription (70% vs 58%), unsigned change in dose (16% vs 9%), unsigned order to discontinue drug administration (18% vs 9%), administration of a drug that was not prescribed, no mention of dose, oral prescription, and noncompliance with dosage form. Discussion and Conclusion The dispensation and administration of a drug depends on the prescription. The main risks when prescribing drugs are the prescription of a treatment unsuited to the patient's clinical condition, possible drug interactions and a lack of detail that may induce errors. Establishing and distributing guidelines is an essential step in reducing prescribing errors and managing drug-related risks in ICUs. In conclusion, the production and distribution of criteria helped lower the rate of non-conformity with prescriptions in ICUs. We are currently preparing Intranet distribution within our hospital of criteria for the most commonly used drugs administered by infusion or injection and a list of drugs that can be administered by gastric tube. Introduction La prescription est le point de départ d'un des processus organisationnels majeurs qu'est le circuit du médicament. Elle conduit à structurer l'organisation du travail de tous les acteurs de la dispensation à l'administration. L'objectif de notre étude est d'évaluer la prescription médicamenteuse dans les services appartenant au Collège des réanimateurs du Nord-Est. Méthode Un audit clinique, est réalisé dans 4 services de réanimation. Toutes les prescriptions d'une période de 24 heures ont été revues par un médecin et un pharmacien dans chaque service. Un référentiel de prescription a été réalisé et distribué à tous les membres des équipes médicales, avec une « piqûre de rappel » à 3 mois. Un deuxième relevé a été réalisé à 6 mois. Résultats 180 prescriptions ont été relevées au premier tour, et 193 au deuxième. Les taux de non conformité étaient de 33,9 % et de 12,4 % respectivement. Les erreurs principales qui ont été notées sont : ajout de prescription non signé
背景和目的处方是药物循环组织的起跑线,决定了所有参与给药过程的人员的工作。我们研究的目的是评估在法国东北部的重症监护病房(icu)学院的药物处方。方案对4个icu进行了两轮临床审核。所有24小时内开出的处方都由每个ICU的医生和药剂师审查。建立了良好的处方规范标准,并将其分发给所有团队成员。3个月后发出了提醒。第二轮临床审核在第一轮审核后6个月进行。结果第一轮处方数为180张,第二轮处方数为193张。不合格率分别为33.9%和12.4%。两轮的主要错误是:添加未签名和未盖章(没有日期或时间)的处方(70%对58%),未签名的剂量变化(16%对9%),未签名的停药命令(18%对9%),未开处方的药物,未提及剂量,口服处方,以及不符合剂型。讨论与结论药物的调配和给药取决于处方。开药时的主要风险是处方不适合患者的临床状况,可能的药物相互作用以及缺乏可能导致错误的细节。制定和分发指南是减少icu中处方错误和管理药物相关风险的重要步骤。综上所述,标准的制定和分发有助于降低icu的处方不符合率。目前,我们正准备在医院内发布最常用的输注或注射给药标准以及可通过胃管给药的药物清单。导语:处方是一种简单的治疗方法,它可以使患者在治疗过程中恢复正常。“组织结构”是指“组织结构”,而“组织结构”是指“组织结构”。根据东北大学的规定,我们的目标是:在东北大学的规定下,我们的目标是:在东北大学的规定下,我们的目标是:在东北大学的规定下,我们的目标是:3 .联合国审计机构,est . sys . sys .和4种服务。Toutes处方d'une psamuest de 24 heures ont samuest revues par un msamuest et pharmacien dans chque service。1 .在所有的成员中,所有的成员都是由 )组成的。Un deuxi 相关 - - - 6 mois。rs - 3有180个处方,其中有180个是与mr - 3相关的,193个是与mr - 3相关的。不符合标准的人分别占33.9%和12.4%。原则上的错误(Les erreurs principales qui not samices):关于处方无标志的samices (70% vs 58%)、修改无标志的samices (16% vs 9%)、arrêt无标志的samices (18% vs 9%)、给药无规定的samicha (18% vs 9%)、无标志的samicha(18%)、无规定的samicha(18%)、无规定的samicha(18%)、无规定的samicha(18%)、无规定的samicha(18%)和无规定的samicha(18%)。讨论La qualit d'une prescription du m.m.acdiment ment,条件细胞des m.m.acdiment:分配和管理。危险的原则鼓励你把你的前程前程看成是你的前程,把你的前程看成是你的前程,把你的前程看成是你的前程,把你的前程看成你的前程,把你的前程看成是你的前程。建议的扩散是指对所有的薪金薪金和薪金薪金的限制,以及对薪金薪金薪金和薪金薪金的限制。结果拉认识et de referentiel de La扩散处方medicamenteuse有的08 taux de非公司des处方en复活。列出了扩散«内部网»,列出了传播«内部网»,列出了传播»,列出了传播»,列出了传播»,列出了传播»,列出了传播»,列出了传播»,列出了传播»,列出了传播»,列出了传播»,列出了传播»,列出了传播»,列出了传播»,列出了传播»,列出了传播»,列出了传播»,列出了传播»,列出了传播»,列出了传播»,列出了传播»,列出了传播»,列出了传播»,列出了传播»,列出了传播»,列出了传播»,列出了传播»,列出了传播»,列出了传播»,列出了传播»,列出了传播»。
{"title":"089 Assessing the impact of recommendations on drug prescriptions in intensive care units","authors":"K. Kuteifan, C. Berg, J. Mootien, A. M. Gutbub, J. Navellou, J. Quenot","doi":"10.1136/QSHC.2010.041632.12","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1136/QSHC.2010.041632.12","url":null,"abstract":"Background and Objectives The prescription is the starting line in the organisation of the drug circuit and determines the work of all those involved in the drug delivery process. The aim of our study was to assess drug prescription in the intensive care units (ICUs) of the College of intensivists of North-East France. Programme A two-round clinical audit was conducted in four ICUs. All prescriptions written out over a 24-h period were reviewed by a doctor and a pharmacist in each ICU. Criteria for good prescribing practices were established and distributed to all team members. A reminder was issued 3 months later. The second round of the clinical audit was carried out 6 months after the first. Results The number of prescriptions was 180 in the first round and 193 in the second. The non-conformity rate was 33.9% and 12.4%, respectively. The main errors in the two rounds were: adding an unsigned and unstamped (no date or time) prescription (70% vs 58%), unsigned change in dose (16% vs 9%), unsigned order to discontinue drug administration (18% vs 9%), administration of a drug that was not prescribed, no mention of dose, oral prescription, and noncompliance with dosage form. Discussion and Conclusion The dispensation and administration of a drug depends on the prescription. The main risks when prescribing drugs are the prescription of a treatment unsuited to the patient's clinical condition, possible drug interactions and a lack of detail that may induce errors. Establishing and distributing guidelines is an essential step in reducing prescribing errors and managing drug-related risks in ICUs. In conclusion, the production and distribution of criteria helped lower the rate of non-conformity with prescriptions in ICUs. We are currently preparing Intranet distribution within our hospital of criteria for the most commonly used drugs administered by infusion or injection and a list of drugs that can be administered by gastric tube. Introduction La prescription est le point de départ d'un des processus organisationnels majeurs qu'est le circuit du médicament. Elle conduit à structurer l'organisation du travail de tous les acteurs de la dispensation à l'administration. L'objectif de notre étude est d'évaluer la prescription médicamenteuse dans les services appartenant au Collège des réanimateurs du Nord-Est. Méthode Un audit clinique, est réalisé dans 4 services de réanimation. Toutes les prescriptions d'une période de 24 heures ont été revues par un médecin et un pharmacien dans chaque service. Un référentiel de prescription a été réalisé et distribué à tous les membres des équipes médicales, avec une « piqûre de rappel » à 3 mois. Un deuxième relevé a été réalisé à 6 mois. Résultats 180 prescriptions ont été relevées au premier tour, et 193 au deuxième. Les taux de non conformité étaient de 33,9 % et de 12,4 % respectivement. Les erreurs principales qui ont été notées sont : ajout de prescription non signé","PeriodicalId":20849,"journal":{"name":"Quality and Safety in Health Care","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2010-04-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"85927492","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
185 Assessment of imaging orders for acute renal colic and pyelonephritis in the emergency department 185急诊科急性肾绞痛和肾盂肾炎的影像学评价
Pub Date : 2010-04-01 DOI: 10.1136/QSHC.2010.041632.28
B. Clémence
Background and objectives One of the quality improvement programmes implemented by the emergency department of Rennes university hospital concerns the clinical impact and appropriateness of orders for imaging tests in urologic emergencies. Our objective was to evaluate compliance with a recommended low-dose protocol in cases of acute renal colic and complicated pyelonephritis and the clinical impact of this protocol on the quality of care. Programme Acute renal colic and pyelonephritis are common reasons for arrivals in the emergency department. A multidisciplinary team within the emergency department developed a radiology protocol for management of these cases. For all cases of suspected acute renal colic but for complicated cases of pyelonephritis only, a low-dose CT scan was recommended. No radiology exam was recommended by the emergency department for simple acute pyelonephritis. Emergency physicians and radiologists were to apply the low-dose protocol to all cases tagged ‘CT-scan for pyelonephritis’ and ‘CT-scan for renal colic’. Results This was a before-after comparison based on the review of 315 files. The clinical impact of the protocol was threefold: (i) Positive impact on existing practices: There was a significant increase in orders for CT-scans in complicated forms of acute renal colic and pyelonephritis, in line with earlier recommendations; (ii) Changes in practice: There was a decrease in orders for plain abdominal X-rays which are very often used for diagnosis in cases of acute flank pain; CT-scanning was used in preference to abdominal x-ray plus abdominal ultrasound for both acute renal colic and pyelonephritis; the radiation dose was reduced but nevertheless remained higher than the low-dose recommended in the literature; (iii) Implementation of the protocol did not affect the time taken to perform the exams nor to manage patients in the emergency department. Discussion and conclusion Certain questions remain unanswered such as the issue of radiation exposure in young patients in whom these afflictions may recur. Moreover, not all physicians agree on all points, such as the management of simple acute pyelonephritis. In addition, the latest consensus conference guidelines recommend first-line abdominal X-ray and ultrasound for the management of acute renal colic. The next step is therefore to use our findings as a basis for a review of the protocol by the whole team in order to make any necessary adjustments. Contexte, objectif (s) Dans le cadre des démarches d'amélioration de la qualité, le CHU de Rennes a développé des programmes d'évaluation des pratiques professionnelles dont un axe retenu était celui de l'impact et de la pertinence de la prescription et du délai des examens d'imagerie. Cette étude a été appliquée à l'imagerie des urgences urologiques médicales. Programme La colique néphrétique et la pyélonéphrite sont deux motifs fréquents de consultation dans un service d'urgence. Dans le service des ur
背景和目的雷恩大学医院急诊科实施的质量改进方案之一涉及泌尿外科急诊影像检查命令的临床影响和适当性。我们的目的是评估急性肾绞痛和复杂肾盂肾炎病例中推荐的低剂量方案的依从性,以及该方案对护理质量的临床影响。急性肾绞痛和肾盂肾炎是急诊科就诊的常见原因。急诊科的一个多学科小组为处理这些病例制定了放射学方案。对于所有疑似急性肾绞痛的病例,除了复杂的肾盂肾炎病例外,建议进行低剂量CT扫描。急诊科不推荐单纯急性肾盂肾炎患者行影像学检查。急诊医生和放射科医生将对所有标记为“肾盂肾炎ct扫描”和“肾绞痛ct扫描”的病例应用低剂量方案。结果在315份文献的基础上进行了前后比较。该方案的临床影响有三方面:(i)对现有做法的积极影响:与早期建议一致,复杂形式的急性肾绞痛和肾盂肾炎的ct扫描订单显着增加;实践上的变化:经常用于诊断急性侧腹疼痛的腹部x光透视诊断量减少;急性肾绞痛和肾盂肾炎均优先采用ct扫描而非腹部x线加腹部超声;辐射剂量有所降低,但仍高于文献中推荐的低剂量;(三)议定书的实施不影响进行检查和在急诊科管理病人所需的时间。讨论和结论某些问题仍未得到解答,例如这些疾病可能复发的年轻患者的辐射暴露问题。此外,并不是所有的医生都同意所有的观点,例如单纯性急性肾盂肾炎的处理。此外,最新的共识会议指南推荐一线腹部x线和超声治疗急性肾绞痛。因此,下一步是将我们的发现作为整个团队审查方案的基础,以便做出任何必要的调整。背景、目标(5)从质量角度分析,从质量角度分析,从质量角度分析,从质量角度分析,从质量角度分析,从质量角度分析,从质量角度分析,从质量角度分析,从质量角度分析,从质量角度分析,从质量角度分析,从质量角度分析,从质量角度分析。cte - cte - cte - cte - cte - cte - cte - cte - cte - cst - cst - cst - cst - cst - cst - cst。方案“交换交换和交换交换”为“交换交换和交换交换”提供了“交换交换和交换交换”的两个主题。在雷尼的紧急情况下,在雷尼的紧急情况下,在雷尼的紧急情况下,在雷尼的紧急情况下,在雷尼的紧急情况下,在雷尼的紧急情况下,在雷尼的紧急情况下,在雷尼的紧急情况下,在雷尼的紧急情况下,在雷尼的紧急情况下,在雷尼的紧急情况下,在雷尼的紧急情况下,在雷尼的紧急情况下,在雷尼的紧急情况下,在雷尼的紧急情况下,在雷尼的紧急情况下,在雷尼的紧急情况下,在雷尼的紧急情况下,在雷尼的紧急情况下,在雷尼的紧急情况下,在雷尼的紧急情况下,在雷尼的紧急情况下,在雷尼的紧急情况下,在雷尼的紧急情况下,在雷尼的紧急情况下,在雷尼的紧急情况下,在雷尼的紧急情况下,在雷尼的紧急情况下,在雷尼的紧急情况下,在雷尼的紧急情况下,在雷尼的简单情况下。急诊科医生、放射科医生和泌尿科医生对“低剂量”治疗方案的要求非常高,因此,需要使用扫描仪的重要的是要提到扫描仪pysamonsamuite或扫描仪colique nsamuite。“目标”为“无法忍受的痛苦”,“无法忍受的痛苦”,“无法忍受的痛苦”,“无法忍受的痛苦”,“无法忍受的痛苦”,“无法忍受的痛苦”,“无法忍受的痛苦”,“无法忍受的痛苦”。在315例患者中,我们分析了与其他病例相比,其他病例的比较数据。协议的影响是三倍的。加强惯例:加强有意义的规定、确定复杂的交换条件、确定交换条件、确定交换条件、确定交换条件、确定交换条件建议、确定交换条件建议和确定交换条件建议。治疗方法的改变:减少处方的使用,增加药物的使用,减少药物的使用,减少对腹胀综合征的诊断;超声扫描器与传统通道的关系的改善,可以避免双重病变,而无需增强通道的温度。使用剂量的照射,主要是超量的照射,或低剂量的照射,或低剂量的照射。Le troisi<e:1>的影响是,在没有保留组织的情况下,在没有保留组织的情况下,在没有保留组织的情况下,在没有保留组织的情况下,在没有保留组织的情况下,在没有保留组织的情况下,在没有保留组织的情况下,在检查人员和病人的情况下。 讨论和结论值得进一步思考,特别是围绕辐射防护问题,这在这些可能复发的疾病中占主导地位,并影响到年轻的受试者。协议中关于处理简单肾盂肾炎的一点也不明确。此外,关于肾性绞痛管理的新共识会议在简单形式的评估中保留了ASP超声作为一线。我们的工作要素必须在实践评估的最后阶段进行,以便重新讨论议定书的可行性和需要作出的调整。讨论的最后阶段是至关重要的,因为它使有关的各种专家能够再次聚集在一起,并根据具体的结果来决定议定书的全部或部分的有效性。
{"title":"185 Assessment of imaging orders for acute renal colic and pyelonephritis in the emergency department","authors":"B. Clémence","doi":"10.1136/QSHC.2010.041632.28","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1136/QSHC.2010.041632.28","url":null,"abstract":"Background and objectives One of the quality improvement programmes implemented by the emergency department of Rennes university hospital concerns the clinical impact and appropriateness of orders for imaging tests in urologic emergencies. Our objective was to evaluate compliance with a recommended low-dose protocol in cases of acute renal colic and complicated pyelonephritis and the clinical impact of this protocol on the quality of care. Programme Acute renal colic and pyelonephritis are common reasons for arrivals in the emergency department. A multidisciplinary team within the emergency department developed a radiology protocol for management of these cases. For all cases of suspected acute renal colic but for complicated cases of pyelonephritis only, a low-dose CT scan was recommended. No radiology exam was recommended by the emergency department for simple acute pyelonephritis. Emergency physicians and radiologists were to apply the low-dose protocol to all cases tagged ‘CT-scan for pyelonephritis’ and ‘CT-scan for renal colic’. Results This was a before-after comparison based on the review of 315 files. The clinical impact of the protocol was threefold: (i) Positive impact on existing practices: There was a significant increase in orders for CT-scans in complicated forms of acute renal colic and pyelonephritis, in line with earlier recommendations; (ii) Changes in practice: There was a decrease in orders for plain abdominal X-rays which are very often used for diagnosis in cases of acute flank pain; CT-scanning was used in preference to abdominal x-ray plus abdominal ultrasound for both acute renal colic and pyelonephritis; the radiation dose was reduced but nevertheless remained higher than the low-dose recommended in the literature; (iii) Implementation of the protocol did not affect the time taken to perform the exams nor to manage patients in the emergency department. Discussion and conclusion Certain questions remain unanswered such as the issue of radiation exposure in young patients in whom these afflictions may recur. Moreover, not all physicians agree on all points, such as the management of simple acute pyelonephritis. In addition, the latest consensus conference guidelines recommend first-line abdominal X-ray and ultrasound for the management of acute renal colic. The next step is therefore to use our findings as a basis for a review of the protocol by the whole team in order to make any necessary adjustments. Contexte, objectif (s) Dans le cadre des démarches d'amélioration de la qualité, le CHU de Rennes a développé des programmes d'évaluation des pratiques professionnelles dont un axe retenu était celui de l'impact et de la pertinence de la prescription et du délai des examens d'imagerie. Cette étude a été appliquée à l'imagerie des urgences urologiques médicales. Programme La colique néphrétique et la pyélonéphrite sont deux motifs fréquents de consultation dans un service d'urgence. Dans le service des ur","PeriodicalId":20849,"journal":{"name":"Quality and Safety in Health Care","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2010-04-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"90662511","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
279 Name of program: evaluation of the strategy of treatment for myocardial infarction by the RESCUe network 节目名称:急救网络治疗心肌梗死策略评价
Pub Date : 2010-04-01 DOI: 10.1136/qshc.2010.041624.60
E. Carlos, E. Nicolas, Peiretti Alexandra, Douheret Florian, Roussel Eric, Mann Yvan, Echahed Khalid, Capel Olivier, J. Xavier, Serre Patrice, Bonnefoy Eric
Background The purpose of this study was to determine whether implementation of regional guidelines improves the management of acute myocardial infarction with ST-elevation (STEMI), in terms of reperfusion decision and orientation. Program The editing of local guidelines in a hospital or a network of care is recognised as a useful approach, but rarely evaluated. The RESCUe network has defined and implemented a guideline shared by 30 hospitals to improve MI care pathway and transfer of STEMI. To evaluate the guideline's impact, the emergency doctors involved in the network included in a prospective register all suspected MI entering the prehospital care pathway, to analyse their route since the call to the centre 15. Recent data were compared to those collected before the guideline dissemination. The acute phase indicators spotting good practices as defined by French National Authority for Health were evaluated: rate and time to reperfusion, rate of direct referral to transfer to interventional cardiology center (ICC), rate of patients receiving anti-platelet therapy, analgesia and Heparin, in hospital mortality. Results Between February 2008 and May 2009, 568 patients with less than 24 h STEMI at the acute phase were managed by the 18 mobile intensive care units (MICU) and the 8 ICC of the zone covered by RESCUe network. Their data were compared to those of 544 patients managed between January 2004 and December 2005, using the same inclusion criteria and analysis. The exhaustivity not evaluated in 2005, was 95% in 2009. The comparison of the results between 2005 and 2009 shows: a significant improvement (p<0.05): of the reperfusion rate (all techniques) from 86 to 90%, for those receiving primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI) from 23 to 63%, antalgic therapy from 33 to 50% and heparin (unfractionned heparin and low molecular weight heparin) from 69 to 90%. The rate of clopidogrel therapy, recently implemented reached 87% in 2009. a significant reduction (p<0.05) of the: median ‘door to balloon’ time from 240 to 105 min, thrombolytic therapy rate from 66 to 27% and rate of patients not receiving reperfusion therapy from 14 to 10%. an in hospital mortality rate of 6%. Discussion The establishment of regional guideline allowed improving STEMI care pathway since the call to the 15 Center to the reperfusion for patients managed by mobile intensive care units. The access to reperfusion therapy and recommended treatments for the patients managed within this care pathway has significantly improved between 2005 and 2009, according to guidelines, with a privileged referral to the interventional cardiology center. Conclusion The establishment of a regional guideline with measurement of its implementation brings together health professionals and significantly improve the acute care pathway for MI management, for patients benefit. Guideline and clinical practice indicators are efficient tools (i) to implement good practices according to guidelines
本研究的目的是确定区域性指南的实施是否能在再灌注决策和定位方面改善急性st段抬高心肌梗死(STEMI)的治疗。在医院或护理网络中编辑当地指导方针被认为是一种有用的方法,但很少进行评估。急救网络定义并实施了由30家医院共享的指导方针,以改善心肌梗死的护理途径和STEMI的转移。为了评估指南的影响,参与网络的急诊医生将所有进入院前护理途径的疑似心肌梗死患者纳入前瞻性登记,分析他们自呼叫中心以来的路线15。最近的数据与指南发布前收集的数据进行了比较。评估了法国国家卫生管理局定义的确定良好做法的急性期指标:再灌注率和时间、直接转诊到介入性心脏病中心(ICC)的比率、接受抗血小板治疗、镇痛和肝素治疗的患者比率、住院死亡率。结果2008年2月至2009年5月,18个流动重症监护室(MICU)和8个急救网络覆盖区域的ICC对急性期STEMI少于24 h的568例患者进行了管理。他们的数据与2004年1月至2005年12月期间544名患者的数据进行比较,使用相同的纳入标准和分析。2005年未评估的穷竭性在2009年为95%。2005年与2009年的结果比较显示:再灌注率(所有技术)从86%提高到90%,接受首次经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(PPCI)的患者从23%提高到63%,止痛治疗从33%提高到50%,肝素(未分离肝素和低分子量肝素)从69%提高到90%,显著改善(p<0.05)。最近实施的氯吡格雷治疗率在2009年达到87%。门到球囊的中位时间从240分钟减少到105分钟,溶栓治疗率从66%减少到27%,未接受再灌注治疗的患者率从14%减少到10%,显著减少(p<0.05)。医院死亡率为6%区域指南的建立使得STEMI从呼叫15中心到移动重症监护室管理的患者再灌注的护理路径得以改善。根据指南,在2005年至2009年期间,在该护理途径下管理的患者获得再灌注治疗和推荐治疗的机会显著改善,并优先转诊到介入性心脏病学中心。结论区域指南的建立及其实施情况的衡量汇集了卫生专业人员,并显著改善了急性心肌梗死管理的护理途径,使患者受益。指南和临床实践指标是(1)根据指南实施良好做法(2)评估、改进和跟踪专业实践的有效工具。目的:背景:Évaluer影响、应用、调温、调温、调温、调温、调温、调温、调温、调温、调温、调温、调温、调温、调温、调温、调温、调温、调温。方案:"确定和确定"、"确定和确定"、"确定和确定"、"确定和确定"、"确定和确定"、"确定和确定"。Le栅网救援defini et mis在地方联合国referentiel commun ses 30 etablissements进行初步优化器倒拉撬en电荷等les过户des infarctus du myocarde用sus-decalage du段圣倒在安勤科技的,里面的urgentistes信徒救援包括在联合国registre prospectif全部的怀疑d 'infarctus aigus du myocarde (IDM)取了en电荷en pre-hospitalier苏尔拉杜区防疫线网格afin d特定Le parcours从l 'appel盟中心15。不确定的是,不确定的是,不确定的是,不确定的是,不确定的是,不确定的是,不确定的是,不确定的是,不确定的是。三个指标阶段的健康状况,如健康状况阶段的健康状况,如健康状况阶段的健康状况,如健康状况阶段的健康状况,如健康状况阶段的健康状况,如健康状况阶段的健康状况,如健康状况阶段的健康状况,如健康状况阶段的健康状况,如健康状况阶段的健康状况,如健康状况阶段的健康状况。在2008年至2009年5月,有568名患者被诊断为患有<s:1> <s:1> <s:1>医疗器械和其他医疗器械中的<s:1>医疗器械和其他医疗器械中的<s:1>医疗器械和其他医疗器械中的<s:1>医疗器械和医疗器械中的医疗器械。在2004年1月和2005年1月,对544名患者进行了调查,并将其纳入纳入标准和分析标准。从2005年的统计数据看,2009年的统计数据是95%。
{"title":"279 Name of program: evaluation of the strategy of treatment for myocardial infarction by the RESCUe network","authors":"E. Carlos, E. Nicolas, Peiretti Alexandra, Douheret Florian, Roussel Eric, Mann Yvan, Echahed Khalid, Capel Olivier, J. Xavier, Serre Patrice, Bonnefoy Eric","doi":"10.1136/qshc.2010.041624.60","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1136/qshc.2010.041624.60","url":null,"abstract":"Background The purpose of this study was to determine whether implementation of regional guidelines improves the management of acute myocardial infarction with ST-elevation (STEMI), in terms of reperfusion decision and orientation. Program The editing of local guidelines in a hospital or a network of care is recognised as a useful approach, but rarely evaluated. The RESCUe network has defined and implemented a guideline shared by 30 hospitals to improve MI care pathway and transfer of STEMI. To evaluate the guideline's impact, the emergency doctors involved in the network included in a prospective register all suspected MI entering the prehospital care pathway, to analyse their route since the call to the centre 15. Recent data were compared to those collected before the guideline dissemination. The acute phase indicators spotting good practices as defined by French National Authority for Health were evaluated: rate and time to reperfusion, rate of direct referral to transfer to interventional cardiology center (ICC), rate of patients receiving anti-platelet therapy, analgesia and Heparin, in hospital mortality. Results Between February 2008 and May 2009, 568 patients with less than 24 h STEMI at the acute phase were managed by the 18 mobile intensive care units (MICU) and the 8 ICC of the zone covered by RESCUe network. Their data were compared to those of 544 patients managed between January 2004 and December 2005, using the same inclusion criteria and analysis. The exhaustivity not evaluated in 2005, was 95% in 2009. The comparison of the results between 2005 and 2009 shows: a significant improvement (p<0.05): of the reperfusion rate (all techniques) from 86 to 90%, for those receiving primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI) from 23 to 63%, antalgic therapy from 33 to 50% and heparin (unfractionned heparin and low molecular weight heparin) from 69 to 90%. The rate of clopidogrel therapy, recently implemented reached 87% in 2009. a significant reduction (p<0.05) of the: median ‘door to balloon’ time from 240 to 105 min, thrombolytic therapy rate from 66 to 27% and rate of patients not receiving reperfusion therapy from 14 to 10%. an in hospital mortality rate of 6%. Discussion The establishment of regional guideline allowed improving STEMI care pathway since the call to the 15 Center to the reperfusion for patients managed by mobile intensive care units. The access to reperfusion therapy and recommended treatments for the patients managed within this care pathway has significantly improved between 2005 and 2009, according to guidelines, with a privileged referral to the interventional cardiology center. Conclusion The establishment of a regional guideline with measurement of its implementation brings together health professionals and significantly improve the acute care pathway for MI management, for patients benefit. Guideline and clinical practice indicators are efficient tools (i) to implement good practices according to guidelines","PeriodicalId":20849,"journal":{"name":"Quality and Safety in Health Care","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2010-04-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"88290768","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
143 Utilisation review of antibiotic use in intensive care in the CH of PAU 143 PAU CH重症监护抗生素使用情况综述
Pub Date : 2010-04-01 DOI: 10.1136/QSHC.2010.041624.2
Bonneil Paul, V. A. Claire, Tachet Anne, Hoedt Brigitte, Huc Benoit, D. Noel, Picar Walter, Descamp Franck, B. Philippe
Introduction In 2004, the intensive care unit (ICU) of the general hospital in Pau noted practices with inadequate antibiotic therapy recommendations. The prescriptions were inhomogeneous and non protocolised among intensivists. The incidence of multi-resistant bacteria (MRB) was not followed. The aim of this program was medico-economic: reduce the selective pressure of antibiotic therapy at a lower cost while meeting the recommendations of learnt societies. It was necessary to prescribe better, less, without adverse clinical impact. Program Protocolisation antibiotic prescriptions (choice of molecules, time limitation, mono or dual therapy, duration of dual therapy) adapted to the ecology of ICU Formation of two physician service (university degree in infectious diseases) Designated referrers Choice of antibiotics during the daily meeting after discussion with all medical team's members (except emergency infectious diseases) When possible, decrease patient exposure rate to invasive devices resuscitation (endotracheal tube, urinary catheter or central venous catheter). Annual review in collaboration with the departments of hygiene and bacteriology to update the protocols of antibiotherapy Monitoring the use of antibiotics with the pharmacy service Clinical monitoring: average length of stay, attack rate of nosocomial infections, mortality, incidence of multi-resistant bacteria Results 2005 2006 2007 2008 Average cost of antibiotics per patient (euro) 572 466 305 343 Rate of exposure to invasive intubation (%) – 75 81 62 Rate of exposure to urinary catheter (%) – 91 91 84 Rate of exposure to central catheter (%) – 86 76 59 Incidence of pneumonia acquired under mechanical ventilation (PAVM) (%) – 33 22 15 Incidence of infections of central venous catheters (%) – 0 1 0 Incidence of urinary tract infections (%) – 8 2 3 Mortality rate (%) 23 22 19 17 Average length of stay (day) 9.5 9.1 8.5 8.0 Between 2005 and 2008, we followed the prevalence of multi-resistant bacteria at our ICU (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, MRSA, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, ESBL, Acinetobacter baumannii). There were no significant change. There were always between 4 and 6% of patients with MRB. Conclusion The objectives were achieved: reduction of overall consumption of antibiotics in the ICU without significant change in the ecology of the service. Since the establishment of the program, the attack rate of nosocomial infections, the average length of stay and mortality were reduced. This program enables annually to take stock of antibiotic prescriptions. they are adapted to the impact of nosocomial infections and type of MRB isolated. The protocols can be adapted every year to the ecology of the service in collaboration with the departments of hygiene and bacteriology. This kind of program allows to carry out a policy medico-economic of the antibiotics in intensive care unit. It raises awareness and to promote cooperation between both the clinicians (intensivists) and external partn
2004年,Pau综合医院的重症监护病房(ICU)注意到抗生素治疗建议不足的做法。在重症患者中,处方不均匀且不规范。多重耐药菌(MRB)的发生率未被跟踪。该方案的目的是医疗经济:以较低的成本减少抗生素治疗的选择性压力,同时满足学术团体的建议。有必要开更好、更少、无不良临床影响的处方。方案方案适应ICU生态的抗生素处方(分子选择、时间限制、单药或双药、双药持续时间)组建两名医生服务(感染性专业大学学历)指定转诊医师与所有医疗团队成员讨论后,在日常会议中选择抗生素(紧急感染性疾病除外)在可能的情况下,减少患者对有创器械复苏(气管内插管、导尿管或中心静脉导尿管)。与卫生和细菌学部门合作进行年度审查,以更新抗生素治疗方案与药房一起监测抗生素的使用临床监测:平均住院时间、院内感染发生率、死亡率、发病率多药耐药细菌结果2005 2006 2007 2008的平均成本每个病人抗生素(欧元)572 466 305 343接触入侵插管率(%):75 81 62的接触尿导管(%):91 91 84中央导管接触率(%):86 76 59肺炎发病率收购在机械通气(PAVM)(%) - 33 22 15中央静脉导管感染的发生率(%):0 1 0尿路感染发生率(%)- 8 2 3死亡率(%) 23 22 19 17平均住院天数(天)9.5 9.1 8.5 8.0 2005 - 2008年,我们对我院ICU多重耐药菌(铜绿假单胞菌、MRSA、嗜麦芽窄养单胞菌、ESBL、鲍曼不动杆菌)的流行情况进行了跟踪调查。没有明显的变化。总有4%到6%的患者患有MRB。结论:在不改变ICU服务生态的前提下,降低了ICU抗生素的总体使用量。项目实施以来,医院感染发生率、平均住院时间和死亡率均有所下降。这一项目使每年对抗生素处方进行盘点成为可能。它们适应医院感染和分离的MRB类型的影响。在卫生和细菌学部门的合作下,这些协议每年都可以根据服务的生态进行调整。这种方案可以实现重症监护病房抗生素的政策医学经济。它提高了人们的认识,并促进临床医生(重症监护医师)和服务的外部合作伙伴(药剂学、细菌学、卫生学)之间的合作。导论,目标2004年,《中华人民共和国和中华人民共和国和中华人民共和国和中华人民共和国和中华人民共和国和中华人民共和国的通讯条例》提出了一些建议。不符合规定的处方与不符合规定的处方不同,不符合规定的处方与不符合规定的处方不同。变异的多重抗性(BMR)和变异的通过存活。在《关于社会、<s:2> <s:2>或其他方面的建议》和《关于社会、<s:2> <s:2>或其他方面的建议》中,将《关于社会、<s:2> <s:2>或其他方面的建议》与《关于社会、<s:2> <s:2>或其他方面的建议》进行比较。我会给你开处方,给你开处方,给你开处方,给你开处方。《方案方案规定》(选择molsamcules、dursamsamae处方、mono - ou - bi- samae、durmono - ou - bi- samae)
{"title":"143 Utilisation review of antibiotic use in intensive care in the CH of PAU","authors":"Bonneil Paul, V. A. Claire, Tachet Anne, Hoedt Brigitte, Huc Benoit, D. Noel, Picar Walter, Descamp Franck, B. Philippe","doi":"10.1136/QSHC.2010.041624.2","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1136/QSHC.2010.041624.2","url":null,"abstract":"Introduction In 2004, the intensive care unit (ICU) of the general hospital in Pau noted practices with inadequate antibiotic therapy recommendations. The prescriptions were inhomogeneous and non protocolised among intensivists. The incidence of multi-resistant bacteria (MRB) was not followed. The aim of this program was medico-economic: reduce the selective pressure of antibiotic therapy at a lower cost while meeting the recommendations of learnt societies. It was necessary to prescribe better, less, without adverse clinical impact. Program Protocolisation antibiotic prescriptions (choice of molecules, time limitation, mono or dual therapy, duration of dual therapy) adapted to the ecology of ICU Formation of two physician service (university degree in infectious diseases) Designated referrers Choice of antibiotics during the daily meeting after discussion with all medical team's members (except emergency infectious diseases) When possible, decrease patient exposure rate to invasive devices resuscitation (endotracheal tube, urinary catheter or central venous catheter). Annual review in collaboration with the departments of hygiene and bacteriology to update the protocols of antibiotherapy Monitoring the use of antibiotics with the pharmacy service Clinical monitoring: average length of stay, attack rate of nosocomial infections, mortality, incidence of multi-resistant bacteria Results 2005 2006 2007 2008 Average cost of antibiotics per patient (euro) 572 466 305 343 Rate of exposure to invasive intubation (%) – 75 81 62 Rate of exposure to urinary catheter (%) – 91 91 84 Rate of exposure to central catheter (%) – 86 76 59 Incidence of pneumonia acquired under mechanical ventilation (PAVM) (%) – 33 22 15 Incidence of infections of central venous catheters (%) – 0 1 0 Incidence of urinary tract infections (%) – 8 2 3 Mortality rate (%) 23 22 19 17 Average length of stay (day) 9.5 9.1 8.5 8.0 Between 2005 and 2008, we followed the prevalence of multi-resistant bacteria at our ICU (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, MRSA, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, ESBL, Acinetobacter baumannii). There were no significant change. There were always between 4 and 6% of patients with MRB. Conclusion The objectives were achieved: reduction of overall consumption of antibiotics in the ICU without significant change in the ecology of the service. Since the establishment of the program, the attack rate of nosocomial infections, the average length of stay and mortality were reduced. This program enables annually to take stock of antibiotic prescriptions. they are adapted to the impact of nosocomial infections and type of MRB isolated. The protocols can be adapted every year to the ecology of the service in collaboration with the departments of hygiene and bacteriology. This kind of program allows to carry out a policy medico-economic of the antibiotics in intensive care unit. It raises awareness and to promote cooperation between both the clinicians (intensivists) and external partn","PeriodicalId":20849,"journal":{"name":"Quality and Safety in Health Care","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2010-04-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"88042453","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
138 Improving hand hygiene to decrease healthcare associated infections: impact of a ten year strategy in southwestern France 138改善手部卫生以减少医疗相关感染:法国西南部十年战略的影响
Pub Date : 2010-04-01 DOI: 10.1136/QSHC.2010.041608.7
P. Parneix, D. Zaro-Gon, B. Jarrige, E. Galy, C. Léger, M. Fanon, C. Gautier, S. Marie, A. Mahamat
Background In 1998, under the pressure of consumer associations, the so-called health safety law erected transparency and prevention of nosocomial infections as a major priority public health declined in national guidelines beginning in 1999. The Southwestern France healthcare associated infection control centre (CCLIN So) was created in 1992 with the mission of implementing the national policy in the 473 healthcare facilities located in 7 administrative regions including 3 overseas one. Program Reduce cross contamination by improving hand hygiene's observance was the main objective of the program. Hand disinfection promotion with handrub products (HP), erected as a national strategy in 2001, was achieved throughout infection control professionals networks animated by the CCLIN in each region. Implementation of hand hygiene day with a common tools kit, including video clips promoting HP use, started in 2005. Three multi-centres hand hygiene compliance audits were performed between 1999 and 2008. An annual prevalence study and follow-up of the resistance of the Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) via a microbiology laboratories’ network, implemented in 1993, have accompanied the program. Public reporting in the field of healthcare associated infection (HAI) including an indicator of the HP consumption has been a strong support of the strategy enhanced in our region by a software creation to monitor monthly consumption at a ward level. The observance of the hand hygiene, the frequency of methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) and the prevalence of MRSA HAI were followed as indicators. Results In 1999 the audit showed that 39.7% of care situations were associated with no hand hygiene and proportion of disinfection among hand hygiene was 10.4%. By 2005 these two percentages reached 23.6% and 38.7% respectively to achieve in 2008 10.0% and 71.0%. HP consumption rose from 91 036 litres in 2005 to 187 011 in 2007 associated with an increase percentage of achieved national objective from 22.7% to 44.7%. In parallel 64% of health facilities have organised the 2005 day with 28 632 participating healthcare professionals (HCPs) and 61% in 2007 with 24 299 HCPs trained and 6 099 consumers now associated at this yearly event. The SARM proportion among S. aureus strains was 41.4% in 1999 and it decreased steadily through 37.8% in 2005 to 31.5% in 2008. The prevalence of HAI with SARM decreased from 0.63% of hospitalised patients in 1999 to 0.30% in 2008 with a drop of the HAI prevalence from 5.5% to 3.8% in the same period. Discussion Implementing a policy of active promotion of hand hygiene with prioritising disinfection, faster and more efficient; allowed a significant increase of its observance in southwestern France healthcare facilities. This was made possible by an organisation and a national programme implemented by the CCLIN. The clinical impact of this action can be evaluated throughout the decrease of HAI and MRSA frequencies. The new French hospital hy
1998年,在消费者协会的压力下,所谓的健康安全法将透明度和预防医院感染作为一项主要优先事项,在1999年开始的国家指导方针中公共卫生下降。法国西南部卫生保健相关感染控制中心(CCLIN So)于1992年成立,其任务是在7个行政区的473个卫生保健设施中执行国家政策,其中包括3个海外卫生保健设施。该计划的主要目标是通过改善对手部卫生的遵守来减少交叉污染。使用洗手液产品促进手部消毒于2001年被确立为一项国家战略,并在每个区域的感染控制专业人员网络中实现。2005年开始实施手卫生日,并提供一套通用工具,包括宣传使用惠普的视频片段。1999年至2008年期间进行了三次多中心手部卫生合规审核。伴随该方案的是1993年通过微生物实验室网络开展的金黄色葡萄球菌(金黄色葡萄球菌)耐药性的年度流行率研究和跟踪。医疗保健相关感染(HAI)领域的公开报告(包括HP消耗指标)是对该战略的有力支持,通过创建一个软件来监测病房级别的每月消耗,该战略得到了加强。以手卫生情况、耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)感染频次和MRSA HAI患病率为指标。结果1999年审计发现39.7%的护理情况与无手卫生有关,消毒占手卫生的10.4%。到2005年,这两个比例分别达到23.6%和38.7%,2008年达到10.0%和71.0%。HP消费量从2005年的91 036升增加到2007年的187 011升,实现国家目标的百分比从22.7%增加到44.7%。与此同时,2005年有64%的卫生设施组织了这一天,有28632名卫生保健专业人员参加,2007年有61%的卫生保健专业人员接受了培训,有24299名卫生保健专业人员参加,现在有6099名消费者参加了这一年度活动。1999年金黄色葡萄球菌SARM比例为41.4%,2005年为37.8%,2008年为31.5%,呈稳步下降趋势。伴有SARM的HAI患病率从1999年的0.63%下降到2008年的0.30%,同期HAI患病率从5.5%下降到3.8%。实施积极促进手卫生、以消毒为主、快捷高效的政策;允许在法国西南部的卫生保健设施中大大增加对其的遵守。这是由CCLIN实施的一个组织和国家方案实现的。这种作用的临床影响可以通过降低HAI和MRSA频率来评估。新的法国医院卫生协会2009年MRSA预防指南大力推广了一项战略,主要侧重于提高对标准预防措施的依从性。这可能是成功实现法国到2012年将MRSA发病率再降低25%的新国家目标的条件。背景1998年,制订了《关于妇女协会的行动纲领》、《关于妇女组织的行动纲领》、《关于妇女组织的行动纲领》、《关于妇女组织的行动纲领》、《关于妇女组织的行动纲领》、《关于妇女组织的行动纲领》、《关于妇女组织的行动纲领》、《关于妇女组织的行动纲领》和《关于妇女组织的行动纲领》。1992年,西南地区预防感染和医院感染协调中心(西南地区协调中心)成立了全国预防感染和医院感染目标协调特派团,负责管理473个国家的预防感染和医院感染目标,管理7个国家的预防感染和医院感染目标,管理3个国家的预防感染目标。方案:<s:1> <s:1> <s:1> <s:1> <s:1> <s:1> <s:1> <s:1> <s:1> <s:1> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -La推广de La消毒des电源hydroalcoolique l 'aide de解决方案(SHA) devenue技术de具有国家行政en 2001 s是通过莱斯reseaux结果来完成在卫生动漫par CCLIN在每地区。2005年1月1日,《关于<s:1> <s:1> <s:1>交换交换系统- - -关于<s:1> <s:1>交换交换系统- - -交换交换系统》,包括《关于<s:1> <s:1>交换交换系统- -交换交换系统- -交换交换系统- -交换交换系统》。1999年至2008年期间,三家审计机构审查了多中心的卫生监督情况,并审查了所有的<s:2> <s:2> <s:2> <s:2> <s:2>的<s:2> <s:2>的<s:2>的。在1993年,通过微生物实验室的研究,在与联合国方案相配合的情况下,建立了一项enquêtre关于对金黄色葡萄球菌的遗传变异的研究。公共绩效包括非指标性的公共绩效,如:公共绩效、公共绩效、公共绩效、公共绩效、公共绩效、公共绩效、公共绩效、公共绩效、公共绩效、公共绩效、公共绩效、公共绩效、公共绩效。 监测的指标是手部卫生的遵守情况、耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(mrsa)的发生率和mrsa医院感染的流行情况。结果1999年的审计显示,39.7%的护理情况与没有手部卫生有关,消毒占手部卫生的比例为10.4%。2005年,这两个百分比分别为23.6%和38.7%,2008年分别为10.0%和71.0%。SHA的消耗量从2005年的91 036升上升到2007年的187 011升,相当于国家实现目标的百分比从22.7%上升到44.7%。与此同时,64%的卫生机构在2005年组织了行动日,有28 632名护理人员参加,在2007年组织了61%的行动日,有24 299名培训护理人员和6 099名用户参加了行动日,这些行动日已成为年度活动。1999年,金黄色葡萄球菌菌株中mrsa的比例为41.4%,并稳步下降,从2005年的37.8%下降到2008年的31.5%。mrsa的医院感染流行率从1999年的0.63%下降到2008年的0.30%,同期感染患者的总体流行率从5.5%下降到3.8%。实施一项积极促进手部卫生的战略,优先考虑更快和更有效的消毒,大大提高了法国西南部卫生机构的遵守情况。这是由CCLIN设计和实施的一个国家组织和计划促成的。这一行动的临床影响可以通过医院感染和mrsa发生率的稳步下降来评估。法国医院卫生协会2009年关于预防mrsa的新建议有力地推动了一项战略,重点是提高对标准预防措施的依从性。这是实现到2012年将mrsa发病率进一步降低25%的新国家目标的先决条件。
{"title":"138 Improving hand hygiene to decrease healthcare associated infections: impact of a ten year strategy in southwestern France","authors":"P. Parneix, D. Zaro-Gon, B. Jarrige, E. Galy, C. Léger, M. Fanon, C. Gautier, S. Marie, A. Mahamat","doi":"10.1136/QSHC.2010.041608.7","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1136/QSHC.2010.041608.7","url":null,"abstract":"Background In 1998, under the pressure of consumer associations, the so-called health safety law erected transparency and prevention of nosocomial infections as a major priority public health declined in national guidelines beginning in 1999. The Southwestern France healthcare associated infection control centre (CCLIN So) was created in 1992 with the mission of implementing the national policy in the 473 healthcare facilities located in 7 administrative regions including 3 overseas one. Program Reduce cross contamination by improving hand hygiene's observance was the main objective of the program. Hand disinfection promotion with handrub products (HP), erected as a national strategy in 2001, was achieved throughout infection control professionals networks animated by the CCLIN in each region. Implementation of hand hygiene day with a common tools kit, including video clips promoting HP use, started in 2005. Three multi-centres hand hygiene compliance audits were performed between 1999 and 2008. An annual prevalence study and follow-up of the resistance of the Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) via a microbiology laboratories’ network, implemented in 1993, have accompanied the program. Public reporting in the field of healthcare associated infection (HAI) including an indicator of the HP consumption has been a strong support of the strategy enhanced in our region by a software creation to monitor monthly consumption at a ward level. The observance of the hand hygiene, the frequency of methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) and the prevalence of MRSA HAI were followed as indicators. Results In 1999 the audit showed that 39.7% of care situations were associated with no hand hygiene and proportion of disinfection among hand hygiene was 10.4%. By 2005 these two percentages reached 23.6% and 38.7% respectively to achieve in 2008 10.0% and 71.0%. HP consumption rose from 91 036 litres in 2005 to 187 011 in 2007 associated with an increase percentage of achieved national objective from 22.7% to 44.7%. In parallel 64% of health facilities have organised the 2005 day with 28 632 participating healthcare professionals (HCPs) and 61% in 2007 with 24 299 HCPs trained and 6 099 consumers now associated at this yearly event. The SARM proportion among S. aureus strains was 41.4% in 1999 and it decreased steadily through 37.8% in 2005 to 31.5% in 2008. The prevalence of HAI with SARM decreased from 0.63% of hospitalised patients in 1999 to 0.30% in 2008 with a drop of the HAI prevalence from 5.5% to 3.8% in the same period. Discussion Implementing a policy of active promotion of hand hygiene with prioritising disinfection, faster and more efficient; allowed a significant increase of its observance in southwestern France healthcare facilities. This was made possible by an organisation and a national programme implemented by the CCLIN. The clinical impact of this action can be evaluated throughout the decrease of HAI and MRSA frequencies. The new French hospital hy","PeriodicalId":20849,"journal":{"name":"Quality and Safety in Health Care","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2010-04-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"85607290","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
260 The experience of the multidisciplinary falls consultation to reduce the risk of falls and the consumption of psychotropics in old persons at high risk of falls 260 .多学科跌倒咨询的经验,以减少跌倒风险和高跌倒风险老年人的精神药物消费
Pub Date : 2010-04-01 DOI: 10.1136/qshc.2010.041616.14
F. Puisieux, V. Pardessus, V Beghin, C. Gaxatte, P. Lagardere, E. Boulanger
Background Falling in older persons is a common and serious clinical problem. Most falls are due to multiple associated factors, including disorders of gait, balance, strength and vision…. Polypharmacy and certain medications, especially psycho tropics, are associated with increased risk of falling and can be a remediable factor. Objective To report the experience of the Multidisciplinary Falls Consultation of the University Hospital of Lille (France) in terms of fall prevention and ‘potentially inappropriate medication’ (PIM) and psychotropics consumption reduction. Methods Multidisciplinary Falls Consultation offers to each patient a multidimensional assessment aiming to identify risk factors for falling. According to the assessment findings, recommendations are made and targeted measurements are implemented to reduce the risk of falls and consequences due to falls. A control visit is realised six months later. To determine PIM consumption we used the American list of Beers and the French list of Laroche. Results Among 541 patients (136 men; mean age=80.6±7.6 years) the mean number of drugs taken was 6.1±3.1 per patient. Three hundred sixteen (58.6%) patients took at least one PIM according to the list of Beers and 347 (64.4%) patients according to the list of Laroche. Three hundred (55.5%) took at least one psychotropic drug (mean 1.6±0.9 psychotropics per patient). The most frequent recommendations from the staff were physical therapy, environmental changes, and medication changes. Over the following 6 months, about one out of three patients had experienced new falls. However, the risk of falling was significantly reduced (3.1±7.3 falls/6 months before vs 0.9±2.0 falls/6 months after the intervention). Most of the patients reported having completed more or less totally with the recommendations. In one case out of two, the patient's GP totally complied with our therapeutic recommendations and modified the drug therapy accordingly. Discussion The Multidisciplinary Falls Consultation appears to be effective in reducing psychotropics consumption and falls in older persons at high risk of falling. To increase adherence to the recommendations, we have developed and implemented after the initial multidisciplinary assessment a pilot 12-week program of once-weekly group education (60 min each) and exercise sessions (60 min each). An individual evaluation of capabilities and an education diagnosis are realised initially and a terminal evaluation at the end of the 12-week cycle to assess physical and psychological benefits of this program. Contexte La chute chez les personnes âgées constitue un problème clinique fréquent et grave. La plupart des chutes sont liées à de multiples facteurs associés: troubles de l’équilibre, de la marche, de la force musculaire, de la vision,…. La polymédication et la prise de certains médicaments, en particulier des psychotropes, sont associées à une augmentation du risque de tomber et constituent un facteur de
多学科跌倒咨询似乎在减少精神药物的使用和高危老年人跌倒的风险方面是有效的。MPI和精神药物暴露(T0 59% MPI和50%精神药物)t T1的演变??即使小p不显著。为了提高患者依从性,在初步评估后,我们制定并实施了一个为期12周的试点患者教育计划,包括每周一个“身体工作”小组研讨会和一个每个60分钟的“教育”研讨会。最初进行个人能力评估和教育诊断,并在12周周期结束时进行最终评估,以评估项目的身体和心理效益。
{"title":"260 The experience of the multidisciplinary falls consultation to reduce the risk of falls and the consumption of psychotropics in old persons at high risk of falls","authors":"F. Puisieux, V. Pardessus, V Beghin, C. Gaxatte, P. Lagardere, E. Boulanger","doi":"10.1136/qshc.2010.041616.14","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1136/qshc.2010.041616.14","url":null,"abstract":"Background Falling in older persons is a common and serious clinical problem. Most falls are due to multiple associated factors, including disorders of gait, balance, strength and vision…. Polypharmacy and certain medications, especially psycho tropics, are associated with increased risk of falling and can be a remediable factor. Objective To report the experience of the Multidisciplinary Falls Consultation of the University Hospital of Lille (France) in terms of fall prevention and ‘potentially inappropriate medication’ (PIM) and psychotropics consumption reduction. Methods Multidisciplinary Falls Consultation offers to each patient a multidimensional assessment aiming to identify risk factors for falling. According to the assessment findings, recommendations are made and targeted measurements are implemented to reduce the risk of falls and consequences due to falls. A control visit is realised six months later. To determine PIM consumption we used the American list of Beers and the French list of Laroche. Results Among 541 patients (136 men; mean age=80.6±7.6 years) the mean number of drugs taken was 6.1±3.1 per patient. Three hundred sixteen (58.6%) patients took at least one PIM according to the list of Beers and 347 (64.4%) patients according to the list of Laroche. Three hundred (55.5%) took at least one psychotropic drug (mean 1.6±0.9 psychotropics per patient). The most frequent recommendations from the staff were physical therapy, environmental changes, and medication changes. Over the following 6 months, about one out of three patients had experienced new falls. However, the risk of falling was significantly reduced (3.1±7.3 falls/6 months before vs 0.9±2.0 falls/6 months after the intervention). Most of the patients reported having completed more or less totally with the recommendations. In one case out of two, the patient's GP totally complied with our therapeutic recommendations and modified the drug therapy accordingly. Discussion The Multidisciplinary Falls Consultation appears to be effective in reducing psychotropics consumption and falls in older persons at high risk of falling. To increase adherence to the recommendations, we have developed and implemented after the initial multidisciplinary assessment a pilot 12-week program of once-weekly group education (60 min each) and exercise sessions (60 min each). An individual evaluation of capabilities and an education diagnosis are realised initially and a terminal evaluation at the end of the 12-week cycle to assess physical and psychological benefits of this program. Contexte La chute chez les personnes âgées constitue un problème clinique fréquent et grave. La plupart des chutes sont liées à de multiples facteurs associés: troubles de l’équilibre, de la marche, de la force musculaire, de la vision,…. La polymédication et la prise de certains médicaments, en particulier des psychotropes, sont associées à une augmentation du risque de tomber et constituent un facteur de","PeriodicalId":20849,"journal":{"name":"Quality and Safety in Health Care","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2010-04-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"86276610","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
237 Improved and ambulatory care for patients in cardiac readaptation by a score 237对心脏再适应患者的改善和门诊护理评分
Pub Date : 2010-04-01 DOI: 10.1136/QSHC.2010.041632.36
M. C. IIliou, T. Badoual, P. Tuppin
Background Cardiac rehabilitation prescriptions are one of the quality criteria for international and french guidelines after an cardiovascular event. However, in France, cardiac rehabilitation rates were lower than 25%. One of the explanations may be a low centre ability, and underused of out patient facilities. Our aim was to evaluate which are the parameters linked with the optimisation of the patient management and improve the centres efficiency. Methods We performed a pilot study during a representative month (June 2009) in the two APHP centres with assessment of different characteristics of patients referred to cardiac rehabilitation. We studied the follows items: length of refer after cardiac event, waiting time to an outpatient appointment, clinical criteria (age, disease, exercise capacity, transfer limitations), residence (transportation mode and travelling time) and social parameters (precariousness, work, disability, loneliness). A multivariate logistic model was used to evaluate independent significant factors predicting the outpatient management. Then, a score was elaborated according to the significant identified variables. Results We included 157 patients, mean age 61.8±14.0 years (from 19 to 88 years old). Pejorative access to outpatient management was linked to remote residence in 27 cases, patient willingness in 25 cases, medical condition in 24 cases, social disability in 13 cases and older age in eight cases. Univariate analysis showed significant differences between patients who can be managed as in or outpatient: ambulatory patients are younger (59.1 vs 63.5 years), male, have a better exercise capacity (83 vs 67 watts), more transport facilities, a short travelling time, without loneliness and lack of psychological or language barriers. In multivariate analysis, the independent parameters were: medical vs surgical origin (OR 1.6), transportation time (OR 1.6, <30 min), loneliness (OR 2.9), exercise capacity(>70 watts, OR 1.97) and patient willingness (OR 5.4). A score >6 is predictive to a major barrier to an outpatient management. Discussion As medical and practical factors can interfere with the ambulatory management of cardiac patients, the patient willingness still the major barrier which require special practitioner accuracy. In order to asses the score validity, we propose,after spread this, a future evaluation of optimal way through the cardiologic channels. Conclusion Outpatient management should in order to optimise access to cardiac rehabilitation care. Objectifs, contexte La prescription de réadaptation cardiaque est un des critères de qualité reconnue par les recommandations internationales et de l'HAS dans le post infarctus du myocarde. Or, les différents registres français montrent que cette prescription est peu fréquente (inférieure à 25 %). Une des hypothèses pouvant expliquer cette situation est le faible nombre de places disponibles dans les centres de réadaptation. De plus, la prise en charge a
背景:心脏康复处方是国际和法国心血管事件后指南的质量标准之一。然而,在法国,心脏康复率低于25%。其中一个解释可能是中心能力低下,门诊设施利用不足。我们的目的是评估与优化患者管理和提高中心效率相关的参数。方法:2009年6月,我们在两个APHP中心进行了一项初步研究,评估了转介心脏康复的患者的不同特征。我们研究了以下项目:心脏病事件后的转诊时间,门诊预约的等待时间,临床标准(年龄,疾病,运动能力,转移限制),居住地(交通方式和旅行时间)和社会参数(不稳定,工作,残疾,孤独)。采用多变量logistic模型评价预测门诊管理的独立显著因素。然后,根据显著性识别变量制定得分。结果157例患者,平均年龄(19 ~ 88岁)61.8±14.0岁。贬义词获得门诊管理与远程居住(27例)、患者意愿(25例)、医疗状况(24例)、社会残疾(13例)和年龄较大(8例)有关。单因素分析显示,住院和门诊患者之间存在显著差异:门诊患者更年轻(59.1岁vs 63.5岁),男性,有更好的运动能力(83瓦vs 67瓦),交通设施更多,旅行时间短,没有孤独感,缺乏心理或语言障碍。在多变量分析中,独立参数为:内科与外科来源(OR 1.6)、运输时间(OR 1.6, 70瓦,OR 1.97)和患者意愿(OR 5.4)。60分预示着门诊管理的主要障碍。由于医疗和实际因素会干扰心脏病人的门诊管理,病人的意愿仍然是主要的障碍,需要专科医生的准确性。为了评估评分的有效性,我们提出,在推广后,通过心脏通道的最佳方式的未来评估。结论应加强门诊管理,优化心脏康复护理的可及性。目的:目的:背景:《心律失常适应处方》、《心律失常质量标准》、《心律失常建议》、《心律失常治疗建议》、《心律失常治疗建议》、《心律失常治疗建议》。或者,不同的<s:2> <s:2> <s:2>的不同的<s:2> /或不同的<s:2> /或不同的<s:2> /或不同的<s:2> /或不同的(25%)。在假设条件下,不确定的情况下,不确定的情况下,不确定的情况下,不确定的情况下,不确定的情况。另外,我还想问一下,你是怎么做到的être favoris2013.e。“优化”“通量”“调适”“心脏运动”“调适”“病人运动”“调适”“效率”“调适”“中心运动”。项目我们已经意识到一个练习曲领航员杜兰特联合国通过类型(juin 2009)在两个网站APHP用recueil les不同的des病人特点取了en电荷en readaptation cardiaque。关于<s:1> <s:2> <s:2> <s:2> <s:2>职业生涯中的<s:1> <s:2> <s:2> <s:2>职业生涯中的<s:1> <s:2> <s:2>职业生涯中的<s:1> <s:2> <s:2>职业生涯中的<s:1> <s:2> <s:2>职业生涯中的所有职业生涯中的所有职业生涯中的所有职业生涯中的所有职业生涯中的所有职业生涯中的所有职业生涯中的所有职业生涯中的职业生涯。倒安勤科技les协会独立predictives d一个通道在医院的,安大略省的高频精心设计的模型回归logistique multivariee。简单的,简单的,简单的,简单的,简单的,简单的,简单的,简单的,简单的,简单的,简单的,简单的,简单的,简单的,简单的。r<s:1> sultats - Nous avons共纳入157例患者,共61.8±14.0例(19±88例)。L' impossible it<s:1> d' acc<s:1> <s:2> <s:2> de jour est为27例原发的遗传变异,25例原发的遗传变异,24例原发的遗传变异,13例原发的遗传变异,8例原发的遗传变异。分析了不同患者组的单变量可变年龄范围内的可变年龄范围内的可变年龄范围内的可变年龄范围内的可变年龄范围内的可变年龄范围内的可变年龄范围内的可变年龄范围内的可变年龄范围内的可变年龄范围内的可变年龄范围内的可变年龄范围内的可变年龄范围内的可变年龄范围内的可变年龄范围内的可变年龄范围内的可变年龄范围内的可变年龄范围内的可变年龄范围内的可变年龄范围内的可变年龄范围内的可变年龄范围内的可变年龄范围内的可变年龄范围内的可变年龄范围内的可变年龄范围: 五年),男,83 vs力与更好的能力(67 watts),排水量限制较少,他们的居住地点附近一到中心,导致运输时间较短,没有社交孤立,往往更有工作,无心理障碍或理解困难。在多变量分析中,具有统计学意义和独立的参数为:医疗与手术来源(OR 1.6)、从家到中心的运输时间(OR 1.6, < 30分钟)、隔离(OR 2.9)、努力能力(> 70瓦,OR 1.97)和患者偏好(OR 5.4)。得分大于6表示门诊护理有重大困难。如果有医学和后勤因素可以预测门诊护理,病人的偏好仍然是一个主要标准。这个分数需要大规模验证。改进计划将包括在该行业的不同参与者中传播这一分数,并衡量将制定的患者指导方针的相关性。结论必须改善门诊护理,以优化心脏康复护理的可及性。
{"title":"237 Improved and ambulatory care for patients in cardiac readaptation by a score","authors":"M. C. IIliou, T. Badoual, P. Tuppin","doi":"10.1136/QSHC.2010.041632.36","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1136/QSHC.2010.041632.36","url":null,"abstract":"Background Cardiac rehabilitation prescriptions are one of the quality criteria for international and french guidelines after an cardiovascular event. However, in France, cardiac rehabilitation rates were lower than 25%. One of the explanations may be a low centre ability, and underused of out patient facilities. Our aim was to evaluate which are the parameters linked with the optimisation of the patient management and improve the centres efficiency. Methods We performed a pilot study during a representative month (June 2009) in the two APHP centres with assessment of different characteristics of patients referred to cardiac rehabilitation. We studied the follows items: length of refer after cardiac event, waiting time to an outpatient appointment, clinical criteria (age, disease, exercise capacity, transfer limitations), residence (transportation mode and travelling time) and social parameters (precariousness, work, disability, loneliness). A multivariate logistic model was used to evaluate independent significant factors predicting the outpatient management. Then, a score was elaborated according to the significant identified variables. Results We included 157 patients, mean age 61.8±14.0 years (from 19 to 88 years old). Pejorative access to outpatient management was linked to remote residence in 27 cases, patient willingness in 25 cases, medical condition in 24 cases, social disability in 13 cases and older age in eight cases. Univariate analysis showed significant differences between patients who can be managed as in or outpatient: ambulatory patients are younger (59.1 vs 63.5 years), male, have a better exercise capacity (83 vs 67 watts), more transport facilities, a short travelling time, without loneliness and lack of psychological or language barriers. In multivariate analysis, the independent parameters were: medical vs surgical origin (OR 1.6), transportation time (OR 1.6, <30 min), loneliness (OR 2.9), exercise capacity(>70 watts, OR 1.97) and patient willingness (OR 5.4). A score >6 is predictive to a major barrier to an outpatient management. Discussion As medical and practical factors can interfere with the ambulatory management of cardiac patients, the patient willingness still the major barrier which require special practitioner accuracy. In order to asses the score validity, we propose,after spread this, a future evaluation of optimal way through the cardiologic channels. Conclusion Outpatient management should in order to optimise access to cardiac rehabilitation care. Objectifs, contexte La prescription de réadaptation cardiaque est un des critères de qualité reconnue par les recommandations internationales et de l'HAS dans le post infarctus du myocarde. Or, les différents registres français montrent que cette prescription est peu fréquente (inférieure à 25 %). Une des hypothèses pouvant expliquer cette situation est le faible nombre de places disponibles dans les centres de réadaptation. De plus, la prise en charge a","PeriodicalId":20849,"journal":{"name":"Quality and Safety in Health Care","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2010-04-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"85536611","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
117 Assessment of mortality-morbidity conferences in terms of postoperative results in a colorectal surgical department 117结直肠外科术后死亡率-发病率评估
Pub Date : 2010-04-01 DOI: 10.1136/QSHC.2010.041616.6
F. Marianne, Panis Yves, Bretagnol Frédéric
Aim The aim of mortality-morbidity conferences is to increase medical care. In a recent french multicentric trial on colorectal surgery,1 both mortality and morbidity rates were 3.4% and 35%, respectively. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of mortality-morbidity conferences on medical care, especially in terms of operative results, in a colorectal surgical department. Methods All consecutive patients undergoing elective or urgent colorectal and intestinal resections were collected in a prospective database, including patients'characteristics, diagnosis, type of surgery, and postoperative course. All patients were followed 3 months after surgery. A mortality-morbidity conference was systematically performed every 6 months. Seven periods of 6 months were analysed. Results From May 2006 to October 2009, 958 intestinal and/or colorectal resections (urgent procedures in 10% of cases) were performed, including: small bowel resection (n=71), ileocaecal resection (n=140), right (n=93) and left (n=241) colectomy, subtotal colectomy (n=100), rectal resection (n=231) and others (n=82). Comparing the first and the last period, the number of operated patients and laparoscopic procedures increased that is, 115 versus 157 and 59% versus 68%, respectively (p<0.05). The conversion rate into open procedures decreased, 15% versus 3% (p<0.05). The overall mortality rate remained within 5%. The overall morbidity rate and the infectious morbidity decreased, 50% versus 37% (p<0.05) and 25% versus 19% (p<0.05), respectively. The hospital stay was decreased, 14+/−9 days versus 12+/−9 days, (p<0.05). But, the anastomotic leakage and the readmission rates were similar, 10% versus 7.5% and 8% versus 7.6%, respectively. Conclusion The mortality-morbidity conferences lead to improve the medical care in terms of operative results, especially concerning the overall morbidity rate and the hospital stay. Contexte/objectif L'objectif de l’évaluation des pratiques professionnelles est l'amélioration continue de sa propre pratique médicale. En chirurgie colo rectale, la mortalité et la morbidité post-opératoires sont évaluées respectivement à 3,4% et 35% dans l’étude récente de l'Association Française de Chirurgie.1 Le but de notre étude était l'auto-évaluation prospective des résultats opératoires d'un service universitaire de chirurgie colorectale pour mieux connaître et éventuellement améliorer ces valeurs de mortalité et morbidité à l’échelle d'un jeune service. Programme Tous les patients opérés électivement ou en urgence pour une chirurgie de résection intestinale ou colo rectale ont été colligés de manière prospective dans une base de données recueillant les caractéristiques du patient, le diagnostic, le type de chirurgie et la morbi-mortalité post opératoire (126 items) avec un suivi à 3 mois. Tous les 6 mois, une revue de morbi-mortalité (RMM) était faite, lors de la journée de séminaire du service, impliquant tous les p
目的召开死亡率-发病率会议的目的是提高医疗保健水平。在法国最近的一项结肠直肠手术多中心试验中,死亡率和发病率分别为3.4%和35%。本研究的目的是评估死亡率-发病率会议对医疗保健的影响,特别是在结直肠外科手术结果方面。方法收集所有连续行择期或紧急结肠和肠道切除术的患者,包括患者的特征、诊断、手术类型和术后病程。所有患者术后随访3个月。每6个月系统地召开一次死亡率-发病率会议。分析了7期6个月。结果2006年5月至2009年10月,共施行958例肠和/或结肠切除术(占10%),包括小肠切除术(71例)、回盲切除术(140例)、右结肠切除术(93例)和左结肠切除术(241例)、结肠次全切除术(100例)、直肠切除术(231例)和其他切除术(82例)。首期与末期比较,手术人数和腹腔镜手术次数分别增加115例和157例,分别增加59%和68% (p<0.05)。开腹转换率下降,15%比3% (p<0.05)。总死亡率保持在5%以内。总发病率50%比37% (p<0.05),感染性发病率25%比19% (p<0.05)。住院时间缩短,14+/ - 9天比12+/ - 9天(p<0.05)。但吻合口瘘和再入院率相似,分别为10%对7.5%和8%对7.6%。结论病死率会议提高了手术效果,特别是降低了总发病率和住院时间。背景/目标将“职业生涯的薪金”定为“职业生涯的薪金”,即“职业生涯的薪金”为“职业生涯的薪金”。3 .在法国 医疗保险保险公司, 医疗保险保险公司, 医疗保险公司, 医疗保险公司, 医疗保险公司,医疗保险公司,医疗保险公司,医疗保险公司,医疗保险公司,医疗保险公司,医疗保险公司,医疗保险公司,医疗保险公司,医疗保险公司,医疗保险公司,医疗保险公司,医疗保险公司。方案:将患者与其他患者进行比较,将患者与其他携带者进行比较,将患者与其他携带者进行比较,将患者与其他携带者进行比较,将患者与其他携带者进行比较,将患者与其他携带者进行比较,将患者与其他携带者进行比较,将患者与其他携带者进行比较,将患者与其他携带者进行比较,将患者与其他携带者进行比较,将患者与其他携带者进行比较,将患者与其他携带者进行比较。这些指标包括:6个mois、1个mois、1个mois、1个mois、3个mois、3个mois、3个mois、3个mois、3个mois、3个mois、3个mois、3个mois、3个mois、3个mois、3个mois、3个mois、3个mois、3个mois。9 . panalys . (6) mois peuvent danalys . (être companalys .)2006年10月至2009年10月,958例 和/或 和/或所有的和/或所有的和/或所有的和/或所有的和/或所有的和/或所有的和/或所有的和/或所有的和/或所有的和/或所有的和/或所有的和/或所有的和/或所有的和/或所有的和/或所有的和/或所有的。第一学期,第一学期,第一学期,第一学期,第一学期,第一学期,第一学期,第一学期,第一学期,第一学期,第一学期,第一学期,第三学期,第一学期,第三学期,第三学期,第三学期,第三学期,第三学期,第三学期,第三学期,第三学期,第三学期,第三学期,第三学期,第三学期,第三学期,第三学期,第三学期,第三学期,第三学期,第三学期,第三学期,第三学期,第三学期,第三学期,第三学期,第三学期,第三学期。Le taux de dsamacires global samacetous toujours infacrieur 6%。患病人数为50 37% (p< 0.05),患病人数为25 19% (p< 0.05),患病人数为14±9±12±9 h (p< 0.05)。与此相反,吻合口瘘管的病例与其他病例相比(10例对7.5%),与其他病例相比(même),与其他病例相比(8例对7.6%)。讨论/展望cete - samet - samet - destination - samet - destination - samet - destination - samet - destination - est - destination - samet - destination, de - même que l ' samet - semestrielle - des - donnsames。结论: 医疗器械与医疗器械与医疗器械与医疗器械与医疗器械与医疗器械与医疗器械与医疗器械与医疗器械与医疗器械与医疗器械与医疗器械与医疗器械与医疗器械与医疗器械与医疗器械与医疗器械与医疗器械与医疗器械与医疗器械与医疗器械与医疗器械与医疗器械与医疗器械相关。
{"title":"117 Assessment of mortality-morbidity conferences in terms of postoperative results in a colorectal surgical department","authors":"F. Marianne, Panis Yves, Bretagnol Frédéric","doi":"10.1136/QSHC.2010.041616.6","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1136/QSHC.2010.041616.6","url":null,"abstract":"Aim The aim of mortality-morbidity conferences is to increase medical care. In a recent french multicentric trial on colorectal surgery,1 both mortality and morbidity rates were 3.4% and 35%, respectively. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of mortality-morbidity conferences on medical care, especially in terms of operative results, in a colorectal surgical department. Methods All consecutive patients undergoing elective or urgent colorectal and intestinal resections were collected in a prospective database, including patients'characteristics, diagnosis, type of surgery, and postoperative course. All patients were followed 3 months after surgery. A mortality-morbidity conference was systematically performed every 6 months. Seven periods of 6 months were analysed. Results From May 2006 to October 2009, 958 intestinal and/or colorectal resections (urgent procedures in 10% of cases) were performed, including: small bowel resection (n=71), ileocaecal resection (n=140), right (n=93) and left (n=241) colectomy, subtotal colectomy (n=100), rectal resection (n=231) and others (n=82). Comparing the first and the last period, the number of operated patients and laparoscopic procedures increased that is, 115 versus 157 and 59% versus 68%, respectively (p<0.05). The conversion rate into open procedures decreased, 15% versus 3% (p<0.05). The overall mortality rate remained within 5%. The overall morbidity rate and the infectious morbidity decreased, 50% versus 37% (p<0.05) and 25% versus 19% (p<0.05), respectively. The hospital stay was decreased, 14+/−9 days versus 12+/−9 days, (p<0.05). But, the anastomotic leakage and the readmission rates were similar, 10% versus 7.5% and 8% versus 7.6%, respectively. Conclusion The mortality-morbidity conferences lead to improve the medical care in terms of operative results, especially concerning the overall morbidity rate and the hospital stay. Contexte/objectif L'objectif de l’évaluation des pratiques professionnelles est l'amélioration continue de sa propre pratique médicale. En chirurgie colo rectale, la mortalité et la morbidité post-opératoires sont évaluées respectivement à 3,4% et 35% dans l’étude récente de l'Association Française de Chirurgie.1 Le but de notre étude était l'auto-évaluation prospective des résultats opératoires d'un service universitaire de chirurgie colorectale pour mieux connaître et éventuellement améliorer ces valeurs de mortalité et morbidité à l’échelle d'un jeune service. Programme Tous les patients opérés électivement ou en urgence pour une chirurgie de résection intestinale ou colo rectale ont été colligés de manière prospective dans une base de données recueillant les caractéristiques du patient, le diagnostic, le type de chirurgie et la morbi-mortalité post opératoire (126 items) avec un suivi à 3 mois. Tous les 6 mois, une revue de morbi-mortalité (RMM) était faite, lors de la journée de séminaire du service, impliquant tous les p","PeriodicalId":20849,"journal":{"name":"Quality and Safety in Health Care","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2010-04-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"91245799","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
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Quality and Safety in Health Care
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